Saturday, June 1, 2013

Programmed Well


Programmed Well
One of the most prevalent signs that we have been programmed well for control and self destruction is this, we continue to do things that we know will harm us and kill us; and some have the audacity to label and call such pleasure. I have heard this said numerous times in the past, when I pointed out that something wasn’t good for us to partake in; “Well, you know that we are all going to die from something, so it might as well be something that we enjoy”.
Humanity has been so elaborately programmed, that many do not even know what truly gives them joy, they only know what they have been told gives them joy. For example, when I was fifteen the first few times I tried to smoke a cigarette it made me sick. However, because I associated smoking with being a man I continued to smoke. Eventually my body stopped giving me the signal that smoking was not good for me. So then I started calling it pleasurable. I thank God that I finally came to my senses back in 1979 after smoking for ten years and stopped, and I haven’t done so again since.
For many decades doctors told us that cigarettes caused us absolutely no harm, they actually had commercials on TV with doctors telling us that they were good for us, and smoking helped us relax. Now doctors are doing the same thing with dairy and other products that are toxic killers, as well as drugs with possible side effects that are worst then that which they are treating. As if the doctors lying to us is not enough, the government is lying to us through the President, FDA, CDC and other government agencies, and we simply take just about everything they tell us as the gospel, without asking them a single question, even though we may have one or more questions floating around in our heads. Come on, in unison let me hear all of you who wish to remain a part of the group that is controlled by the government and other forces say, bah like little sheep being led to the slaughter with no clue what is in store for them.
It is unnatural not to want the best out of life, and doing that which is harming and killing us is not the best. The average person would not say that committing suicide is okay. Well, eating as most do, and ingesting the harmful products and pharmaceuticals that most do, is simply a form of slow suicide. Why do you think that illness and dis-ease has soared to the degree that it has at a time when we are so technically advanced? The reason is man and his god complex; man has the nerve to believe that he can improve on what Mama-Baba Goddess-God has created. What we fail to understand is this. When all things were created, the Divine understood all of the ends and outs of everything on this planet, and throughout the universe. That surely means that Mama-Baba Goddess-God knew the connection between everything on this physical plane, and how what one part of creation does, effects the whole of creation. So man may think that he is making things better by totally eliminating an insect because it is pestering him by eating some of his crops. Nothing here is ours, we must share that which we have. Farmers of old knew that, and factored in a portion of each crop to being eaten by insects; and when they had to control them, they did it with natural substances from the earth, not killer chemicals that would harm everything it came in contact with. Or by killing off a species of animals to the point of distinction because man likes to hunt for sport, which is actually murder. I won’t even get into sport and competition, of which some of you reading this know my stand on that.
We have lost our Precious Paradise, which is our Garden of Eden, because of what humanity has and still is doing to this precious planet. However, it is not too late to return to Paradise; we simply must start to do the right things. We must start treating Earth Mother and ourselves in the ways that were laid out at the beginning of this physical creation. We have dreadfully failed, yet our redemption is within reach. As it has been said before, “we must turn from our wicked ways”. Our bodies and Earth Mother are nothing less than Sacred Temples, and we must return to treating them as such. Until we do that, we will continue on our gruesome mission of slow but sure suicide.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


  1. As usual, Baba-Kundi, deep but logical Words of Wisdom from a friend. Someday, perhaps you will enlighten me about the meaning of and where your name comes from? John Potts

    1. Brother John,

      It is my pleasure to share that which is within me, just as you so graciously do. The meaning of my name is below. May you and your wife have a Wonder-Full rest of your sojourn here on Earth Mother.

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      What does my spiritual name Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala mean?

      The name Baba Kundi Shambhala is the name I received in 1995 through what is called the Ascension Meditation Process. I added Ma`at to my name when I got married; that is when I decided to legally changed my birth name from Kevin William Naylor to my spiritual name. Since my ex-wife’s last name was Ma`at, and I felt that it was only fair that we take on each others energy in our names, along with all of the other changes that happen when two marry. So I took on her last name and she took on my last name. After the journey with my wife came to an end, I decided to keep Ma`at as part of my name because it came to me to complete the energy I am carrying, which matched the spiritual evolution that has taken place within me.

      The meaning and energy of the name

      Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala:

      Baba: Father/Elder

      Kundi: Rising Spiritual Energy (like rising Kundalini energy)

      Ma`at: Balance, Truth, Justice, and Cosmic Order

      Shambhala: the Sacred Place where Spirit my Sacred Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God Dwells

      So in essence Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, translates into Father who’s Spiritual Energy is rising; one who is committed to and is following the path of Balance, Truth, Justice, Cosmic Order and Unconditional Love, one who is also the Sacred Dwelling Place of Infinite Source my one and only Sacred Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God.


      Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

    2. I regret I misspelled Kundi in my last reply... I was typing on an iPhone with very small print! John Potts
