Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Dwelling Place of Wisdom


Greetings Beloved,

What I am about to share with you was motivated by meditation and reading about the dwelling place of Sacred Wisdom; that dwelling place is you and me. If you have any feedback concerning this, please feel free to share it with me. Feedback is so important to our collective growth, so please do not hold back; share.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

The Dwelling Place of Wisdom

Part 1

We all seek wisdom of some sort from time-to-time during our sojourn through this dense physical plane, in order for the seeds of wisdom that we seek and acquire during this lifetime, to be truly useful as intended by Universal Intelligence. That being our Divine Reality means that we must provide those seeds of wisdom with the proper amount of rich fertile soil needed, for them to grow healthy and strong. After providing the seeds with the needed rich fertile soil, they will be able to establish their strong root system completely and securely in that rich fertile soil, which will enable the precious plant within each seed to grow in the way it was divinely designed to grow. Following that process, the plant must be used only in the divine way that it was originally and intentionally designed to be used, by Universal Intelligence; that is of course if we intend for it to fully reflect the proper amount of glory and honor to Universal Intelligence that it should; and then produce a plentiful bounty of good fruits after its own kind. However, if we contribute in any way to the degradation of either the seed or the plant, and/or allow the rich fertile soil to become contaminated with unhealthy energies (thoughts and actions) or other negative life detracting substances; it will cause the Sacred Energy of Divine Wisdom to seem to weaken, and become less than what it was created to be, to assist us on this wonder-full physical sojourn here on Earth Mother. If we follow any deceptive negative direction that is presented to us, a fog will surely manifest in our surrounding worlds of thought; and that will affect our Spiritual Comprehension, and the Divine Wisdom within us will seem to no longer possess the power needed for it to accomplish, that which it was originally designed to accomplish.

Here is a prime example of what I am saying. If I plant a rose bush and neglect to care for it as I should, that rose bush will get weak and end up using all of its energy struggling to barely stay alive. In addition, there would be a very high probability that the rose bush would not be able to produce any roses due to a lack of proper nutrients, and one day that rose bush would simply wither and die due to its weak malnourished state of being. That is the pure and simple reality we are faced with here on this physical plane every single day of our lives. Our Spirits are malnourished and they are in need of care, in need of Spiritual Food. If we neglected our physical body in such a way and fed it as we feed our Spirit, we would have died of starvation many years ago. These scripted words of mine are meant to point out, and reinforce within myself and anyone who has ears to hear them, how crucial it is that we learn how to go within, and properly prepare our minds; so that we all will continue to be the valuable fertile soil that we must be, in order for all of our seeds of wisdom planted in our minds will grow healthy and strong. Then the energy produced will serve the Whole of Creation and us well, as it is supposed to do. It is of the utmost importance that we learn how to go within and prepare our hearts and minds properly, so that our hearts and minds will always be the valuable rich fertile soil it was created to be, in order that the seeds of wisdom planted there will grow vibrant and strong, and serve us and the Whole of Creation exceedingly well as intended by Universal Intelligence

What contaminates the precious rich fertile soil of our minds? Past pains, less than positive past and present experiences that we dwell upon, anger, envy, and forgiveness just to name a few of a multitude of contaminants that spoil the precious rich fertile soil of our minds. Please understand this very important and obvious reality; forgiveness without a doubt is lethal Spiritual Poison; bitterness and resentment are also extremely dangerous poisons that thoroughly weaken and distort our spirituality. Proper reasoning and true spiritual comprehension of this momentary journey through the space in time we call life, on this dense physical plane is definitely needed at all times. There is absolutely no justification for anyone to hold onto the energies of past injustices experienced, negative outlooks, and a critical belief about others lives, as well as our own lives. If what we are holding onto, thinking about, believing, focusing on, and practicing does not produce and radiate the Sacred Energies of Light, Love and Oneness, we must discard it; that is of course if we want to live a fulfilled radiant life of Spiritual Comprehension and Abundance. We can learn and retain lessons of the past without holding onto the negative energy that many of those lessons possessed and are driven by. Matter of fact, it is of the utmost importance that we only retain small portions of our past experiences, in order that we do not repeat the same mis-takes from the past in the now as we sojourn through this dense physical plane. We are not designed to house within our being, negative energy such as bitterness or anger.

