Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sacred: People and Places


Sacred: People and Places
I have visited and lived in many different places, yet the places I have experienced and lived in are far fewer than that of many. However, I experienced enough places, people and situations to awaken to the reality and learn that all people and places of the world are in essence the same.  No matter where people are, who they profess to be, or what has or hasn’t taken place with them or where they reside, all is the same. Each of us are the physical creator of our reality. Because of that, the outside appearance reflects that which we believe, feel we are worthy of, what we like, and what we comprehend as our reality. No matter what, the core true essence and substance of who we are is eternal; that is due to the fact that the substance we are working with which is pure energy, is the same divine energy substance that is Infinite Source; the same sacred energy that resides within the whole of creation throughout the entire universe. The major issue here is how we choose to see and relate to everything. How we see things dictates how we act and react to things. However, that does not mean that how we see things, and how we act towards people and things are always correct. How we act is simply how we have decided to be, hopefully, the majority of the time that will be in perfect alignment with our actual spiritual reality. No matter how we interpret and comprehend things, All-Is-One. There is no difference or separation based on location or person; everything is eternally one, everything comes from the same spiritual substance.
If everything originates from within Infinite Source or God as some say, and it does, how can that which originates from such a divine place of origin be different from its originating sacred source? Only illusion can cause us to think that we are less than our sacred source. No matter what we think or believe, we are one with, and the divine essence and sacred substance that we all are created from. Not only are we made from the same sacred substance, this planet and the entire universe is created from that same sacred substance, that alone sets up the divine oneness that you and I or nothing else can alter; not even by the way we choose to believe, how we think or how we act. We are all divine in nature at the very core of our being, and absolutely nothing can change that from being our eternal reality. Most of us are completely ignorant to this eternal reality. In that case or any case for that matter, ignorance most certainly is not bliss. Nonetheless, human ignorance can and will be transformed.
To some degree, all of us are afflicted with the “Grass Is Greener On The Other Side” syndrome. The key understanding of this comes from something that most of us have heard at least once in life; that which we focus on is that which we create and draw more of to us. Earth Mother is and always has been sacred and divine in nature; Earth Mother also has been and still is our Sacred Paradise. No matter how we treat Earth Mother her sacred essence and nature never changes. People like to say this or that place is more sacred than other places, that is not so. Let me give you a personal example of my experience with the “Grass Is Greener on the Other Side” syndrome. I have said numerous times that my birthplace and hometown of Washington DC never felt like home to me. Well, that statement is true, why is it true? That statement is true because early in life I experienced very negative actions acted out towards me that colored my opinion of my home. Because of that I started feeling that other places were more spiritual, and the energy in those places were more conducive to the spiritual path I was on. Nevertheless, each time I relocated I eventually found the same energy present that was in my hometown. My biggest mis-take was this; I only focused on a few early experiences I had in DC, and allowed those dark emotions to paint my entire picture of DC. No single energy dominates the Washington DC area, or any other area for that matter. What was dominant was my focus, also my beliefs. That reality was brought home to me once again here in Santa Fe New Mexico when I suddenly got sick. I must be totally honest with myself. Over the four months I have lived here, I have come to see and experienced the same deception and arrogance that I had seen and experience in DC, as well as all of the other places I have visited and lived. In no way did I believe that Santa Fe was perfect, however I had been told and expected that Santa Fe was much more a sacred place than most. Actually, the energy is the same everywhere, because the Sacred Energy of Love that gives life to and is in Earth Mother and the whole of creation is exactly the same everywhere. Just as it is with our bodies, all of the members of our body hold and maintain the same energy and vibration, even though their location on the body and their duties to the body are different.
In essence, what I am communicating here is this; we will create that which is reflected within our own consciousness wherever we go. The changing of our environment will not alter the reality we have adopted and embraced. That is why the same experiences always turn up everywhere we go. Back in the late 1970’s I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina to get away from my problems, one of which was drug addiction. Low and behold, shortly after arriving there I ended up doing the same thing I was running from. I did not stay in Charlotte long and eventually ended up moving back to DC. That is when I made the decision to change how I see myself and what I was doing. Because of that decision I was able to drop a drug addition of 10 years without a detox program, and I can proudly say that I have been drug free since September 2, 1979. This past September I celebrated thirty-three years of sobriety. You see, it is all about us changing ourselves from the inside out; it is also about us changing our surrounding world. Our surrounding world is fashioned after our beliefs, actions, commitments, material possessions, and the people we draw into and allow to be a part of our reality. So, when we relocate for change, and we have not done what is necessary to change ourselves inwardly, we are simply deceiving ourselves. Change must always take place within our being. Now the change that we allow to take place within us will open our eyes in such a way that we will start to see the world around us as it truly is. Now that the blessing of blessings, the blessing which will eliminate the need to continually chase rainbows for their pots of goal. Essentially, the pot of goal is within us, it always has been within us and it always will be within us. The reality is this; I am what I have been searching for, I am the rainbow and the gold is within my spirit.
Another life altering reality is something that I recently wrote about; it is the seasons of our lives. I entitled it, “The Circle Is Unbroken”. Here is an excerpt from those scripted words.

