Saturday, September 28, 2013

Me ~ Me ~ We


Me - Me -We

There may be those who do not see as I see

There may be those who do not understand me

There may be those who happen to not agree with me

There may be those who do not believe that I should be free to be me

There may be those who wish that I was not who I am created to be

There also may even be those who do not like to see the spiritual side of me

No one an change who I am, and now that I can clearly see, I am actually not me

Even though there are those who do not understand who I am, and may not wish the best for me,
I Love them just the same, because in Loving them I am actually Loving me

If we open our eyes we will surely see, there is no them, there is no us, and there is no you or me

In our Sacred Reality there has never been a me, there has always only been the Sacred Oneness of the Most Beauty-Full and Glorious Eternal We

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Infinite Possibilities


Infinite Possibilities
The following is an excerpt from the book, E-Squared Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout. In this excerpt Pam is saying what I have been saying for years, and what I will be talking about in my upcoming book. We need to truly digest the meaning in what she is saying, because if we can, it will transform our lives. I have not finished this book yet; nonetheless from what I have read so far I am willing to say the following. This is a book that we must read because it will change the way that we look at life; and if we follow the direction it is giving, I actually believe that it will transform our lives totally and led us within. You cannot loose buying this book, in e-format it only cost $2.99, and in paperback it is $9.84.

The FP (Field of Possibilities) is a force field that’s equally available to everyone. It’s a natural capacity in all of us, not an exclusive gift bestowed upon a few. In fact, that is the primary lesson Jesus taught. God is within. You are part of God. You can perform miracles. To worship Jesus the way we do is a little like worshipping Benjamin Franklin because he first discovered electricity. Ben Franklin sent that kite up in an electric storm so we could use the principle he demonstrated. He didn’t do it so we’d build temples to him, paint pictures of him, and wear little commemorative keys around our necks. He wanted us to take the principle of electricity and use it— which we do to run radios and computers and air conditioners. Had we stopped with Ben’s discovery the way we did with Jesus’s discovery, we’d all be sitting in the dark. Benjamin Franklin didn’t invent electricity any more than Jesus invented spiritual principles. Lightning and the resulting electricity have always been available. We just didn’t realize it or know how to access it. Galileo didn’t invent gravity when he dropped the wooden ball off the leaning tower of Pisa. He just demonstrated it. Likewise, Jesus demonstrated spiritual principles that he wants us to use and develop. We’ve wasted 2,000 years worshipping this idol of him instead of using the principles he taught us. Look through the Bible and nowhere does Jesus say, “Worship me.” His call to us was “follow me.” There’s a big difference. By making Jesus out to be a hero, we miss the whole point. Jesus wasn’t saying, “I’m cool. Make statues of me; turn my birthday into a huge commercial holiday.” He was saying, “Here, look what is possible. Look what we humans are capable of.Jesus is our brother, our legacy, the guy we’re supposed to emulate. What Jesus was trying to tell us is that the churches, the religious leaders, and all their blaring rhetoric has drowned out God’s truth. They’ve pulled the wool over our eyes by failing to mention the fact that the FP is not an object of worship, but a very real presence and a principle by which we should live. Pam Grout

In the bible Jesus was teaching us how the temples/churches are misleading us; also he was teaching us to understand the awesome potential that resides within us. Jesus was trying to get us to understand that he was just an example of what we can do, and if we embrace what he is teaching, even greater things shall we do. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these”. Who since then has done greater things than Jesus? People have been to busy making Jesus out of a God, and worshiping him to do works that are close to what he did, let alone greater works. Even though the bible is said by some, not to be a true account of what happened in the past; because it is partially plagiarized and the rest is just fairytale. Well, be it whatever it truly is, there are some Universal Truths in it, and doing greater things then what Jesus was said to have done is one of those Universal Truths. We are the creators of our reality, and we have been doing just that. However, the reality we have been creating has pretty much been haphazard up to this point in time. It is way overdue that we start to learn how to create that which we need, desire, and want. Yes, we have the power within us to create whatever it is that we need, desire, and want.
Beloved, we are living in a time where the veils of spiritual deception are being removed from our eyes, and we have the choice to take back full control of our lives, and that is what we must do. If we want the world to change, we must first fully embrace the Sacred Creative Power that is within ourselves, and then make the necessary changes in us. I am tired of the repeated cycles in my life that I know are not necessary, so I am standing up right now and committing myself to learn how to do that which I am created to do. Mankind can no longer trick me into believing that I am a helpless sinner, who is in need of a savior; the only savior I need is myself, and I save myself by being who I am created to be.
My focus has been redirected from outward on others to inward on my True Higher Spiritual Self. All of the direction and all f the answers we are and ever will be looking for resides within our spirit. If we are looking for answers anywhere else we are going to be sadly misdirected and bamboozled. No matter how hard we try, to do this thing called life, if we do not follow the proper route, we will never get to the destination we are supposed to be headed. I have a deep sense that this book can help direct us back to the Sacred Place within ourselves. If it does not direct us in that way, we need to lay it down and move on to whatever does assist us in doing so. True spiritual teachers will only teach us how to return to the original and only way, and that is going within. If we are following any teacher other than your spirit within, we are in error. We are not to follow anyone; doing so is like being in school and disregarding the instructor; and listening to the direction of your fellow classmates. If you are following a teacher who is telling you that you need to and must follow him or her, they are deceiving you and being led by their wicked little egos. The meaning of ego is, Edging Goddess-God Out; so whoever is being led by their ego, that which is Divine and Sacred is nowhere to be found in what they are doing. Be aware and ever so cautious of what you are allowing in, and choose to follow and incorporate into you life. As they say, take everything with a grain of salt; that means maintain a degree of skepticism about the truth of everything that comes to you; that is of course until in some way you reach the place of knowing it is absolute truth.
So, I will continue to read E-Squared with a grain of salt, and see if it is true to form to our Divine Direction. If you are reading it, or you start to read it, please get in touch with me, and share your feelings concerning what you are receiving from it.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Sept. 19, 2013

