Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Inspired Visions and Inspired Dreams

Inspired Visions and Inspired Dreams
To not pursue an Inspired Vision or an Inspired Dream is truly a serious spiritual transgression because all Inspired Visions and Inspired Dreams come directly from The Divine. It is such a waste to allow such awesome blessings to be ignored or fearfully bypassed and then go unused. Nonetheless, it is never to late to open up fully to the Inspired Visions and the Inspired Dreams that are still coming to us. We are never too old and it is never to late to pursue and Inspired Vision or an Inspired Dream. Inspired Visions and Inspired Dreams are meant to become a part of our current awakened reality, they are blessings designed by The Divine just for us.


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
December 31, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Seeing Reality and Freeing Our Minds


Seeing Reality and Freeing Our Minds

Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth, because everyone is creating what they see.

Neale Donald Walsch

Our truths are created different from each other because of the experiences we have in life. Each life experience molds our beliefs, and our beliefs create our current reality. In addition to that our truth and reality changes from time-to-time, that is because of the life experiences we continue to have. So my truth is exactly that, my truth, and your truth is exactly that, your truth; there is no right or wrong, there is only our truth, which is our reality.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield.

From the movie: ONE WEEK

We must try as hard as we possibly can to achieve that which we believe we must achieve, and we must continually seek until we find that which we are seeking in it’s fullness. As we are seeking we must never yield to that which tries to persuade us that what we seek is impossible to find or create and make our reality.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"Education consists of what we have unlearned."

Mark Twain

We have been deliberately mis-educated for the sole purpose of control, which is done so that we will serve the wealthy and help them remain wealthy at our personal expense and spiritual demise. We must unlearn and totally do away with the deceptive teachings we have been indoctrinated with, and step fully into our sacred truth of divine wisdom and wealth.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"We are born innocent. We are polluted by advice."

Henry David Thoreau

Without a shadow of doubt, we are born as the perfect creation that we eternally have been, and we could be nothing less than that because of who created us, none other than Universal Intelligence Itself. Universal Intelligence is surely the absolute embodiment of perfection and we are nothing less, no matter what others say and/or believe. We have allowed that perfection to be temporarily polluted by the advice and beliefs of others. It is time for us to discard forever all of that none-sense and recapture our Pure and Sacred Innocence.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

To "empty your mind" means to let go of all the external influences, both past and present, on the way you think. This applies to parents, friends, media, religion, government, schooling, etc.

Author Unknown

If we are to live the life that is intended for us, we must step away from every external influence that has been directing us that does not align perfectly with our inner spiritual guidance and discernment no matter who it is that is guiding us. The only guidance that we can totally depend on is the guidance of The Divine that can only be tapped into by going deep within our very own spirit.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

I ask you to please detach yourself emotionally for a moment ("be formless") so you can absorb the knowledge I intend to share with your thoughts or prejudice preventing you from doing so. "Empty Your Mind."

Author Unknown

We must completely empty our minds of all of the outer garbage we have picked up listening to and watching others. An empty mind is a mind that is primed to tap fully into Universal Intelligence when the time is right. When we are completely open to and tapped into Universal Intelligence as we are created to be, we do not need a memory bank, a mind that is full of intellectual garbage; what we need will always be divinely communicated to us exactly at the moment that we need it. I am talking about Fresh Eternal Spiritual Communion, not stale human perception and intellect.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Our thoughts are simply learnt prejudice and opinions, which we have adopted as "real" beliefs. Belief is actually what creates our reality, this has been scientifically proven confirming that it is not the eyes that see, but the brain...

Author Unknown

We must do away with the narrow-mind that human opinions construct, because they are like the Wizard of Oz, a fake puny little old man behind a partition that is afraid of his own shadow. His outer projection to the world is not real and his prejudice and opinions are worthless. We must not form our beliefs on outer human intellectual impressions. We must form our beliefs on Inner Spiritual Reality because we are Spiritual Beings.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"He is able who thinks he is able."


