Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Illusion of Competition (revised)


The Illusion of Competition (revised)
Why is the human race accepting and living within the artificial mandate and confines of the state of competition? The many members of our body never compete against each other; why is that? That is because they simply understand their purpose for existing and they stay within the boundaries of that knowledge. In doing so, they maintain divine harmony amongst each other. We should and must take heed of their wisdom and function, because we are just like them; in the present moment we are also members of a collective physical temporal existence, as well as an eternal spiritual body; we are members of the whole of creation. You and I and the whole of creation have a sacred individual purpose for existing here on Earth Mother, and that purpose in no way has anything whatsoever to do with the competition of one member/one person against the other. We are created to exist in perfect harmony, one with the other and each of us with the whole of creation. We have reached the place in our existence where we must correct this tragic error of competition, which is causing just about all of the turmoil that exists in the world today. We must regain our clear fixed focus, first on our individual purpose, then on our collective purpose so that we can bring healing and balance back to this wonder-full creation we have been blessed with. The Glorious Garden of Eden still exists within our spirits, we simply must do our part in life, so that it can be released and manifest once again in this dense malleable physical realm of existence in its full glory, as we temporarily dwell here on this physical plane.

In our natural state of being, competition is completely alien to us and to our sacred spiritual existence. Our sacred spiritual existence is our only true state of existence, because we are sacred spiritual beings sojourning through a dense temporal physical plane. This dense physical plane that we are now dwelling in will not exist eternally as it is at this point in time and space, because of the simple reality that it is evolving just like we are. Matter of fact, it is evolving right along with us. That could be what was meant in the statement that is found in the bible, about mankind having dominion over the earth. God said, Let us (the Sacred Feminine and Masculine Creator Energies) make mankind in our image (female and male), to be like us. Let them be masters and have dominion over the whole of creation on Earth Mother, dominion over Earth Mother herself, that which our physical bodies are made up of. That is my interpretation of the scripture on our dominion over things during this lifetime. Humanity has forgotten that such dominion can only be carried out through the Sacred State of Equality and Divine Oneness. Mankind drastically perverted the holy action of dominion, when it inserted competition into its endeavors. When we compete against each other, we totally loose our focus on our individual purpose for existing, which is the reason why everything is so out of kilter in our lives and the world today.

Having dominion over the whole of creation means that we are to see to it that we stay true to who we are and what we are placed here to do, on this very dense impressionable physical plane. We are created and placed here to be the ushers of positive sacred change, and we are to maintain that change here on Earth Mother just as we maintain a garden. We must continually weed out that which is not growing and flowing in complete harmony with the divine plan of oneness. That which does not mesh with Sacred Reality, the inferior principle of man’s creation called competition must go. The prime reason why competition can never produce the good we want to believe that it can, is because of its underlying energy of ego. Where there is competition and ego, one or more people are always put down, and to a great degree the person on the loosing end of the competition always comes out feeling less than. That is the process designed to put one down, and that is not what we are supposed to be about. We are supposed to be building others and ourselves up, and awakening to the Eternal Divinity within us. Think about the process of building something; when we build something it must consist of numerous parts, and those parts are usually very different from each other, yet all of those different parts fit together and work together in perfect harmony; not one of those parts are in competition with the other and doing its own thing. Building something brings things together; it does not separate things by way of putting them against each other.

We are supposed to be maintaining and building onto the sacred existence we have been gifted with by our beloved Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God. I have finally come to understand, that to do so is impossible with the leveling agent present in our lives that is called competition. With competition present, we will never awaken and arise spiritually in the way that it is intended for us by Universal Intelligence, as we sojourn through this dense physical plane.

Completely rejecting and totally doing away with competition has become one of our major responsibilities. We created it; so we must find a way to do away with it. You and I were blessed with life and the awesome creation of Earth Mother, and the abundant life housed within her. Yet creation did not stop there; we are charged with being the ongoing creators of our very own personal realities, as well as the realities of our surrounding worlds. For those of you who the term “surrounding world” is foreign, I’ll explain it. Our surrounding world is everything that encompasses our every day life. Our surrounding world is made up of the things we think, the things we believe, the things we say, as well as the things that we do. Our surrounding world is also temporarily composed of the many different people we draw into it. Our surrounding world is the primary world that each of us has been given dominion over. Now what happens on the grand scale is this, the surrounding worlds that we are creating start to overlap with the surrounding worlds that are created by our sisters and brothers of creation; combined they actually create the energetic world we find around us, and everything that manifests within it. So in essence, each individual actually controls what happens in the entire world through our individual choices, and our individual choices combine with the individual choices of our sisters and brothers of creation.

Now can you fully comprehend why competition cannot be a part of the equation? Competition will not allow us to work together as we should, or allow us to maintain creation and continue to create our surrounding worlds in the way they must be created; to maintain and maximize harmony here on Earth Mother, as well as throughout our most Glorious Universe. What we do here on Erath Mother creates energy that not only affects our beloved Earth Mother, the vibrational waves of that energy also travels out into the universe and influences what is happening out there. Think about it this way. You are standing in front of a pond of water, the water in the pond is pristine, clear and still. Then you decide to pick up a big rock and throw it into the pond with great force. The big rock penetrates the water with the force you threw it, and it causes rings of ripples in the water that start where it entered the water, and those ripples reach out to the edges of the entire pond. The water also begins to get murky because the big rock stirs up all of the settlement that was on the bottom of the pond. The negative energy that emanates from our actions such as competition has the exact same effect on this planet and the universe, as the throwing of a big rock in a pristine still pond.

So now you can see how powerful every single human being actually is. We are not only made in the image and likeness of Infinite Source, we possess some of the same creative powers and abilities that are maintained within and used by Infinite Source. So in essence, you and I are god’s; that is of course with the small g; of course the big G is reserved exclusively for none other than Mama-Baba Goddess-God. To whom much is given, much is required. Nonetheless, also to whom much is given, is also given the wherewithal to do what is required of us to do. So we can and must do that which will bring and keep harmony in the world, and in part that is to completely remove competition from the equation of life.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Revised 12.15.13

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