It is very important that we fully understand that we are perfect creations that are also be very precious, because we are Eternal Sacred Spiritual Beings. Negativities in their multiple forms of existence are to us in the non-fiction world; what kryptonite in the fictitious world is to Superman, completely life draining. However, negativities effect on us causes us to create and experience a drastically weakened Spiritual reality. In addition, the constant remembrance and embracing of past negativity, clouds our ability to see things clearly. When we allow negativity in, and begin to live negative lifestyles, we poison the Spiritual Fertile Soil of our minds; that means that our minds become less than desirable, and unable to produce the kind of energy needed to create the abundant life we are created to live. You may be wondering, how is it at all possible for me to say this with such conviction? It is possible for me to say this with such conviction because I have personally experienced the poisoning of the Spiritual Fertile Soil of my mind, and that was done by holding onto past negative actions and thoughts over the years. Because of that, I am still going through the process of replenishing the Spiritual Fertile Soil in my mind. I had allowed my mind to become depleted energetically, by all of the negativity that I invited in and entertained on a regular basis. Sometimes we wonder why it takes so long to turn negative situations around in our lives. The process is lengthy most of the time, because we are guilty of wallowing in the filth of our past shortcomings. Due to that, it takes a while for us to cleanse ourselves of all of the filth that we have allowed to accumulate.

What is the solution to this very serious problem? The first step that must be taken in order to resolve this very serious problem is something that I did not use to believe in; and that is to fake it till I can make it. Let me explain that in a little more detail. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between non-fiction and fiction; the subconscious mind simply picks up on that which we give our attention to, and interprets the energy that is generated by both as the reality of the now. Example; I watch a movie that I know is strictly fictitious. Nevertheless, as I watch one of the very sad scenes, I start to experience a deep sadness come over me, so much so that a few tears begin to swell up in my eyes and then trickle down my cheeks. Why did that happened in the way that it did? I know without a shadow of doubt that what I was watching is not reality. I experienced the emotions that I did, because the subconscious mind does not differentiate the energy behind that which is real, and that which is fictitious. Understanding that reality helped me tremendously to see and better understand how I can use the process of faking it till I make it, to work towards my benefit. Now I am not saying that we should live a less than authentic lifestyle. We must live an honest authentic life at all times. However, we can use positive affirmations to set the stage for the change that is needed and desired in our lives. Positive affirmations call on the energy housed within the affirmations, and that energy can be used within our being to bring about a desired change. That in a way is faking it till you make it.

True Spiritual understanding delivered me right to the doorstep of a very useful tool called affirmation. If I affirm in thoughts, words, and even some of my actions what I know is best for me, even if I do not yet possess it, one day I will possess it if I do not waver in my beliefs. The power of affirmation rests within my sub-conscious mind. Another very important fact about our subconscious is as follows. Our sub-conscious will take the negative life distorting thoughts, actions, and deeds in our lives and turn them into part of our reality, if we continue to focus on them. That is why it is said; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It has nothing to do with what we think we deserve or not. We create our reality by way of what we focus on, think, believe, say, and do. It can’t possibly be that simple can it? Oh yes, it can be that simple; actually it most certainly is that simple. The difficult task is the reprogramming of our thoughts and beliefs, the acceptance of this Divine Reality. We think things must be difficult, that we must struggle and deny ourselves of things before we are worthy to live abundantly. Some of us even believe that we cannot and will not live abundantly until we die and go to heaven. Guess what? We are not going to heaven or hell. We create both heaven and hell right here on earth, in this currant moment that we call the now. We can and must learn how to live abundantly right here and now. I want it to be perfectly clear to everyone reading this; I am working on this just like everyone else. I am one who has yet to completely arrive at that wonder-full destination; I am still a work in process.

Ultimately, the conclusion is this; you and I are the Creators of Our Reality, the Creators of Our Surrounding Worlds. Our surrounding worlds consist of our physical vehicle (our bodies) we have taken on to house our Eternal Spirits, and our surrounding auras of energy. Now our aura, which is the energy we have created that is held and maintain by way of our beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions influence and create our physical surrounding worlds; such as the places we have chosen to dwell, as well as our careers and other activities that make up who we are in the here and now. The surrounding worlds we have individually created tend to continually overlap with the surrounding worlds of others, that is how the world-at-large has become what it is today. If we work on re-creating our individual surrounding worlds to make them what they should be, that will start the process of changing the world-at-large. When two surrounding worlds overlap, change will occur with the positive always trumping the negative; that is of course only if we stay focused on the positive. That is why it is so important that we focus directly on the positive, by way of our thoughts, speech, and actions. When our surrounding worlds come in contact with the surrounding worlds of others, and they experience the positivity we are manifesting; it is possible that they will be motivated to make the needed changes in their surrounding world and open up and produce more positive energy themselves. That is absolute proof that one person can make a major difference in the world today, and assist others in doing the same.