E-Squared Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Be Yourself and Live


Be Yourself and Live
Splurge Every Day In A Positive Way
Enjoy Life To Its Fullest By Always Being Yourself
Give No Thought To What Others Think and Say About You
Simply Always Be You!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Be Still and Real With Yourself


Be Still and Real With Yourself
Love is not about convincing another of your sincerity when it comes to your Love for them, or how you feel about anything else. Love is about the free flowing motion of Sacred Energy which is responsible for the existence of all life and the Whole if Creation. Love is about unconditional acceptance and complete trust. If you have to convince another that your Love is real, and there isn't complete faith in your sincerity, the flow between the two of you is not the energy shared between True Lovers. True Love is governed by trust, and it is unconditional in nature; if what you are calling Love does not possess that, it is not True Love. That is not to say that there is something wrong with you and another if the two of you do not possess what it takes to be in an Intimate Love Relationship, it is simply saying that the path of an Intimate Love Relationship between the two of you is not meant to be, at least at this current moment in time. If that is the case, there is no need to invest any time in trying to convince someone into believing otherwise. We must be with the right person, also the timing must be right for such a Sacred Union to be right for both involved; if it is not, you are surely headed for disappointment and pain in the future. There is no need to settle for less, just to be in a relationship. To settle for less is telling the universe that you are open to be visited by turmoil and pain, and both will surely pay you a visit if you choose to travel down that path. If true Love is what we are seeking, we must be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve such, no matter how much patience and time that may entail.
What many do not understand is this; entering into a Love Relationship is not something that you just casually stroll into, because entering into such a relationship is very serious, because usually such is for a number of years or for a lifetime. Being in Love and making Love has become something that we do casually and for selfish pleasure, like playing a game or going to the movies; that is not Love at all. Before entering into to a Love relationship, most have to do some real deep soul-searching to see what their true definition of Love is, and what their true motive for wanting to be in Love is. However, the most important aspect of a Love relationship must be this; you must be able to accept and Love your partner unconditionally, with no exceptions. If we cannot accept the one we want to be with just as they are, without trying to change them in any way, and mold them into who we want them to be, and accept then for whom they are, and not what they have, we are deceiving ourselves in believing that we want True Love.
I must say and you must hear the following; Love is extremely serious, it is not something that we can casually stroll into and out of. There is a religious teaching that says and is true, that two must not be unequally yoked together. To be yoked together means to be attached together, actually the two becoming one. When we join together in a Love Relationship, we are taking on the other person in every way possible. We must understand that when lovers come together intimately, they actually become one in spirit, mind, and body. At the moment that two join together in intimate sexual union, what I prefer to call Making Love, a transformation takes place between the two of them. It has been scientifically proven that such a union causes the DNA structure of each individual to change; they actually start to become one on the cellular level. Have you ever wondered why some say the following, I know they are no good for me, and they are hurting and abusing me all of the time, but I just can’t seem to get myself to the place of leaving them. That is because they have taken on that person in a deeper way than they ever believed was possible, they have to some degree literally become one with that person, and because of that, unconsciously they believe to separate from that person would mean ripping themselves in half. If you asked them if they felt that way, they would more than likely say no. Nevertheless, unconsciously most who are in such a situation feel that way and they are helplessly being controlled by that.
The Love Relationship is the most important relationship there is and ever will be. The Love Relationship is the first relationship we experience, and that is our relationship with our Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Next comes the Love relationship we have with our mother in the heaven of her womb. The first Love Relationship is Purely Sacred in nature; the second is a combination of the Sacred and the physical. Because we are taught to focus on the wrong things, focus on that which is physical and not on that which is spiritual in nature, we start to distort Love in relationship to each other. You see; that which is Sacred is always pure and trustworthy, because of that there is no need to doubt it or fear it. However, that which is associated with the human intellect alone is suspect and not as dependable as that which is associated with True Love. We must redirect our focus as well as what we have placed our allegiance on. 
