Friday, November 8, 2013

Mama-Baba Goddess-God


Mama-Baba Goddess-God
Some have asked; why does he call Father God, Mama-Baba Goddess-God? The reality of this is I am simply doing what everyone does, calling The Divine what resonates best with them. I do not seek to offend or belittle anyone by doing so. This is how and why I see it the way that I do. I have not seen The Divine in any form outside of what I see in the whole of creation and myself. I say that because I see The Divine in everything, everything is in existence because of The Divine, The Divine created everything that this realm is made up of; even that which man has created has The Divine in it, yes even those creations that are less than perfect, distorted and dark. Absolutely nothing is void of the Sacred Energy of The Divine, which is none other than Mama-Baba Goddess-God.
However, I also envision The Divine as I do because of how I have been influenced since being born onto this dense physical plane. The first visual and verbal introduction to The Divine was God in the form of a caucasian man with long white flowing hair and a white beard, depicted in a way that I knew he was outside of me, different than me, and also above me. However since then my vision of The Divine has changed. Nevertheless, sometimes I still relate to The Divine as an exalted physical form because of my early programming, and because that gives me a little something more to hold onto than just a formless spirit/energy. One other point of influence; we are taught through christianity that we were created in the image and likeness of God. So to honor completely both Sacred Energies of The Divine, I chose to call The Divine Mama-Baba Goddess-God, honoring the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine Energies. Now I will explain one more thing about my choice. I placed Mama before Baba, which means Mother and Father, because I wanted to give special honor to that which has not been honored for such a long time, the Sacred Feminine Energy of The Divine. As I see it, neither is before or above the other, but humanity is so out of balance that it feels that something or someone has to be on top. Until we get that notion out of our psyche, and start working together as one in everything that we do, we are going to continue to go around in this vicious cycle we have been on for many millennia. We have not entered a new age for women to take over and run things the right way. We have entered this new age so that we can finally get it, and have both the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man come together as one and return to the original plan of True Spiritual Oneness through our existence.
Humanity, man in specific has screwed up; but men have not and are not doing it alone, some women are helping. Beloved, we are all in this together like it or not. You cannot create a fire without both the material that will burn and that which will ignite it. We are trying to start a fire with only one thing. I hope and pray that humanity does not have to go through another cycle of one of us leading us all back to the same point of realizing that it does not work with one in the lead and over the other. I believe at this space in time, we are being called to come together as one and honor the Goddess-God in each of us; and realize without any doubt that we are to do this thing called life as one. Until we do that, we will ultimately continue to miserably fail at everything that we do. We cannot bake a cake without mixing the ingredients together and then allowing them to work together and become that which they are meant to be, without putting the ingredients together in the proper proportion they are designed to be in. We are trying to create something that calls for oneness, without each other participating equally in that which we are trying to create.  I must get back to talking about The Divine, maybe that will bring more light and understanding to what I am saying here.
As I understand from that which I have been taught throughout the 59 years of my life, The Divine is Spirit, Pure Eternal Energy; and that is what you and I are as well. We are in temporal physical bodies, and that seem to say that we will one day die and be no more; or as some believe we will be in a state of non-existence until judgment day, when it will be determined whether or not we will go to heaven and have a glorious existence throughout eternity, or we will go to hell and suffer damnation for eternity. I know that is another falsehood we have been fed that many continue to digest to the point of utter sickness, and that sickness is manifesting in the actions of many human beings. We must completely drop the notion that we are human beings, because that is not who or what we are eternally. (period) The bottom line is this; we are Spiritual Beings who are going through a temporary physical experience. It is past time for us to start carrying ourselves as we eternally truly are, and that has absolutely nothing to do with religion of any sort. Religion is a major part of the problem. Religion is mans feeble attempt to make some sense out of the mess he has created.
Man had to have turned his back on The Divine and the Sacred Truth and Divine Way to end up like this, and after seeing the mess he had made, he came up with the idea of religion, telling the people that there are a chosen few that will lead them out of the wilderness and into the promised land. That wilderness was the wicked thought process man had developed since separating himself from The Divine. First of all the reality of our existence is this, each and every one of us was chosen by The Divine Mama-Baba Goddess-God when we were created. There is no such thing as the chosen few, those who are highly favored above others, because of who they are and what they are doing, no not one, not even Jesus. According to the story of Jesus he even tried to teach those who followed he that Divine Truth. He even taught them not to follow him and exalt him. However, did anyone hear a thing he was saying and comprehend what he was teaching them? Because as soon as Jesus was no longer on this physical plane in physical form, they did the exact opposite of what he was teaching. Because of that, we now have a religion that has made Jesus God. How far into the pit of utter deception and foolishness is mankind going to go.
How long are we going to follow our limited human mentality around in circle to nowhere? We need to ask for Divine Direction, and when it comes follow it even if it is totally different from that which we are familiar with. I actually should say, especially when it is different from that which we are familiar with. Whatever we ask for in sincerity from The Divine, we receive in due time; we just must be patient. Patience is another major issue of humanity, we want everything yesterday; and don’t even think about telling us we must do this and that before we can get something, the nerve of you. How screwed up can the human race get? The human race can get screwed up to the point that it already has, to the point of being at the brink of being able to destroy this precious planet completely. Nevertheless, not to worry, The Divine Mama-Baba Goddess-God will never allow humanity destroy this Glorious Creation. We may have some power, but not that much power for sure.
We are becoming to Earth Mother what dis-ease is to our physical bodies. Because of that Earth Mother is gearing up to cleanse herself, that is something that we surely do not want to happen; because if she starts cleansing herself of us, the dis-ease she is experiencing, we the human race will be purged completely from her. Nevertheless, if that happens that still does not release us from the responsibility of getting things right. We will simply incarnate on another plane and start school all over again, until we finally get it right. I don’t know about you, but I want to get this thing called life right this time around if at all possible. Then I can move on to whatever The Divine has in store for me next. I want to, and will consciously evolve into the Eternal Spiritual Being that I have always been. I have and am still learning patience and the ability to take it one step at a time, no giant steps, no leaping; just one steady step at a time. Doing it that way I am able to learn everything I am supposed to learn as I sojourn through this dense physical plane. Taking it slow allows us to savor every single precious moment, and learn every precious lesson we are here to learn. We must consciously step out of the state of impatience and wanting everything instantly. It takes time for things to really seep in and truly become a part of us. It is like cooking, when you allow something to slowly simmer, all of the flavors blend together perfectly, and cause us to experience the delight of a savory dish of food.  We need to learn how to slow down and allow that which comes to us to simmer and bring forth its true flavor, its true meaning to us within our psyche; that is how we truly enjoy and appreciate this experience called life.
Mama-Baba Goddess-God, I continue to seek a deeper more intimate personal relationship with You, no matter what that calls for me to do. I go within to seek Your Divine Direction on a daily basis. I Love You Mama-Baba Goddess-God, with everything that makes up who I am; I also see You are in everyone and everything, even though sometimes my sisters, brothers and myself do not always act according to Your Divine Will; please forgive us for such times as those. My life is totally dedicated to service unto You Mama-Baba Goddess-God in your multitude of forms. 
I Am One With Mama-Baba Goddess-God!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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