It is so important that we understand that we do not have time to focus on what others are doing, or focus on telling others what they need to do with their life. Actually, we are not equipped to do such, because we do not know all of the experiences that have cause other people to end up in the positions they are in. All we have the time to do is work on ourselves. Then when others who are open and in need come in contact with us, and we have been diligently working on the process of refining ourselves spiritually, they will be motivated by the Positive Spiritual Energy that is emanating from deep within our Spirits and surrounding worlds. That is how change is Divinely Orchestrated, manifested, and shared in its purest form in my life and with others.

I Am The Dwelling Place of Wisdom!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Copyright © Feb. 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Inner~ G



When I say Inner~G I am speaking exclusively of my Divine Parent, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, UNIVERSAL INFINITE SOURCE; the Eternal Glorious Energy responsible for the Whole of Creation. Inner~G is my source of Inner-Grace, Inner-Guidance, and Inner-Good. Inner~G is the core energizing force of my True Self; my Sacred Energetic Self within my Precious Eternal Spirit; and the Driving Force of my Eternal Presence.

Inner~G is my Master Teacher, my Sacred Guide, my Comforter, my Supplier, and ultimately my Omniscient Creator. Inner~G is in absolutely everything. Inner~G is the Essence of, and the Sacred Vibration that I wholeheartedly recognize and bow down to with great humility and reverence, because Inner~G is the complete manifestation of Great Spirit. Inner~G is none other than UNIVERSAL INFINITE SOURCE dwelling in wholeness within me, as well as in all of creation, that makes Inner~G the Sacred Power that I am one with eternally. No one and nothing matters to me in such an infinite awesome way. "Inner~G Is Pure Unconditional Love!"

MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, most gracious INNER~G within my Spirit; I thank YOU for teaching me, awakening me, and expanding me so that I can create my surrounding world as it is intended to be by YOU. I look within to YOU for all of the guidance needed, so that I will continually live this life that I have been blessed with as I should, and everything that I do is done in a spiritually conscious harmonizing deliberate way, with Unconditional Love as the foundation. Doing so, will surely add quality to my life and my surrounding world; that will likewise cause me to be filled with more than enough Unconditional Love, to share with everyone, and everything that enters into my Sacred Space, known as my surrounding world. I look solely to my Energetic Self, to INNER~G, which is my True Eternal Self, my only self, the self that is called the Inner Spiritual Self; for all of the answers I seek, Divine Direction, Peace, Harmony, Unconditional Love and Enlightenment; also for everything that I think that I need. I have learned that there is no Higher Self or lower self. Seeing a higher and lower self is part of what has been revealed to me as being humanities major problem. Separation and duality has become a very serious infirmity for all of us. How humanity sees duality is in conflict with the Divine Oneness of INNER~G, GODDESS/GOD within. Divine Oneness is the Sacred Energy, the Sacred State of being that I must tap into continually, because without Divine Oneness there is no me, no you, there is absolutely nothing. My Inner Spiritual Self, my INNER-G is Pure Sacred Vibration; the Pure Sacred Vibration that produces and promotes emotions; and introduces this temporal physical vehicle I have chosen to inhabit, as I sojourn through this dense physical plane, to Everlasting Life.

INNER~G is my Master Teacher, my guide, my comforter, my supplier, and my Divine Creator. INNER~G is everything; INNER~G is the essential essence of my spiritual existence. INNER~G is a precise part of the Sacred Vibration that I wholeheartedly recognize and submit to with great humility and reverence as the Divine SPIRIT of GODDESS/GOD that dwells within me; that sacredness that is eternally one with me. GODDESS/GOD and INNER~G are just a few of the many superlatives I use to label the SACRED CREATIVE FORCE that is responsible for creating the Whole of Creation as well as myself. I recently created and decided to affectionately use the superlative INNER~G as a term of endearment. Saying INNER~G is my personal way of verbally recognizing GODDESS/GOD, the only Pure Sacred Creative Force there is throughout eternity, that dwells within me. There is only one Divine SOURCE of Creation, only one eternal GODDESS/GOD, and I am one with that Divine SOURCE. The Whole of Creation is likewise one with the Divine SOURCE I call INNER~G.