Some religions teach that God is Love; I know that teaching to be Absolute Truth, Mama-Baba Goddess-God is surely Love. Only through the Sacred Energy/Vibration of Love can the Whole of Creation be created with such Harmony and Oneness. If Mama-Baba Goddess-God is Love, then so are we, because we are one with Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Mama-Baba Goddess-God is likened unto the ocean and we are likened unto the multitude of drops of water that make up the ocean. A drop of water set aside by itself is but a drop of moisture that will evaporate rapidly, and cease to exists as a part of the larger body of water the ocean. Yet, because there is no such thing as an end or death, even the drop of evaporated water is eventually given another chance at becoming a part of the larger body the ocean. That is how it is with humanity, if we fail to flow with the oneness that we are eternally a part of, we will continue to go through incarnations until we get it and flow with the oneness, as we should. A major part of the oneness is having Unconditional Love for all of the members of the Whole of Creation, and that is definitely translated into our personal Love relationships.
We will never be able to have the Love relationship with Mama-Baba Goddess-God that we are supposed to have until we master having and maintaining the Love relationship we are supposed to have with each other. It is said and rightfully so, that we cannot Love another until we have learned how to Love ourselves. Well likewise so, we cannot have the Love Relationship that we are supposed to have with Mama-Baba Goddess-God, until we have mastered loving each other. That is why the Love Relationship/Marriage between man and womb-man was created at the beginning of this physical existence. If we are particles of Mama-Baba Goddess-God, that means that what we do to each other, we are actually doing to our Beloved Mama-Baba. So when someone abuses their partner, they are abusing Mama-Baba too. It is taught in a number of religions that God will say, whatever you did to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me. We are fools to think that we can treat others in less than a respectful way. I am not saying that we will agree and get along all of the time. However, there is a proper way of disagreeing in Love. When two disagree one is usually correct and the other is missing the mark to some degree. Yet there are those times when both are wrong, which ever scenario we are faced with, properly dealing with our scenario will determine how long it will take us to reach clarity and true understanding. I remember my mother telling me this, don’t burn your bridges behind you, because you might find out that you went the wrong way and you might have to turn around and go back. She also told me to be careful how you treat people, because you will see the same people as you go up the ladder, as you will if you have to come back down the ladder. In addition to that, would it be allowed and right for you to walk up to your sister or brother in front of your mother and father and slap them in the face because you disagree with them? Of course it would not be allowed or right. Also, would you do the same thing to you mother and father? Now that is a loud resounding NO. How we treat each other is exactly how we are treating Mama-Baba Goddess-God.
To Love another is to do what comes natural to us. The way that people are acting in the world today is what is unnatural. We have been taught to act outside of our true loving nature. It does not matter where you live, the same distorted negative self indulgent energy is manifesting to some degree everywhere. That is the only reason why people can be killed and nothing is done about it outside of addressing a wrong negative action with another wrong negative action. If we learned to Truly Love on a personal level, there would not be the fear, anger, and deceit we see manifesting all over the world. We will never learn the reality of the statement, Love Conquers All, until we try it and allow it to be proven to us first hand. Almost everyone is afraid of loving and not being loved in return; we can never Love in vain. We have faith that when we put our foot on the brake in our car that it is going to stop, we have faith that when we turn on the light switch that the light will come on and we won’t get shocked, but we do not have enough faith in Mama-Baba Goddess-God to make sure that the Love we give out will return to us. Love given will be met with Love returned, that is a Sacred Guarantee. Even if that were not the case I would still Love, because I have never felt such joy and fulfillment as I get when I Love someone, and I am not talking about intimate sexual love. Sometimes I wish I could just grab the entire human race and shake it and wake it from its sleep of ignorance. They are looking for this and that to cure this and that, when Love can cure everything. Yes I said, “Love can cure EVERYTHING”.
Here is an example of what I am saying, something that has really happened. A man is working under his car, and his loving wife notices that the car has fallen off of the jack and pinned him under it, and there is no one around and if she waits for the ambulance he will probably die before they get there. Out of Love and desperation she grabs the car bumper and lifts the car off of him; Love did that. Love has also caused people to create cures for diseases that were said to be incurable. Love has also kept people alive who were trapped under collapsed buildings for weeks without food or water. With True Love All Things Good Are Possible.
We Must Stop Giving Place To Fear, Be Still, and Allow Love To Rule Supreme!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sacred Declaration


