Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Latitude of my Attitude


The Latitude of my Attitude is based on my Gratitude

That is a catchy yet seriously robust statement, which is overflowing with energy. The latitude of my attitude is primarily based on the gratitude I have towards every single life experience, past and present. To truly show my gratitude towards every life experience, it is essential that I consciously align the Universal Light within my Spirit with the Radiant Light Energy of my Beloved Creator and Eternal Spiritual Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God which dwells within me and every single part of creation. The Radiant Light Energy I am speaking of is also known by some as the Mer-ka-ba. The first definition for Merkaba refers to the "Prana" or "Chi" which is the "Life force". Prana is the Sanskrit for "vital life" from the root '' "to fill". Merkaba "Mer" means Light, "Ka" means Spirit and "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the Sacred Light Spirit the Sacred Light Body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of Sacred Light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of Sacred Light Energy as in DNA, which transports our Sacred Spirit Light Bodies from one dimension to the next. In Hebrew the word Merkabah מרכבה means "chariot"; when I think of and hear the word chariot, I think of a chariot of fire; the Eternal Sacred Vehicle of Divine Energy, which is the Ultimate Life Force. I can give no less than complete gratitude for all things that come to me because I am filled with the sacred energy of the Merkaba.

Through all of my life experiences I have come to understand that my attitude is determined by my conscious appreciation of my every experience in life; which is the latitude of my attitude reflected by my true gratitude for life’s multitude of lessons. The way that I can be grateful for all of my life experiences is determined by the way I define them. If I see every experience as a positive learning tool, I cannot help but see them in their true positive expression. For example, one can enjoy and appreciate a bitter fruit just in the same way that they enjoy and appreciate fruit that is sweet to taste. Sometimes the only thing that is needed is to acquire a taste for that which you are partaking of. You may never have thought about this; however we all had to acquire a taste for sugary sweet things. The proof of that is the difference in the amounts of sugar one likes in his or her cup of coffee. They acquired the taste for the amount of sugar they use from those who introduced them to sugar according to their taste for sugar. It is the same thing with just about everything in life. We learn over the years to be grateful for all things because all things that come together in unity bring great joy. A painter does not use one bright radiant color on the canvas and call it art and a masterpiece. Such is only a colored canvas. A true artist uses a blend of colors, and does not see one color as being more beautiful than another. Well, it is the same with our life experiences; those deemed positive and negative are not good and bad. The sweet helps us appreciate the bitter, and the bitter gives us a point of reference for the sweet.

With the true attitude of gratitude, I begin to reach the unique latitude of ongoing spiritual evolution; the ever increasing reality where I start to step out of my human mentality into my Divinely Awakened Eternal State of Spirituality. That place of awakening is where I start to put down all of the human isms I began to be indoctrinated in me when I entered into this physical incarnation. To truly live a spiritual existence one must put down human reasoning; that is what is meant by the statement putting down childish things. When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child; my human relationships were childish. However, when in growing up, I put away childish things and began to enter into the state of spiritual relationship. We must have gratitude, true appreciation for our childlike nature; however we must eventually step into our fullness and put away most of our childish things. Please take note; I said most and not all. A major part of our childlike nature, such as belief in the miraculous which is our faith in the so-called impossible is divinely connected to our true spiritual nature; such is the bridge that links the physical and spiritual realms. Some things can only be seen through the eyes of a child, or through our childlike eyes. Our childlike nature is part of our overall nature. Nevertheless, our childlike nature must only be allowed to occupy the space it is specifically designed to occupy. We will continually learn that space through our ongoing life experiences as long as we are a part of this physical plane in physical form.

Having gratitude for everything that comes my way, is only the first step of a very long demanding journey. Having the spirit of gratitude for every single life experience is but the first baby step of our long journey that consists of many long winding miles of life experiences that every one of us must eventually travel. An attitude of gratitude without the proper actions to support our gratitude is simply a waste of very precious time, and likewise a waste of very valuable energy. For the whole of humanity, it is beyond the time that we all fully recognize and respect the fact that every moment of time, every word spoken, and even every thought we think is of the utmost importance to the full outcome of our individual and collective lives, as we sojourn through this dense physical plane.
Absolutely nothing should be taken lightly and as if were unimportant; everything that we do including kidding around and having fun is of the utmost importance, and it must be done in a fully conscious deliberate state of mind. We must be grateful for our mind and the understanding that we possess, even though it is limited in scope due to the fact that we are temporarily in a state of partial spiritual amnesia. Nonetheless, we must understand that our human intellect is miniscule compare the omniscience held within the Sacred Wisdom of Universal Intelligence our Beloved Creator Mother-Father Goddess-God. In understanding that, we will also enter into the understanding that we can benefit from the awesome omniscience of Universal Intelligence by simply showing gratitude for all things, and couple that with the simple gesture of requesting Divine Guidance. Even when we are confronted with a human limitation that does not mean that we will be completely held to that limitation. Our spiritual loophole in that situation is showing gratitude in the midst of the limitation and asking for divine assistance from Goddess-God.

I continually show the latitude of my attitude based on my Gratitude for every life experience.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
June 27, 2012

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