Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Perfect Relationship


The Perfect Relationship
At this present moment in time and space I attract the Perfect Relationship into my reality, the one that is in perfect alignment with the Sacred Eternal Relationship that I have with Mama-Baba Goddess-God. This relationship that I have attracted to me is within Perfect Harmony with the Spiritual Path that leads to my Sacred Destination on the Eternal Spiritual Plane; the Sacred Place we all eventually return to, because it is Our True Eternal Home. I bask in the Divine Knowing and Sacred Understanding that this is perfectly done Here and Now; it is in the process of manifesting in the physical and ever-present moment.

"I Rejoice In This Glorious Blessing Now and Forever More!"

So It Is!

So It Is!

So It Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


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  2. Phyllis Wilcox

    It is truly my pleasure to be able to share as I do from the very depths of my soul on my blog with my sisters and brothers in the ever present now, and then come to find out that what I am sharing has actually spoke to someone and touched them down to the core of their very own being. You know what? That is what life is supposed to be about, I call it Sacred Reciprocity. Okay, what is reciprocity? Reciprocity is the practice of exchanging things with others for something of mutual benefit and value. The difference between plain reciprocity and Sacred Reciprocity is this; plane reciprocity deals with that which is natural, deals with that which is material in nature and tangible. Sacred Reciprocity is the exchange of that which is associated with the eternal, energetic and spiritual, those planes that are invisible to the five senses. You see, right now I am in the hospital dealing with rectal cancer and I am being ministered to by doctors, nurses and other professionals; yet as I am being ministered to I have those I must continue to minister to. No matter how dark things may look Sacred Reciprocity is always needed and at work. It does not matter how serious or how intense the things that we are dealing with in our human experiences are, there is always an exchange of energy taking place.