Sacred Declaration
My Formal Statement
Universal Infinite Source, Creator of all things, You are Sacred and Divine in every way. I bow down within my Spirit before You and offer You my undivided Love, Devotion, Honor, and Praise.
You are Benevolent and Glorious in every way. Your Sacred Energy is made real within my Spirit; because of that I live within Your Sacred Presence Eternally.
Your Divine Energy, Perfect Will, and Sacred Precepts reside deep within my Spirit, and Your truth and fullness is made manifest in and through all that I am, and all that I do.
Your Perfect Will is personified within my Spirit, and within my Heart and Soul, and within my entire being.
Universal Infinite Source, You have abundantly blessed me, and I am humbled and eternally grateful for Your blessings. Through Your Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love, I openly receive Your Divine Provisions in abundance, as they meet my every desire and need.
Daily You show me that I Am One with You and likewise one with the Whole of Creation. Further more, You forgive me and Love me even when I do not forgive and Love myself, and when I fall short of Your Divine yet reachable goals.
Because I Am One with You, I mirror Your Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to my sisters, brothers, the Whole of Creation, and most importantly to myself.
Your Divine Wisdom and Guidance shields me from the permanent damage that could be caused by the illusions, temptations, and deception that is found in overwhelming abundance on this physical plane.
Because of Your Divine guidance, I can never be tempted to the point of total failure; nor am I fooled in any way to continue to follow that which looks good at first glance, but does not produce the Sacred and Precious Fruits of Unconditional Love, and Abundant Everlasting Life.
Following Your Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise; and Paradise is the Promised Land where You my Glorious Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and the Sacred Energies of Peace, Divine Light, Sacred Power, Unconditional Love, and Inexhaustible Radiant Spiritual Glory reside and Rules Supreme throughout Eternity.
Paradise Is Your Eternal Sacred Dwelling Place within my Spirit, It Is Our One and Only Sacred Place on this physical plane of Unparalleled Oneness and Unconditional Love.
Universal Infinite Source, my Eternal Reality rests within Your Glorious Presence.
Mama-Baba Goddess-God I Surrender All To You!
So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © November 8, 2006
(Originally My Sacred Petition - Revised Feb. 18, 2012)


Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Beginnings


New Beginnings

Mantras In Motion: Is there a situation in your life where you feel helpless? Take this moment to embrace this mantra. As you chant, watch as it transforms helplessness into adventure!

Om Gum Ganapatayei Nmaha

Salutations to the remover of obstacles.

Inner Tuning: I invite this mantra to remove all energetic blocks in my life and bless this auspicious journey that I undertake, into the world of mantra and meditation.


With love,
Deva & Miten


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sabbatical for Spiritual Growth


Sabbatical for Spiritual Growth
I am taking a Spiritual Sabbatical and I am not sure how long it will be, it could be for a few days or even longer. This sabbatical is a period of time when I take leave from most of my normal activities, and place my focus on that which is purely spiritual in nature. This is why I am doing this.
I am at a place in my life where things are shifting to a higher spiritual level of vibration; that means that some things will be removed completely from my current existence and some things will be added to my current existence. This morning while walking to the park doing my Walking Meditation, I noticed that the street that leads to the park was being resurfaced and the following is what came to me while looking at it. You are going through this same process, your inner work has been done, your foundation has been laid and it is in perfect alignment and in perfect harmony with Mama-Baba Spirit. Now it is time to put in complete order, that which makes up you temporal physical being. That means that your surface is being ground and taken up just like this street surface, then after that surface is completely removed, a new surface that is in total harmony with your Spiritual Foundation will be laid. You do not identify with this process of removing the surface that much, because you are trying to be real deep spiritually and because of that the surface has not take on the importance that it truly holds. The road surface is extremely important for a smooth ride. Your surface is likewise very important for a smooth sojourn through your remaining time here on this dense physical plane. A smooth surface is also necessary for the times you will take flight soaring through the Heavens of your Spiritual Restoration. This has to do with your Total Spiritual Re-Call, as well as your Seven R’s.
Total Spiritual Re-Call is the process of remembering who I am spiritually, and the Seven R’s are listed below for your understanding.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
1. Recognition

To be all that we have been created to be we must first enter into the state of True Spiritual Recognition. In that state of Divine Being and Divine Knowing we start to recognize that we are not this physical body that our spirit temporarily inhabits. In addition, in the state of being we will come to know that this physical body is simply a vehicle we are using to house our spirit as we travel through this dense physical plane of lower vibrational energy. Because of this ever-increasing awareness, one day we all will fully recognize that “We Are One with Spirit and likewise one with each other.”

Recognition is our 1st step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

2. Reconciliation

To be in our Sacred Place of Divine Order, we must be restored to our original State of Inner Spiritual Harmony. That does not mean that we will be perfect in everything that we think, say, and do, as we travel through this dense physical plane. However, it does mean that we are perfect in our inner knowing and our inner understanding that we are Spiritual Beings, and we are one with Spirit, which is the same as being one with our Spiritual Parent and Creator Mama-Baba Goddess-God. After entering into that Divine Reality we must start the very important work of resolving all of the spiritual mis-education as well as all of the spiritual mis-conceptions; and then enter into complete agreement and Oneness with Divine Truth and Divine Reality. That means that we must wholeheartedly submit to Spirit’s Divine Will in every area of our lives.

Reconciliation is the 2nd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

3. Restoration

To see and hear, as we should we must make allowances for the re-instatement of Divine Law in our lives and all of our affairs. Divine Law must rein Supreme in every area of our existence, which comes through our conscious restoration of Divine Truth within. Divine Truth comes through restoring ourselves to our natural un-impaired state of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Submission. We must re-instate our Higher Spiritual Self to its rightful place of authority on our Inner Sacred Throne, and allow our Higher Spiritual Self to rule supreme over everything that we think, say, and do, without any exceptions.

