Monday, June 11, 2012

Great Mystery


Great Mystery

Many times in the past I have written about how and why I refer to Universal Source in the numerous ways that I do. Universal Source is none other than the ultimate Sacred Energy that is responsible for you and me and the whole of creation manifesting in physical form. I addition I have shared on numerous occasions that I am unable to say with absolute assurance who the architect of existence known as creation is, and whether or not it is a singular Sacred Energy or Spirit, dual Sacred Energies or Spirits, or a trinity of Sacred Energies or Spirits. Humanities point of reference concerning all of this has simply been what we have been told for as far back as the beginning of time and space. Nonetheless, I do know one thing for certain; there is something that is much greater than all of us, something that is omniscient out there and/or within us that ultimately is totally responsible for divinely creating and governing us to some degree, as well as every form of creation that is a part of this magnificent physical realm that each of us as well as the whole of creation is a part of, and makes up what is known as the Divine Oneness.

Sometimes I call the divinity that I am speaking of Mother/Father Goddess/God, Great Spirit, Divine Oneness, Universal Source, and most practical to me Great Mystery as many of my native ancestors from Turtle Island call our Creator. For those of you who are unaware of the term Turtle Island I will enlighten you. Turtle Island is what the Americas were known as by its indigenous inhabitants. No matter what name I use at any given time and there are many more than I shared above; that which is most important above all else is as follows. I completely acknowledge the Source of the whole of creation and completely yield to Its divine unchanging purpose and divine perfect will. Many will argue over this great divinity being called anything other than God or Father God. However, that is due to the erroneous beliefs and teachings that the christian way of life and belief is the only righteous way of living and believing, and all else is sacrilege and pure insanity, and it leads to eternal damnation. As far as I see that is totally absurd, and there could be nothing more ridiculous than that. We must venture into this realm of true spiritual awakening with a completely open mind; otherwise we will fall into the ancient ruts that were created by the countless mis-takes and fears of others that were sometimes created innocently, yet other times created intentionally by those who sort to rob us of our divinely ordained inner spiritual power.

Why am I writing these scripted words on this particular subject? I am writing these scripted words as I am because my spiritual consciousness has been touched like never before by the experience of being with my sister Thelma during her last months of life, and seeing her display the greatest level of gratitude I have ever witnessed in her most challenging time during her 70 years of life. I told her that she was teaching me gratitude in a greater way than I have ever experienced before in life. However, it did not stop there; she also taught me what Forgiveness and Unconditional Love in action is truly all about. Learning from her during her greatest life challenge caused me to examine many things in great detail, especially how I understand, honor, and live my life. One of the major lessons I learned was, no matter where we are in life there is always room and a need for change; and sometimes that change can be major. Most of the time those people and things we have become familiar with and see as ordinary come to teach us the greatest lessons in life, and many times they come from our elders and sometimes even babies. One of the major keys that will open life up to us is totally dropping ego and being completely opened up to learn from everyone and everything around us. I like how Wayne Dyer defines ego, Edging God Out. There is a lesson to be learned from every situation we are confronted with, no matter how minuscule the situation may seem. That is why it is so important that we live life consciously at all times, even when we are playing; having fun is serious business.

I was never more conscious than the last few months I spent with Thelma as she was making transition (the process of moving to the next plane of existence); also the time a few years ago when I spent time with my son Manny (Immanuel) when he was in a coma for two months and all of his major organs were shutting down, and it was believed by the medical staff that he was going to die. Both times caused me to question what this thing called life is truly all about, and what I should be doing with my life as I sojourn through this temporal physical experience we call life. The major question I must as myself as a spiritual being going through a physical experience is this; how much do I believe because of the exposure to other people’s experiences and beliefs? I cannot and must not go through life standing on the shoulders of others beliefs and experiences; and that is exactly what is being done when what I believe and say I know is based solely on that which I have been told. My life must be governed by my personal experiences; exactly as my extremely important intimate relationship with Great Mystery must and can only be. It is utterly impossible to have a relationship with Great Mystery outside of it being extremely personal and intimate, and that cannot be done through another person’s experiences. How does all of the confusion, mis-direction, and pain occur in our lives? All of the confusion, mis-direction and pain occur in our lives due to the undeniable fact of a non-existent or faulty intimate relationship with Goddess/God. We need no mediator to have an intimate relationship with the Almighty. Do we need and would we accept someone telling us that the only way we could have a relationship with our parents is to have someone as a go between to communicate directly with them in order for us to have an intimate relationship with them? Of course we do not need anyone our anything for such a relationship with our parents. In reality that would not be an intimate relationship, it would be a casual distant relationship. It is exactly the same when it comes to the ultimate relationship we will have with our Sacred Parent Mother/Father Goddess/God; it must and can only be between us and Goddess/God.

When we are consciously in the spiritual relationship we are ordained to be in with Great Mystery, we consciously become the Sacred Creators of our reality that we have been created to be. In that conscious relationship we come to understand the magnificence that resides within us. That magnificence manifests in many ways, one of which is through our thoughts. We come to realize that our thoughts are but the first step in the awesome progression of creation. We think a thought, then we speak forth that thought, and finally that thought becomes a tangible reality in our journey through life. That is truly sacred power, and such power should only be used when we are fully conscious of who we are and who we are eternally one with. We are none other than Spiritual Beings that are divinely and eternally connected to our Sacred Parent Mother/Father Goddess/God; that is the greatest revelation we will ever enter into during this temporal sojourn through this dense physical plane. Knowing who we are, and who we are eternally connected to happens to be the Master Key that opens all doors and reveals all truths. We all must do everything that we possibly can do to completely ready ourselves for such Divine Access. Are you ready for infinite possibilities to become transformed into Infinite Realities? I Am!

Everything Is In Divine Order As We Follow Our Souls Melody!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
June 6, 2012

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