Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Circle Is Unbroken


The Circle Is Unbroken

Key Word: Circle

1. A connected curved line surrounding a center point, every point of the line being an equal distance from the center point
2. A course or route that follows a curved path


Humanity started experiencing the problems that we now have, when we started seeing the whole of creation and ourselves as separate entities. There is and has never been any such thing as separation between any part of creation; the whole of creation has always been divinely connected, and that connection remains throughout eternity no matter what. The only thing we do when we see ourselves and act as if we are separate individuals, is hinder our oneness and our illuminating creative flow together temporarily. 

This separation I am speaking of has permeated every part of our existence; take a look at how we see and how we have chosen to experience the temporal reality we call time and life. We have set time as a linear experience, meaning that it has a beginning and an end as with a straight line. What have we done? We have mentally and intellectually disconnected our eternal reality; we have set up and illusionary existence where the divine circular flow of our existence has been terminated; in which we have created a state of being where the cycle of rejuvenation must come to an abrupt end, that which we call death and see as our ultimate end. With a single possibility of us maybe being saved if our deeds during a single lifetime were good enough. That is totally ludicrous.

If our existence is linear, then there can absolutely be nothing left for us to experience after a single incarnation on this physical plane. Every creation on this physical plane is a reflection of the Sacred Plan of the Divine Eternal Cyclical Journey, which we see reflected in the seasons each year, Divine Circle—Divine Cycle can never be broken. It is time that we stop and check ourselves, so that we can see our existence as it truly is. It most certainly is a never ending sojourn of creation that has a time that we see as birth, followed by growth, then blossoming and producing bountiful fruits, and then entering the phase where we enter a stage of rest, as we await the coming of our glorious new morn, when we awaken to what we see as our new birth. It is all a part of the Divine Circle of our Sacred Existence. If we want to be delivered from the deception of this man-made view of life, we must stop and open up fully to the truth that has always been here for us. That means that we must stop looking to others to tell us how everything is to be done and what things are, also who we are. We can no longer look outside of ourselves if we truly want the truth, and truly want to live out who we truly are. We are Eternal Creative Spiritual Beings and nothing less; and there certainly is nothing more than that.

The Sacred Circle—Sacred Cycle is reflected in the macro and micro levels of the whole of creation. If we look at the universe as a whole we see the Sacred Cycle, if we look at a planet we see the Sacred Cycle, if we look at a star we see the Sacred Cycle, if we look at a human being we see the Sacred Cycle, and if we look at a single cell within a human beings body we see the same Sacred Cycle. Everything is a part of the Eternal Sacred Universe, and that Eternal Sacred Universe is actually who many call God; everything is actually a part of Goddess-God. I prefer to call the Sacred Being of existence Infinite Source or Goddess-God. Nothing, absolutely nothing can ever be separate form Infinite Source. Into the darkness of our beliefs is entering the Light of Truth, we have always been, and will eternally be one with Infinite Source. Because of that eternal divine reality that makes us Infinite Source or Goddess-God. I know that can be very hard to relate to, seeing that we have been on the pre-school level of spiritual comprehension, and man made reality for such a long time. I believe that is one of the main reasons why we must have the cycle that we have, why we must travel the circle of existence that we do. Take a tree for example; as the seasons move on into many years, that tree gets bigger and stronger with each passing year. It springs forth with beautiful foliage and fruit in due time, then all of the fruit and foliage drops off and the tree goes into a state that seems like there is no life let in it, unless you look at it closely. Then all of a sudden one day, you see something happening with that seemingly lifeless piece of wood. You see little green buds starting to protrude from the branches of the tree, then leaves and flowers start to form from the buds, and before you know it the tree is full of fruit and bigger than it was a year ago. We are just like that tree in our consciousness and spiritual awareness. With each passing season we grow more aware of whom we truly are spiritually. 

Since we are the creators of our reality, whatever we believe in will become a tangible part of our reality, even if it is contrary to divine truth. However, that is only temporary because eventually we will awaken fully to divine truth. It is like trying to solve a mathematical equation, we workout the equation and come up with an answer, sometimes the answer we come up with is incorrect. That simply means that we must work the equation until we get it right. Humanity is in the process of working out the equation of who we are, and our purpose for being here. I have a deep knowing within me that humanity will one day awaken to this divine reality before it destroys Earth Mother as some believe will happen. Even if humanity is wondering around in a state of utter spiritual unconsciousness, humanity will eventually awaken from the self-induced nightmare it has been in for millennia upon millennia. Remember, We are one with Infinite Source. Because that is our eternal reality, we can do nothing short of eventually succeeding in a magnificent way. We are one with Infinite Source, which is perfection itself; that means that every human being is a perfect creation. Nonetheless, we are like the small sapling of a tree that was planted in rich fertile soil; it must experience the complete process of growth. In the beginning the little sapling is a little weak, and at times it may seem like it may not make it threw multiple winters of extreme cold and multiple summers of extreme heat. Yet after going through a number of seasons of change, its inner and outer strength increases. Then even strong storms cannot weaken and tumble that once little weak sapling, which has finally become a great tall redwood.

The Sacred Circle itself is a combination of Infinite Source and the whole of creation, and the center of the Sacred Circle (the actual nucleus) is full of the divine sacred energy of Infinite Source. Infinite Source is our eternal sacred driving force. Infinite Source is the power of Unconditional Love that gives existence to all things. It does not matter how we think of Infinite Source or what we call Infinite Source; Infinite Source is the sacred life-giving force of Unconditional Love no matter what. The Whole of Creation is bound together with the Unconditional Love of Infinite Source, and the bond of Infinite Source’s Unconditional Love cannot be broken by anyone or anything; not deception, lies, and not even the misdeeds of human ignorance can break the Sacred Bond of Infinite Source. The Circle of Infinite Source is not broken, and neither can the Circle of Infinite Source ever be broken.

I remember hearing a number of times in life the following statement; let not the circle be broken. There is nothing that we can do to break the Sacred Circle. However, there is something that we can do to slow down the flow of blessings to ourselves from the Sacred Circle. Through our intellectual human ignorance we can deny ourselves the blessings of reaping the benefits of being a part of the Eternal Circle of Infinite Source’s bountiful blessings. Yet that would only mean that we have become prodigal children of Infinite Source, who have the ability to return whenever we yield to our inner spiritual senses. If the Circle of Infinite Source were to be broken, all life would cease to exist; yes all life would cease to exist for the whole of creation. That is due to the reality that the whole of creation is one; not just one with Infinite Source, but also one with each other as well, and that includes every form of creation. Not a single part of creation can be done away with, leaving the remainder of creation to continue on. Every part of creation is vital to the existence of the whole. You may ask, what about the animals that are now extinct? Not a single form of animal has died and ceased to be a part of the whole of creation. When animals and humans die for whatever reason, they return in the spring of their cycle in some form and continue on the Circle of Existence. Remember that death is not the end; death is the energy that ushers in new life and new beginnings. Death is not the negative darkness most see it as being. Death is the positive dark energy that gives birth to light. All life comes forth radiantly through the Portal of Darkness. The awesome impregnating Energy of Darkness is the only force that induces the Eternal Energy of Infinite Source, which is Unconditional Love the Producer of Life.



I Am An Intricate Part of The Circle of Infinite Source.
So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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