Thursday, January 16, 2014

Love, Light, Peace, Harmony and Oneness!

Love, Light, Peace, Harmony and Oneness!

“I flow in rhythm with my mind and body”.

Sanskrit Mantra:

Om Anandham Namah
My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome.
Deepak Chopra

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
Marcus Aurelius

I must continually remind myself that in order for me to be loved the way that I should be loved, and the way that I desire to be loved, I first must love and care for myself in that way. I must bathe myself in the Love, Light, Peace, Harmony and Oneness of Spirit. I can only be Loved to the degree that I Love myself; the Light of Spirit can only shine on me to the degree that I allow it to shine in me and through me, the Peace of Light and Love can only be received to the degree that I allow it to exist within me, the Harmony of Love, Light and Peace can only manifest in me and all that I do to the degree that I believe that it can, and the Oneness of Spirit is only available to me to the degree that I choose to embrace Love, Light, Peace and Harmony in my thoughts, conversations, and actions; first towards myself and then towards the Whole of Creation. Everything is connected and everything flows according to how I allow it to flow. So in essence, I create every single aspect of my existence in its myriad forms of manifestation in this physical realm.

I Am The Love!
I Am The Light!
I Am The Peace!
I Am The Harmony!
I Am The Everlasting Oneness!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Power of Words

