Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cherish Every Experience


Cherish Every Experience

Life is a wonderful experience, which even includes the experiences in life I do not care that much for while I am going through them. Every life experience comes my way to teach me one or more lessons. When I was in school and I was tested on what I had learned, did I think it was unfair to be tested? Of course I didn’t see being tested as being unfair, that is because I understand that being tested was something that was designed to assist me in making that which I was in the process of learning, and that which I had learned a conscious part of my understanding; and a conscious part of my life experience and currant reality. The only time a test was a negative experience for me was when I allowed doubt and fear in; or when I was being tested and I was not ready because I had not done my class work and homework as I was supposed to. It is exactly the same when it comes to life, and all of the pleasant and not so pleasant experiences that I call tests that I go through in life. I am never tested on that which I know nothing about; to be tested on something I know nothing about would be unfair.
I cherish every experience in life because I know that every life experience will help to make me a much wiser and well rounded individual, and my experiences in life will assist me in the process of consciously maintaining the state of oneness that I need to be ever conscious of, to live life in the balanced way it was designed to be lived. If I stay in the frame of mind that nothing is personal, and nothing is a personal attack against me, I flow in as much harmony a possible with each life experience no matter how intense it may be. Being in such a state of mind turns the savage roaring lion into the loving cuddly little kitten that actually really is.
So, in order for me to cherish every experience in life, at all times I must maintain a constant state of gratitude. How do I practice gratitude when something seemingly negative is happening or has happened to me? I have to see beyond the experience at hand, and tap into the knowing that what I am experiencing is a necessary part of the equation that will bring me to the place I need to be, and cause me to understand that which I need to understand.  I must realize that some of the so-called negative experiences that come to me are due to the fact that I failed a test I was given a while ago, because I had not prepared for the test or I took it lightly. All rewards and all reprimands do not come to us immediately, because the present moment is not equipped to facilitate that which must occur. Many times I do not understand a challenge because I have forgotten what was done on my part to precipitate the challenge I am faced with. Nonetheless, ever-single life experience is justified and fair, because each life experience is orchestrated in and out of Love on a much higher spiritual plane than the plane in which the human intellect resides.
So in essence what I am saying is this. I am learning to enjoy life more because I am simply understanding in a clearer way that all things work together for good, when the full view of the situation is available for me to see and fully comprehend. I must enter into every life experience with the same inner understanding, that every experience that comes to me in life is needed for the growth of everyone who is involved in it, especially myself. So there should always be some degree of joy and gratitude when entering into an experience, as well as when the experience has reached its culmination.
One experience that comes to mind that is maybe one of the hardest to be grateful and joyous about, is the ending of a personal relationship with someone you love dearly. There are many that will not agree that there should be gratitude and joy upon exiting most family and love relationships; however give this a little thought. When a relationship comes to an end, it usually is not the end of a life; it is usually just the end of a chapter in a person’s life. So that means that a new chapter is about to open up wide with a host of possibilities and new exciting experiences and new people, places and things. The biggest self-constructed problem with relationships is this, we have been taught that relationships such as marriages are to last forever. Example, when two people are married, many times this is said; “until death do us part”. That is not always the case, because it is not always possible for that to happen. Most of the time that is not the case because we are committed to growth, and the growth we are committed to cannot happen if the relationship continues due to individual choices. Most relationships are not designed to last more than a season, and some seasons are long, and some seasons are short. The key to our ongoing happiness hinges on our acceptance and understanding that experiences, relationships, and things that we enjoy and love, sometimes must come to an end when we least expect it, to allow other experiences, relationships and things that better fit the growth that is taking place in our lives to take root.
What does all of this tell us? All of this tells us we must open up fully and allow ourselves to move forward when change presents itself, and then cherish change and be grateful for that which we had, as well as cherish and be grateful for that which is coming in to bless us. Because what has ended and what is coming in is all a part of divine plan, and it has more to offer us than that which we had. In such a situation nothing and no one comes up short. Even though we may not be able to see it at first, change is always for the best. If we choose to embrace the reality that change is the best thing, and we cherish the experience that has presented itself, as well as cherishing what we had and completely releasing it with joy. We will open the doors wide for the blessings that are waiting to shower down on us.
So my first step of being able to open up to the process of cherishing every experience that comes to me in life; is knowing that everything that comes to me is always for the best. This has become extremely real to me recently, because I just had to release one of the closest friendships I have had in this lifetime. It was a dear friend that I saw as more than a friend, she was like a sister to me. A few days ago she told me that it was time to sever our relationship, because that is what she felt Spirit was telling her to do. What could I say? Nothing had happen between us that I know of that could have precipitated such an action, and all she would tell me was, she was to release me. This was extremely hard on me, because my big sister, who I loved with every inch of my being, had passed away just a few months ago. So now I was experiencing another major loss in my life. The pain of both losses gripped my heart and sent me in an emotional nosedive. Thankfully I am leveling off from the shock now, and I am able to stop mourning the loss, and start the process of embracing and cherishing this experience. This process started with me finding the top three paragraphs of the unfinished scripted words you are now reading entitled, “Cherish Every Experience”. I do not remember writing the three paragraphs and what motivated me to write them. Nevertheless, that does not matter at all now. All that matters is I know now that they were written for this moment, and they are ministering to me today as I complete them.
I will always love her as a dear friend and sister, and I am sorry if I did something that caused her pain and our separation. However, it was probably just time for us to go our separate ways, to experience growth that could not happen if we remained together as close friends. I wish and pray that she is blessed beyond measure in all that she does, and I will continue to love her as passionately as ever, spirit-to-spirit from a distance. Actually, there is no distance or time between spirits, so there is still a connection that I am grateful for. “I Love You Sis!
I Cherish Every Experience.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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