Something happened between the time of creation and the present moment. A huge wall of illusion was created between GODDESS/GOD and all human beings. Humanity is solely responsible for this ongoing illusion, and our separation from our Most Gracious and Loving DIVINE SOURCE. Humanity is also responsible for the duality that is now found in our physical world. Religion has taken it another step further in the wrong direction, and created the Trinity of God and an outer savior. We cannot and must not try to dissect GODDESS/GOD. Limited human intellect is responsible for creating a complicated puzzle out of who and what GODDESS/GOD is in relationship to every human being; and has scattered the pieces to the puzzle all over the place to make it almost impossible for humanity to put all of the pieces back together again, and consciously manifest Oneness with the Creative Power of SPIRIT that we all possess within us. INNER~G is not a puzzle that must be put back together; we are one with and a part of INNER~G, there is nothing that we must gain or regain. There is one piece, the whole that makes up THE DIVINE not many pieces. The Whole of Creation is in GODDESS/GOD, and one with GODDESS/GOD. Because the Whole of Creation is one with GODDESS/GOD, there can be no separation, only Oneness. There is absolutely no separation between any part of the Whole of Creation and our Most Precious Creative Force. Humanity is solely responsible for the ongoing illusionary problem of separation and duality; as well as the distance that we erroneously perceive to be between our Most Gracious and Most Loving DIVINE SOURCE, INNER~G; individually humanity must correct that error.

The crux of everything said here is wholeness. There is no separation, and no multiple parts that must be put back together to make up GODDESS/GOD or us. There is wholeness; Divine Oneness that humanity has removed its dedicated focus from. Duality, trinity, and whatever else the limited human intellect creates, is all illusion. What I am talking about here is ignorance orchestrated into pure deception; and some have the nerve to call such utter non-sense the mind, voice, direction, and inerrant word of God. That separation is just about as far from Divine Truth and Reality as we can ever get. I am what I have been searching my entire lifetime for. I am my Energetic Self, which is my Only True Self, my INNER~G, and my Inner-GODDESS/GOD. INNER~G; I am asking YOU to please shake me and wake me from the Spiritual slumber and horror I have trap myself in; guide me, protect me, engulf me, and flow to and through me. YOU are I, and I am YOU, We Are One, there is and never has been duality or trinity, only Divine Oneness. I Am SPIRIT, I Am MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, I Am INNER~G. I create my surrounding reality at all times, which is a part of THEE. My reality of my Oneness with THEE, and it is a part of me at all times. I can change locations, change homes, change planets, and completely change realms of existence. Nevertheless, my eternal reality remains within THEE; it is me, it is my INNER~G, it is my Inner-GOD; it is my one and only Spiritual Parent, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. This may sound like blasphemy to some; however, it is only Divine Truth. I am not limited to the state of only being one with GODDESS/GOD, it goes far beyond that; actually I Am GODDESS/GOD by way of the Divine Oneness of my Spiritual Reality and Sacred Birthright.

I Am Inner-G!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © April 2011

(Revised 02.26.2012)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

No Woman/Man Is An Island


Live Life Fully

Greetings on this Wonder-Full Day!

Life is given to us to be lived, not for us to put on hold. We cannot receive the entire blessings intended for us from life, if we fail to participate fully in it, and open up completely to receive all of the blessings life has to offer us. Without a doubt giving is a very good thing to do. However, giving cannot be what it is meant to be, when it is not coupled equally with the act of receiving. We need someone other than ourselves to be able to give to and receive from. Two of the most important things in life are Balance and Love. Life is all about Balance and Unconditional Love.

Do you know this song?


No man is an island,

No man stands alone,

Each man's joy is joy to me,

Each man's grief is my own.

We need one another,

So I will defend,

Each man as my brother,

Each man as my friend.

I saw the people gather,

I heard the music start,

The song that they were singing,

Is ringing in my heart.

No man is an island,

Way out in the blue,

We all look to the one above,

For our strength to renew.

When I help my brother,

Then I know that I,

Plant the seed of friendship,

That will never die.

Actually, it should say; No Woman or Man Is An Island. We are created to be together in an Intimate Relationship of Unconditional Love and Support."

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Love In It’s Fullness

Yesterday I was introduced to another one of my beautiful sisters who teaches about living life to the fullest. I of course do not know her that well because I just met her. However, as I listened to her communicate with everyone, it seemed to me that she was doing a very good job of communicating in and through compassion and love. However, there was a man who had an issue with her deliver. His issue with her was, she never used the word Love as she proceeded to communicate on how people should do things to better themselves in life. She explained that she had consciously chosen not to us the word Love because of how it is misused by so many people. She also communicated that she had experienced just about every kind of abuse from her parents, and she had lived under that burden until she was 30 years old. This morning her experience with her parents spoke to me more than anything, it gave me gave me more insight into why she felt the need to completely remove the word Love from her vocabulary. Many times in cases of sexual abusive, the abuser is telling the one being abused that they Love them. Therefore, experiencing decades of abuse, and being told that you are Loved by the abuser is a horrendous experience to live. One would do just about anything they could to ease such pain. Maybe one of her ways of dealing with it was to remove the word Love form her vocabulary and life completely.

Growing up I experienced abuse from a number of people, which included family members and peers. However, my mother and father never abused me in any way, they loved me to the best of their ability. My father had the greatest influence on my life, and the greatest input into molding me into the man I am today. That is because he was full of Love, and he was not afraid to show it and share it with everyone he met. My mother on the other hand, had a little difficulty showing and sharing her Love because of early experiences early in her life. Nevertheless, she did her best to show me she Loved me. When I was in the 3rd grade, I was sexually abused by an older male cousin. I experienced his abuse maybe 3 or 4 times following the initial abusive encounter. However, I believe that due to the Love my dad so freely showered me with, those sexual abusive experiences did not scare me for life and turn me against people and Love.

Love is the most powerful energy there is. Love is responsible for the creation of the Universe. How can someone look at creation, and not see and feel endless physical examples of Divine Love? When one has been abused in the name of Love, they need to take an honest look at creation, and not see and experience the endless flow of Love. I feel that we must do everything within our power to hold on to and flow in and through the awesome power of Unconditional Love. Doing so will deliver us from a living hell, doing so will also cause us to rise from the ashes of abuse of every kind, just like the Phoenix rose up from the ashes.

I consider myself an Ambassador of Love, also a Love Warrior. Because of my belief, stance, and the experiences I have had with Love, I understand that Love can and does conquer all things. I know that True Unconditional Love is the most powerful energy there is. In addition, if GODDESS-GOD or whatever you call the CREATOR of this Universe, could be defined in one word, it word be LOVE. We cannot and must not let anyone or anything rob us of the most important gift we will ever receive, and that gift is the Unconditional Love of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

When I awoke and entered into my Sacred Space of Prayer and Meditation, this entered into my heart and mind, and I knew I had to share it with you. I also though about other things I had written on Love. Therefore, I am adding them following this. I have not read them yet to refresh my memory of what I was saying in them years ago. However, I am sure they will speak directly to this issue. I hope what I am sharing with you today will be a blessing to everyone who reads it. I share all of this with you through the unlimited flow of Love that is springing forth from deep within my Spirit. That is the place where I Am On With LOVE, in other words, where I Am On With GODDESS-GOD.

Greeting Beloved,

Here is something I wrote that was stimulated by an e-mail I received from a dear sister. I though it would be good to share it with you today. Maybe it will touch something deep within you.

Expect Only The Positive.
Think On Only The Positive.
Give Yourself To Only The Positive.
Because You Are The Manifestation of Only The Positive!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


LOVE Is All There Is!

When it comes down to Loving others as deeply as we do, we sometimes forget reality and do what we know we should not do.

LOVE is so warn and generous, it makes us see through pure unconditional sight like SPIRIT, our connection to LOVE is complete and liberating, yet deception comes swiftly and tries to knocks us of balance, because deception is ruthless, unreasonable, and pretty darn hard on us.

Why keep Loving, why keep trying, when all we seem to ever receive in return is pain? Because we are learning to be LOVE, and learning to give LOVE, without pointing a single finger of blame at anyone.

We are to LOVE unconditionally, however, we are not to submit to any cruel and self-center abuse. We must learn how to LOVE, learn how to let go, especially when all we are receiving in return is a systematic shower of abuse, from a spiritually unconscious, miserable, negative recluse. Yes, they are hurting us by way of their action. Nevertheless, they are hurting themselves even more. That is why they need our Love, even if we have to share our Love with them from a distance.

Hard troubling times stir up the worst in people, and even though it may not seem so, that is a good thing, because everything done is meant to expose the darkness that is hidden in and around us and everyone else. When we are finally able to see the darkness trying to hide in the small hidden crevasses of our psyche, we must bathe those areas thoroughly with the Divine Healing Energy of Unconditional LOVE, and cleanse the areas where darkness tried to hide and plant crops of stress and confusion after it’s own kind.

We are LOVE, because we are created by LOVE. Humanity’s greed, deception, and its multiple kinds of illusion have tripped us up many times, deceived us, and clouded our spiritual sight and understanding. Nevertheless, it is only a temporary situation, because one day we all will recall that the LOVE that conquers all still resides eternally within our Spirit, and we can and must certainly use it whenever we feel the need to do so.

Therefore, we must not be so hard on ourselves when deception hurts us, and we experience pain down to the very core of our soul because Love has been abused. In such a situation we must still ourselves, and call out for LOVE’S embrace, and allow the Healing Balm of the Unconditional LOVE of GODDESS-GOD to flow into us, and all over us from head to toe, and heal our mind, our emotions, our sight, our body, and even our soul.

The sad hard times, just like the Beauty-Full Joy-Full ones, visit us to bring us healing, restoration and an abundance of Unconditional Love. They also make us once again see that we are, and always have been full of LOVE, Perfection and full of the Divine Beauty of Unconditional LOVE. We are made whole through Divine Reconciliation and the Precious LOVE of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

LOVE Is All There Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Key word:

1. an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion
2. something that elicits deep interest and enthusiasm in somebody
3. the mercy, grace, and charity shown by God to humanity
4. the worship and adoration of God




LOVE is a subject that can never receive to much attention. MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD is LOVE, we were created out of LOVE and we are LOVE, because we are one with GODDESS-GOD. Did you know that LOVE can be applied to any problem, and in doing so will assist us in bring a true solution to that problem? Yes, any problem we could ever be faced with in this lifetime can be turned around if we simply apply LOVE to that problem. As it is said: “LOVE Conquers All!” That is why I am completely committed to, and dedicated to being the LOVE Warrior, the Ambassador of Love I know I am.

Below I am sharing with you my interpretation of something written by Marie T. Russell. I hope you can identify with everything I am sharing, and if you do not, please share your beliefs with me. I am always open to learn and change, when learning and change is needed. I also hope that you will enjoy this Beauty-Full Day of Creation we have been blessed with. Make sure that you add some of your Magnificent Life Giving LOVE to the mix.

Love Sincerely and You Will Always
Be At Peace Within Your Spirit
and With the Whole of Creation!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala



Love is not a private, secrete thing. Love is the glue that holds everything together. Therefore, when we think our world is falling apart, we must apply some of the glue to it, and the glue is Love. We must Love ourselves, Love the people around us, and especially Love the people we think we hate. What? Yes, we must Love those we think we hate because of who they truly are, perfect but confused children of LOVE. Remember, MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD is LOVE. We must Love our confused sisters and brother the Divine potential that resides within them; Love them in spite of their anger, fear, resentment, frustrations, abuse, and their overall negative behavior.

We must Love them because Love is the greatest healer of all, and because our actions, our words, and our thoughts could be that which saves them from their own little personal hell, of which they are responsible for creating. Our smile, gracious and Loving attention could be the one thing they need to help them hang on to hope, that for them, there is a chance of a much better life. No one wants to be miserable, or the instrument used for making others miserable.

When we choose to remember that the essential ingredient for bringing about peace within ourselves, in our neighborhoods, and on earth is Love, and we can choose to remember to apply it in every situations we are faced with, whether at work, home or in our interactions in public with strangers. Love most definitely will make the world go round, so let us give it a whirl and get things spinning in the proper direction.

This is my interpretation of something written by Marie T. Russell entitled; Looking For Love



There Is No Separation Between LOVE and Me.
No Lack Can Be Found In Me, Because LOVE Dwells In Me Exclusively.
“I Am Eternally One With The Divine Supreme LOVE of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD!”

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala
Copyright © August 2006


One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala
