Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Love and Marriage


Love and Marriage

Key Word (s): Love

1. An intense feeling of tender affection and compassion
2. A passionate feeling of romantic desire and sexual attraction
3. Strong liking for or pleasure gained from something
4. Something that elicits deep interest and enthusiasm in somebody
5. Strong liking for or pleasure gained from something
6. Something that elicits deep interest and enthusiasm in somebody
7. The mercy, grace, and charity shown by God to humanity
8. The worship and adoration of God 

Key Word (s): Marriage

1. Formal union of a man and a woman, and recognized by law as husband and wife
2. A married relationship between two particular people,
3. The joining together in wedlock of two people
4. The ceremony in which two people are joined together in wedlock
5.A close union, blend, or mixture of two things
6. A combination of the king and queen of the same suit, in a card game


Love is metaphysically defined as the prime cause of cosmos and opponent of chaos, the pre-eminent, transcendent uni–force in the universe uniting all being and creation together which in its ontological, highest earthly manifestation, is the root life force permeating and guiding all life toward life’s greatest transcendental advancements, wholeness and primacy.

Author Unknown


Love and marriage is something that we all will experience on many levels; I will explain. When it comes to that which is spiritual, seeing that we are eternal spiritual beings; we have always been in a Love and Marriage relationship. We where born into this world in love with, and married to Mother-Father Goddess-God. Our second experience with love was with our very own selves. Next we were opened up to love and marriage between our spirit and the spirits of our sisters and brothers. The experience of true love is an experience that never dies, because love is eternal just like our spirits are eternal. Love is not an emotion that we turn on and off; love is a sacred eternal energy. Love is not something that we choose to do, love is something that we are; just as Mother-Father Goddess-God is Love. Because we are one with Mother-Father Goddess-God we are likewise Love.
I am sure that you have heard or maybe you have even said the following; “I fell in love”. We never fall in love, because when one is falling, one is totally out of control, and love is not an out of control human emotion. Think of a boy who is falling from the limb of a tree, as he is falling through the air on his way to meet the ground, what can he do to stop his fall from the limb? There is nothing that he can do to stop his fall, because when he fell from the limb he lost all control and his body was given over to the governance of the law of gravity. His next experience will be the sudden painful cease of motion when his body abruptly meets the ground. Love is not an out of control emotion that we fall into and experience pain from, pain has never been a part of the reality of love. Many think they fall in love because they do not know who they truly are. Many happen to believe in that way due to a state of pure ignorance that is coupled with figments of your imagination; which has nothing whatsoever to do with their eternal reality of love. What they are actually doing in that state of being, is temporarily denying them selves the pleasure of consciously experiencing the eternal ecstasy of love. That false state of being they are experiencing will persist until they fully awaken to the reality of who they are; completely one with Mother-Father Goddess-God, which is Love Itself.
Marriage has not been what it truly is, since humanity strayed from the original course of being one with Mother-Father Goddess-God, and the whole of creation. Since marriage and love is seen as simple human actions it has ceased to be fully the Sacred Blessings that they truly are. Humanity has been experiencing only a small portion of the blessings and glory that is associated with the Sacred State of Love and Marriage orchestrated and ordained by Mother-Father Goddess-God, Infinite Source Itself. We must find a way to stop this run away wagon that humanity has been traveling on since almost the beginning of time. Humanity must once again turn its face to Infinite Source and begin to follow its Divine Direction and trust completely in the direction that comes. Then and only then will humanity regroup from the wicked experiences and actions it has been a part of. It is so plain to see; all one has to do is take the time to be still, see and comprehend the truth that is being disseminated in countless ways. The handwriting has been on the wall forever, when will humanity take the time to stop, see, and follow the direction that is being broadcast for its well-being. I hope and pray it is not to late for this current lifetime. If that is the case humanity will simply have to return and repeat this chapter of life until it is corrected.
Now on to the awesome and ecstatic relationship of marriage, which the love we are fosters. Marriage is the sacred thing that happens between two spirits that recognize that they are love, and they both desire to connect with each other on a much greater intimate level, then already exists between the two of them, and step up to a higher level of interpersonal intimacy; which is the closest experience we can have next to our Sacred Intimacy and Divine Marriage that we have with Mother-Father Goddess-God. Actually, that is something that humanity already has. However, due to humanities utter state of spiritual forgetfulness; which is perpetrated by its sojourn through this dense physical plane, humanity has forgotten that very important part of reality. So humanity must go through the motions until it has reached the state of Total Spiritual Re-Call, and be totally set free from it’s self imposed bondage; then there will be no need for this sojourn here on Earth Mother to continue any further in the way that it has been. Nevertheless, until that fateful destination is reached, we will continue on the path of action that we are on, and marriage as it is will be the path.
Nonetheless, marriage the conscious physical relationship that we participate in is still a sacred and very pleasurable experience, that we must fully honor and respect. However, we must under stand it for what it truly is, as we allow our inner spiritual consciousness to guide us every step of the way. One day we will find our way back to the main path of Light and Love, and our detour on the side roads of this experience called life, will be over once and for all; and we will unite in the sacred ritual of marriage in its fullest glory, as Pure Love washes our soul’s clean and causes us to rise from the ashes of life, just as the phoenix rose from the ashes as the new radiant and vibrant being that it had become, from the fires of tribulation and awakening that it had to go through, to fully comprehend who and what it eternally had been.


I Am Eternally Married To Mother-Father Goddess-God, and Love Is The Eternal Light That Guides Me Every Step of The Way!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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