Monday, April 1, 2013

The Truth Is Being Revealed


The Truth Is Being Revealed
Why do all of the popes in the vatican only pray before an ancient portrait of the Black Madonna and Christ Child, and only allow pictures of a white Madonna and Christ Child in there cathedrals, churches, bibles and books? If Jesus had "hair like lamb's wool" and "skin of bronze", why is he depicted with caucasoid features (white skin, long blond hair, and blue eyes) in the majority of the churches in the world, and the majority of pictures in books you see of him? I do not question that because I believe that there is something wrong with a caucasian Jesus.

Did you know that there is an ancient Roman coin depicting the head of Jesus, and he has the features and hair of a black man on that coin? It would not matter at all what color Jesus is, because we are all one people; however, it does matter because of the blatant and subliminal put down of Black/African people, and other people of color all around the world. Why must we continue to live a lie? Even the region that Jesus was said to be born in was a land of people of color. Is that not the truth? The truth needs to be told and not hidden behind the walls of the Vatican any more.

Did you know that even the clothes worn by the popes and the catholic priests are of African origin, and many of their statues and symbols are African and Egyptian in origin? It is way over due for the truth to be revealed to the world. The information is out there, and many have seen it, however they do not want to believe or accept it. That is only because many people are stuck on the illusion that one group of people are superior to all of the other groups of people of the world.

If the people of this world are ever going to come back together in oneness as we once were, the truth about everything must be told. The new age we have entered into is the age of truth; because of that all manner of deception will eventually be revealed.

We must open up and accept the reality that we are all one people, one big family. Yes there are differences in the people of the world. However, those differences are just like the differences we find in our biological families. Does everyone in your family have the same skin tone, the same hair texture, the same color eyes, or have the same body type? Unless you believe that we are created by different Creators/Gods, we are all from the same family.

So no matter what it is that we must uncover as deception, and how damaging that may be to certain institutions, it must and will be done. The only question concerning that is this; will it be done willingly or forcefully. If it is done willingly by those institutions that have been deceiving us, there may be hope for those institutions. However, if it is not done willingly, it could mean the total destruction of those institutions. No matter what the deception is, it will surely be revealed.

This question was sent to me by a beloved Sister/Sacred Woman who I shared the above statement with. “How does knowing the truth about anything, especially about the importance of images regarding a Sacred Mother affect how we parent our unborn child?”

The importance of images regarding the Sacred Mother and Christ Child affects how we parent our unborn and born children as such. Knowing this truth gives us what we need to infuse our children with the Sacred Energy of Divine Truth and Eternal Life; it infuses our children with hope for their lives, because it shows them something they have not been seeing on a large scale, that even black children come from greatness, and most importantly, from a Sacred Heritage that the world has been looking to for faith and hope for thousands of years. Such teaches them that they are somebody other than poor people and drug addicts. This will give them a hope that has never been felt before; the great Madonna and Christ Child being the same as they are. Is there a more powerful image that will show them who they are?

This will go beyond our children; it will transform the world. I am sure some are worried that the truth will cause us, black people to place ourselves over the other races just as caucasians have been doing for eons. However, if it is received properly it will not do such, and it is the responsibility of those of us who are spiritually conscious to make sure it is received and used properly. If we take this truth, this powerful information and place ourselves on a pedestal above anyone, we are no better than the wicked people who are mistreating and deceiving us right now. We must and will take this power and use it properly, especially for our little ones who will eventually take this world in their hands.

This is a response from another beloved Sister/Sacred Woman whom I shared my above statement with.  I hear what you say, Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala! Although I did not grow up with a religious background, I have always thought that the diversity we see around us is an indication of God expressing Itself in myriad ways! Also, why would there be so many religions around the world? God speaks to each of us in the language we can hear. So, as you say, color is both important and unimportant. Important that we realize that we are all part of one family, and then, once you have had this realization, color becomes unimportant.”

I hear you Sis. Like you I was not raised in the church, however I was introduced to the church and even ordained four times in the church later in life. Today my religion is Love and my church, my temple is my physical body. Also, I have what I call a Divine Personal Intimate Relationship with Infinite Source, or God, as many prefer to say.

Religions are like languages and cultures; they are influenced by the people and the lifestyles of the region they reside in. Religion is simply man's feeble interpretation of what God is to him. Many times men put human characteristics on God such as anger, jealousy, revenge, and fear. It is all part of the path mankind uses to try to understand in a greater way who we are and why we are here. However, many times what they come up with and teach is in error. The bottom line is this; we are all family, We Are All One.

However, since religion has been used to put many people down and control the masses through fear, what they classify as the fear of God. It is time that the truth and inconsistencies are revealed, even if that means that an entire institution is put to rest because its foundation was intentionally deceptive in nature from its inception.

I really appreciate both Sisters/Sacred Women asking me what they did, because it stimulated even more thought within me, concerning this very important topic. We must never worry about feelings being hurt or whether or not people we still like us if we bring them the truth. Yes, the truth is hard to accept sometimes. Nevertheless, the change that is needed in the world today cannot be brought forth tip toeing through the tulips to avoid upsetting others.

Since I am speaking about Jesus, I will use something he did as an example. When Jesus found out that something wrong was being done in the temple he dealt with it directly, and he was not concerned about what people would think and how they would receive his actions. “After making a whip out of cords, Jesus drove all of them out of the Temple, including the sheep and the cattle. He scattered the coins of the moneychangers and knocked over their tables.” Jesus knew that what was being done in the temple was wrong, so he addressed it directly not worrying what would be thought or said. We must do exactly the same when it comes to the wrongs being done to the temple today. Each of us is the temple, and we must only receive and follow the truth, or our temples will be defiled. A defiled temple cannot be worshiped in properly.

The Age of Truth has come in order that we can return to the Sacred Path we are supposed to travel. That means that we must drive out everything from the temple that is defiling it, and turn over all of the tables that are adorned with manipulative, deceptive, and controlling practices. We must expose all lies, no matter what their origin is. If doing so means the total collapse of religion, as we know it today, then so be it. As you know, when one door is closed another door is opened. I cannot speak for anyone but myself. I only want that which is authentic, I want the absolute truth, nothing matters more to me. If that is what all of us want, we must enter the Sacred Temple of Spirit that resides within our spirits on a daily basis, through Prayer and Meditation. That is the only way that which is faulty that has been constructed in us, can be properly renovated, and we can be set firmly on the solid ground of Divine Truth.

My purpose is not to point a finger at anyone, as if I am without error. I am not throwing stones, because I live in a glass house as well. I am speaking the truth to myself first, and sharing it with others just in case someone else may need it to confirm what he or she is feeling. Infinite Source is saying the exact same thing to all of humanity, the only difference in some of us is this; some of us are not yet at the place of knowing how to open up completely and receive the Sacred Messages that are being transmitted to us all. That is why I feel it is important that I share what I am receiving and feeling, and also important for others to do the same. Doing so will stimulate a desire to know the truth, and that stimulation may come from doubt, doubt that what I share is true; and that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we step on the path of truth and eventually make the necessary changes in us. Doing this also opens me up so that others can share with me what they know, and they can help me see areas in me that need attention and possible change. We are all in this together, so let’s be open and work together and bring truth and oneness back to the most prominent place in our existence.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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