Restoration is the 3rd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

4. Rectification

To set right, remedy, correct and counteract all of the deception and control we have been taught over the many lifetimes we have existed, and rectify ourselves Spiritually. For rectification to fully take place within us, we must do what is necessary to purify our Spirits by Spiritually re-calibrating ourselves so that we can see, speak, hear, feel, and function in the way we are created to. We must and will set things right on the Spiritual plane within ourselves. At first it may seem to be to great of a task for us to accomplish; however that is definitely not the case at all. Whenever Spirit calls us to do something, we can rest assure that we are already fully equipped to carry out the task that is set before us. We do not always see clearly because we tend to react to that which we are faced with, and when we re-act, that blurs our vision and understanding. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we take time every single day of our lives to be still, and quite our noisy minds through Meditation. We must learn how to gently, gracefully, and sometimes even forcefully do what we must, to be able to go with the flow and allow Spirit to guide us safely to our Divinely Appointed destination.

Rectification is the 4th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

5. Rejuvenation

To function as the Vibrant Spiritual Individuals that we are, we must follow the Divine Sacred Guidance of Spirit. In addition, we must fully take on and live through our youthful childlike nature. No matter what our age, we must find new childlike vigor within ourselves, that vigor can be found deep within our Spirit through Meditation. We must step completely out of the illusion and all of the deceptions created by the human intellect, and once again consciously enter into the Divine Flow of Spirit. We must find as many ways as possible to stimulate all of our Spiritual Gifts so that we can help uplift our sisters and brothers and ourselves, when we have the need to be uplifted.

Rejuvenation is the 5th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

6. Resurrection

To be spiritually alive, we must shake ourselves and wake up that dormant being within us; the dormant being that has been sleeping to long inside of this physical shell that we call our body, and identify so well with. We must spiritually raise ourselves from the dead. In reality, we are spiritually the walking dead when we are not consciously connected to and flowing with the Divine Guidance of Spirit. We must raise ourselves from spiritual inactivity, and start to walk amongst the living, walk amongst those who are spiritually awake once again. After we are resurrected from the dead, we will enter into the Divine State of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Resurrection is the 6th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

7. Relationship

Now it is time for us to enter into the Sacred State of Divine Relationship. It is time for each of us to consciously enter into the Ultimate Union known to humanity as our Divine Union with Spirit. We are now ready for the Divine Marriage between Spirit and ourselves. Actually, I am speaking of the marriage between Spirit and our True Self, Spiritually known as our Higher Spiritual Self. Following our marriage comes the Sacred Time of consummating our Sacred Relationship by consciously entering into a one-on-one Intimate Relationship with Spirit. After we have experienced the consummation of our spiritual marriage, we will once again find ourselves consciously woven tightly together with Spirit/Infinite Source. At that point we will be able to say that we have once again entered into the Divine State of Total Spiritual Re-Call, the place where we are able to fully recognize who we are on every level of existence.

Relationship is the 7th and final step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Here is another R that just came to me that I feel that I must introduce to you as the precursor to Recognition.


To completely reject and formally do away with that which is untrue and out of synchronistic flow with Divine Reality, Divine Order, and the Sacred Rhythm of Spirit. We must renounce and totally do away with everything that does not originate from within the Divine and Sacred Realm of Spirit. We cannot move on as whole spiritual beings until we have formally gone through the process of renunciation. To do so is a mighty testament of our commitment to our spiritual destiny, our destiny of Eternal Oneness and our Unconditional Love towards the Whole of Creation. It is of absolute necessity that we reject that which is not in perfect agreement and precise alignment with Spiritual Reality. We must speak the truth at all cost; doing so will guarantee us an Eternal Reward that is unrivaled.

Renunciation is an additional step on the Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Our Only True Mission Here On Earth Mother
Is To Consciously Start and Complete The Process of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2003
(Revised Aug. 27, 2012)

Those of you who know me know that I am one who is fully connected to and one with the Sacred Energy of Love. My first memory of being conscious of Love goes back to when I was five years old. I have always dreamt of being together with and married to the Sacred Woman I now refer to as my Soul Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover and Spiritual Mate. I know that woman and man were created to be together in relationship in Unconditional Love. I have been in my share of relationships, but none of them ever reach the level of oneness and spiritual flow that is intended for us all. That is not to say that something was wrong with those I was in relationship with. The reality is this; none of us were truly ready; spiritually mature enough to experience such a Divine Relationship. It took everything I went through in each of my relationships to prepare me for today. Now I am just about ready to fully enter into the Sacred Love Relationship I have longed for all of my life. This sabbatical is so to speak, the Icing on The Cake.
I have connected with the Sacred Woman that I know I can have the Spiritual Relationship that I am meant to have in and through the Sacred Energy—Divine Vibration called Love. We are in spiritual limbo right now waiting to see what Mama-Baba Spirit would have us to do. I know that we can have a Wonder-Full Relationship on all levels, and I have a knowing deep within my spirit like never before, that she is the one. Nonetheless, she must have that same knowing for this to work. So we are taking it very slow, so that she can reach the place of knowing when it comes to the next step we are to take. Such relationships as marriage are more important than most realize, because in a Love relationship the most important part of that relationship is the Spiritual; the major reason why so many relationships are ending in disaster now days is because the spiritual factor is either lacking tremendously, or missing altogether. So it is of the utmost importance for both of us to fully understand everything that is taking place within ourselves spiritually before coming together as a Sacred Couple, the Sacred Queen Mother joining together with the Sacred King Man, standing side by side in Complete Equality, Harmony, and Spiritual Oneness. Because womb-man and man where made to be together to be able to experience the highest level of spirituality. I want such a relationship, and I can settle for nothing less.
There is so much more I could say but I am feeling that I should bring this to a close. I will not be on the Internet that much while I am on my sabbatical. I will check my e-mails and I will post this every day on Facebook because many do not read old post, this way everyone will know that I am okay and just away from FB for a while. I Love You All, and I must share with you that I greatly appreciate the communion we have shared together. Until Later Beloved!
One Source, One Love, One Sacred Individual Path!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Monday, September 2, 2013

Free Your Mind


Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow
Song by: George Clinton, Eddie Hazel, Ray Davis
Commentary by: Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Some of the words in the lyrics of this song by George Clinton may make a few of you feel a little uncomfortable. Nonetheless, try to understand that the writers of this song used the words and music that would get through to those who were listening to it at the time it was written. Some thought that George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic were just another wild drugged-out group of musicians, but that was not the case. They were just like everyone else on multiple levels; they were seeking and sharing that which was truth to them on this journey we call life, and they were extremely educated. When one seeks, one eventually finds that which he or she is seeking. Please bear with the words that make you uncomfortable and see into the deeper meaning of the message portrayed by the words, open up and hear the deeper message that is embedded within all of the words of this song. The deeper message to me in this song is the reason why I decided to write my personal commentary on it. Free Your Mind and Your Entire Being Has No Choice But To Follow!
An additional note about George Clinton; one day back in the 70’s when George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic had a concert in Washington, DC I got the chance to visit with them, and I actually got to sit down to talk with George (he was a very low key quiet man) and play a game of chess with him. I was pretty good at chess back then; nonetheless, as the old saying goes he beat the socks off me.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © February 28,2007
(Revised April 3, 2012)
Free your mind and your ass will follow,
The kingdom of heaven is within
Set your mind free from all of the human manufactured fear, control, deception, illusion, perversion, manipulation, mis-direction, mis-education, dependence, doubt, want, covetousness, jealousy, greed, anger, hatred, and back stabbing. We must also set ourselves free from all of the other distorted lifeless negative controlling energies that have been implanted within or psyche, by those who do not want us to see, know, experience, and live the innate qualities that have always been within our Spirit/Soul. Once we have accomplished the daunting task of freeing our minds Spiritually, we can be assured that our physical, mental, and intellectual beings will follow. That is when the experience we call life will change, and once again we will become the true authors of our reality. Then we will also start to Love unconditionally as we should, and become the Givers of Peace, Light and Love, and not the deceivers and robbers of the Sacred Energy of Life. When we free our minds spiritually, our minds and bodies will start to follow a new Sacred Path of Divine Existence. Actually, we will start to follow our original spiritual train of thought, the train of thought that is founded within the Universal Mind of Mother/Father Goddess/God.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within. The Kingdom of Heaven within us is the Sacred Place deep within our Spirits, where Goddess/God dwells and communes with us through the Small Still Voice. No matter what we have been taught, think, or believe, not one of us has ever been separated in any way from our Sacred Parent, Mother/Father Goddess/God. The lie that we are separate from Goddess/God, is the number one deception that has been used to rob us of our power, and to keep us under the selfish, greedy control of a few malfunctioning intellectual and self-centered human misfits. Every true religion teaches that we are one with The Divine, and the Love, Light, Peace, Oneness and Blessings of Spirit can always be found within the Sacred Dwelling place within our Spirits. There is no need to look to or look for heaven outside of ourselves, and there is no need to fear hell, because each of us creates our very own heaven and hell within the realm of our minds, through that which we expose ourselves to and believe. Heaven is created within a free and open mind that is yielded to the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. Hell is created within the valley of our troubled minds, and we are held captive there by fear, lies, and illusions created by wicked thoughts and ideas; sometimes hell is created for us by outsiders that we open up to, and eagerly digest every word that flows out of their mouths. The deception has created a fog that is so thick that sometimes music is the only thing that can be used to get through to us, and transmit some very important and needed messages to our non-judgmental subconscious mind. It has to be done that way sometimes because our conscious mind has been taken hostage by the illusion, deception, and lies of mankind. That is why the freeing of our minds is of the utmost importance. Welcome to the realm of Total Spiritual Re-Call. To experience Total Spiritual Re-Call, is to experience the action of correctly and fully recalling who we are eternally, and the full recognition of our Divine Connection and Oneness with Goddess/God
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!
Open up your funky mind and you can fly,
Free your mind and your ass will follow,
The kingdom of heaven is within
Our minds have become funky. In other words, our minds have been overloaded and overwhelmed with worldly sludge; the filth of ego, the disgusting stench of human intellectualism, governmental self-serving attempts of mass mind control, malignant racism, and the disgraceful religious manipulation of sacred belief systems and universal truths. All of that has consciously distorted our ability to be the Infinite Possibility Thinkers and Spiritual Visionaries that we are and have always been. It has likewise blocked just about all of our creative abilities, so we can no longer flow and fly freely within the limitless realms of our minds, and our parallel existences to other Spiritual Dimensions. The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within Our Individual Spirits. However, to enjoy that awesome reality we must remove all of the tangled patches of illusionary weeds, and every patch of over grown man-made deception and illusion that has and is blocking our true vision, stopping us from consciously entering into the Kingdom of Heaven within. The Kingdom of Heaven is, and always will be Our Sacred Eternal Dwelling Place.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!
Freedom is free of the need to be free
How will we know that we are free? We will know that we are free when we cease seeking freedom because we know deep within our Spirits that we are one with Divinity. Freedom is to be free of the need to be free. If you were falsely accused of a crime and were locked in a prison for ten years seeking justice the entire time. Then one day the truth came out, you would be led to the main gate and it would be opened before you, and you would be set free. In such a situation, would you have the need to be free from prison any more? Of course you would not have the need to be free from prison, because you would be already fully embodying your freedom. That is what has been happening to humanity for thousands of years, and it is still happening to humanity at this very moment. All of the false charges against us have been revealed and dropped, if we choose to see correctly, we will see that we are free of the need to be free. Once we wake from our hellish nightmare, we will finally see that we are in a glorious state of Spiritual Remembrance and Awareness; and we will once again see clearly that we are and have always been free, and that freedom originates within the place of our eternal being, our Spirits. What joy fills our heart!
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!
Not like you,
You are as free as you want to be (your ass will follow),
Well, I discovered that this life that was gettin' to me,
Is not really mine (Free your mind and your ass will follow)
If it were mine, I would have fun all of the time, I'm very disgruntled now,

Now, I want a way out now,
I have to find a way,
I have to find some way out,
Free your mind and your ass will follow
Not like you. Our physical bodies are followers, unlike our true beings, which are our Sacred Spiritual Selves. Our Sacred Spiritual Selves are leaders, because they are created from the purest most pristine energy of all, the energy of Love. We made a major mis-take somewhere along one of our lifetimes of believing that we are followers, and also that we are powerless sinners that need outside direction and help to survive this experience called life. That is the biggest error one can make; that which we seek is and always has been within our Spirit. We are as free as we want to be. The life most people have been living definitely is not the life we were meant to live; it is something that was made up in someone’s distorted mind eons ago. Some of us have become so used to that counterfeit way of life, which subconsciously we have chosen to keep it, even when presented with the truth. That is because we think we know everything life has to offer. We erroneously believe that we do not have control over our lives and everything in our surrounding world. Even with the possibility of freedom, some turn their backs to that freedom, just as some slaves did when freedom was given to them. The truth is, they were afraid of freedom because they could not remember what it was like to be free.
Many of us have started to become disgruntled, and entered into a state of restful dis-satisfaction and irritation. Because of that, many are ready to do whatever it takes to experience freedom, even if that means having faith in ourselves. Therefore, in the process we are freeing our minds of all of the confusion and doubt that the self-appointed leaders of the world have created, and continue to create in the name of God. Our way out can only be found within our Spirits, the Sacred Dwelling place of Goddess/God.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

Give it up, give it up (free your mind and your ass will follow)

Give it up and give it to me baby,

I'm calling you love,

Love from my heart
We must give up; we must release our hold on the deceitful illusionary past, and free our minds from its treacherous death grip on us. We must offer everything in our lives to Spirit. Love from the heart can be none other than the Divine Perfect Unconditional Love of Goddess/God, without a doubt it is Divine Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love comes to us straight from the very Heart of Mother/Father Goddess/God.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

The kingdom of heaven is within (are you satisfied?)

The kingdom of heaven is within
(I wanna know!
Free your mind and your ass will follow)
The kingdom of heaven is within (I Really care)
The kingdom of heaven is within
The statement, the Kingdom of Heaven Is Within, is something that can never be repeated to many times. We need to hear that over and over again. We must free our minds and consciously enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Within our own Spirits. Then we will be prepared and able to expand and sail freely through the Kingdoms of Heaven throughout the entire Universe.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

The kingdom of heaven is within,
I'm so confused about it all,

I'm so confused about the whole thing,

I don't understand,

I don't understand nothin',
I don't know what I feel,
I can't feel me, I can't live me, I can't be me
The confusion set in because we have been following the deception, the counterfeits, and the Anti-Christ that was designed to confuse us. The Christ is our Divine Spiritual Consciousness, not the man we know as Jesus. Christ Consciousness, our Divine Spiritual Consciousness is a major part of our birthright. Jesus and a host of other Spiritual Masters experienced Christ Consciousness, and so will you and I. We have been following the deceptive guidance of man for so long, that some of us are fearful of an existence outside of man’s deceptive guidance. What we are starting to feel is foreign to us. It has been a long, long time since we have felt this level of Spiritual Reality. Have you ever been asked to do something and have fear rise up so strong within you to the point of feeling as if you were paralyzed? Then when you finally did what you were asked to do, you realized how easy it actually was.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