“. . . we have been on the pre-school level of spiritual comprehension and reality for such a long time. I believe that is one of the main reasons why we must have the cycle that we have, why we must travel the circle of existence that we do. Take a tree for example; as the seasons move on into many years, that tree gets bigger and stronger with each passing year. It springs forth with beautiful foliage and fruit in due time, then all of the fruit and foliage drop off and the tree goes into a state that seems like there is no life left in the tree unless you look at it closely. Then all of a sudden one day you see something happening with that seemed to be lifeless piece of wood. You see little green buds starting to protrude from the branches of the tree, then leaves and flowers start to form from the buds, and before you know it the tree is full of fruit and bigger than it was a year ago. We are like that tree in our consciousness, and spiritual awareness. With each passing season we grow more aware of whom we truly are”.

Seasons, we all go through seasons of abundant life and flow, as well as seasons that have less abundance and flow. The seasons of less abundance and flow are about our time of rest, yet we tend to relate to such times as negative, bad, and less than desirable experiences. Basically it is all about how we choose to see how things truly are.
There has been a lot of talk about the Mayan Prophecy recently since it is December 2012. The 21st of December has come and gone and the world is still here; it was not supposed to be the end of the world as many believed and were saying it would be. The Mayans were blamed for being false prophets, which was purely due to the ignorance of men not the Mayans. However, that goes back to how we choose to see things. The Mayans were not saying that the end of the world was coming on the 21st of December; they were merely saying that the end of an age was to take place simultaneously with the end of their calendar.  Even though many people were trying to correct the misconception, it was not heard by most. People choose to accept that which fits with their beliefs; and since many people see this world as being a wicked bad place, everything coming to an end seemed inevitable, so why not the end of the wicked world coming on the 21st of December. Mankind’s ego (Edging God Out) has gotten so big that it believes it knows when, and has the power to destroy this divine creation of Infinite Source, how arrogant and foolish man has become. We did not create Paradise/Earth Mother, and we will not destroy it. Neither did we create humankind, and neither will we completely destroy ourselves. We are one with Infinite Source, yet we deceive ourselves in believing that we are omnipotent (all-powerful) like Infinite Source.
We must go within and tap into the ultimate power of Infinite Source, which is the Universal Power of Unconditional Love. The Universal Power of Unconditional Love resides eternally within our spirits, and it provides us with everything we need, as well as promoting the furtherance of the energy of love and prosperity in our surrounding world. I must repeat to myself from time to time that everything I need is found in me, found within my spirit. The energy of love can always be found in all of our spirits as well as in every inch of Earth Mother. There is no need to look for and go to a so-called Sacred Sight, to tap into the Sacred Spiritual Energy of Peace, Love, Light and Life Abundant; that awesome energy dwells within our very own spirit as well as within Earth Mother; that is the major reason why we must treat ourselves and Earth Mother with more reverence than most people do. Not reverencing the divinity within ourselves is very serious dis-connect that must be remedied; doing so is the saving grace for many of us. When we are not totally honoring ourselves as the bountiful spiritual beings that we are, we are not only selling ourselves short, we are also selling Infinite Source short. That is the equivalent of being a millionaire and living the life of a penniless homeless person, who sleeps under bridges and begs for food and clothing.
Everything is Sacred, and full of the most awesome unparalleled Universal Power of Infinite Source, that is due to the reality that everything is created out of the Divine Energy Substance of Infinite Source, and we play a role in the creation of this physical realm and the outward manifestation of it. There is no way we can overemphasize this, we are co-creators of our reality. This has even been scientifically witnessed. The writer Alberto Villoldo addresses this in his book “The Four Insights”.

 Physicists are discovering that at the subatomic level, matter is far less solid and tangible than we once thought it was. In other words, a solid table isn’t solid at all, but a buzzing collection of particles and waves. Werner Heisenberg was the first to befuddle physicists with this notion, postulating in his “uncertainty principle” that when we observe an electron to measure its speed, this changes its position. So if we expect an electron to behave as a particle, it obliges; if we design an experiment where it must behave as a wave and strike two side-by-side targets simultaneously, it cooperates. This discovery was deeply disturbing to many scientists, including Einstein, who exclaimed that “God does not play dice” with the universe. And yet the Earthkeepers have always known that our perception of the world determines its very nature. In other words, quantum physicists and Earthkeepers both suggest that the world is dreaming itself into being
The Four Insights Alberto Villoldo

That shows that we are co-creators of this physical realm. Since we are the creators of our reality we must be ever conscious of that divine truth at all times, if we are not, we will haphazardly create many things that do not align with the reality we are supposed to be creating; and we will see things in ways that they actually aren’t. That is exactly what has been happening in the world that we have created all around us for multiple millennia.
It is truly a blessing that we have reach the end of the age where we have haphazardly been creating our surroundings, and have erroneously been teaching and preaching creation and reality. The so-called authorities in the fields of religion and education have done more harm than good, because their teaching and preaching has done more to disempower humanity than anything else. That is due to the fact that it has directed us to look outside of ourselves to others and to places for the answers and power that has all along dwelt within the very core of our eternal being. They have placed imperfection and guilt on us, where there is perfection and honor, because we are one with Infinite Source. All along you and I have been the savior we have been so desperately been in search of; we have also all along had the sacred power we have been looking for and desiring to tap into. The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Truth, it is the age where the truth is revealed for all to see and accept. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. It is a new day, and we Spiritual Beings who are temporarily sojourning through this dense physical plane must remove the veils from our eyes and see things as they truly are. The time has finally come, where we can no longer walk about embracing the illusion and deception that was created by the blind covetous users of wicked intentions. The light of the world in which we are, can no longer be covered up, causing us to believe that we are in the middle of a dark and dreary realm in which we need to be delivered from.
I rejoice in the sacred reality that we are no longer going about our glorious existence with our eyes wide shut. We have consciously entered the New Age and state of restoration, where we are able to once again see all things through our sacred spiritual vision, through our First Eye, what a magnificent reconciliation. It is truly the end of our ongoing conflict, and the renewal of our sacred relationship with Infinite Source and ourselves; it is no longer necessary for us to experience the bewilderment and disharmony we have been wading through our entire lifetime. We have truly entered into our fabulous new dawn, and we are starting to awaken to our divine nature. We must stay focused on this reality and be very patient with ourselves. We have been off course for such a long time, and used to living in a state of unconsciousness, and doing just about everything on automatic pilot. Because of how we have seen ourselves, and lived the illusion for such a long time, we are subject to slip a little every now and then. Not to worry, if we are totally committed to our spiritual reconciliation we will master this major change in our existence. Actually, we have no choice, and no say so in this matter at all. We can go willingly and make the changes in a timely manner, or we can kick and buck and draw out the process until we are willing to accept our sacred reality. We can do it now or later, it is totally up to us when we want to receive the blessings that are rightfully ours, and being handed to us on a Sacred Silver Platter.
There is no longer the need to follow the imperfect religions that were created by men, and no need to follow their rigid qualifications and their narrow limited paths. Love is the only religion, Love Is My Religion. Love conquers all, Love heals all, Love restores all, and Love is all there is. As my favorite affirmation clearly states; “I Am that I Am all that I Am, and all that I Am is Love”.  Nothing parallels Love, it stands alone and Love Is All-Powerful. Even in the christian religion Love is recognized as being omnipotent, as possessing complete unlimited universal power and authority over everything and everyone. There is absolutely nothing greater, and nothing that has more or equal power; Love is Infinite Source. The Age of Aquarius is designed to bring that home to us; it is designed to make it perfectly clear within our human psyche. That is when the spiritual will blend with the physical in perfect harmony, and when we will without a shadow of doubt fully comprehend the awesome reality that we are Spiritual Beings of Divine Perfection.
Every Sacred Spirit that is housed within a temporal physical vehicle embodies the Sacred Energy we are in searching of; there is no need to search for and visit what we think to be Sacred Sights, because every inch of Earth Mother in her divine fullness is Sacred. Wherever we stand is a Sacred Sight. Even if that were not the case, us being the Sacred Eternal Being that we are would make any place we stand sacred.
The “Grass Is Greener On The Other Side” syndrome has been completely neutralized.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

I Am Sacred In Every Way, I Am One with Infinite Source.
So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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