Thursday, June 28, 2012




Human researchers are fascinated by the behavior of lab rats in response to food rewards, but few humans are willing to closely examine their own behavior in relationship to sugar. Most people living in western societies (the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, etc.) are truly addicted to sugar, and they use it as a form of self-medication to temporarily boost their mood and energy. The frequency and context in which these people press a button on a soda machine is eerily similar to the way lab rats press a lever to produce a food reward.

What would an outside observer think of modern human behavior in relation to sugar? The answer is not difficult to predict: They would think humans were strange animals to be so utterly controlled by a crystalline white substance. Refined white sugar is like dietary crack, and it rots out your teeth just like meth, only slower. To get the real story on white sugar, read the pioneering book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price, or check out the Price-Pottenger Foundation.

"I'm not addicted to sugar. I can quit eating sugar anytime I want." Really? Prove it! See if you can go sugar-free for just ten days. That's a real eye-opener for most people, because even if they have the determination to attempt such an experiment, most soon find themselves crawling back to the pantry, desperately seeking a soda beverage loaded with high-fructose corn syrup (liquid sugar) to end their withdrawal symptoms.

The truth is, most American consumers are so addicted to sugar that they will deny their addictions in the same way that a crack or heroin addict might. And yet, when it comes down to it, sugar controls their behavior. If they don't have their sugar in the morning (in their coffee, pancakes and cereals), sugar at lunch (in the salad dressing, pasta sauce, soda and restaurant food) and sugar at dinner (there's sugar in pizza, ketchup and BBQ sauce, plus virtually all restaurant foods), then they suffer serious withdrawal symptoms and go crazy with moodiness and irritability. They start blaming everyone around them for silly things, and they may even become sweaty and light-headed.

Curious, isn't it? That's what happens when you take a substance out of nature and refine it to maximize its chemical surface area and biological activity. Cocaine is a drug that's refined from coca leaves. Opium is a drug that's refined from poppies. And sugar is a drug that's refined from sugarcane. And while we have a "war on drugs" against cocaine and heroin, our taxpayer dollars actually subsidize the sugar industry, making refined white sugar cheap and widely available to the entire population so that everyone can be equally hooked.

Refined white sugar is a pleasure drug. If you don't believe me, just put a spoonful on your tongue and observe the instantaneous effects. You'll experience a warming, comfortable feeling that makes you feel safe and happy. They're not called "comfort foods" by accident.

Sugar is, essentially, a legalized recreational drug that's socially acceptable to consume. And yet, just like other drugs, it destroys a person's health over time, rotting out their teeth, disrupting normal brain function, promoting heart disease and directly causing diabetes and obesity. The argument that "street drugs are outlawed because they're dangerous to a person's health" falls flat on its face when you consider what sugar does to the human body. It's a lot more dangerous than marijuana, for example, and yet marijuana is illegal to possess or consume.

Isn't it curious how, in modern society, we fight a war against certain drugs (like cocaine), yet subsidize others? (Like sugar.) The difference, of course, is that the sugar industry has a powerful political lobby and is universally abused by virtually the entire population. Drugs that are abused by only a few (such as heroin) get outlawed, while drugs that are abused by everyone (such as caffeine and sugar) receive legal immunity. It's mob rule. And the mob is addicted to sugar.

There's the old saying that sugar is poison.. Americans each consume more than 150 pounds of sugar and related sweeteners each year. It's pretty easy for it to add up when you consider that there are 17 teaspoons of sugar in a single can of Coke. Sugar over-consumption wreaks havoc with our immune and endocrine systems, leading to chronic conditions including arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, asthma, and hypoglycemia, along with the usual suspects such as cavities and periodontal disease.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Know Your Value . . . . !


Know Your Value . . . . !

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a 500 rupee note. In the room of 200 People.

He asked, “Who would like this 500 rupee note?”

Hands started going up.

He said, “I am going to give this note to one of you but first let me do this.”

He proceeded to crumple the note up.

He then asked, “Who still wants it?”

Still the hands were up in the air.

“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?”

And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty.

“Now who still wants it?”

Still the hands went into the air.

“My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson.

No matter what I did to the money.

You still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth 500 rupees.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless.

But no matter what has happened or what will happen.

Never lose your value.

You are special. Don’t ever forget it! Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams.

“Value Has A Value Only If Its Value Is Valued.”

Author Unknown

* Special Personal Note: Sometimes old worn money increases drastically in value.

The Latitude of my Attitude


The Latitude of my Attitude is based on my Gratitude

That is a catchy yet seriously robust statement, which is overflowing with energy. The latitude of my attitude is primarily based on the gratitude I have towards every single life experience, past and present. To truly show my gratitude towards every life experience, it is essential that I consciously align the Universal Light within my Spirit with the Radiant Light Energy of my Beloved Creator and Eternal Spiritual Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God which dwells within me and every single part of creation. The Radiant Light Energy I am speaking of is also known by some as the Mer-ka-ba. The first definition for Merkaba refers to the "Prana" or "Chi" which is the "Life force". Prana is the Sanskrit for "vital life" from the root '' "to fill". Merkaba "Mer" means Light, "Ka" means Spirit and "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the Sacred Light Spirit the Sacred Light Body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of Sacred Light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of Sacred Light Energy as in DNA, which transports our Sacred Spirit Light Bodies from one dimension to the next. In Hebrew the word Merkabah מרכבה means "chariot"; when I think of and hear the word chariot, I think of a chariot of fire; the Eternal Sacred Vehicle of Divine Energy, which is the Ultimate Life Force. I can give no less than complete gratitude for all things that come to me because I am filled with the sacred energy of the Merkaba.

Through all of my life experiences I have come to understand that my attitude is determined by my conscious appreciation of my every experience in life; which is the latitude of my attitude reflected by my true gratitude for life’s multitude of lessons. The way that I can be grateful for all of my life experiences is determined by the way I define them. If I see every experience as a positive learning tool, I cannot help but see them in their true positive expression. For example, one can enjoy and appreciate a bitter fruit just in the same way that they enjoy and appreciate fruit that is sweet to taste. Sometimes the only thing that is needed is to acquire a taste for that which you are partaking of. You may never have thought about this; however we all had to acquire a taste for sugary sweet things. The proof of that is the difference in the amounts of sugar one likes in his or her cup of coffee. They acquired the taste for the amount of sugar they use from those who introduced them to sugar according to their taste for sugar. It is the same thing with just about everything in life. We learn over the years to be grateful for all things because all things that come together in unity bring great joy. A painter does not use one bright radiant color on the canvas and call it art and a masterpiece. Such is only a colored canvas. A true artist uses a blend of colors, and does not see one color as being more beautiful than another. Well, it is the same with our life experiences; those deemed positive and negative are not good and bad. The sweet helps us appreciate the bitter, and the bitter gives us a point of reference for the sweet.

With the true attitude of gratitude, I begin to reach the unique latitude of ongoing spiritual evolution; the ever increasing reality where I start to step out of my human mentality into my Divinely Awakened Eternal State of Spirituality. That place of awakening is where I start to put down all of the human isms I began to be indoctrinated in me when I entered into this physical incarnation. To truly live a spiritual existence one must put down human reasoning; that is what is meant by the statement putting down childish things. When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child; my human relationships were childish. However, when in growing up, I put away childish things and began to enter into the state of spiritual relationship. We must have gratitude, true appreciation for our childlike nature; however we must eventually step into our fullness and put away most of our childish things. Please take note; I said most and not all. A major part of our childlike nature, such as belief in the miraculous which is our faith in the so-called impossible is divinely connected to our true spiritual nature; such is the bridge that links the physical and spiritual realms. Some things can only be seen through the eyes of a child, or through our childlike eyes. Our childlike nature is part of our overall nature. Nevertheless, our childlike nature must only be allowed to occupy the space it is specifically designed to occupy. We will continually learn that space through our ongoing life experiences as long as we are a part of this physical plane in physical form.

Having gratitude for everything that comes my way, is only the first step of a very long demanding journey. Having the spirit of gratitude for every single life experience is but the first baby step of our long journey that consists of many long winding miles of life experiences that every one of us must eventually travel. An attitude of gratitude without the proper actions to support our gratitude is simply a waste of very precious time, and likewise a waste of very valuable energy. For the whole of humanity, it is beyond the time that we all fully recognize and respect the fact that every moment of time, every word spoken, and even every thought we think is of the utmost importance to the full outcome of our individual and collective lives, as we sojourn through this dense physical plane.
Absolutely nothing should be taken lightly and as if were unimportant; everything that we do including kidding around and having fun is of the utmost importance, and it must be done in a fully conscious deliberate state of mind. We must be grateful for our mind and the understanding that we possess, even though it is limited in scope due to the fact that we are temporarily in a state of partial spiritual amnesia. Nonetheless, we must understand that our human intellect is miniscule compare the omniscience held within the Sacred Wisdom of Universal Intelligence our Beloved Creator Mother-Father Goddess-God. In understanding that, we will also enter into the understanding that we can benefit from the awesome omniscience of Universal Intelligence by simply showing gratitude for all things, and couple that with the simple gesture of requesting Divine Guidance. Even when we are confronted with a human limitation that does not mean that we will be completely held to that limitation. Our spiritual loophole in that situation is showing gratitude in the midst of the limitation and asking for divine assistance from Goddess-God.

I continually show the latitude of my attitude based on my Gratitude for every life experience.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
June 27, 2012

Free From EGO


Free From EGO (Edging ~ Out ~ GOD)

I was asked the following question. “How do we drop the ego and set the true self free?” This is what came to me. The first step in dropping the ego and setting our true self free is, learning how to look within for our spiritual insight and direction. Even though the ego is selfish and is isolated within us, it is externally directed and externally fed. We can stop feeding the ego by shutting off its external sources of energy, without energy the ego weakens and dies. Learning to take direction exclusively from within our spirits which is the sacred place where GREAT SPIRIT dwells initially can be a little difficult for us, but surely doing so is possible if we are truly committed. The more we practice doing that, edging out the negative and denying Illusion, and stop edging out GODDESS-GOD (ego) the easier it gets to go within and tapping into the true pure inner eternal spiritual direction. If we diligently do that, one day we will realize that we no longer look outside of our sacredness which is our spirit for direction, we exclusively look within the dwelling place of GREAT SPIRIT. That is when the egos reign is surely over, and GREAT SPIRIT is no longer edged out by our ignorance. 

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shamnbhala
June 27, 2012 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Infected with Why-ism


Infected with Why-ism

I used to be infected with the almost terminal condition that I have labeled Why-ism. Whenever something would happen to me that was less than desirable, I was always quick to say why or why me? I was under the impression that if I was doing good things, doing all of the right things in life that nothing should, could, or would happen to me that was less than comfortable or outside of the realm of what I believed I deserved and needed in life. Little did I know that concept was flawed and surely not in perfect alignment with this experience we have come to know as life. I finally started to realize that even though I was doing good things and respecting the whole of creation in its many forms to the best of my ability, there was still a lot missing from my personal life experience. Many times the only way the universe could get my attention and have me change the direction I was headed, and open up to something totally new, was through a shock that would stimulate me in such a way that I would be open to look at things in a totally different way, and see them as I would not have seen them in the past. Many times the only way I would be open to allow that to happen was when I experienced loss, sickness, and other forms of drastic drama. When such would happen, I would label it the path of negativity. However, as I was taught early in life but did not completely understand or accept, everything works together for the ultimate good of the whole, and that includes that which I and others would call negative.

Over the fifty-eight years of my life that I have lived, I have come to understand that even that which seems negative can and does work towards causing me to see things in a different and more open way, and it comes as a major and necessary part of my life, to awaken and transform me in ways that would never happen unless prompted by adversity. Because of that, I have come to learn not to complain about that which is unexpected and what I may see as an unnecessary adversity in my life. Nonetheless, knowing this and understandings this did not completely remove the shock and sting from such experiences. However, I have gotten much better at receiving that which comes to me to help me understand the lessons that life brings my way. Every once in a while a shock will hit me that throws me a little off track, nonetheless the majority of times that is only for a very short period.

Here is an example of adversity that could pop up in life that could be thought not to be warranted and completely uncalled for, from the standpoint of a limited human intellect, and a weak understanding of the life path we have been set firmly on. A person could do everything within their power to help others in a positive way yet neglect to tend to their own personal needs as they should. With all of their positive actions, a negative situation could still arise in the midst of all of their good deeds. As you clearly should know, the human point of view is seriously lacking when placed against the omniscient nature of UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE. Our biggest challenge during this physical incarnation is living as spiritually conscious as possible, understanding that we are eternal beings that create our reality each day. We experience so much lack and disappointment because we cannot get out of our human intellect and consciously whole the position of creator with unlimited powers to create whatever it is that we need and want. Some people think that life must be much easier for me than it is for some, they feel that way because of the spiritual knowledge and awareness they believe I possess. However, what I possess is minuscule compared to the unlimited abilities available to the whole of creation, especially all human beings. Major growth is needed in my life just as it is in almost everyone. I have a ways to go on the path of the awakened spiritual consciousness just like everyone else does.

Today why does not hold the importance in my life that it once did. Actually, my new place of reference and question is; what lessons am I supposed to learn from both my positive and negative life experiences. A balance of both the positive and negative in our lives is needed in order for us to become the conscious spiritual beings and creators that we have been and eternally will be. Without that balance all we will create is havoc in and through all of our life experiences. Why doesn’t matter anymore; what is now paramount in my life as it most certainly should be.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
June 20, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Our True Spiritual Identity


Our True Spiritual Identity

To some degree our identity is influenced by the personalities of the people we associate with intimately, socially, and professionally, those we are in relationship with. At one point in my life I did not comprehend how much influence those I associate with affect my personality and overall life style. When I was in Jr. High School my mother said the following to me; you should be careful who you pick as your friends and hang out with, because the things your friends say and do will affect how you see yourself and eventually how you will act. My mother was the very first person to tell me about being guilty by association. I disregarded what she said and responded like this; who my friends are and what they do will not change who I am because I will always be me no matter what. I was in error to some degree when I made that statement; now I can see that my degree of error was actually major. When we are needy; especially when it comes to having a relationship with another person, similar to a small tree in a heavy wind storm, we get tossed to and fro by the intensity of the wind. The same thing can happen with our identity, which affects how we act and how we react to our life experiences day in and day out throughout this existing lifetime.

I now clearly see why it is almost impossible for someone to constantly associate with those who believe that life is unfair, and have a hopeful and productive life that is full of opportunity, positive experiences, and love. How do we start to create the life we want? The first step in creating the life that we want is as follows, knowing what the life we want looks like and knowing that it is attainable. Then we must truly believe that we are worthy to have such a life ourselves. Next we must start to associate with people that are on the way to living that life as well as those who are already in possession of that lifestyle. It is much harder to step out of poverty when one has no reference to what it is like to live a life of abundance. Just as it is hard to step out of an abusive relationship when the only reference of relationships is people who have been in, and are in abusive relationships. We must learn the lesson of surrounding ourselves with that which we seek and need. We cannot physically jump into a pool of mud and expect to remain spotless. It is exactly the same when it comes to who we are. We cannot associate with mean, hateful, and angry people, and believe that we will be kind, loving, caring, and balanced individuals. Since we are the authors of our reality, we are the creators of our surrounding worlds; we must pick the best quality materials to work with. Substandard building supplies can only build a substandard building. Our identity is of the utmost importance as we sojourn through this dense physical realm. No one has to have a less than desirable lifestyle and existence because love and prosperity is our true eternal nature.

We must stop associating with people who are doing that which is contrary to our true nature. In reality, what they are doing is contrary to their true nature as well. We must stop looking for direction outside of our spiritual selves. Because within our spirit is the dwelling place of pure unadulterated truth and wisdom. The truth and wisdom I am speaking of originates from within Great Spirit, the Creator of all things known and unknown. There is no greater knowing and wisdom to be found. Does it make any sense at all to look to someone who is searching just like we are for the answers to life? It makes no sense whatsoever to do so. Do not be fooled by the seemingly insightfulness and wisdom of those who lord themselves over others, and try to control the masses; because when you look at them and they are not on their stage of deception, you will see that they are in search of the truth just like everyone else. I heard one so-called spiritual leader profess that he knew all things; he also said that there was not a single question that he did not have the answer to. It is very easy to answer every question asked of you; the only problem with that is this, the accuracy of every answer. No one has all of the answers, because if someone did have all of the answers there would be no need for them to be here on this physical plane in physical form. We are here to consciously evolve into the eternal spiritual beings that we are and have always been. We are also here to learn the awesome power that we all possess and how to use that power. Nonetheless, if we are looking to others to teach us that, we will never learn it. We do not start school to have another child teach us what we are there to learn. How can your peer teach you how to write, read, add, and subtract when they do not know how to do those things themselves. It is exactly the same when it comes down to the school of life. We cannot look to fellow students to teach us that which we need to remember and learn, because we all are extremely limited due to the underlying reality that our consciousness has been taunted by our limited human intellect, and our limited human understanding; because we stopped exclusively looking within as we should always do for the spiritual direction we need to live a good successful life here on Earth Mother. Our Master Teacher is none other than Universal Intelligence the Goddess/God energy force within our spirit.

The human race as a whole is critically out of balance. To understand that all one has to do is look at what most humans call entertainment and what most humans do for enjoyment. In the not so distant past what is now being done for entertainment and enjoyment would be defined as ignorance, wickedness, and pure insanity. Have the definitions of that which is ignorant, wicked, and insane changed? Of course the definitions have not changed one iota. The human race must get back on track, and that must happen soon; because the path the human race has chosen has almost reach the point of no return, the cliff of total destruction. We must choose to turn from our wicked ways before drastic circumstances arise that will force us to change. Mark my words, change will take place; the question concerning that change is as follows. Will the change that is inevitable entail transformation in our lives, or transition from this lifetime? You see, when we are resistant to that which we should be doing, circumstances automatically arise that leaves us no choice but to take charge and do something, that is of course if we do not want things to get worse. We can create the space of balance, oneness, harmony, health, and love and benefit from this physical experience as it is designed for us to; or we can continue to travel the self-created path of darkness and discord.

There is a light at the end of the dark tunnel. I am not talking about the tunnel that we travel to get to the other side; I am speaking of the tunnel of our self-imposed trials and tribulations. We can live a harmonious life here on this physical plane. A harmonious life is not a life that is minus challenges; it is not a life where everything goes our way. A harmonious life is a life where we know that everything works together for the ultimate good of the whole. A harmonious life is a life where we maintain peace in the midst of the storm. As long as we are in physical form we will experience ups, downs, and duality in some shape and form. However, all of that is designed to stimulate and motivate us to expand and grow stronger. Do you know that within adversity we will find the greatest opportunity? However, the only way we will find it is to look in the right place for it. In order for us to find buried treasure we must dig deep into the earth. It is exactly the same when it comes to us and discovering that which is truly valuable to us. We must dig deep within our spirits to find the buried treasure that has eternally been available to us and a part of us. Humanity has been like a wealthy person who has a mansion who has dementia, and that person has become homeless because they do not remember that they own millions and much more material possessions.

We have always been a part of that which is perfect in nature due to our sacred spiritual omniscience. That being our divine reality simply means that we are lacking in absolutely nothing. It does not matter how things may look or seem to be all around us. That brings to mind and old saying; you can’t believe your lying eyes. Because we are spiritual beings, we must start to once again exclusively rely on our spiritual discernment, which is our flawless inner spiritual wisdom. When I was a teenager one of the popular sayings was; you can’t go wrong with the stuff I’m working with; literally that is true concerning this topic. There is not a time in any of our lives when we can say; I didn’t know what I was doing was wrong. We know the answer to every problem; we simply are too lazy to do the work that will avail us of that knowing. Such laziness is a guarantee of hardship in our lives. Our hardships in life are mostly unnecessary chosen experiences. We must align our actions with Our True Spiritual Identity.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!


Happy Father’s Day!

First I must bow down to and give honor to my dad William Samuel Stokes Naylor; he was a great man and everything in the world to me. My father was my role-model, my hero, my best friend, my teacher, and the greatest dad in the world. My dad taught me unconditional love, not only through what he said, but most importantly the way that he lived his life for me and everyone else to see. He loved my mother fully and unconditionally and showed me how to love unconditionally as well. In great part I am the man I am today because of my dad. Dad, I appreciate life and all of the positive and not so positive things in life, because you taught me to appreciate everything equally. Dad, I think about you all of the time and I Love You with my entire being; Goddess/God, thank you for blessing with my Dad.

To be a father does not always mean you are biologically connected with a child. Being a father is based on the intimate connection an older male has with a younger male or female. It may be rare but surely possible that a male who is younger but more mature than another could be a father figure to that individual. So in essence fatherhood is defined by the relationship a man has with another person and by the state of integrity displayed. Oh, one last thing; a good father makes mis-takes from time to time; fatherhood is not held to a state of perfection and all-knowing. My father was quick to tell me he did not know something, he was also quick to tell me when he realized he was in error. Since I have defined who is a father according to my beliefs, I now want to say; “Happy Father’s Day” to all of the fathers on this day that is designated to honor us.

A good father knows that he does not know everything. He also understands that he can learn from his children as well as his wife and everyone else he comes in contact with. A real father does not get caught up in ego trips; because as Wayne Dyer teaches, ego is the error of Edging God Out; God is the divinity, the supreme knowledge that is known by many names. God is the Spirit that dwells within our spirit. The ultimate refection of Father is found in the ultimate union of Spirit, I refer to that union as Mother/Father Goddess/God. Within the sacred union of Goddess/God is both the feminine and masculine examples of Spiritual Parenting. One way for both the mother and father to get the direction needed to be a good parent is to ask Goddess/God to direct us in parenting our precious children. Here is one for you; no matter the age of your children, once a parent always a parent. I remember my mother telling me one day when I thought I was grown; “You will always be my baby.” Parenting is a lifelong duty; the only things that change are the age and the recognition that the child is no longer in the elementary stages of childhood.

To father a child one must fully embrace the sacred principle of respect towards everyone. First a father respects Spirit, then a father respects himself, next the father respects his wife (the mother), finally the father respects his child and everyone else. The signpost that points to a truly mature conscious father is one who is emotionally free. What defines an emotionally free father? An emotionally free father is one who is conscious enough to show the varied array of emotions that make up being a man and father. To be emotionally free is to be comfortable with openly showing the emotions of sadness and joy in their wide array of expressions. That means that a father does not have any problems allowing his children seeing him cry when he is experiencing sorrow, just as he is not ashamed of allowing his children seeing him expressing joy. The biggest impression my father made on me was how he taught me to be free in expressing the full spectrum of emotions we all have. He taught me that being a real man meant being able to freely cry when that emotion was present. My dad taught me the opposite of what many fathers teach, they teach that a man is not supposed to cry. A true man is free to express whatever emotion arises; that is not only being a man, that is being an honest man, and also being transparent as we all should be; thank you so much dad for that and all of the other precious lessons you taught me. So, to all of the fathers that think that being a father means teaching your son to be strong by not showing his true emotions, especially the emotion of crying; try rethinking and fine tune that aspect of fathering.

Remember this; no matter what our age we are still learning new things, and in the process of correcting faulty concepts. The mark of a good father is being quick to correct an error, even if it happens to be an error of many years or even many decades. The important thing is not the length of the error; it is the correction of the error. Fathers Love freely, openly, and most importantly a true father Loves Unconditionally.

A mature father recognizes that he is both the teacher and the student!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
June 17, 2012