Friday, November 29, 2013

Are You Looking For Me?

Are You Looking For Me?
Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours. You will not find me in the stupas, not in Indian shrine rooms, nor in synagogues, nor in cathedrals: not in masses, nor kirtans, not in legs winding around your own neck, nor in eating nothing but vegetables. When you really look for me, you will see me instantly you will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath.

Kabir, 15th Century Indian Mystic

The I Am, Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God is to be found closer than most could ever imagine. The I Am, Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God is to be found within you. I Am Love, and so are you; start to allow that Sacred Love to flow freely and unconditionally to all you come in contact with.

My mantra:

I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Power of Gratitude

Mind Valley Academy

The Power Of Gratitude And Why Thanksgiving Truly Matters

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Everything Is Connected

Everything Is Connected

Please click on the small print above Everything Is Connected, then click on  Listen to the Full Episode. If you can't do that, go to the following link

Great Spirit, Mama-Baba Goddess-God, please forgive the human race for distorting the peace and harmony of the Whole of Creation as we have done, and many continue to do to this very day; most know not what they do. You have divinely orchestrated this magnificent creation, and mankind is doing just about everything it can to destroy it.
My prayer is that the majority of the human race will awaken to the destruction it is causing, and turn that which it has done around. It pains my heart to know how we are hurting the Whole of Creation including ourselves; and some of us think that we have dominion over this world and everything on it. It is sad to say, most do not even have dominion over themselves. I pray that a wind of true insight will sweep across the world and cause humanity to turn fro its wicked ways.
Great Spirit, Mama-Baba Goddess-God, please forgive us!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Recreating Through True Awakening

Recreating Through True Awakening
As I think about my life, everyone that has been in it and everything that has been a part of it, every single aspect of my life was created by me. The abundance was my creation likewise so was the lack that was a part of my life; everything I believed I was worthy of I received, and everything that I felt was to grandiose for me remained elusive. When I wanted things and focused on those things without wavering in my belief that I was worthy of them I got them.  However, going back to worthiness the caveat was this, what I received was only the quality I felt worthy of. Why want for an old used up piece of anything when it takes the same amount of belief and energy to draw the best of that same thing to us? I have been guilty of that time and time again.

Everything we need is within us. It is taught that the Kingdom of God is within us. If that is the case, doesn’t it make sense that God is also within us? So why do we look to everyone, to everything, and everywhere for that which we need. Our Divine Source is within us in the Kingdom, and that Divine Source has everything we need, with arms out stretched offering it all to us. If there were someone standing in front of us offering us a handful of one hundred dollar bills for the taking, would we turn and walk away?  Of course we would not do something as ridiculous as that. So why in heavens name do we do that with the One who is offering us everything there possibly is to have, both materially, and most important spiritually. We have been given everything from the very beginning of time, yet for some ridiculous reason, we turned our back on it all and then created the scenario where we needed a savior to rescue us from us. Many saviors have come, but not to save us in the way we think and want, they came to save us by waking us up to the Divine Reality that we are who and what we are in search of. Until we wake up to that reality we can be waiting for the return of Jesus or the bunny rabbit for that matter, and we will continue to wait for whoever or whatever, and they will never come. What is it going to take for humanity to get it?

Back to the Kingdom of Heaven/God within, such is not possible without a Sacred King and Sacred Queen. So why do so many people look at the Kingdom of Heaven and only see a Sacred King, only see God the Father? That is due to pure ignorance and laziness, just taking that which someone tells you is truth and reality, and not studying to show thyself approved, you and I entering into a Divine Understanding on our own. Those who believe that you are working your way to heaven; can you do that by way of what others tell you and what others do? Of course not, so why are you taking everything that another tells you as the gospel simply because they say it is. Why do you take a book that man has written and say it is the inerrant word of God, when his-story tells you that man is a deceiver and liar? There are many truths in the different holy books, but not one of them is without error; most of them are designed to control and deceive you. The bible does not only teach that the Kingdom of Heaven is within, it also teaches that we are gods. The spiritual masters came to teach us that by showing us what they were doing embracing that reality. They embraced the totality of The Divine, and guess what? That can only be done by fully honoring the Kingdom of Heaven/Paradise within, and to do that we must recognize both the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, we must recognize both Mama (Mother) and Baba (Father) Goddess-God. God the Father was dissected by insecure deceptive controlling men, and humanity due to laziness has been following that lie for eons. The laziness and ignorance of the human race is disgraceful to say the least.

