Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inner-G and Me


Inner-G and Me

Inner-G is my Sacred GODDESS/GOD Realization.

I Always Speak the Truth: The Truth Needs No Defending.

I Love and value myself because I know that I Am Perfect Just As I Am.

Yes, I Am Perfect Exactly As I Am; I Am Created by GODDESS/GOD, Created By Perfection ITSELF.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © April 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011



Deception; Ultimately The Path of Deceiving Self

When we deceive others we are actually deceiving ourselves, ultimately the path of deception always leads back to the deceiver. After we rehash our elaborate deceptions over and over again, we start to believe in them, and see them as reality. That is a trick that can only be perpetrated against the limited human intellect. That is the main reason why it so important that we do not rely on our human intellect, and still ourselves, and go within our Spirit and tap into The DIVINE SPIRIT of WISDOM many call God. When we deceive others and begin to live our lives on deception we create a fantasy world that we actually end up inhabiting, and reaping the fruits of. After a certain period of time, which varies from individual to individual; our sub-conscious starts to embrace the deception as truth, and we fall further into the rabbit whole of the our deceptive make-believe world. The exact same thing happens to us when we lie to others. However, every now and then we slip back into reality and the truth comes out and exposes us for what we have truly been doing, deceiving others as well as our selves. When we fall into the trap of deceiving ourselves, we show how spiritually immature we actually are. The truth never changes; the truth leads us along the path of righteousness, the path we are supposed to be traveling. Even when the truth is, I have failed; it eventually creates a positive outcome. The old saying, “The Truth Will Set You Free,” is true. Facing the truth even when it is uncomfortable is very rewarding.

Seldom do we fully understand how our deception can harm others. Every time we deceptively communicate with another, we are taking the chance of causing them to go down a path that could be very harmful to them and others. I fully understand that everyone is totally responsible for everything they do; every choice they make is their responsibility. Nevertheless, we are held accountable for the part we play in their mis-direction. So, it is better for us to admit to all of our shortcomings, and to say what we really want from others, than to deceive others and paint a rosy picture of something that is not true, and is not a part of our reality even in the stretching of the truth. What a fickle and wicked trap we weave for ourselves, when we intentionally set out to deceive our sisters and brothers for our selfish gain. As I have pointed out many times in the past concerning other situations, the Divine Law of Reciprocity dictates that we reap what we sow many times over. When we deceive someone, we are visited by deception multiplied many times over. The Divine Law of Reciprocity is the main reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. On one hand the rich plant word seeds, thought seeds, and action seeds of prosperity and flow; on the other hand the poor plant word seeds, thought seeds, and action seeds of poverty and struggle.

Most of the time we deceive others so that they will yield, and give us everything that we want, and give us our way. However, sometimes we deceive because that is what we saw done, and what we were taught at a young age. In addition, we deceive others in believing that we are someone other then who we are, because we are fearful that they would not like us or want to be with us if they really know us as we are. Nonetheless, the path of deception is always the wrong path to travel. It is utterly impossible to keep up the deception indefinitely, eventually the truth always rises to the surface; and then it will expose us for who we truly are. Sometimes our deception starts out as a form of personal embellishment; which is the act of adding ornaments or decorations of some type that will possibly cause us to look more accomplished, more beautiful, and more interesting than we believe we are.

We must find a way to accept ourselves as we are, and know that we were created in, and through Divine Perfection. That can only mean that we are perfect as we are. We are simply in the process of waking up to the Divine Reality that we are Perfect Spiritual Beings, which are on a temporary sojourn, through a dense physical plane. Once we are fully awake spiritually, we will know that there is no need for deception. Matter of fact; once we are fully awake spiritually, deception will not even be an option that is available to us. We can only contemplate and be deceptive when we are not consciously in touch with our True Selves, which is our Higher Spiritual Selves. Once we reach that place in our physical existence, we will come to know that there is no such thing as our lower selves, or lower nature as some teach. Everything within our Spirit, which is who we are, is Divine in its origin, and also Divine in its nature. In addition to that, everything that is within us can only vibrate at the highest frequency modulation possible, because every energy, every frequency within us, is firmly rooted deep in the Eternal Spiritual Realm.

