Monday, October 8, 2012



Monk and Muslim woman being agreeable

Key Word (s): Agreeable

1. Pleasing to the senses or to somebody’s taste
2. Pleasant, friendly, and ready to please others
3. Willing to consent to or consider something
4. Good enough or suitable for somebody


It is such a good feeling to be pleasing to others and experience the joy and appreciation of another for something that you did for them; that is what life is supposed to be all about. I seek to be agreeable with others, just as the many members of my body are agreeable with each other and flow together in the perfect harmony of being completely in one-accord with each other. The energy being agreeable combined with the energy of love creates a state of true spiritual euphoria.
I am learning how to be agreeable with those who do not see things the way that I do, those who are doing things that I know to be harmful to themselves and others. I am able to do that because I know that “Everything Works Together For Good”. Yes everything, because everything that we do and experience has a lesson for us to learn. Everything that I have done in life was not the prudent thing to do at the time I did it. There were times that I was told that I shouldn’t do something, but I chose to do it just the same. Nonetheless, later I realized my error, learned from my mistakes, made the proper corrections, and got back on track. After doing that numerous times, I learned how to be agreeable to at least listen to what others had to say. Many times when I would do that, I would start to see and understand that they were pretty much saying what I believed, and was saying but just in a different way; I had to reach the place of being agreeable to hear them out to fully comprehend where they were coming from.
Here is one for you. Being agreeable with someone does not always mean that you agree with what they are saying or doing. You know the saying, agree to disagree. What is right for one person may not be right for the next person. In cases like that, the two should reach the place of being able to agree to disagree; conceding that both ways even though they are different are the ways for each of them individually at that time. That may be considered as being the ultimate in agreeability.
When we are truly agreeable with another in spirit, word, and deed; we can turn a tear to a smile. Agreeability is the wide-open arms of Unconditional Love. True agreeability possesses that warm and fuzzy energy that everyone loves to feel. So I agree to be who I am, and to also allow others to be who they are created to be; because I know that, “Everything Is In Divine Order As We Follow Our Souls Melody”.



I agree to be who Infinite Source created me to be, and not to interfere with others who are doing the same!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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