Thursday, December 6, 2012




Key Word: Purge
1. To remove opponents or people considered undesirable
2. To get rid of something undesirable, impure, or imperfect
3. To make somebody or something pure and free from guilt, or defilement
4. To delete unwanted or unneeded data


In life there always comes a time for purging, sometimes that purging consists of things or people. The act of purging does not always mean that which is being purged is bad or obsolete, it could be that which is being purged just is no longer needed because things have changed and you have grown, and it no longer fits in with the scheme of things. As I enter into another phase of my existence on this physical plane, I am experiencing what I will term as a Wholistic Purge. That means that things are being purged in a wholistic way from my mind, body, and surrounding world. Being the Spiritual Beings that we are that are housed in physical form, we go through a lot of purging, which is in part due to our unnatural identification with this physical vehicle (body) we inhabit temporarily. Therefore, because of our unnatural identification with the physical, we take on and do things that do not always align perfectly with our true nature; eventually we must discard of those things and actions, if we are to fully become who we truly are, Spiritual Beings going through temporary physical experiences. So purging is a necessary process that we all must go through.
When we start to go through the purging process, often times we misunderstand what is happening and we try to hold on to that which must be released. Doing so causes all kinds of turmoil, confusion, and stress, especially when that which is being purged from our lives is a person. We tend to see and make the purging process something that goes against that which is best for us, and that adds another dimension to the process. We turn the purging process into a dimension that places turmoil and struggle in places that should only be filled with reconciliation, restoration and new beginnings; the reconciliation, restoration and new beginnings that help deliver us back to our true nature of existence, which is us returning to being the eternal spiritual beings that we have always been. However, just as a weed takes deep root and is hard to pull up, so does our identification with the physical. So we tend to sometimes grieve over the process of purging when we should be rejoicing over it. We want to hold onto that which is familiar, even though deep down in our soul we know it no longer supplies us with what we need and desire. Actually, if we truly see that which is in the process of being purged as it truly is, many times we will see that it never served us well in the first place. We cannot see things clearly if we are viewing them from a faults viewpoint, and cannot see things as they truly are if we are looking at them believing that we are someone we aren’t. For example, if a cat thinks it is a dog, because it was raised in a household full of dogs, and never knew another cat, it is not going to see its reality as it truly is, and that could spell danger for the cat when it comes in contact with a dog that viciously hates cats.
As we travel through this dense physical plane thinking that we are physical beings, we do things that can be very detrimental to our journey and existence. That is why purging seemingly pops up out of nowhere sometimes, and we are forced by way of circumstances to cut people, places, habits and things from our lives. Even though we may not understand it at the time, everything that is taken away from us is either no longer needed, or it was never intended to be a part of our existence in the first place. To a degree we are allowed to have our free will. Nonetheless, free will can only be allowed to go but so far, especially when it means the detriment of someone else’s existence or ours. Ultimately we will yield to Divine Will, if not in this lifetime in another one. The only question is this, how long will it take us to totally re-call that we are Spiritual Beings and we are one with the Whole of Creation. For such a reality to manifest fully, we cannot falsely go around believing and acting like we are physical beings, when we are the opposite, Spiritual Beings.
Wholistic purging is a necessary action that must take place from time to time in us all, because we all have at one time fallen guilty to the misconception that we are physical beings who are in a state of imperfection. Here is a question that I have asked many times in the past. How can a perfect being, the one many call God create something that is less than perfect? That is absolutely impossible to do. We are perfect beings that must purge the idea that we are imperfect from our consciousness; now that may take some time; that is due to the fact that we have been going around thinking that we are imperfect sinners for so many lifetimes. Yet just the same, the transformation from thinking that we are imperfect and sinners will fully take root one day. Because we will eventually align with our true reality of being perfect spiritual beings, even though at present it may seem totally impossible. We have been taught that all truly good things will come in the by and by, if we go to heaven. Well let me tell you and myself this, our heaven and hell is created by our personal and collective beliefs, right here on this physical plane.
So, I commit myself to the process of purging whatever does not resonate perfectly with the Divine Truth that I am a Perfect Eternal Spiritual Being. If that means purging people that do not align with the Divine Truth, so be it; if that means relocating from one place to another when everyone thinks I am being ridiculous, so be it; if that means changing the way I believe even though I am the only one that believes that way, so be it; if it means doing things differently than everyone else causing me to look foolish in the eyes of most and stand out like a sore thumb, so be it; and if it means standing alone being completely exposed for all to see, then so be it. Doing that which I should, and being at the place I should be at is more important than being pleasing to others and doing what they think I should be doing. Living as the possessive being we have been taught to be by others, who have lost their way on this physical plane is very hazardous to us. The wholistic purging process that we must go through is one of the most positive experiences we could ever go through. That is why I am so happy that my comprehension of purging has come to me at this time.
Recently a relationship of over sixteen years suddenly came to an abrupt end. The person I was in relationship with was as close as a sister to me; we were at the place of speaking with each other almost every day, and sometimes more than once each day. However, we had not seen each other in person since the 90’s, because I lived on the east coast and she lived on the west coast. Well three months ago I moved somewhere around four hours away from her, and I anticipated getting to visit with her at least once a year. To my utter surprise I received a call from her a little over a week ago telling me that Spirit had shown here during a silent retreat she had just concluded, that she was to completely server our relationship. I could not believe my ears. The first question that came to my mind was, did I do something to cause this. However, all she was saying was, this is the direction I have gotten, and I must follow it. I told her I had no choice but to honor it, even though it hurt to the core of my being. It was as if I was grieving the death of a biological family member. I had just lost my big sister to cancer in June, and now this in November. The grief of both situations was trying to smother me alive. Now I can see this for what it is, it is the purging of a relationship that had reached its culmination; and it had to come to an end to allow whatever was to come in and fill that place in my life. I am one who cherishes relationships dearly, so I was very emotional over this loss. Actually, I believe that this situation brought back the pain from losing my sister Thelma a few months ago, and both sets of emotions were nearly smothering me to the point of becoming an emotional wreck. My biggest lesson here was my continual growth in the area of detachment, letting go of people, places and things.
Well, when something is purged from us for whatever reason, space is made available for something or someone else to come in and occupy. A few days following the relationship being severed I met a dear soul who had just published her book. I went to to see what the book was about and was surprised that the price was $40.00, and it was basically a standard size paperback book. So I reluctantly wrote a review stating that I do not understand why people out price those who really need what they have to share, and because of the price, even though I had not read the book, I would have to give it only one star for that reason alone. I said I was reluctant, because I was not sure how she would respond, and I did not want to upset her, even though I did not personally know her at that time. To my surprise she got in touch with me thanking me for my rating, and she explained why it was priced the way it was. The book I first saw was an all color publication, and it was priced as low as she possibly could have priced it because of that fact. What she did was this; she pulled all of the color copies and replaced them with black and white copies, and the price of the black and white copies was priced at $19.95. Because of what I did we became friends, and she told me it was if we had known each other forever. Then I found out that she knows my first cousin, who I used to live with, he actually got married at her beautiful retreat in Mexico. Now we relate to each other like sister and brother, and she is a real motivation to me and I to her. One relationship was purged, and another relationship was created immediately. She lives in Lebanon with her husband and daughter, but they stay at their retreat in Mexico during the summer months. Since I now live in New Mexico I will be able to visit with them in the summer. She even offered her place for my book release party when I finish it. She has stepped in as my friend, and she can help me with pointers and encouragement with the publishing of my book. See how purging can be a good thing. That is not to say that one person has to be purged from our lives for another person to come in, but sometimes that is exactly what happens.
What happened between my old friend and myself brings me to another point. Many times we tend to blame God/Spirit for that which we believe we should do. How many people can honestly say, God told me to do thus and so? I am not placing any judgment on my friend and what she told me. However, I am saying that some people do say God would have me to do this, or God told me to do this, simply because they do not have the heart to say this is what I want and believe I should do myself. They have become sophisticated blame shifters; to be point blank they have actually become liars who include God in their lies to gain credibility. When someone says, God told me this or that; what can you say? Go get God; I need to hear it directly from God for myself. We need to completely throw blame shifting away and embrace our duty to be responsible. No matter what the situation may be, we are completely responsible for everything that we think, say and do, no ifs ands or buts about it. Even if we are physically forced to commit a crime, we are still held responsible for that crime. It is the same when it comes to our accountability for our actions in life spiritually. You and I will certainly pay for every single one of our actions in life. I am a believer in karma, which is the Hindu and Buddhist philosophy according to that which the qualities of people’s current and future lives are determined by their behavior in this, and previous lifetimes, their destiny or fate. We always reap that which we sow.
All of this is a perfect example of what we must learn to purge from ourselves to improve our standard of life. We must learn to purge any and everything from ourselves that is not perfectly aligned with the divine will of Spirit, which is Love. We must purge everything from us that does not resonate and flow perfectly with the sacred energy of Unconditional Love. If that which we think, say, and do is outside of the realm of Love, we should stay as far away from it as we possibly can. No matter how good we are at faking it, and how much others believe our phony lies and stance, everything that does not resonate with the energy of Love will be uncovered in due time. To purge of such will surely result in blessings untold. We will not always be aware of everything that we are to be purged of, that is why circumstances and situations will arise seemingly out of the clear blue sky, and cause something to be purged from our lives. That is unquestionably divine assistance that is manifesting as grace, which will save us from the unknown situations that are headed our way. If we do not change the things we are doing, and the direction we are headed, things will eventually be forcefully purged from us.
All of the talk about December 21, 2012 in its true essence is about purging that which is incorrect and outright deceptive from our lives. 2012 is about the veil of deception being removed from our spiritual first eye, which is the spiritual eye of intuition. Many call the spiritual first eye the third eye. The New Age is about truth, it is first and foremost about the truth being revealed for all to see. That means that in due time, many things thought to be absolute truth will be revealed to be instruments of manipulation and control, some of which originally were not created that way. However, opportunist saw the great possibility of using the religions of the world and other organizations for the purpose of mass manipulation and control for personal selfish gain. All of that will be revealed and many institutions will crumble, which will include many religious organizations and beliefs. To some it may seem like the world is being turned upside down, but that is not the case at all. What will actually be happening is this; we will be shown how everything truly is, how things have eternally been, nothing more and nothing less. I am talking about absolute truth being revealed for all to see and fully comprehend. The New Age that is being ushered in will bring us the true understanding that we are all equal, also that we are all one. Then we will understand that there is only one race, and that is the human race. All prejudice and racism will likewise be exposed for the foolishness that it is, and always has been. The New Age is not ushering in the end of the world; the New Age is ushering in the end of an age and the birth of a New and Glorious Age.


I Am that I Am, all that I Am, and all that I Am Is Love!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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