The Power of Words
As we awaken to our reality, which is spiritual, and as we journey through this physical plane; many things change in which we believe and think we know as our truth. Those things broaden and sometimes they change completely. Also every way that we relate to our physical existence, this awesome physical experience we are going through called life, changes daily in so many ways.
A little while ago I shared my opinion on the posting of a video that I saw on Facebook. The primary comment of mine had to do with a word that was used in a joking and/or sarcastic way, by this Caucasian pastor and his wife calling Jesus his N-word. That word is very offensive to many (mostly those Blacks of an older age) and endearing to some (mostly youth). This is how I feel about the n-word and its use.
No matter what form the n-word takes, no matter how it is written or used, it carries negative energy. In response to my disapproval of the use of the word and the video, it was said that words only have the meaning that we give to them. To that I would say yes and no, words do have the meaning that we give them, nonetheless each word has a true universal meaning and vibration. Someone may ask; how is that because we create the words and we give them the meaning/the definition we want those words to have don’t we? Yes that is true, however the true meaning that words take on has nothing to do with the meaning that we place on those words. The definition of a word is actually formulated by the combination of letters that are put together, which cause the letters to resonate at such a degree that it creates an atmosphere/energy that affects people and its surroundings, even when people do not realize it. That resonance is a form of creative energy, sometimes that creative energy is positive, and sometimes that creative energy is negative. So the combination of certain letters produce a universal meaning, resonance, and vibration no matter what we believe or what definition we try to place on those words; and when the combination of letters are spoken the energy of those letters are release into our surrounding world as an energy, and it becomes a part of the person who is speaking it, and the waves of energy from those letter/words affect the world, just like a wind across the region it crosses. So when we decide to take a word and give it our personal meaning and we rearrange the spelling of that word, it could and usually does maintain the same or a very similar vibration. Now no matter how the n-word is spelled or said, it stirs up negative energy in the minds of many who hear it used in a conversation; such as get that n-word, hang that n-word, kill that n-word, n-word go back to where you came from. We cannot change the vibration of that word or any other word no matter what we do, because we did not create the system of vibration that governs all words.
So I stand tall and strong behind what I said about the n-word, because that is absolute truth to me in relationship to the vibration of it. Nonetheless, I respect everyone who feels differently. Yet in such a situation we will have to agree to disagree if you do not believe what I shared with you concerning the vibration of words, and how their vibration affects us in a positive or negative way. However, I implore everyone to think about what I said, to fully examine what I shared with you concerning vibration/energy and words, and see if after that it makes sense, and see if you should possibly change your beliefs and adapt it as your reality as well. Why should we feel the need to take a word that is negative in every sense of its creation, and change it by saying it our way and/or spelling it our way? Historically, the n-word is one of the cruelest words that can be spoken. Some to this very day carry severe wounds caused by that word, and some have lost loved ones because the n-word stirred up so much hatred in those who were so ignorant that they felt that they had to kill a n-word to protect their race and family. Why is it that some of us would take a word such as that and try to make something positive out of it; when other people/cultures such as Native Americans, Jewish and others would not tolerate a negative word and vibration such as that to be embraced and used by their youth or any of their people, and accept it as being okay and in some cases funny.
This brings me to the reality of how we are programmed and we don’t even realize it. When I was a teenager I used the n-word on occasion, but it wasn’t a word that was a regular part of my vocabulary, most of the time I said it because of who I was around due to peer pressure. You see; I had a very low self-esteem when I was younger and did things that I wasn’t feeling just to fit in. I was never one who would use a lot of profanity. Through the programming of just being around people who acted and spoke a certain way causes us to react and say and do things that we really do not feel, things that we were directly taught that we should not say or do. For example, I may have stumped my toe really bad and reacted and shouted out shit. What sense does being vulgar make? None whatsoever, but it has a lot to do with programming. I turned sixty years old on January 9, 2014 and the programming and the controlling of people has reached an all time high now days. When I was a little boy there was experimentation with what is called subliminal seduction, in hopes of being able to control people and get then to buy things. However, now the subliminal seduction has been stepped up to a degree that most would not believe. We are constantly being programmed to believe, say, and do things that were not possible when I was a little boy; that has changed due to technology. There was a movie out back in the 80’s called They Live, it was what we would say today was a poorly made movie because the technology in movie making did not allow them to make things look as real as they do today in the movies. However, the message that it projected was outstanding, and it told you what was being done to us subliminally. You can see that movie on Youtube today in its full version, and you should.
There was a book written by Carter G. Woodson entitled The Miseducation of The Negro back in 1933, someone could read it today and think that it was written today. That book sheds a lot of light on why we say the things we do, believe what we do, and act as we do. Here is a quote from The Miseducation of The Negro, “If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one”. We must open our eyes and learn what has happened in the past and what is really happening to all of humanity around the world today. Here is something that shows you how things are manipulated and made to seem one way, when actually they are the opposite. The majority of the people in the world today are called the minority, and the actual minority are seen as and called the majority. There is no doubt that we need to get away from categorizing people and see every person, as they truly are; our family.
We need to be about that which creates life, which is positive in nature, and stop trying to transform that which is negative in nature. Would it be reasonable to take a pot of garbage that has been sitting around for weeks and try to transform it into a gourmet meal for your mother and father to enjoy? We must simply let the negative be exactly what it is, negative. We need to fully embrace everything that is positive, such as the truth, the light, and the love.
Dr. Emoto did an experiment concerning the vibration of words and their affect on the physical realm, and he published his findings his book entitled, The Hidden Message In Water. Dr. Emoto spoke positive words to water and then froze it, and did the same with negative words. The frozen water crystals were obviously different; the ones that positive words were spoken to looked like pretty snow flakes and the ones that negative words were spoken to looked distorted and they were visibly ugly to me. He then watered plants with the different waters and you could tell the difference in them as well. So Dr. Emoto scientifically proved that the vibration of words have an effect on us. The bible even says that there is life and death in words, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences,” the New Living Translation. Those words that we see as being negative and ugly have a negative ugly vibration, and they affect us those who speak them and listen to them in a negative and ugly way. That is why it is best for us to be still and silent when we notice that we are getting upset over something. If we continue to communicate in such a state, we draw more and more negative energy to us, and in turn that could and many times causes us to act out in negative ways, because we have tapped into the negative frequency in the same way that we tune into a radio station. When we tune into a particular radio station, we pull in everything that is being broadcast on that station as long as we are tuned in to it. That is why people commit acts that their friends and family say they did not believe that they were capable of doing, like kill their family and then committed suicide. So we need to give some serious thought to what we think, say and do. We need to understand why we say what we say.
Let me give you an example. There is a young man who believes and says that the n-word is a term of endearment to him because he has made it positive by the way he says and spells it.  Then someone comes up to him and says, man I just saw you mom and she is hot, she is a tight hoe, and his mom walks up and the he says, whuz up bitch. Do you think that the young man and his mother will take that as a compliment, surely not if they are in their right mind. No matter what gender or age a person is, their goal should be to do away with all such words, and if they want to express that you are their best friend they should say that, and not you are my N-word. This goes far beyond what we think, believe, or what meaning we try to place on something, it is reality. You can call a pile of manure ice cream, pudding, or anything else that may be delightful to you, however that will not change the manure into anything else.
One last thing; what makes this even more offensive is this. The n-word is used in the video to refer to someone who is held in high religious esteem by all Christians, and for a so-called pastor and his wife to do this for the urban youth outreach is unconscionable. Even if this is a hoax it must not be tolerated. There is an old saying that goes like this. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. Actually, words can many times do far more harm than a stick, gun or any other physical object. Word can cause damage to a person that will last a lifetime.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Focus On Me

