Wednesday, August 1, 2012




Key Word(s): Innercise

1. Spiritual activity and movement, especially when intended to keep a person spiritually fit and healthy.
2. Spiritual movement or action, or a series of them, designed to make the Spirit, Mind, Body connection stronger in and through Divine Oneness.
3. A series of inner actions, movements, or tasks performed repeatedly as a way of practicing and improving a spiritual skill or procedure.
4. Action, activity, or undertaking intended to achieve a particular spiritual purpose.
5. The carrying out or making use of something such as an inner spiritual choice, duty, responsibility, or divine birthright.

Defined by: Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Yesterday on Gaiam TV I was watching a video by John Assaraf that dealt with reprogramming our brains and changing the way that we act; in that video he mentioned the word “Innercise” in reference to the different practices that can cause us to tap into our inner abilities in a deeper way. Watching that and hearing the word Innercise triggered the following scripted words I am sharing with you today.

We hear a lot about exercising our physical body, yet nothing about Innercising our inner eternal spiritual being. We all must once again "Innercise" ourselves on a regular basis. The reason why I say once again is because in ancient times we used to Innercise on a regular basis. The lack of Innercising is taking a major negative toll on us in a greater way every day of our existence. We can and must do something about that; changing the way that we look at and practice our inner spiritual existence through Innercising can do that. The practice of Innercising incorporates prayer, meditation, affirmation, and visualization just to name a few of the spiritual techniques used for increasing our inner spiritual strength and growth.
Today the main focus of society has been turned to focus on the outer almost exclusively, that which is purely superficial, such as the outer physical physique and the development of it. Many times that culminates in the over stimulation and over development of the physical body at all costs, by way of such things as steroids, chemical peels, implants, and plastic surgery. So much unnecessary attention is placed on that which is mundane; while that which is eternal and of the utmost importance to who we truly are, Spirit, and not our bodies in which we are addicted to elaborately and eloquently chisel out and dress with lavish décor that actually does nothing more for us than a gunnysack can do, a plain simple sack made from jute or hemp. We have mastered the art of focusing in on the minors, and making those things that are of little importance of major importance. That is all a part of the misdirection and deception that has been perpetrated against us by those who seek to control us, and use us like a commodity, as well as use every ounce of our energy. It is time that we start to understand who we truly are, and what we truly need to do.
If we want a truly beauty-full inner physique of true value that we can flex from time to time and see the wonder-full blessings given to us by Infinite Source, coupled with the work we have don on it, we must shake off all of the outer things of superficial value and start to focus on Innercising and developing that which holds true value and supports our eternal existence. Working on and developing our outer body is different from working on and developing our inner spiritual physique. There are limitations when it comes to exercising our physical bodies, yet when it comes to Innercising, there are no limits; we can always further increase our spiritual strength, because the spiritual can never be maxed out.
Our first step in Innercising is stretching and warming up, that is done through prayer. When we sit down and pray we are getting limber through stretching spiritually and plugging into Infinite Source. When we pray we are communing with our Master Coach, which is when we get our directions on what we are to work on and further develop on that day of Innercising. Our Master Coach works with us privately to provide us with the Spiritual guidance that we need to get us through the challenges of life. The Master Coach gives the direction necessary to increase our discernment and enhance our ability to deal with whatever comes our way. Communing with our Master Coach provides us with the information concerning which inner muscle is in need of attention and needs toning up. Only we can initiate a coaching session, and we need to do so every single day of our journey through this dense physical plane. When we fail to do so, we become weak and can easily be thrown off balance by the least amount of pressure applied by every day experiences. We need a personal Master Coach; so before we start to tone up our inner muscles, we best check in with our Master Coach, because we do not want to strain or pull a muscle.
Next we must go to the Spin Class Meditation Workout, this is were we develop our abilities of telepathy and astral travel, leaving our physical vehicle and traveling wherever Infinite Source would have us travel. As with riding a spin bike you are stationary, yet your actions are the same as if you were on a road bike riding through the countryside. In meditation our physical bodies are stationary, completely motionless, yet our true self our Spirit has the ability to soar to every plane there is. Nonetheless, we must pace ourselves and not try to go to far to fast. This stationary workout releases built up tension and attunes us in a greater way with our heart. The routine strengthens us and increases our endurance so we can make it successfully through the most challenging days of our lives. Our Spin Class Meditation Workout will lead us through a heart felt healthy productive workout and keep us well rounded. 

Now it is time for us to move onto the Affirmation Bench Press Workout. The Affirmation Bench Press Workout activates a large number of our inner muscle groups, so we can lift and carry the loads our different life challenges and lessons life brings to us. On the bench press we workout to build our Upper Spiritual Strength through affirming only that which is positive, and that is done through pushing up all obstacles and challenges that come our way, and pressing open and keeping open the portals of opportunity in every area of our lives through positive affirmations. It is good practice to bench-press the lessons and challenges of each day repetitively every day of our lives.

Next is the Visualization Circuit Training; the Visualization Circuit Training is a high intensity fast paced training, which spans the full spectrum of the Innercise program; it is where you move quickly from one Innercise to the next Innercise without any breaks. It is an Intense Spiritual Workout program that will get you in good all-around Spiritual condition. Inner Spiritual Circuit training combined with the other Innercise programs listed here, will give you the overall Spiritual strength needed for your journey through this dense physical plane. It helps tone inner muscles, burn inner fat, build inner strength, as well as increase inner endurance. That which is built and learned inwardly, can and will be reflected into our outer experiences and in the way we communicate with and serve our sisters and brothers, and the way we commune with the whole of creation.

This Innercise Program that I have shared with you is just some of the inner practices you can and should incorporate into you every day routine. Please give it your serious attention and form it into the Innercise Program that works best for you and your spiritual needs.

One thing we must do to ensure spiritually maturity, Innercise consistently on a daily basis.



I Innercise daily and increase my spiritual vibration by many fold. I feel the results of my Innercising in every area of my life.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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