Is it possible to play a trick on one member of your physical body and not affect the entire body? It is impossible to do that because of the oneness of the body. It is likewise impossible to trick one of our sisters or brothers and not affect ourselves. That is because of our connection, because of our Divine Oneness with all of our sisters and brothers. We have some individual characteristics, yet we are not individuals that are set apart from our sisters and brothers. We can only comprehend and experience our true Spiritual Oneness, when we cease to practice deception of every kind. If we deceive someone today, we will be deceived many days in the future, maybe even many years in the future. What a fickle and wicked trap we weave for ourselves, when we intentionally set out to deceive our sisters and brothers for our selfish gain.

We Must Stop Deceiving Others, As Well As Ourselves!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © May 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sacred Touch


Sacred Touch

When was the last time that you touched yourself in an intentional way? I am not talking about touching yourself in a sexual way; I mean in an intentional way to stimulate Sacred Balance and Divine Healing within your body, your total being, and within your aura. So often, if not always we look outside of ourselves for that which we need, what makes us thing that what we need is to be found outside of ourselves. Why were we given brains and the abilities to create and do for ourselves? We must regain our Spiritual Focus, regain our Sacred Balance and start to do for ourselves as intended. We are gifted far beyond what we give ourselves credit for. We must stop selling ourselves short, then we will stop falling short of our intended goals. We are the only things that are stopping us.

Within us resides the gift of healing; yes, within you and I lives the ability to heal ourselves. However, just as it is with just about everything that we do, we must learn how to properly use our gifts. The only difference between the person who does not heal him or herself and the healer is, the healer believes he or she can heal, and they take it one step further, they practice healing themselves and others. A healer is not intended to continually go about healing the same person time after time. The reason we are allowed to heal another is not solely to heal them, in addition it is to showing the person being healed that within them resides the same ability to heal them. Many healers are not aware of that Divine Reality. Even though they have learned how to tap into their healing powers and abilities within themselves, does not mean that they are fully evolved Spiritually, and understand that they are no different, no more gifted then the person they are facilitating the healing for. Some healers have not yet understood that they are to be teachers and examples of what we all must do; they are to teach others that all of us have the same healing abilities within our Spirit. There are no chosen few. All of us are chosen to do exactly the same thing, be the Divine Beings That We All Were Created To Be. How can it be any different? PERFECTION ITSELF created each of us; PERFECTION cannot create anything that is less that ITSELF. In essence, that means that we are Perfect Creations, and not imperfect sinners who are unworthy a complete full life of abundance of every kind, lack and self-denial of that which is good is not a sign of Spirituality and Sacred Devotion to GODDESS/GOD. We are Perfect Beings who stopped performing perfection because we stopped going within to receive the answers and blessings that have been provided for us directly from our SACRED SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

It is time that we stopped living the counterfeit lifestyle, of being a lowly creation in need of continual outside assistance. Everything that we could ever possibly need was gifted to us before we experienced this physical incarnation into this dense physical plane. The first healing that we need is; The Healing of Our Spiritual Perception. We do not see ourselves as we truly are, we see ourselves as helpless beings in need of a savior outside of ourselves. As long as that is our belief, that will be our self-imposed faulty reality. This to shall pass; the only question is how long will it take to pass; that is totally up to the us. We are in control of everything that happens as we sojourn through this dense physical plane. We Are The Authors of Our Reality, the big question is this; what will we choose to create? Will we be lazy and continue to create a reality that looks without and tries to avoid our responsibilities, or will we open our eyes and wipe the sleep of deception from them and start to see the clear reality of our Divinity? The choice is ours.

When was the last time that you consciously touched yourself in and intentional way?

When did you last touch yourself with the intention of Balancing and Healing Yourself?

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala


Copyright © May 2011