Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is Human Consciousness Dying?


Is Human Consciousness Dying?

To say the least, it is incomprehensible what some humans are doing to our beloved Earth Mother for personal financial gain and giving little to absolutely no thought to the short and long term affects of their action to this precious planet, our children, and the generations to come. As I can now see, greed has no conscious, and people are allowing greed to completely govern their every action. It is not enough that mankind is draining or polluting the vital fluids of our beloved Earth Mother; the oil is being depleted, our water source is being polluted, we are being sickened by processed and GMO foods, and we are being completely deceived on how to cure that which is ailing us. Man thinks he knows everything; he also thinks that he can do anything without any long-term consequences. Oil is not in the earth for us to drain it dry because we have a wasteful need for it. When such a large void is created in the earth there are consequences that will follow, consequences such a sinkholes, unseen internal collapses that cause earthquakes and a host of other things known and unknown. In addition, the polluting of the waters of the world is one of the biggest mis-takes man has made. Pure Fresh Water is the life force that allows us to be able to survive on this planet, without it we die; it is just that simple. However, again humanity is giving little to absolute no thought whatsoever to what they are doing to that which is needed to support life.

Could it be that those humans who think they are in control, believe that once this planet has been abuse to the point that it can no longer sustain life, that they can just pack up and move to one of the planets they have explored and believe can inhabit life? They have completely forgotten one of the most important laws of the Universe, the Law of Reciprocity; which dictates a mutual return for action committed. Literally humanity reaps exactly what it sows. Simply because the gestation period for things done is not immediate, that does not mean that there is no price to pay for injustices done. Some may even pass from this physical plane before reaping what they have sown, the Law of Reciprocity is not nullified simply because death has occurred; the debt made will be the debt paid in due time.

Mankind is tampering with the divine structure of life, as if a man can see and know all things. There is nothing more ignorant than an intellectual human being; following the extremely limited human intellect is the most dangerous thing one can do. The human intellect was responsible for believing that the earth was flat, believing that this planet was the center of the Universe and the sun and all planets rotated around earth, believing that bloodletting was the way to cure disease, and today intellectual humans believing that poisoning the human body with chemotherapy and lethal radiation can cure cancer or at the least make a persons life better. Using chemotherapy and radiation is just as ridiculous as bloodletting. It would be bad enough if individual human beings were doing such stupidity to themselves, but as you know that is not the case. Mankind has gotten so deranged that they are making it mandatory that other humans follow their deranged ignorant ways, or suffer the consequences of being incarcerated for breaking a horrific man made laws. Has human consciousness and common sense completely died?

Mankind has been blinded by money; man made wealth, its own illusion. Man will kill for and even take the risk of dying for something that has no true value. While all along destroying that which it truly needs to survive. You hear a lot about the earth being over populated; even with the number of people that populate Earth Mother today, there need not be a single person in need of food, water, clothing, or adequate shelter. There are more than enough resources on this abundant planet today to sustain every single human being alive. The only obstacle in the way of that is the personal greed of so-called wealthy humans such as Bill Gates, who are financing projects with millions of dollars to reduce the population through sterilization. The starvation in so-called third world countries could be wiped out completely if the money for such wicked projects were used to teach and feed the less fortunate in those countries. You see; they name places things like third world so that they will feel so distant to us that the average people will not relate to them as humans. I know to some, that statement may seem like hog wash, but that is how they play their game and manipulate the minds of the masses. Subconsciously saying and hearing third world makes them seem like they are not from or on this planet; if consciously someone feels that they are not a part of this world, not a part of the first world, they are not human and they do not warrant any of our concern or support. Then on top of that subliminal seduction they label them uncivilized and also barbaric, that way people feel that they caused their own mis-fortune; while all along the truth that they were and are manipulated into the states that we see them today, and everything that can be done to keep them in that state is done by many of the wealthy of the world. Many of the so-called third world countries are rich in natural resources such as precious minerals, oil, and the new gold of today due to mans abuse of this planet, fresh water.

Here is a very important fact. What man does not get is this; every form of creation on this planet has equal importance and value. It is just like our bodies, every member of our body is important because every member of our body is designed in a divine way to perform a specific duty. Man in his brilliance has even said that certain parts of the body are not that important, and they play no major role in our lives, so we can do without them. One such member of our body is our tonsil. The tonsils check if there are certain intruders such as bacteria, virus, and allergens are attempting to attack the human body. However, when our tonsils become inflamed doctors are quick to suggest the removal of them. Could it be that our tonsils are some of our first defenses mechanisms designed into our bodies to defend us against bacterial and viral intruders through our mouths? Example, when one part of an engine is not functioning properly, broken or taken out of the engine, it is either not going to work as it should, causing its duration of use to be shortened, or the complete failure of that engine. It is exactly the same thing with the human body, also the exact same thing with this physical planet we have been temporarily blessed to inhabit. We better get to the place of truly comprehending the following reality. Either humanity changes its wicked ways, or we will be purged from this planet that was designed to be paradise for all of its inhabitants. The blind can no longer guide the blind; because we have just about reached the deadly cliffs on this journey we call life. It is time to remove the personally created veils from our eyes. If we do not do that very soon, over the cliffs to our conscious physical death we will descend.

My beloved sisters and brothers of humanity; please remove the personally created veils, open your eyes, and redirect the path you are on; it is not to late to turn things around. We all must start to Love Unconditionally, and once again treat everyone and everything as it truly is; a part of the oneness in which we are all equal and valuable parts.

Is mankind so greedy that it no longer cares for its children and family?

Is human consciousness dying?

Human Consciousness Is Not Dying;

it is in the process of being Born Anew!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © March 2012

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