It has been and always will be about what we think we are capable of doing. What we think, say, and believe is what we are able to create and do.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

We are creators, and our every creation begins with a vision. We must make and keep our visions as pure and sure as we possibly can, and we can do that by way of inner guidance.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

If we can think it, we can create it. The key to the perfect creation is this; keeping our thoughts uncorrupted, so that they will always be pristine in nature.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Because it is our thoughts that determine our reality, we must focus on what will empower our minds and discard anything that conflicts. This simply means focus on only what makes you feel good inside and avoid what makes you feel bad or inferior.

Author Unknown

If we focus on Unconditional Love, and our thoughts are full of that Love; the reality that we create will always be that which is best for the whole of creation.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Realize that all of our doubts exist only in our minds. We have been fooled into believing that our limits are real, that they are something set in stone. They are not, they are illusions we have unconsciously chosen to believe in and this is why we experience them in reality.

Author Unknown

Doubts are not ours, they are a part of the deception and illusion that has been planted in our psyche to controls us and make us robots for the man made system of the world. We are not limited in what we can do and create because we are heirs of The Creator. Being the creators that we are, it is extremely important that we align ourselves perfectly with the divine and only will of Infinite Source. We must consciously step fully into our Divine Reality and be the creator that we have always been. We must stop creating that which is inferior in nature, and start creating the Sacred Creations we have been placed here to create. There is only one reality, and it is Divine.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge."

Napoleon Hill

Limitations are nothing but lies. We must stop living lies, and start living the abundant true reality of Love and Oneness of all things. The sky is not even the limit. With eternity as our companion, we are limitless.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"We are blinded by nothing except belief."

Ernest Holmes

Daily we are being charged to change our beliefs. If we change our beliefs, we will change the world.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Our lives, our world, our everything is determined by our beliefs and more so by the feelings that back those beliefs...

Author Unknown

We must go within and feel the Divine Presence of Spirit within us. In doing so we transform everything about ourselves and about our surrounding worlds. In turn that starts to transform the entire world that the whole of creation inhabits.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

We are divided only by false beliefs my friends. Understand that no one knows if there are actual rules to live by, they just THINK they know. When we focus on foolish "differences" in religion, ethnicity, social status and anything else we allow ourselves to be divided and create fear, hate and anger on earth. This ignorance is why we are ruled by few. Their hold on us is through the manipulation of our beliefs. Well with what we know now, that we are One, it's time to take the power back!

Author Unknown

It is true that we only know that which we have been told by others, that is of course unless we are accustom to tapping into Spirit within and receiving the unadulterated truth directly. What rules are you following and who told you that those were the rules we are supposed to follow. The rules that come from the bible are constructed by men, and they come from the limited human intellect, and all they have done is further divided humanity. How many people were killed because of those rules over the span of its existence? We have allowed a small hand full of men to dictate how life is to be on Earth Mother. We say that we have dominion over the earth, and look what that dominion has and is doing to the earth and all life on and in it. It is time that we take our Sacred Power from the deceptive energy vampires that have been running, or I should say ruining the earth. The power rest within us, are we going to continue to sit back and do nothing, or are we going to take that power in hand and resurrect our Beloved Paradise? The ball is in our court now, because the veils have been lifted. What are we going to do now that we can see that we have been deceived this entire lifetime? I am committed to learn every way possible to take complete control of my life, and help turn this world around.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but us can free our minds.

Bob Marley

We must emancipate, unshackle ourselves from the control of wicked men and women who selfishly seek to control everyone and everything they see.

Set your mind free from all of the human manufactured fear, control, deception, illusion, perversion, manipulation, mis-direction, mis-education, depression, dependence, doubt, want, covetousness, jealousy, greed, anger, hatred, and back stabbing. We must also set ourselves free from all of the other distorted lifeless negative controlling energies that have been implanted within our psyche, by those who do not want us to see, know, experience, and live the innate qualities that have always been within our Spirit/Soul. Once we have accomplished the daunting task of freeing our minds spiritually, we can be assured that our physical, mental, and intellectual beings will follow. That is when the experience we call life will change, and once again we will become the true authors of our reality. Then we will also start to Love unconditionally as we should, and become the Givers of Peace, Light and Love, and not the deceivers and robbers of the Sacred Energy of Life. When we free our minds spiritually, our minds and bodies will start to follow a new Sacred Path of Divine Existence. Actually, we will start to follow our Original Spiritual Train of Thought, the train of thought that is founded within the Universal Mind of Mama-Baba Goddess-God.

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within. The Kingdom of Heaven within us is the Sacred Place deep within our Spirits, where Goddess-God dwells and communes with us through the Small Still Voice. No matter what we have been taught, think, or believe, not one of us has ever been separated in any way from our Sacred Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God. The lie that we are separate from Goddess-God, is the number one deception that has been used to rob us of our power, and to keep us under the selfish, greedy control of a few malfunctioning intellectual and self-centered human misfits. Every true religion teaches that we are one with The Divine, and the Love, Light, Peace, Oneness and Blessings of Spirit can always be found within the Sacred Dwelling place within our Spirits. There is no need to look to or look for heaven outside of ourselves, and there is no need to fear hell, because each of us creates our very own heaven and hell within the realm of our minds, through that which we expose ourselves to and believe. Heaven is created within a free and open mind that is yielded completely to the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. Hell is created within the valley of our troubled minds, and we are held captive there by fear, lies, and illusions created by wicked thoughts and ideas; sometimes hell is created for us by outsiders that we open up to, and eagerly digest every word that flows out of their mouths. The deception has created a fog that is so thick that sometimes the vibrations of music is the only thing that can be used to get through to us, and transmit very important and needed messages to our non-judgmental subconscious mind. It has to be done that way sometimes because our conscious mind has been taken hostage by the illusion, deception, and lies of mankind. That is why the freeing and clearing of our minds is of the utmost importance. Welcome to the realm of Total Spiritual Re-Call. To experience Total Spiritual Re-Call, is to experience the action of correctly and fully recalling who we are eternally, and the full recognition of our Divine Connection and Oneness with Mama-Baba Goddess-God.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Friday, December 27, 2013


We are all given gifts in equal measure, and no gift is greater than another, because all gifts work together to bring more glory to the world of physical existence. Also, to whom a gift is given it is never taken away. One may choose to mis-use or not use the gifts they have been given; nonetheless they will always possess those gifts no matter what.
This brings me to the issue of whether or not we are to accept the blessing of a gift from someone who has done things that are less than honorable. If there is a hungry family and a man who has done horrible things to them and other in the past comes to that family with food in order to alleviate their plight of hunger, should they deny themselves the food because of his past actions towards them and others? Of course they should not do that, because The Divine blesses through whichever vessel is available to issue blessings. The Divine is not like us, holding everything someone has done over their heads forever. Even though there has been a negative picture painted of The Divine as being one who would condemn us to eternal damnation for our mis-takes in life. That in no way is how The Divine is, or how we should be. There must always be forgiveness; and after forgiveness a new garment is given to the one who has been forgiven to wear. Even if a wicked person has not taken on a lifestyle of change, if they offer a blessing to someone, it should be taken because a blessing is a blessing no matter the source.
So, if someone with less than a desirable track record in caring for others comes to you with a blessing, don’t miss your blessing because you cannot see past yesterday. Many of the honorable women and men in the world today have done things in the past that they are not proud of, and may do some thing in the future that is questionable also. Nevertheless, all we can deal with is the current moment at hand and accept the blessings that come, no matter what is looks like and what it has been used for in the past.
Are You Sharing Your Gifts With Others?

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Divine Reality

My Divine Reality

I occupy the space of Divine Awareness and Understanding.
I recall daily that which I am to do while here in physical form on this physical plane.
I Am Extremely Honored, Grateful, and Blessed!

If you want to have a legal natural continuous high, that enhances everything that you do, here is how you get it. Maintain a continuous smile on your face all day long, because laughter and smiling trigger healthy physical changes throughout the body. Humor, Laughter, and Smiling trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins make you feel great. Even in the most difficult of times, a laugh or even simply a smile can go a long way toward making you feel better.

Also, here is another sure boost for a positive life experience. Be Grateful all day for every experience of every kind, especially when you do not understand why something happened; everything in life happens for a positive reason, we just do not always understand that reason at first glance.

Be Appreciative, Grateful, and Love Unconditionally non-stop, because those are the Building Blocks for a Successful Joyous Abundant Life!

I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!

Everything Is In Divine Order As We Follow Our Soul’s Melody!

Give Thanks!


