It is of the utmost importance that we all stop doing that which others
think we should do, and stop being who others think we should be; we must Do
Ourselves and Be Who We Are
Created To Be, that is the beginning
and the end of this story we call life, in which we are now living.
I have been thinking back over my life and many of the decisions I have
made over the years, and the many times I have started over in life, which have
been many; and the common denominator throughout has been doing what other
thought and said should be done, be it religiously based, spiritually based, or
personally based. You see I have always been one of Love and Trust, and my
driving goal was to always learn and become better. Nevertheless, I made a very
big mistake many years of my life; I discounted the truth and wisdom that
resided deep within my very own spirit. I would always lay down my desires and
direction, and allow the desires and direction of others to rule supreme over
my life. In essence this is the prime example of a very low self-esteem.
However, it is also a prime example of a very sophisticated program of control,
which is geared towards, designed for, and directed at the human race.
Since we have entered into the Age of Awareness, many veils are being
removed from the eyes of those who have been controlled by way of lies,
illusion, and outright deception, due to the personal greed of a small group of
people. The reason they have been as successful as they have been is because we
the human race has become more than lazy; we have added to our laziness a
combination of things that has caused us to be apathetic, docile, and slothful.
It is sad to say but in essence the majority of the human race has become no
more then slaves to the dreams of others and to the desires of others, and now
sees those dreams and desires as their own; the truth is the majority of the
human race has become the walking dead. Because without any personal ambitions
we are lifeless material masses being led around like a dog on a leash, or a
horse with a bridle and blinders being train to do everything the way the
trainer wants it done. In such a state we only see that which others want us to
see, and that in turn translates into us only doing what others want us to do.
The number one and number two instruments used to maintain the control and
mindless state of being someone other than ourselves, is the television
(tell-a-vision) and the internet (the net we are caught in but don’t know it
that causes us to think we have more freedom). Did you know that your searches
on the internet are manipulated to only give you certain information? The
search engines do not reach out and pull in all of the information you are
requesting. Both he television and the internet are being used to track and
control us; and that tracking and control is getting more sophisticated with
each passing day, as they comprise more information on us.
We must individually learn how to Do Me; learn how to allow our true
selves to rise to the top. Now I am not talking about a form of control that we
as individuals have no recourse against, because of the unlimited power that
resides within our spirit through the energy that gives life to all things,
which is Love, we can stand against anything that is formed against us, no
matter how powerful it may seem, how many we are up against, or how long it has
been in operation. The main reason we have been deceived and kept in the dark
is because of the unlimited power we possess. We can create anything through
the power of our thoughts and the spoken word. The power of life flows in and
from the thoughts we think and the words we speak that come forth from our
mouths. We are powerful beyond our wildest belief, which is what the Masters of
the past like the Buddha and Jesus were trying to teach us. However, we allowed
a lazy nature to take over and we have been the slave of others ever since.
When there were those who came to show us that the governments of the world as
well as the religions of the world were set in motion to control us, we ran
them out of town or killed them. Religion in its pristine form comes directly
from Spirit, and that is
what I would call True Spirituality. Man has perverted that which is spiritual
and used it in a self-serving way, and formed it in such a way that if we do
not follow it, we experience self-damnation, another form of keeping us down
and controlling us. However, even in the religions that are designed to control
us you will find some truth. Some religions teach that we should go within and
tap into Divine Truth, and that we are that which we have been in search of. When
christianity talks about the return of the Christ, it is talking about the
return of the Christ Consciousness within us. In the story of Adam and Eve,
they ate from the tree of Maya, not an apple tree, and the tree of Maya is the
tree of illusion. Also, that story was not from an actual account, it was
allegory, a literary work in which the characters and events of the story are
to be understood as representations of other things, a symbolic expression of a
much deeper, more profound and often a spiritual nature. Adam and Eve ate of
the fruits of their own thoughts and understanding, and completely left out
that which was of the utmost importance, the Divine Guidance and Sacred
Understanding of the All-Knowing Wisdom and Reality of The Most High, Universal
Intelligence Mama-Baba Goddess-God.
You see, in ancient times allegory and parables were the best ways of
getting the masses to understand something that seem beyond their limited
understanding and abilities. Even today parables and allegory are two of the
most proficient ways to bring about understanding to the human race. If I tell
a child; when I put this seed in the ground, it will germinate and produce a
big tree that by the law of germination will eventually produce apples; verses
telling that same child the story about Johnny Appleseed; which do you think
would have a stronger, lasting, more vivid and understandable effect on that
child? An unconscious human being is the same as a very young child. We must
learn the difference between that which is to be taken literally and that which
is allegory. When we have properly understood that, we are ready to apply the
lesson being taught to our lives.
I use the story of Jesus and what he did more than other Spiritual
Masters because I studied the bible and Jesus more than the others because I was
ordain a deacon once and a minister three times. Nonetheless, I no longer see
and comprehend those teachings as I once did when I was in the church. You see,
in most of christianity the stories in the bible are taught as literal
depictions of events, when that is not at all what they are. As I stated above,
sharing something in the form of a parable tends to have a greater impact on
most people. The bible and other religious books direct us towards going within,
and causing us to connect in a greater deeper way with our true Higher
Spiritual Selves, and in turn cause us to be ourselves completely, or as I entitled
this; Do Me. If each of us would be who we are created to be, and stop trying
to be who others want us to be, and do them, this entire world would go through
a total metamorphosis. Because of the reality that the whole of creation is
one, when the human race is out of sync, out of balance, we throw the whole of
creation out of balance. The human race individually and as one collective whole,
must get to the place I found myself back in the 1980’s; I wanted the truth no
matter what that meant would happen in my life. I used to be a christian that believed
that christianity was the only way, and if you wanted to be forgiven of your
sins and go to heaven, you had to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
I also believed that there was that which was called the chosen few, and they
were made up of only those who were saved and christians. Yet I personally saw
some off the so-called chosen few, as some call them, those who are blessed and
highly favored; the so-called great men and women of God, in some of the largest
churches at that time in America do all manner of evil, I became very
disillusioned. So I started praying for what I called a Personal Intimate
Relationship with God; I wanted to know God intimately for myself, as they
claimed to know God. Up to that point I was just going on what the bible said,
and what was preached and taught by those in the ministry. Just as with my
prayer back in 1979 to be delivered from a ten year drug addiction that was
answered; so was my prayer for a Personal Intimate Relationship with God; who I
now call Mama-Baba Goddess-God; which is in line with honoring both the Sacred
Feminine and Sacred Masculine natures of the Godhead.
As I think about what happened because of my prayer back then, if I
knew that it would completely end my world as I knew it, would I have so
zealously pursued it? I know I would have eventually done so, but I probably would
have procrastinated and dragged my feet for a while. You see I lost everything,
including that which meant and still does mean the world to me; I lost my
family; my wife and my four heartbeats (my children). Even though my lost was very
painful and tremendous, I know that I did the right thing. In thinking about
that, the word sacrifice came to mind. Now I have a deep knowing down in the
very core of my being that we did not have to sacrifice a single thing in the
beginning to have the Sacred Relationship that we are supposed to have with Great
Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. So what happened that caused me to have to sacrifice
that which I loved so dearly? I was totally out of spiritual sync when I developed
my Love for my ex-wife and established our family. So because we are
individuals and I woke up to the truth before she did, there was no choice but
for that relationship to come to an end. Because if that relationship had not
come to an end, we would have pulled on each others chosen path and created
hell for each of us, and that is what had started to happen before we split. So
that was painful, and I even still experience some of the pain associated with
the loss of my family. Nevertheless, I understand that it was necessary. Maybe
one day in the future my ex and children will understand how much I Loved them and
how much the family coming to an end hurt me; but as I have come to know, all
things, and I do mean All Things work together for good.
Do Me; in doing me I am allowing the Divine Plan of Great Spirit
Mama-Baba Goddess-God to manifest completely in and through me. I can not lie,
at times it gets extremely difficult and very lonely on this spiritual journey,
even though there is nothing, absolutely nothing more awesome than this. Sometimes
the human part of me tries to take over just like when Jesus said; "My God, My God, why have
you forsaken me?" Neither Jesus nor myself have or
ever will be forsaken, times like that are simply times that we somehow have managed
to take our eyes off of the Divine Vision that Mama-Baba Goddess-God has given
us. Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God will never leave us or forsake us,
because that is absolutely impossible; that cannot happen because Great Spirit Mama-Baba
Goddess-God dwells within our very own spirit. Mama-Baba Goddess-God can not
get any closer then being one with us, because of that we are always Divinely
provided for and divinely protected. If we focus on being ourselves, and stop
trying to be like someone else, we will start to feel that satisfaction we have
been seeking over the many lifetimes we have lived on this dense physical
plane. If we could see everything as it truly is, we would see that those whose
direction we follow, and those we seek to be like are just as confused and lost
as we are or were. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we learn how
to be ourselves; Do Me.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala