Thursday, December 12, 2013

Individual Spiritual Path

Individual Spiritual Path
Just as we are all individuals, we all have individual spiritual paths that we must follow. However, that does not mean that we will not travel in companionship with one or more people for some, most, or our entire lifetime. Nonetheless, our spiritual paths are unique and specifically designed for only us. There will be similarities in our path and many others, however no two paths are exactly alike, just like no two snowflakes have exactly the same pattern. However, snowflakes fall together and they coexist together in harmony and beauty.
We must embrace our uniqueness and follow its lead, because it will guide us to things that only us as individuals are created to do. Even though our callings and tasks may vary in many ways, no calling or task is any more important than another, all surely carry equal importance. The major problem with humanity is this; most people are trying to be like someone they have seen on TV, in the movies, in sports, on their job, in their peer group, or in their family. That is a very big mis-take because we can only be ourselves. We waste valuable time when we try to be anyone other than who we truly are, and every such action is done in vain, because we do not have everything needed to be anyone other than ourselves.
To follow our personal spiritual path, is extremely important if we are to experience our personal and natural flow of life, and to be in sync with the whole of creation. Lets take a female and male for example; It would be totally useless for a woman to try to be a man, and expect to be able to impregnate another woman. Likewise, it would be foolish for a man to try to be a woman, and think that he could get pregnant by another man. I must make it clear that in no way am I saying that it is wrong for a man or woman to carry themselves in the way that they feel is appropriate for themselves, that which is in accordance to what they feel deep within. If a man feels that he should carry himself in a feminine way, and a woman feels that she should carry herself in a masculine way, that is fine and I place no judgment on their choices. However, as they know, there are some things that they cannot do, being born in the body that they were born in. Yet that does not mean that they are not to carry themselves as they see fit; even though there are many who disagree with that, their disagreement does not matter. As it has been said and written, Great Spirit Goddess-God’s ways are far above our ways, so we should not judge what others choose to do, that is between them and Great Spirit. We only have enough time to make sure that we are following the individual spiritual path that ‘we are meant to follow. In doing so, we must give any thought to what others think and/or believe.
Being the individuals that we are, allows us the good fortune to be able to be both the student and the teacher. What we learn on our individual spiritual path affords us the opportunity to be able to share our experiences and spiritual re-call with others; and that in turn allows others to benefit from a magnitude of time and effort spent doing that which only could be done on our individual spiritual paths. It is not a good thing to envy that which another has, because they have paid the price to possess that which they have. Even though what they have may be good for them, it may not be a perfect fit for us on the path we have been charged to follow. We must not believe the hype that there is only one way to The Divine, such is pure deception from those who do not understand the total scheme of that which is truly spiritual, and all encompassing in nature and energy. There are many differing paths, to match the many differing individuals and their needs.
We all have needs that must be met before we can return to our eternal spiritual destination. With that in mind, we must understand that the different paths available supply us with different life experiences that wake us up to our spiritual reality. That alone is why everyone cannot follow the same Spiritual Path of Re-Call/Awakening/Enlightenment. If you were going home from work and you had to pick up several different things, you would take the path that allowed you to stop and pick up that which you needed to get before going home. It is exactly the same with our journey through this dense physical plane; we follow the path that best supplies us with that which we need to return to our Eternal Spiritual Home. Also, there is no one outside of ourselves that knows the path that is best for us outside of The Divine. Now you may say; I do not know which is the best path for me, so how can I be expected to follow the right path without getting direction from someone else? We can get some insight from others, but no one can layout our path step by step; and no one is equipped to be able to tell us when we have reach a place on our path when a detour should be taken. You see, no matter how spiritually mature one may seem to be, she or he still has the need to care for her or himself, and maintain their footing on their own spiritual path, that in and of itself is more than enough for an individual to undertake in a single lifetime. That means that no one has the wherewithal, wisdom or the time to properly direct another on his or her spiritual path and maintain that direction in an appropriate way. The direction/roadmap that we need is to only be found within us, within our spirit, the place where we are one with Great Spirit Itself, the Sacred One that created all things. So we must re-educate ourselves on how to regain that conscious oneness with The Divine, then and only then will we hear the divine direction we seek.
It may seem like it is too big of a task for one person to find their spiritual path alone. However, even though it may seem like what I am saying, is we need to do everything that we do alone; actually that is not what I am saying. I am saying that there is help that we must seek out, and there is no better help, guidance, and companionship than that which we always get from Great Spirit, and Great Spirit is waiting within the very core of our eternal being for us to make that divine connection for guidance. We must believe that the same sacred energy that created the whole of creation, and has provided every little thing that is needed, can and is providing us with everything that we need, including the direction that we need to find and follow our individual personalized spiritual path. Until we reach the place of making that connection, and following through on the direction we receive, we will always fall short of the mark of excellence that we are intended to reach.
There is a major awakening that will be made totally clear to each of us when we look within for guidance and start to mature as we follow our spiritual path; and that is the awakening and awareness that we are a perfect creation, and not pitiful little unworthy sinners running around hoping for and looking for a savior outside of ourselves. If the man Jesus who became the Christ, was standing right in front of you at this very moment, that is exactly what he would tell you. To regain our consciousness of perfection we must be following our spiritual path, because that is the only place we can learn that which we need to learn. On our spiritual path we will learn and fully comprehend the reality that many have talked about since the beginning of time; and that is the reality that we all are to take on and fully embrace the Christ Consciousness. Jesus was his name, and the Christ Consciousness was what he allowed to fully manifest in and through him, that is why he was able to do the things that he did. When reading the story of Jesus you will hear him say, even greater things you shall do. What he was talking about was, when we enter into the understanding that we are eternal spiritual beings, we would be ready for a major step in our spiritual consciousness and on our sojourn through this dense physical plane; and that major step is fully embracing the reality of the Christ Consciousness just as he did. Why would he say, greater things we shall do. He said that because of the natural progression that is designed to take place from teacher to student, the student is always supposed to exceed that which is taught by the teacher. That happens when the student takes what has been taught by the teacher, and then goes within and allows Great Spirit to show her or him how to perfectly incorporate in her or his life that which was taught, and is a part of her or his reality; that is when we become the Christ just like Jesus.
Beloved, it is all about Eternal Spiritual Oneness. We are one with each other, one with the whole of creation, and ultimately we are one with Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. For those of you who are not familiar with my terminology; Mama means Mother and Baba means Father, so in essence I am personalizing it and saying Mother-Father Goddess-God to honor both the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies/Qualities of The Divine. It is of the utmost importance that we fully realize who we are, and what we are to be about; otherwise we are completely powerless, and we can be toast to and fro like a plaything and our energy can be manipulated and used by others. I call people who drain us of and use our energy exactly what they are, energy vampires. The only real vampires are those who work at draining us of our energy. Our energy is our life force, and without proper control of our life force, and a decrease in the amount of our life force, we are like zombies who can be led around and do whatever we are told. Life is not about total blind faith. It is very important to have faith, however it must be used appropriately. Our entire existence cannot be based on faith alone.
So, it is time that we set out seriously on our Individual Spiritual Path right now if we have not already do so, because time is of the essence. Following our spiritual path will reveal to us the answers to many life long questions we have had. Doing so will also reveal to us why we have repeated many undesirable painful cycles during this lifetime. The answer to every question rests within our very own spirit; all we have to do is be still and quiet long enough to hear the divine direction that is continually being communicated to us by Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Now, we must be very patient as we take on this very important task. It will take time to release all of the incorrect beliefs and practices we have embraced for so long. Humanity has been off course for a long time, and it is not realistic to think that something as paramount as this will take place over night. However, as you known, all things are possible when it comes to Great Spirit Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Yet still, the miraculous does not always happen instantaneously, and that is for the sake of us learning many extremely important lessons. If everything were done for us instantaneously, we would loose a great deal of the reverence that must be associated with the process.
As Our Path Cross, May The Glorious Light and Love From Our Paths Shine On Each Other
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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