Arise Ye Mighty Nation and fully embrace the Divine Reality that the Kingdom of Mama-Baba Goddess-God is within you, and within that Glorious Kingdom resides a storehouse with everything that we could eternally ever need; and it is there for the taking, because it can never be depleted. There is no thing to great for us to have, and no thing to great for us to share with each other and the whole of creation. Through the Mighty Oneness of The Divine we are One, every person, every part of Earth Mother, and the entire Universe. Yes, we are all one; and there are no greater or lesser members of our oneness. Humans and no more important than the animal kingdom, nor are those who are fully in spirit form, we are all one and equal, just temporarily in different forms. This is a very big one for a lot of you, the so-called righteous and the so-called wicked sinful ones are equal in every way, no one, no not one is going to experience eternal damnation for what they did or didn’t do while in physical form here on this dense physical plane. Please think about this, if there were not those who did that which we see as pure evil, how could we learn the difference between that which we have labeled right and wrong, how could we come to appreciate Love if we did not know the opposing energies of Love? Could it possibly be, that those who have chosen to carry out the role of the wicked, will be blessed for taking on such a role? Everything comes from The Divine Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and means that everything will return to The Divine Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Hey, after writing that I realized that is not even so; it is just a figure of speech. We are and always have been in, a part of The Divine Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God; to come from means to leave something and we have never left our Beloved Goddess-God.

So in essence, we must reawaken and recreate our reality, through fully comprehending the Divine Reality that we lack no-thing because we are one with Source, and within Source there is to be found everything. We must surely start seeing ourselves as we truly are, totally one with Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and that makes us daughter gods and son gods, nothing more and nothing less. How else could we possibly create our own realities? Humans are the prodigal daughter gods and the prodigal son gods who are returning home to the Kingdom of Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Our Heavenly Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God is saying; Welcome Home My Children, I Love You!

The following should be the mantra of us all because Mama-Baba Goddess-God Is Love!