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Illusion of Competition (revised)


The Illusion of Competition (revised)
Why is the human race accepting and living within the artificial mandate and confines of the state of competition? The many members of our body never compete against each other; why is that? That is because they simply understand their purpose for existing and they stay within the boundaries of that knowledge. In doing so, they maintain divine harmony amongst each other. We should and must take heed of their wisdom and function, because we are just like them; in the present moment we are also members of a collective physical temporal existence, as well as an eternal spiritual body; we are members of the whole of creation. You and I and the whole of creation have a sacred individual purpose for existing here on Earth Mother, and that purpose in no way has anything whatsoever to do with the competition of one member/one person against the other. We are created to exist in perfect harmony, one with the other and each of us with the whole of creation. We have reached the place in our existence where we must correct this tragic error of competition, which is causing just about all of the turmoil that exists in the world today. We must regain our clear fixed focus, first on our individual purpose, then on our collective purpose so that we can bring healing and balance back to this wonder-full creation we have been blessed with. The Glorious Garden of Eden still exists within our spirits, we simply must do our part in life, so that it can be released and manifest once again in this dense malleable physical realm of existence in its full glory, as we temporarily dwell here on this physical plane.

In our natural state of being, competition is completely alien to us and to our sacred spiritual existence. Our sacred spiritual existence is our only true state of existence, because we are sacred spiritual beings sojourning through a dense temporal physical plane. This dense physical plane that we are now dwelling in will not exist eternally as it is at this point in time and space, because of the simple reality that it is evolving just like we are. Matter of fact, it is evolving right along with us. That could be what was meant in the statement that is found in the bible, about mankind having dominion over the earth. God said, Let us (the Sacred Feminine and Masculine Creator Energies) make mankind in our image (female and male), to be like us. Let them be masters and have dominion over the whole of creation on Earth Mother, dominion over Earth Mother herself, that which our physical bodies are made up of. That is my interpretation of the scripture on our dominion over things during this lifetime. Humanity has forgotten that such dominion can only be carried out through the Sacred State of Equality and Divine Oneness. Mankind drastically perverted the holy action of dominion, when it inserted competition into its endeavors. When we compete against each other, we totally loose our focus on our individual purpose for existing, which is the reason why everything is so out of kilter in our lives and the world today.

Having dominion over the whole of creation means that we are to see to it that we stay true to who we are and what we are placed here to do, on this very dense impressionable physical plane. We are created and placed here to be the ushers of positive sacred change, and we are to maintain that change here on Earth Mother just as we maintain a garden. We must continually weed out that which is not growing and flowing in complete harmony with the divine plan of oneness. That which does not mesh with Sacred Reality, the inferior principle of man’s creation called competition must go. The prime reason why competition can never produce the good we want to believe that it can, is because of its underlying energy of ego. Where there is competition and ego, one or more people are always put down, and to a great degree the person on the loosing end of the competition always comes out feeling less than. That is the process designed to put one down, and that is not what we are supposed to be about. We are supposed to be building others and ourselves up, and awakening to the Eternal Divinity within us. Think about the process of building something; when we build something it must consist of numerous parts, and those parts are usually very different from each other, yet all of those different parts fit together and work together in perfect harmony; not one of those parts are in competition with the other and doing its own thing. Building something brings things together; it does not separate things by way of putting them against each other.

We are supposed to be maintaining and building onto the sacred existence we have been gifted with by our beloved Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God. I have finally come to understand, that to do so is impossible with the leveling agent present in our lives that is called competition. With competition present, we will never awaken and arise spiritually in the way that it is intended for us by Universal Intelligence, as we sojourn through this dense physical plane.

Completely rejecting and totally doing away with competition has become one of our major responsibilities. We created it; so we must find a way to do away with it. You and I were blessed with life and the awesome creation of Earth Mother, and the abundant life housed within her. Yet creation did not stop there; we are charged with being the ongoing creators of our very own personal realities, as well as the realities of our surrounding worlds. For those of you who the term “surrounding world” is foreign, I’ll explain it. Our surrounding world is everything that encompasses our every day life. Our surrounding world is made up of the things we think, the things we believe, the things we say, as well as the things that we do. Our surrounding world is also temporarily composed of the many different people we draw into it. Our surrounding world is the primary world that each of us has been given dominion over. Now what happens on the grand scale is this, the surrounding worlds that we are creating start to overlap with the surrounding worlds that are created by our sisters and brothers of creation; combined they actually create the energetic world we find around us, and everything that manifests within it. So in essence, each individual actually controls what happens in the entire world through our individual choices, and our individual choices combine with the individual choices of our sisters and brothers of creation.