My mind, it does not belong to me,

I'm so confused,

I can't hear myself, I can't hear myself calling for help,
I can't free my mind
So my ass can't follow
We have been in such a state of fear and confusion that we do not even know our own thoughts, from those of others that have been introduced into our psyche. That is possible because we have neglected to feed our Spirits as we should. Many times we do not differentiate between our voice, and the voices of others that are subliminally implanted in our consciousness. More importantly than that, we cannot even hear or recognize the Still Small Voice of Spirit within, which is constantly speaking to us on a daily basis. We must not be fooled in our conscious state, the way that we are in our dream state, and be led to believe that we cannot open our mouths and call out for help when help is needed. Also, we must not be fooled in believing that if we do call out for help, we are still doomed. The spoken word is very powerful, however we do not always have to verbally call out for help to receive it. Just as it is when we speak to Spirit verbally in prayer, we can call out for help from Spirit non-verbally within our minds. Nothing and no one other than ourselves can stop us from getting the help we so desperately need.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

Someone help me
I got to get help,
Here's my arm,
Help me escape,
I don't want to,
I can't free my mind
No, no, no,
They won't free me,
I can't run
I can't get out
I can't free my mind
I'm so mixed up,
So mixed up,
What time is it?
We need not look for any help outside of ourselves; unless that is what Universal Source Goddess/God is telling us we need to do. In the Kingdom of Heaven within us is to be found all of the resources and help we need. We must reach within to Spirit, reach within to the Kingdom of Heaven, and Spirit will reach back to us, embrace us, and guide us into our Promised Land. Men have deceived us, and led us to believe that we are powerless and weak, and can be held captive. All of those are absolute lies. If we are looking to be freed by someone or something outside of ourselves, we will remain captive to deception, illusion, and our very own ignorance. We can and must free our minds from the deception and illusion in the world.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

Resurrection free of charge
Our resurrection begins when we open up fully to the reality that we are one with Mother/Father Goddess/God, and when we enter into the understanding that we are Perfect Spiritual Beings. When I speak of perfection, I am speaking of our Spirits, our True Selves, and our Higher Spiritual Selves. Our perfect state of being is the reality that the men who want to rule the world, are trying to continually wipe out and keep away from us, so that we will remain in bondage forever. They know; they cannot control the masses if we know the truth. We are spiritually resurrected into a new life every single day that we wake from our nights sleep. We are overdue for the Awakening and Resurrection of our Spirit.
Free Your Mind and Your Spirit and Body Will Follow!

I can't hear me,
Free your mind and your ass will follow, I can't,
Free your mind and your ass will follow,
The kingdom of heaven is within,
Free your mind and your ass will follow

We Can Free Our Minds.
We Must Free Our Minds.
We Are Freeing Our Minds.
I Have Gloriously Freed My Mind.
The Kingdom of Heaven Is and Always Has Been Within Me.

I Have Freed My Mind, Which Is My True Higher Spiritual Self,
My Ass, My Lower Physical Human Nature Is Obediently Following!


Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow
Song By George Clinton, Eddie Hazel, Ray Davis
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
Open up your funky mind and you can fly
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
Freedom is free of the need to be free
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
Free your mind and your ass will follow (your ass will follow)
The kingdom of heaven is within
Free your mind (will you free your mind?)
And your ass will follow (and your ass will follow)
I have never, never, never
Never in my life
Have this given to me
Free your mind and your ass will follow
Not like you
You are as free as you want to be (your ass will follow)
Well, I discovered that this life that was gettin' to me
Is not really mine (Free your mind and your ass will follow)
If it were mine, I would have fun all of the time
I'm very disgruntled now
Now, I want a way out, now
I have to find a wayI have to find some way out
Free your mind and your ass will follow
Give it up, give it up (free your mind and your ass will follow)
Give it up and give it to me, baby
I'm calling you love
Love from my heart
Free your mind and your ass will follow
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
Free your mind and your ass will follow
Get it on!
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
The kingdom of heaven is within (free your mind!)
The kingdom of heaven is within
The kingdom of heaven is within
The kingdom of heaven is within (are you satisfied?)
The kingdom of heaven is within
(I wanna know! Free your mind and your ass will follow)
The kingdom of heaven is within (I Really care)
The kingdom of heaven is within
The kingdom of heaven is within
I'm so confused about it all
I'm so confused about the whole thing
I don't understand
I don't understand nothin'
I don't know what I feel
I can't feel me, I can't live me, I can't be me
My mind, it does not belong to me
I'm so confused
I can't hear myself
I can't hear myself calling for help
I can't free my mind
So my ass can't follow
Someone help me
I got to get help
Here's my arm
Help me escape
I don't want to
I can't free my mind
No, no, no
They won't free me
I can't run
I can't get out
I can't free my mind
I'm so mixed up
So mixed up
What time is it?
Resurrection, free of charge
I can't hear me
Free your mind and your ass will follow
I can't
Free your mind and your ass will follow
The kingdom of heaven is within
Free your mind and your ass will follow