I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Do Me


Do Me
It is of the utmost importance that we all stop doing that which others think we should do, and stop being who others think we should be; we must Do Ourselves and Be Who We Are Created To Be, that is the beginning and the end of this story we call life, in which we are now living.
I have been thinking back over my life and many of the decisions I have made over the years, and the many times I have started over in life, which have been many; and the common denominator throughout has been doing what other thought and said should be done, be it religiously based, spiritually based, or personally based. You see I have always been one of Love and Trust, and my driving goal was to always learn and become better. Nevertheless, I made a very big mistake many years of my life; I discounted the truth and wisdom that resided deep within my very own spirit. I would always lay down my desires and direction, and allow the desires and direction of others to rule supreme over my life. In essence this is the prime example of a very low self-esteem. However, it is also a prime example of a very sophisticated program of control, which is geared towards, designed for, and directed at the human race.
Since we have entered into the Age of Awareness, many veils are being removed from the eyes of those who have been controlled by way of lies, illusion, and outright deception, due to the personal greed of a small group of people. The reason they have been as successful as they have been is because we the human race has become more than lazy; we have added to our laziness a combination of things that has caused us to be apathetic, docile, and slothful. It is sad to say but in essence the majority of the human race has become no more then slaves to the dreams of others and to the desires of others, and now sees those dreams and desires as their own; the truth is the majority of the human race has become the walking dead. Because without any personal ambitions we are lifeless material masses being led around like a dog on a leash, or a horse with a bridle and blinders being train to do everything the way the trainer wants it done. In such a state we only see that which others want us to see, and that in turn translates into us only doing what others want us to do. The number one and number two instruments used to maintain the control and mindless state of being someone other than ourselves, is the television (tell-a-vision) and the internet (the net we are caught in but don’t know it that causes us to think we have more freedom). Did you know that your searches on the internet are manipulated to only give you certain information? The search engines do not reach out and pull in all of the information you are requesting. Both he television and the internet are being used to track and control us; and that tracking and control is getting more sophisticated with each passing day, as they comprise more information on us.
We must individually learn how to Do Me; learn how to allow our true selves to rise to the top. Now I am not talking about a form of control that we as individuals have no recourse against, because of the unlimited power that resides within our spirit through the energy that gives life to all things, which is Love, we can stand against anything that is formed against us, no matter how powerful it may seem, how many we are up against, or how long it has been in operation. The main reason we have been deceived and kept in the dark is because of the unlimited power we possess. We can create anything through the power of our thoughts and the spoken word. The power of life flows in and from the thoughts we think and the words we speak that come forth from our mouths. We are powerful beyond our wildest belief, which is what the Masters of the past like the Buddha and Jesus were trying to teach us. However, we allowed a lazy nature to take over and we have been the slave of others ever since. When there were those who came to show us that the governments of the world as well as the religions of the world were set in motion to control us, we ran them out of town or killed them. Religion in its pristine form comes directly from Spirit, and that is what I would call True Spirituality. Man has perverted that which is spiritual and used it in a self-serving way, and formed it in such a way that if we do not follow it, we experience self-damnation, another form of keeping us down and controlling us. However, even in the religions that are designed to control us you will find some truth. Some religions teach that we should go within and tap into Divine Truth, and that we are that which we have been in search of. When christianity talks about the return of the Christ, it is talking about the return of the Christ Consciousness within us. In the story of Adam and Eve, they ate from the tree of Maya, not an apple tree, and the tree of Maya is the tree of illusion. Also, that story was not from an actual account, it was allegory, a literary work in which the characters and events of the story are to be understood as representations of other things, a symbolic expression of a much deeper, more profound and often a spiritual nature. Adam and Eve ate of the fruits of their own thoughts and understanding, and completely left out that which was of the utmost importance, the Divine Guidance and Sacred Understanding of the All-Knowing Wisdom and Reality of The Most High, Universal Intelligence Mama-Baba Goddess-God.
You see, in ancient times allegory and parables were the best ways of getting the masses to understand something that seem beyond their limited understanding and abilities. Even today parables and allegory are two of the most proficient ways to bring about understanding to the human race. If I tell a child; when I put this seed in the ground, it will germinate and produce a big tree that by the law of germination will eventually produce apples; verses telling that same child the story about Johnny Appleseed; which do you think would have a stronger, lasting, more vivid and understandable effect on that child? An unconscious human being is the same as a very young child. We must learn the difference between that which is to be taken literally and that which is allegory. When we have properly understood that, we are ready to apply the lesson being taught to our lives.
I use the story of Jesus and what he did more than other Spiritual Masters because I studied the bible and Jesus more than the others because I was ordain a deacon once and a minister three times. Nonetheless, I no longer see and comprehend those teachings as I once did when I was in the church. You see, in most of christianity the stories in the bible are taught as literal depictions of events, when that is not at all what they are. As I stated above, sharing something in the form of a parable tends to have a greater impact on most people. The bible and other religious books direct us towards going within, and causing us to connect in a greater deeper way with our true Higher Spiritual Selves, and in turn cause us to be ourselves completely, or as I entitled this; Do Me. If each of us would be who we are created to be, and stop trying to be who others want us to be, and do them, this entire world would go through a total metamorphosis. Because of the reality that the whole of creation is one, when the human race is out of sync, out of balance, we throw the whole of creation out of balance. The human race individually and as one collective whole, must get to the place I found myself back in the 1980’s; I wanted the truth no matter what that meant would happen in my life. I used to be a christian that believed that christianity was the only way, and if you wanted to be forgiven of your sins and go to heaven, you had to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I also believed that there was that which was called the chosen few, and they were made up of only those who were saved and christians. Yet I personally saw some off the so-called chosen few, as some call them, those who are blessed and highly favored; the so-called great men and women of God, in some of the largest churches at that time in America do all manner of evil, I became very disillusioned. So I started praying for what I called a Personal Intimate Relationship with God; I wanted to know God intimately for myself, as they claimed to know God. Up to that point I was just going on what the bible said, and what was preached and taught by those in the ministry. Just as with my prayer back in 1979 to be delivered from a ten year drug addiction that was answered; so was my prayer for a Personal Intimate Relationship with God; who I now call Mama-Baba Goddess-God; which is in line with honoring both the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine natures of the Godhead.
As I think about what happened because of my prayer back then, if I knew that it would completely end my world as I knew it, would I have so zealously pursued it? I know I would have eventually done so, but I probably would have procrastinated and dragged my feet for a while. You see I lost everything, including that which meant and still does mean the world to me; I lost my family; my wife and my four heartbeats (my children). Even though my lost was very painful and tremendous, I know that I did the right thing. In thinking about that, the word sacrifice came to mind. Now I have a deep knowing down in the very core of my being that we did not have to sacrifice a single thing in the beginning to have the Sacred Relationship that we are supposed to have with Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. So what happened that caused me to have to sacrifice that which I loved so dearly? I was totally out of spiritual sync when I developed my Love for my ex-wife and established our family. So because we are individuals and I woke up to the truth before she did, there was no choice but for that relationship to come to an end. Because if that relationship had not come to an end, we would have pulled on each others chosen path and created hell for each of us, and that is what had started to happen before we split. So that was painful, and I even still experience some of the pain associated with the loss of my family. Nevertheless, I understand that it was necessary. Maybe one day in the future my ex and children will understand how much I Loved them and how much the family coming to an end hurt me; but as I have come to know, all things, and I do mean All Things work together for good.
Do Me; in doing me I am allowing the Divine Plan of Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God to manifest completely in and through me. I can not lie, at times it gets extremely difficult and very lonely on this spiritual journey, even though there is nothing, absolutely nothing more awesome than this. Sometimes the human part of me tries to take over just like when Jesus said; "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Neither Jesus nor myself have or ever will be forsaken, times like that are simply times that we somehow have managed to take our eyes off of the Divine Vision that Mama-Baba Goddess-God has given us. Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God will never leave us or forsake us, because that is absolutely impossible; that cannot happen because Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God dwells within our very own spirit. Mama-Baba Goddess-God can not get any closer then being one with us, because of that we are always Divinely provided for and divinely protected. If we focus on being ourselves, and stop trying to be like someone else, we will start to feel that satisfaction we have been seeking over the many lifetimes we have lived on this dense physical plane. If we could see everything as it truly is, we would see that those whose direction we follow, and those we seek to be like are just as confused and lost as we are or were. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we learn how to be ourselves; Do Me.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Monday, November 18, 2013