Now can you fully comprehend why competition cannot be a part of the equation? Competition will not allow us to work together as we should, or allow us to maintain creation and continue to create our surrounding worlds in the way they must be created; to maintain and maximize harmony here on Earth Mother, as well as throughout our most Glorious Universe. What we do here on Erath Mother creates energy that not only affects our beloved Earth Mother, the vibrational waves of that energy also travels out into the universe and influences what is happening out there. Think about it this way. You are standing in front of a pond of water, the water in the pond is pristine, clear and still. Then you decide to pick up a big rock and throw it into the pond with great force. The big rock penetrates the water with the force you threw it, and it causes rings of ripples in the water that start where it entered the water, and those ripples reach out to the edges of the entire pond. The water also begins to get murky because the big rock stirs up all of the settlement that was on the bottom of the pond. The negative energy that emanates from our actions such as competition has the exact same effect on this planet and the universe, as the throwing of a big rock in a pristine still pond.

So now you can see how powerful every single human being actually is. We are not only made in the image and likeness of Infinite Source, we possess some of the same creative powers and abilities that are maintained within and used by Infinite Source. So in essence, you and I are god’s; that is of course with the small g; of course the big G is reserved exclusively for none other than Mama-Baba Goddess-God. To whom much is given, much is required. Nonetheless, also to whom much is given, is also given the wherewithal to do what is required of us to do. So we can and must do that which will bring and keep harmony in the world, and in part that is to completely remove competition from the equation of life.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Revised 12.15.13

Saturday, December 14, 2013

8 Powerful Photos


8 Powerful Photos Shine Light On The People Most New Yorkers Never See

This is such a sobering reality; yet it is also an extreme reality and life, which many people are living at this very moment. We are living at a time when there are more than enough resources to provide a way to meet every need anyone could possibly have; yet those needs are not being met, and that is because of the disconnect many have when it comes to others going through their personal difficulties. Many human beings do not see themselves connected to others, and surely not to the whole of creation, which means that they are connected to every form of life on the face of Earth Mother.
“May Goddess-God Bless All of My Sisters and Brothers In Need, I Love You!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

I used to be just like Egypt, the Sacred Woman in the picture with the needle in her mouth. I started using heroin intravenously at the age of 16, and I continued to use heroin until I was 26 years of age. I was seriously strung out on heroin for ten long hellish years; I also did whatever other drug I could get my hands on during that time. In addition to using drugs I sold drugs. In that ten-year period of time that I was a drug addict and sold drugs, I went through at least $500,000.00. I came up with that estimate in 1979 when I stopped using, just to see how much I spent during that ten-year period of hell.
I am sharing this with you now to show you that people can change. Yes, no matter what we get caught up in, we can surely turn ourselves around with a little help. My help was Mama-Baba Goddess-God and some people who accepted me and loved me despite my dark and questionable past. I started shooting drugs directly into my veins in the fall of 1969, and stopped on September 2, 1979. I have been clean of drugs ever since, never to relapse, not once. I do not even use aspirin or any other legal medication unless it is absolutely necessary.
The people depicted in the article are our beloved sisters and brothers, and they are just as precious and sacred as every other human being; the only difference is they have simply lost their way for some reason, and it is not our place to judge them for anything that they have done. We must not treat them like they have an infectious disease that we may catch if we get to close; we must simply Love, them because that is what they need and also what we are supposed to do. The lack of Love in their lives, is what they are trying to compensate for with other things such as drugs sex and whatever else they are told, believe, and for some reason feel will relieve them of their pain for at least a short time; and that is due to a lack of Love in their lives.
When you see such a person, at the least say Hi to them with true feeling and energy behind it. If you cannot honestly do that yet, do whatever it takes to get to that place, because they need you; they need us all. Hey, we can send them Love without saying a single word. All we have to do is say within ourselves,something like this. From my Higher Spiritual Self to your Higher Spiritual Self I send you Love, because “I Love You!” as we recognize our Oneness with them. Love surely conquers all, and we must use Love to help them conquer their demons.
Just look in the eyes of Egypt in that picture, can't you see and feel her pain? I do not care how she acts, or what she says, take it from someone who has been there, she does not want to be where she is. (Period)

One Source, One Love, One Sacred People!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Individual Spiritual Path

Individual Spiritual Path
Just as we are all individuals, we all have individual spiritual paths that we must follow. However, that does not mean that we will not travel in companionship with one or more people for some, most, or our entire lifetime. Nonetheless, our spiritual paths are unique and specifically designed for only us. There will be similarities in our path and many others, however no two paths are exactly alike, just like no two snowflakes have exactly the same pattern. However, snowflakes fall together and they coexist together in harmony and beauty.
We must embrace our uniqueness and follow its lead, because it will guide us to things that only us as individuals are created to do. Even though our callings and tasks may vary in many ways, no calling or task is any more important than another, all surely carry equal importance. The major problem with humanity is this; most people are trying to be like someone they have seen on TV, in the movies, in sports, on their job, in their peer group, or in their family. That is a very big mis-take because we can only be ourselves. We waste valuable time when we try to be anyone other than who we truly are, and every such action is done in vain, because we do not have everything needed to be anyone other than ourselves.
To follow our personal spiritual path, is extremely important if we are to experience our personal and natural flow of life, and to be in sync with the whole of creation. Lets take a female and male for example; It would be totally useless for a woman to try to be a man, and expect to be able to impregnate another woman. Likewise, it would be foolish for a man to try to be a woman, and think that he could get pregnant by another man. I must make it clear that in no way am I saying that it is wrong for a man or woman to carry themselves in the way that they feel is appropriate for themselves, that which is in accordance to what they feel deep within. If a man feels that he should carry himself in a feminine way, and a woman feels that she should carry herself in a masculine way, that is fine and I place no judgment on their choices. However, as they know, there are some things that they cannot do, being born in the body that they were born in. Yet that does not mean that they are not to carry themselves as they see fit; even though there are many who disagree with that, their disagreement does not matter. As it has been said and written, Great Spirit Goddess-God’s ways are far above our ways, so we should not judge what others choose to do, that is between them and Great Spirit. We only have enough time to make sure that we are following the individual spiritual path that ‘we are meant to follow. In doing so, we must give any thought to what others think and/or believe.
Being the individuals that we are, allows us the good fortune to be able to be both the student and the teacher. What we learn on our individual spiritual path affords us the opportunity to be able to share our experiences and spiritual re-call with others; and that in turn allows others to benefit from a magnitude of time and effort spent doing that which only could be done on our individual spiritual paths. It is not a good thing to envy that which another has, because they have paid the price to possess that which they have. Even though what they have may be good for them, it may not be a perfect fit for us on the path we have been charged to follow. We must not believe the hype that there is only one way to The Divine, such is pure deception from those who do not understand the total scheme of that which is truly spiritual, and all encompassing in nature and energy. There are many differing paths, to match the many differing individuals and their needs.
We all have needs that must be met before we can return to our eternal spiritual destination. With that in mind, we must understand that the different paths available supply us with different life experiences that wake us up to our spiritual reality. That alone is why everyone cannot follow the same Spiritual Path of Re-Call/Awakening/Enlightenment. If you were going home from work and you had to pick up several different things, you would take the path that allowed you to stop and pick up that which you needed to get before going home. It is exactly the same with our journey through this dense physical plane; we follow the path that best supplies us with that which we need to return to our Eternal Spiritual Home. Also, there is no one outside of ourselves that knows the path that is best for us outside of The Divine. Now you may say; I do not know which is the best path for me, so how can I be expected to follow the right path without getting direction from someone else? We can get some insight from others, but no one can layout our path step by step; and no one is equipped to be able to tell us when we have reach a place on our path when a detour should be taken. You see, no matter how spiritually mature one may seem to be, she or he still has the need to care for her or himself, and maintain their footing on their own spiritual path, that in and of itself is more than enough for an individual to undertake in a single lifetime. That means that no one has the wherewithal, wisdom or the time to properly direct another on his or her spiritual path and maintain that direction in an appropriate way. The direction/roadmap that we need is to only be found within us, within our spirit, the place where we are one with Great Spirit Itself, the Sacred One that created all things. So we must re-educate ourselves on how to regain that conscious oneness with The Divine, then and only then will we hear the divine direction we seek.
