Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jesus ~ Just Us


Jesus  ~ Just Us

Key Word(s): Jesus

Jesus is the central figure of the Christian religion. Jesus conducted a mission of preaching and healing in Palestine in about ad 28–30, which is described in the Gospels. His followers considered him to be the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God, and belief in his resurrection from the dead, and the savior of all mankind.


We have been sold on the idea that we need a savior to save us from the sinful nature we were born into. I do not mean to be disrespectful in any way to those who believe the stories in the bible, however, there is so much in the bible that I cannot stomach. The first thing that I cannot stomach that I will share here is this. You have by Christian belief and Omnipotent Omniscient God, meaning an all-knowing all-powerful God. That being the case, such a God would have to be perfect in every way correct? So how can an all-knowing all-powerful God create something that was less than perfect, such as humans born into sin? It is impossible for such a being to create anything that is less than what it is. Now I have one other question concerning God the Omnipotent Omniscient Creator of all things. How can such a creator possibly create something and then have an after thought such as this. God created man, and then God said; it is not good for man to be alone so I will create woman; woman being an after thought. Why would God create all of the animals in pairs both female and male at the same time, but create man alone and woman was an after thought? Oh, it is not good for man to be alone so lets see, I got it, I will create a helper for him and call her woman. We have to face the facts even if we do not want to, the bible was written by men, some of those men were the disciples of Jesus; the same disciples that according to the stories in the bible, Jesus had to repeatedly rebuke over and over again for their beliefs that Jesus and them were part of the elite of that day; also for their chauvinistic beliefs and ways. During and before the time that the bible was written, women were seen as property, they were of less value to men then their slaves. That is why women were to be silent in the church and completely submissive to their husbands under all circumstances. If there was going to be someone who was to be submissive don’t you think it would be males, seeing that we all come out of the womb of women, the place I call our physical heaven.  

Look at the reality of the authorship of the bible, the books of the bible were basically written only by men; with that in mind can you not see how men could tell their story of God and creation in a slanted self serving way? Of course man would be created first with women as their submissive silent partner. Now that is bad enough, but it doesn’t stop there. Man then placed his human characteristics onto the image they portrayed as their Omniscient God. Their Omniscient God became a vengeful God, a jealous God, an angry God, a God that demanded the death of living animals and even humans as sacrifices to him, and a God that commanded a people to go in and kill everyone in a village including women and children. "And the Lord our God delivered him over to us; and we defeated him with his sons and all his people. So we captured all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, women and children of every city. We left no survivor." (Deuteronomy 2) Oh, there was one very important thing I left out that I wanted to mention; God most certainly had to be a man since man wrote the bible. Thinking of the male slant to this literature God had to be male, and woman had to be created second and submissive to the son’s of God. Looking at the natural cycle of everything, life starts and flows from within the female. That being the case, if one human being was created first, why wouldn’t that human being have been a female. The biblical story says that woman was created from the rib of man; with some translations saying that woman was created from one complete side of man. If that were so don’t you thing that the cycle of life for humans would replicate that and have man giving birth and not women. There are to many inconsistencies in this story and the entire bible.
Back to Jesus, the disciples did all they could to disenfranchise the poor, weak, gentiles, and women, and Jesus continually rebuked them according to the stories in the bible. They were supposed to be about forgiveness and non-judgmental, yet they struggled with forgiving individuals especially women, and they were always judging others as many Christians do today. So what can cause anyone to believe that the writers of the bible wrote the inerrant word of God for all to know? Men have deceived other men in the name of God since the beginning of time. God always gets blamed for man’s actions. According to President George Bush God told him to attack Iraq and cause the murder in upwards of 1.2 million Iraqi men, women, and children, not to mention the animals killed and the land that has been contaminated and will remain to be contaminated for thousands and possibly millions of years. There is no difference in Bush and those male chauvinist men of biblical time; liars, they were and still are liars and manipulators. What does the bible say? The truth will make you free. There is some truth in the bible, however you need inner discernment to comprehend the truth and the lies. That is why those who commissioned the writing of the bible did not want mankind to know the power that resides within all of us in equal measure, in both female and male, black and white, within everyone. What did they do to achieve that? I’m glad you asked that question, I will address that next.
Those in the past who wanted to lord themselves over the masses, and those in the present who want the same thing for selfish gain, have conjured up a master plan that they call religion. Religion is the master plan because religion directs us away from our true inner power; it stops us from going within and tapping into the infinite source of wisdom that dwells within all of us. Directing us away from our inner wisdom and power is also instrumental in directing us away from our true communion with God, Infinite Source. How much sense would it make to counsel a child to have a proper relationship with their parents, they must accept someone else as the surrogate parent and their lord (dictator) and savior (liberator), because they can only communicate with their parent and show and receive love by way of that surrogate; that is totally ridiculous. Yet that is exactly what we have been told when it comes down to our intimate relationship with our Spiritual Parent Mother/Father Goddess/God. The only way of having a true relationship with anyone is by way of doing it one on one in person, with the individual we seek to have a relationship with. According to the only way of communicating with God laid down by Christianity, we will never have any kind of relationship with God much less an intimate relationship. That is merely a set up to disempower us completely, making us no more than mindless worker bees to keep the dictatorship we are under working and prosperous.
Who should we look to, Jesus in heaven? No, Just Us; we are to go within and tap into the Divine Wisdom within our Spirit. Who are we to accept as Our Lord and Savior? Just Us. Who is Lord over us? Just Us. Who’s return have we been waiting for? The return of Just Us is whom we have been waiting for, not Jesus or anyone else, Just Us. It is that simple, it always has been and always will be Just Us going within and tapping completely into the Divinity within our Spirit.

All we need to commune with Infinite Source and be who we are is Just Us!


I go within my spirit and commune with Spirit daily.
I possess the Christ Consciousness within me.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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