Divine Exchange

Divine Exchange
Sanskrit Mantra

Om Vardhanam Namah

I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.

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Every day brings us a chance to start over.

Oprah Winfrey

It is hard to see that when you loose that which seems so important to you that it is a part of Divine Will, However, many times things have to be taken from us because we have become so comfortable and familiar with it that the only way we will separate ourselves from it, to allow better to come in is for it to be taken from us. Like it or not, understand it or not, that is truly Divine Exchange in action.

We get caught up in our thoughts and begin to think that we are our thoughts. In the inner quite of meditation our mind settles and we are able to witness our thoughts and limiting stories as a detached observer. As our awareness expands, we begin to see the hidden gifts and possibilities in whatever challenge we are facing. With a shift of perception, that what appeared to be a devastating set back has actually cleared the way for our rebirth and transformation.

The life cycle of the Sequoia tree is shows a beautiful example of nature’s cycles of clearing and renewal. The Giant Sequoias are some of the world’s most ancient trees; the oldest known Sequoia is estimated to be 3,500 years old. What is the secret of the Sequoias incredible longevity, the elemental power of fire? Periodic forest fires clear away everything that threatens the trees survival, while insuring their growth and regeneration, without the fires heat the Sequoias cones couldn’t open and release theirs seeds. Without the clearing force of fire, Sequoia seedlings would be over crowded by competing shade trees and not have enough sunlight to grow. In your own life you can probably think of examples of events that felt like a dream going up in flames; but ended up in being the start of something more wonderful than you could have ever imagined. A gift resides in every moment.

Deepak Chopra

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Divine Exchange happens each and every second of every single day that we are a part of this Wonder-Full and Insight-Full experience we call and have come to know as life here on this physical plane of abundance; daily we are blessed with the abundant gift of experiencing Divine Exchange. The thing that is so Wonder-Full and Insight-Full about Divine Exchange is this; it is not limited to a single form of expression and manifestation, it manifests in a multitude of glorious forms, and all of the forms of manifestation depend upon what we are in need of due to how spiritually awake we are. The enchanted thing about Divine Exchange is this, Divine Exchange is a gift that comes to us straight from the bosom of Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God; and that makes every single offering to us perfectly divine, and totally fulfilling down to the very core/foundation of our being. Yet, many times in the initial stages of Divine Exchange, we fuss and fight with what we have been blessed with because we do not want to let go of that which we have grown to become so familiar with and used to over the years; not knowing that which has now come to us is far better than that which we had and a much greater blessing. Nonetheless, Goddess-God is ever so patient with us even in our rejection of blessings. Thankfully, Goddess-God is nothing like us, because if it was the other way around and Goddess-God was like you and I, impatience would set in we would end up with something like this. Well, I’ll tell you what, if they do not stop and receive this blessing I am trying to give to them right now, they won’t get another thing from me, because I am leaving with all of my blessings immediately; I do not have any time to waste waiting for them to understand the value of this blessing I am offering them.  Patience is surely one of a multitude of virtues we as spiritual beings who are temporarily going through this experience called life as human beings, have come to learn during is physical sojourn through this dense physical plane.
Once we finally come to recognize the blessings that are coming to us, and we open up and receive them, as we should, we must then complete the cycle and give thanks to Mama-Baba Goddess-God in return for the blessings. However, it doesn’t stop there; next we must share what we have received with others, and if what we have received cannot be shared, we must find something to share with one or more of our sisters, brothers, and the whole of creation in order to keep the Sacred Energy of the blessings flowing on all levels of existence, the Divine Cycle must not be broken by human selfishness. We must not allow the state of blessings to become stagnant and stale like old rancid polluted wastewater. Never are blessings intended to flow to us and stop with us receiving them. When we are blessed with something, be it large or small we should and must always be motivated to turn around and share our blessing with another; now that is truly what Divine Exchange is all about. If we are blessed with something and we think that we do not have anything to bless another with, think again; we always have plenty of Unconditional Love to bless others with. Everything that Mama-Baba Goddess-God does for us, and allows to come to us, is meant to be a lesson that we learn from; and because that is a part of our Divine Reality, we must turn around and practice that which we have been taught through our actions towards others, as well as our actions towards ourselves.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Healed by the Love of the I Am
I am totally healed and brought into perfect alignment, with the perfection of the Love of the I Am; the Love of the Mighty I Am Presence!
We are all perfect beings who have allowed ignorance and deception to temporarily rob us of our Sacred Love and Mighty I Am Presence. Nonetheless, we can get it back fully by doing something very simple; believe that we are One with Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and know that by way of that Sacred Oneness, we are afforded an Eternal Connection with the Sacred Love of The Mighty I Am Presence.
You may call it what you wish, the blood of the lamb or whatever. However, the most important thing is this; we must understand that it is the Sacred Energy of ∫ that is responsible for the whole of creation, and that energy is a part of our temporal physical being, and surely an eternal part of our Sacred Eternal Spirit, the part of who we are that never dies. So in essence, title is not important at all; believing in and knowing the Sacred Power behind Spirit, is of the greatest essence in repossessing the Awesome Power of Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God in our physical being and all of our current life experiences.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Friday, November 15, 2013

No More Evil

No More Evil
Everyone has within them the ability to do things that promote life and things that do not promote life; the only question is this. Which do you choose to promote? No one race of people is inherently evil. It is the choice of individuals in all races that make less than desirable conditions for others and bring hardships and pain to the people and all creatures of the world. We must stop the evil from whomever it is coming by refusing to allow it to happen any longer; and we can to that by flooding those who are projecting evil and flooding the world with Unconditional Love. We must never forget that Love Conquers All!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Spirit Being

Spirit Being
There are no limits to what I can create and what I create, because what I create is created in and through the Awesome Sacred All-Powerful Energy of Unconditional Love.

As I diligently do that which I Love, all that I need flows easily to me in abundance.

I Am an Eternal Spirit Being who is in temporary physical form; everything is as it should be, in Divine Order.

Abundance is my Divine Eternal Birthright, I Am Worthy of All Good Things; because of that, lack has no place whatsoever to be found in me.


Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Let Go and Let Goddess-God


Let Go and Let Goddess-God
This morning during my meditation the following came to me. I was meditating and as it happens sometimes I could feel and hear my heartbeat exceptionally more than other times. The thing that came to mind as my awareness went to my heartbeat was this; my heartbeats with no effort, there is nothing that I must continually doing like peddling a bike to keep it beating, and there is no resistance to it beating, it simply beats. That is because that is the divine way that Mama-Baba Goddess-God designed it to be. Guess what? Just about everything that we toil over is designed in exactly the same way. We have gotten in the way of just about every blessing that Mama-Baba Goddess-God has afforded us. We are either busy trying to make something work that does not need our assistance, or resisting that which has come to us to help mold us into being the conscious spiritual being that we have always been, but have gotten away from it consciously because we are all in the way of natural flow.
I want to make sure that you understand me perfectly clear; I am saying this to myself first and foremost. I need to get out of the way of Mama-Baba Goddess-God’s blessings as well as the work that is being done on me, and me getting in the way and throwing things way out of kilter. Now this is not as easy as it may seem, because you know how it can be when you have established a habit. We get so busy with life that we tend to switch into automatic pilot mode very quickly, and when we are in the mode we immediately start to do things the old habitual way. In the past one of my biggest problems was to worry about things. I am in the process of learning how to release. I am learning how to let go and let Goddess-God do what is intended for Goddess-God to do. We may believe that we know what to do but we don’t most of the time, which is because most of the time we are dealing with partial awareness and partial truth, even if we were not dealing with partial anything, most things that we try to handle are not meant for us to handle anyway, because we are far from being omniscient.
To be completely up front and honest with myself, worry is surely a lack of trust. Now who am I not trusting, it could be no one else than Mama-Baba Goddess-God. It is not that I do not believe that Goddess-God can handle all things. It is because of the faulty programming that we all have been exposed to over our lifetime. So much so that most only see themselves as human beings, and not who they truly are, spiritual beings. The bible teaches and it is witnessed in the world all around us; “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26 Is this not our reality? So why are we running around doing all of the useless things that we are doing, and why are so many people suffering around the world today? Because we are trying to do the things that only Mama-Baba Goddess-God is equipped to do. We are students and Goddess-God is our teacher, we have not been elevated to the position of teacher or Goddess-God; we will be gods once we are able to allow Divine Will to be done in and threw all that we do; but even then we will not be equipped to do that which Goddess-God does.
I am at the place right now of learning not to worry about what people think of me. As long as I know that I have done my best, even if my best is not the best that can be done, I have done well and it does not matter what others think about me or what I have done. Yes I want others to think the best of me and know that I love them and would never mean them any harm; nonetheless people are going to think what they think, so I should not waste any time or sleep over what they are thinking or doing. This has been a little difficult for me because I am a people person and I love people. However, I must be at the place of loving them and allowing them to be whom they are, no matter what that translates into.
So part of my current mission is continually asking Mama-Baba Goddess-God to assist me every step of the way. Here are some examples, Goddess-God please help me not to get upset over their judgment of me, even though it is wrong. Mama-Baba Goddess-God please help me to be at the place of not feeling the need to defend myself and just let things go, and know that Divine Will must and will manifest all of the time. You see, the end result that should be will be; the only question is this. Will the end result come soon because I am not interfering with things or will it be later because of my interference? I can interfere as long as I want, but that will impede divine flow and my blessings being able to come to me, so I must let go and let Goddess-God if I want that which should be a part of my life to come to me in divine time.
I Let Go and Let Goddess-God Have Complete Control!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thy Will Is My Will


Thy Will Is My Will
In the bible it says; “not my will, but thine, be done”. I will that Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God’s Divine Will be manifested in and through me at all times, in all that I think say and do. To be on the safe side I try to always remember to say this when I am seeking to bring something into my life experience; not my will but thy will be done, in and through me in all that I think, say, seek, and do. When Goddess-God’s Divine Will is done everything is in Divine Order, and that is my mission in life, for everything to be in Divine Order at all times.
Even though I sincerely desire only Divine Will to be done in and through me, sometimes it is possible to get a little off track. So my safety for such times is inserting the fine print of Divine Protection as I call it. That is the only fine print that is completely trustworthy at all times. I never want to take for granted that I am always performing the Divine Perfect Will of Mama-Baba Goddess-God, because even though it is not gratifying to me, sometimes I actually miss the mark and end up doing something that is contrary to the Divine and Only Will of Goddess-God; we all fall guilty of such evil every now and then, that is part of our learning and growing process.
I am so grateful to be on this sojourn called life, it is truly an adventurous endeavor, one that will usher us into the Divine State of True Spiritual Awareness. It is the process that I have entitled Total Spiritual Re-Call, the remembrance of who we are and have always been and eternally will be. If we view life through our First Eye (our spiritual sight) we will surely see that every life experience is Divine in nature. All of our life experiences work together for Absolute Good. We are in the process of fully comprehending that we are gods. How can we be anything else, aren’t we created by Goddess-God, doesn’t our essence come directly from Goddess-God? If that is the case, and it surely is, what else could we be? Just as I have pointed out many times in the past, we are gods just like we are our mother and father. That is our reality, because we are created from the Divine Substance/Energy that is none other than Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. If we do not see that, we are still wearing the man-made blinders of deception and unworthiness.
If you have a problem with this as I once did when I was a christian, and ordained in the church. Simply ask God to reveal the truth to you, and then be open to hear what will come to you, even if it is totally different from what you have been taught. The bible even teaches that we are gods. Psalms 82:6 I say, 'You are gods; you are all sons/children of the Most High. Also in John 10:34 Jesus said, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? Many do not want to comprehend that because of the great responsibility that comes with that Divine Truth. It is much easier to believe in someone or something that will come and save us from us, save us from our wicked human ways. It is time that we stop seeing ourselves as human beings, and start seeing ourselves, as we truly are, Eternal Spiritual Beings. Next we must start to learn how to carry ourselves appropriately in line with that Divine Reality.
The time for the Great Awakening has arrived. What are we going to do?

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Changing of the Season


Changing of the Season
Look at the beauty of the fall colors that are all around you. Even though this is the season where things go into their dormant state of being, and some things actually reach the end of their life cycle; this is still a wonderfully beautiful time of the year. When fall comes and has fully taken on its role of decline and endings. Do we experience a feeling of dread, and feel sorry for the many different forms of life that must cease to exist? Of course we do not, because we know that fall is just one of a number of earth cycles that must come and go at its divinely appointed time. We understand that simply because some things may seem lifeless and some things do cease to exist in the form we once knew it, that does not mean that the end has come, and it is time for sorrow. When understanding that this season must come to an end, so that new life can one day return to Earth Mother in all of its radiant glory, we are seeing the ultimate cycle of creation.
So, in understanding the divine flow of the cycle/season of fall, why don’t we understand in such a way when it comes to our physical existence, and the seasons that we must go through here on this physical plane? There are many seasons that we must go through as we sojourn through this dense physical plane. Sometimes when we experience decline in our lives we get very upset or perplexed, yet that is a part of the cycle of renewal. If we have a storage bin for rice, we refill it with more rice when that which we had has been used up, and we do not complain or morn over that which is now gone. It is similar with us, and the things we accumulate as we go through this experience called life. People, experiences, and things come and go according to usage and to the season we are in. We must understand that most things are not meant to remain throughout our entire lifetime. The hardest one to understand are the love relationships we are in. Some of us set ourselves up for tremendous emotional pain when we set in our minds that we are to be with someone for the rest of our lives; or until death do us part. Two individuals are to be in relationship with each other as long as they are growing together, and accomplishing that which they are supposed to accomplish spiritually together. I can hear someone saying now, why does he have to make it spiritual? I have to make it spiritual because it is all regulated by that which is spiritual. The season changes that I started out talking about is totally controlled and regulated by spiritual energy in nature.
So, from the pure essence of existence and the reality of expansion, some things must seem to come to an end. Nonetheless, they actually do not cease to exist; they merely are transformed into another mode of existence. When a relationship between two people reaches its end, which simply means that it is time for the two individuals to move on to their next learning and expanding adventure. It absolutely does not mean that it is the absolute end for relationships or love; it simply means that the two have reach the fork in the road where they both must venture off into different directions and allow new life to be infused into them through new experiences. Yes it may seem a little cold and dark for a period of time, nevertheless that is only part of the process of allowing the whole person to get acclimated for the upcoming new birth that is about to take place, which will start inwardly and then blooms fully outwardly. However, if we fight the process, we will cause the new growth that is in the process of forming to possibly manifest in such a way that it will become disfigured. Just as we accept and go with the flow of the changing of the seasons that Earth Mother goes through, we must likewise accept and flow with the changes of season that we all must go through in life.
Think about the following for a little while. There is nothing like experiencing new life being poured into our being in the form of connecting with another Precious Spiritual Being in Love; be it intimate love, or the love experienced between two as sisters and brothers or the dearest of friends. When we reach the fall of our lives; in which we will experience many times during our sojourn here on this dense physical plane, we must greet such with great joy. Why do I say that? I say that because when the fall season of our lives reaches the end of their cycle, and the radiant springtime of our lives begins to be ushered in, new life begins to spring up from deep within our spirit, and also all around us. You see, most of us have never been taught anything like this at any time in our lives. I know that I was never taught this by my parents, any of my teachers, and I never heard a single preacher preach or teach about this; that is because they were not taught this. Nevertheless, one day it just came to me as I was thinking about life and what I saw as all of the ups and downs of this experience called life. On this wonder-filled Sunday morning of November 10, 2013 this truth/revelation resurfaced for me to contemplate once again within my conscious mind, and I was motivated to put it down in scripted words, what came to me for you and others to see.
I am sure that there are many like me who need to contemplate this reality further, and some for the first time. It re-surfaced for me because I have been experiencing another fall season here on Earth Mother; and let me tell you, it was starting to really get a little difficult for me because of how I was relating to it. I had been praying for, and seeking direction about it because I could feel myself sinking quickly; and since I the student was ready, the teacher appeared from deep within my spirit, to give me an indisputable needed refresher course on the Changing of the Season in relationship to my physical existence. I have come to learn over the years, that I see what I need to see when I get all of my stuff and me out of the way. Actually, that is a part of what the fall season is all about; getting all of the accumulated useless stuff out of the way; and some relationships can be classified as useless stuff, if there is no continual growth and expansion being produced through those relationships. However, in no way are our relationships useless when we are following the divinely appointed time and dictates for such a sacred exchange of energy. However, when we refuse to release our relationships when the time for releasing them arrives, that is when our relationships become useless and seriously painful. What purpose can a relationship serve if its time has expired? If my time on the parking meter expires what usually happens? I will end up having to pay a penalty for parking illegally, and that will turn out to be an unnecessary useless expense, because it could have been avoided if only I had paid attention to the time and moved when my time was up. We must learn to be in touch with Divine Intelligence within our spirit at all times, doing so will help us avoid all manner of discomfort and confusion.
Life is full of many seasons as well as many lessons, and until we accept that a act accordingly, we are in for some very serious and complicated times.
Fall Is A Glorious and Beauty-Full Season! 
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
November 11, 2013