My Focus Is Only On Me

I focus solely on ME the majority of the time. Many say to focus solely on ME most of the time is to be so self centered and selfish, and to do so is not a good thing at all; and surely not what I should be doing. Nonetheless, I disagree with that totally. Why? Because when I am talking about focusing on ME, I am speaking of M.E. in terms of Mass Existence, the actual Whole of Creation.

The true ME is the Sacred Energy of Eternal Mass Spiritual Consciousness, there is nothing else when it comes to true reality; all else is pure deception and illusion, that which was created in the distorted little minds of men. So when I am into ME, I am into WE, I am exclusively into the Eternal Divine Creation of Mama-Baba Goddess-God. You can now see how important it is for us to always stay focused on ME. The ME is actually the WE, the WE is the THEE, and the THEE is our Eternal Oneness and our Sacred Divinity!

ME ~ WE ~ THEE, We Are One!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of Goddess-God
Let Light stream forth into the hearts and minds of woman and man.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of Goddess-God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of woman and man.
May Divine Christ Consciousness return to mankind.

From the centre where the Will of Goddess-God is known
Let purpose guide the will of woman and man
The purpose which the Spiritual Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of mankind
Let the Plan of Divine Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil once dwelt.

Let Peace, Love, Light, and Power restore the Divine Plan
within the Spirit of Mankind.

Author Unknown

Thursday, January 2, 2014



Shush; Be Quiet!
It is January 1st and we have entered into the New Year of 2014; wow, time really flies by when you are enjoying life. I was thinking about how we celebrate and deal with the coming in of the New Year this morning after my Sacred Time, and this is what came to mind. We need to place as much importance and maybe even more importance on each new day we are blessed with. Every year we make resolutions for the New Year; and how many of those resolutions do we see through successfully? We need to concentrate on the now, each new moment of each new day that we are blessed with, and nothing more. We need to surrender to our current reality, which is more than enough for us to handle. Why do you think it is that we are unable to keep the majority of our resolutions? It is because we overload our plates with things and set ourselves up for failure in doing so. We must be realistic and deal with the now. We must surrender to the current moment, and stay focused on only that, that is the only way for us to truly be as successful as we can be.
There are many doing a review of the past years experiences. Why must we do that? We need to just release the old and surrender completely to the new. Rehashing what was or wasn’t done last year, last week, or even yesterday does not change a thing. We must stay focused in the now. Each morning I wake to s new day, I experience a complete resurrection; I actually enter into a complete new existence. What a glorious blessing that is, and we all experience that. Since that is our reality we have the ability to recreate ourselves every day of life that we are given. It does not matter what we did or didn’t do yesterday or an hour ago, we can totally transform our life experience by grabbing hold of the current moment, and then molding it into exactly what we want. We can and must create our reality in the way that we desire it to be. Either we go after our dreams and visions and make them our reality, or we are going to help make someone else’s dream and vision a reality. The only thing stopping us from successfully accomplishing our goals is our focus. To reach the mark we have for ourselves, we must be fine-tuned spiritually and focus properly to reach our desired destination. There is nothing that can stop us but us. It may seem like someone else did this or that which kept us from reaching our goals. However, that would never be possible if we did not provide someone or something the ability to get in the way.
Here is one of the keys to successfully living each day of our lives, live each day, each moment as if it were our last day, our last moment here on earth as a living being. If today were your last day on earth, it would be to your advantage not to waste a single second procrastinating, or not being totally truthful and completely passionate about that which you are doing. You would also want to share with every family member and every friend you came in contact with the love that you have for her or him, there wouldn’t be a second to waste. Well, this could be the last day that we have to do so, we are not guaranteed a single second beyond the present moment. So, it is of the utmost importance that we live each day as if it were our last day. It may not matter to us after we are gone what we did the last day of our lives. However, it could make a world of difference to someone we leave behind what we did and said before we make transition from this physical existence. Sharing our love openly and completely can be life a lifesaver to some. So lets stop playing the game of life and start living the reality and blessing of life. If it turns out that it is not our last day of life, not only will those we love and communicate that love to be blessed, we will be blessed from our love also; everyone will benefit from our love and be blessed by it. Then that will mean that we will have more love and energy to share the next day of our life.
You and I make this thing called life difficult, by way of what we do and do not do. We are the creators of our reality, so if we make a mis-take in our creation, as soon as we realize what we have done, we can re-create it, as it should be. Could it be just that simple? It is just that simple, however we must know that and act on that. We must move through and relax in the reality that we are the creators of our surrounding world of reality. No one can dictate how things are going to be in our lives and our surrounding worlds unless we give them the creative ability to do so. To fully comprehend that we must first still ourselves and silence all of the chaotic chatter that is going on in our minds. We must learn how to embrace the silence once again. I remember driving down the street one day trying to find something to listen to on the radio, and was complaining to myself that there was nothing I wanted to listen to on the air. Then it came to me, why must there always be something going on; why must there always be music, conversation, or some kind of noise? What has happened to the times of silence? Our minds and our spirits need the silence. With all of the chaotic chatter going on, we cannot differentiate the difference between our thoughts and all of the chatter. In addition, we cannot hear the Sacred Direction that comes to us in that small still voice without the silence. Religion even teaches that; “be still and know that I am God”. To be still does not just mean there shouldn’t be any motion, it also means that there should be silence. Why is it that a teacher does not allow every student in the classroom to talk with each other when she is teaching? The main reason is because they will not hear or fully comprehend what she is teaching them. We literally need to shush ourselves from time to time to be able to hear the divine direction being given to us by Spirit. Most of the time we are not saying anything anyway.
It is a dis-grace not to be able to hear the direction the Spirit is sharing with us each and every day of our lives. We must turn that dis-grace back into grace, by being still and hearing the Sacred Direction that is designed to save us from us. We are but children trying to find our way, and because of that we need the Divine Direction that is being offered to us daily. However, we must be properly prepare to receive and hold that Divine Direction if it is going to do us any good. So let us learn to practice the silence daily, and treat every day like it is, a new beginning in which we have the power to mold to our benefit. If we practice the silence, and heed the Divine Direction that comes to us, we will always desire to create that which will not only benefit us, but that which will also benefit the whole of creation. So there are no more New Year celebrations for me, because I will be celebrating every day in the way that I used to celebrate the coming in of a new year. Hey, time is man’s feeble limited creation anyway. There is no time; there is only the infinite flow of eternity. In truth, there is no beginning and no end, just Divine Flow; that is what eternity is and that is our reality. 

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala