Sunday, June 2, 2013

Namasté the Journey


The Longest Journey
Namasté is an ancient Sanskrit greeting that is still in everyday use in India and around the world to this very day in June 2, 2013, especially on the trail in Nepal Himalaya. The translation roughly means, "I bow to the God within you", and "The God within me bows to the God within you", or "The Spirit within me bows to the Spirit within you"; a knowing that we are all made from the same Divine Eternal Conscious Energy, we are all a Sacred Part of the Oneness. We are one because we are all made from the same Divine Spark called Love!

We must learn how to consistently enter into the inner chambers of our spirit and tap into the Sacred Divinity that resides deep in the very core of our being. The Sacred Divinity I am so reverently speaking of is called by many names such as God, Goddess, Mama, Baba, Spirit, Yahweh, and Source. The wonderful thing is this, the Sacred Divinity, the Creator of all things answers to all of the names we have chosen to use. The Sacred Divinity is not a single gender being, because gender is associated with physical beings. In the spiritual realm both the feminine and masculine are connected in such a way that there is no separation between the two; actually both the feminine and the masculine reside within each of us here on the physical plane.
We must learn how to honor the Divinity with us before we can fully honor the Divinity in another person, and most certainly before we can honor the Divinity of Spirit. Honoring the divinity in others and ourselves is something that we must practice doing on a daily basis through meditation or some other form of spiritual practice, because as with everything that we do, practice makes perfect. If there were only one area in my life that I wanted to maximize, it would surely be yielding to the Divinity that makes me who I am and connects me to the whole of creation.
Each morning when I am out in nature doing my Sacred Walking Meditation I greet Earth Mother, all of nature, and the whole of creation with the Sacred Greeting of Namasté. Physically I bow to the Divinity within the whole of creation as I bow in respect and reverence to the trees, birds and all of the other part of Earth Mother that surrounds me. I am doing all I know to do to work on and further cultivate my Inner Spiritual Awareness, doing so makes me able to share my Inner Spiritual Awareness with everyone and everything I come in contact with. I do this every day because more than anything I want the Divine to radiate in and through all that I think, say, and do.

I Have Entered Into The Sacred Space of Divine Awareness and Understanding Where I receive Daily That Which I Am To Do While I Am Here In Physical Form Here On This Physical Plane. I Am Extremely Honored, Grateful, and Blessed!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post, my brother... it is very meaningful... and thank you, too, for the explanation of your name; it is most intriguing!... As are you! John Potts