It may seem like it is too big of a task for one person to find their spiritual path alone. However, even though it may seem like what I am saying, is we need to do everything that we do alone; actually that is not what I am saying. I am saying that there is help that we must seek out, and there is no better help, guidance, and companionship than that which we always get from Great Spirit, and Great Spirit is waiting within the very core of our eternal being for us to make that divine connection for guidance. We must believe that the same sacred energy that created the whole of creation, and has provided every little thing that is needed, can and is providing us with everything that we need, including the direction that we need to find and follow our individual personalized spiritual path. Until we reach the place of making that connection, and following through on the direction we receive, we will always fall short of the mark of excellence that we are intended to reach.
There is a major awakening that will be made totally clear to each of us when we look within for guidance and start to mature as we follow our spiritual path; and that is the awakening and awareness that we are a perfect creation, and not pitiful little unworthy sinners running around hoping for and looking for a savior outside of ourselves. If the man Jesus who became the Christ, was standing right in front of you at this very moment, that is exactly what he would tell you. To regain our consciousness of perfection we must be following our spiritual path, because that is the only place we can learn that which we need to learn. On our spiritual path we will learn and fully comprehend the reality that many have talked about since the beginning of time; and that is the reality that we all are to take on and fully embrace the Christ Consciousness. Jesus was his name, and the Christ Consciousness was what he allowed to fully manifest in and through him, that is why he was able to do the things that he did. When reading the story of Jesus you will hear him say, even greater things you shall do. What he was talking about was, when we enter into the understanding that we are eternal spiritual beings, we would be ready for a major step in our spiritual consciousness and on our sojourn through this dense physical plane; and that major step is fully embracing the reality of the Christ Consciousness just as he did. Why would he say, greater things we shall do. He said that because of the natural progression that is designed to take place from teacher to student, the student is always supposed to exceed that which is taught by the teacher. That happens when the student takes what has been taught by the teacher, and then goes within and allows Great Spirit to show her or him how to perfectly incorporate in her or his life that which was taught, and is a part of her or his reality; that is when we become the Christ just like Jesus.
Beloved, it is all about Eternal Spiritual Oneness. We are one with each other, one with the whole of creation, and ultimately we are one with Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. For those of you who are not familiar with my terminology; Mama means Mother and Baba means Father, so in essence I am personalizing it and saying Mother-Father Goddess-God to honor both the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies/Qualities of The Divine. It is of the utmost importance that we fully realize who we are, and what we are to be about; otherwise we are completely powerless, and we can be toast to and fro like a plaything and our energy can be manipulated and used by others. I call people who drain us of and use our energy exactly what they are, energy vampires. The only real vampires are those who work at draining us of our energy. Our energy is our life force, and without proper control of our life force, and a decrease in the amount of our life force, we are like zombies who can be led around and do whatever we are told. Life is not about total blind faith. It is very important to have faith, however it must be used appropriately. Our entire existence cannot be based on faith alone.
So, it is time that we set out seriously on our Individual Spiritual Path right now if we have not already do so, because time is of the essence. Following our spiritual path will reveal to us the answers to many life long questions we have had. Doing so will also reveal to us why we have repeated many undesirable painful cycles during this lifetime. The answer to every question rests within our very own spirit; all we have to do is be still and quiet long enough to hear the divine direction that is continually being communicated to us by Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Now, we must be very patient as we take on this very important task. It will take time to release all of the incorrect beliefs and practices we have embraced for so long. Humanity has been off course for a long time, and it is not realistic to think that something as paramount as this will take place over night. However, as you known, all things are possible when it comes to Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Yet still, the miraculous does not always happen instantaneously, and that is for the sake of us learning many extremely important lessons. If everything were done for us instantaneously, we would loose a great deal of the reverence that must be associated with the process.
As Our Path Cross, May The Glorious Light and Love From Our Paths Shine On Each Other
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala