Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sowing and Reaping


Sowing and Reaping

Galatians 6:6-18
English Standard Version
Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Everything I do is done in love and in a harmonious way. I sow good seed in life because that is the thing we are supposed to do. The blessing in doing good things is good things always return to us in a multitude of ways. A good example is this, when an apples seed is planted it eventually produces an apple tree. That apple tree over the years will process thousands upon thousands of apples and apple seeds. That one small apple seed brought about a harvest of a multitude of blessings, it produces leaves that become a part of a home for different animals, and they fertilize the soil that brings forth many forms of life. The seed also produces shade from the leaf filled apple tree branches and they also offer birds a place to build their nest. From the seed also comes the delicious fruit from the tree that humans and animals alike share in its tasty harvest. Also that seed is responsible for production of a lot of our life giving oxygen. All of this is a small example of what sowing and reaping produces.

Just as sowing good seeds produces bountiful positive reaping, the sowing of negative seed likewise produces bountiful negative reaping. To reap one hundred fold is miniscule compared to most harvests. A one hundred fold harvest return is small because most seeds planted produce one harvest after another on a continual basis. The first harvest may be one hundred fold or better, but that is multiplied by many years. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we are very careful of the harvests we plant with or thoughts, words, and actions; Universal Law dictates that we will reap a harvest after that which we think, say and do. That is why doing everything that we do in love is of the utmost importance, and I am not talking about the outward appearances, you know, speaking in one way and actually being and doing something altogether different. You can paint a seed purple, or wrap it in paper to disguise what it is, no matter what, that seed will remain that which it is, a seed, and when all conditions are perfect that seed will do what it was created to do, produce a harvest after its own kind.

Sowing is work, nevertheless reaping is much more work. Harvesting a positive crop is pleasant and joyful work, because the fruits of a positive crop are sweet and totally fulfilling. Yet on the other hand, the fruits of a negative crop are bitter, draining and unsatisfying. The thing is this, once we plant the negative seeds of our thoughts, words and actions we always end up watering them with the same energy over and over again, causing the harvest to grow tall and strong. Sometimes we are so caught up that we do not even realize what we are doing, and we plant row after row of seeds. Sometimes we even get to the point where we fool ourselves in believing that we enjoy the bitter irritating nectar of the fruits from our negative harvest, and then we actually try to convince those around us that our fruits are good. Have you ever heard of this old saying? “Misery loves company”. Sometimes people are blind to what they are doing. However, blind or not, you will taste and/or feel the results of the negative bitter fruit of the harvest. 

It is of the utmost importance that we understand the Sacred Law of Sowing and Reaping, and understand that we do not live without sowing and reaping. That being our reality tells me that we must be conscious sowers, that way we control to some degree the flow of our blessings. Life has gotten so fast that we tend to do many if not most things on automatic pilot, in a semi-conscious state of mind. Think about it, we even drive sometime on auto pilot. Have you ever driven a block or more with something heavy on your mind and then suddenly realized that you do not remember driving from one point to another? We do that same thing with many things we do throughout the day. That is why many people get hurt doing jobs they have been doing for many years. We must live our lives totally conscious at all times, that is of course if we want to live life fully. Along with that there is another very important thing. We must fully understand that the entire human race and the whole of creation including Earth Mother are one. We are like our body, what affects one member of the body in some way affects the entire body. It is the same way with us when we sow negative seeds and reap a negative harvest, that affect the whole of creation in some way energy wise. If everyone did everything in a conscious way understanding this reality, the world would experience such harmony that Earth Mother would be transform back into the Paradise she was created to be for us. In reality Earth Mother is still Paradise, but humanity has been polluting and disrespecting her on many levels. Again, everything that is done affects the whole. It is time that we wake up and become conscious sowers of the good that reside within our very own spirits. 

I Sow and Reap For The Benefit of the Whole of Creation!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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