Sunday, December 29, 2013

Seeing Reality and Freeing Our Minds


Seeing Reality and Freeing Our Minds

Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth, because everyone is creating what they see.

Neale Donald Walsch

Our truths are created different from each other because of the experiences we have in life. Each life experience molds our beliefs, and our beliefs create our current reality. In addition to that our truth and reality changes from time-to-time, that is because of the life experiences we continue to have. So my truth is exactly that, my truth, and your truth is exactly that, your truth; there is no right or wrong, there is only our truth, which is our reality.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield.

From the movie: ONE WEEK

We must try as hard as we possibly can to achieve that which we believe we must achieve, and we must continually seek until we find that which we are seeking in it’s fullness. As we are seeking we must never yield to that which tries to persuade us that what we seek is impossible to find or create and make our reality.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"Education consists of what we have unlearned."

Mark Twain

We have been deliberately mis-educated for the sole purpose of control, which is done so that we will serve the wealthy and help them remain wealthy at our personal expense and spiritual demise. We must unlearn and totally do away with the deceptive teachings we have been indoctrinated with, and step fully into our sacred truth of divine wisdom and wealth.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"We are born innocent. We are polluted by advice."

Henry David Thoreau

Without a shadow of doubt, we are born as the perfect creation that we eternally have been, and we could be nothing less than that because of who created us, none other than Universal Intelligence Itself. Universal Intelligence is surely the absolute embodiment of perfection and we are nothing less, no matter what others say and/or believe. We have allowed that perfection to be temporarily polluted by the advice and beliefs of others. It is time for us to discard forever all of that none-sense and recapture our Pure and Sacred Innocence.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

To "empty your mind" means to let go of all the external influences, both past and present, on the way you think. This applies to parents, friends, media, religion, government, schooling, etc.

Author Unknown

If we are to live the life that is intended for us, we must step away from every external influence that has been directing us that does not align perfectly with our inner spiritual guidance and discernment no matter who it is that is guiding us. The only guidance that we can totally depend on is the guidance of The Divine that can only be tapped into by going deep within our very own spirit.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

I ask you to please detach yourself emotionally for a moment ("be formless") so you can absorb the knowledge I intend to share with your thoughts or prejudice preventing you from doing so. "Empty Your Mind."

Author Unknown

We must completely empty our minds of all of the outer garbage we have picked up listening to and watching others. An empty mind is a mind that is primed to tap fully into Universal Intelligence when the time is right. When we are completely open to and tapped into Universal Intelligence as we are created to be, we do not need a memory bank, a mind that is full of intellectual garbage; what we need will always be divinely communicated to us exactly at the moment that we need it. I am talking about Fresh Eternal Spiritual Communion, not stale human perception and intellect.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Our thoughts are simply learnt prejudice and opinions, which we have adopted as "real" beliefs. Belief is actually what creates our reality, this has been scientifically proven confirming that it is not the eyes that see, but the brain...

Author Unknown

We must do away with the narrow-mind that human opinions construct, because they are like the Wizard of Oz, a fake puny little old man behind a partition that is afraid of his own shadow. His outer projection to the world is not real and his prejudice and opinions are worthless. We must not form our beliefs on outer human intellectual impressions. We must form our beliefs on Inner Spiritual Reality because we are Spiritual Beings.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"He is able who thinks he is able."


It has been and always will be about what we think we are capable of doing. What we think, say, and believe is what we are able to create and do.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

We are creators, and our every creation begins with a vision. We must make and keep our visions as pure and sure as we possibly can, and we can do that by way of inner guidance.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

If we can think it, we can create it. The key to the perfect creation is this; keeping our thoughts uncorrupted, so that they will always be pristine in nature.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Because it is our thoughts that determine our reality, we must focus on what will empower our minds and discard anything that conflicts. This simply means focus on only what makes you feel good inside and avoid what makes you feel bad or inferior.

Author Unknown

If we focus on Unconditional Love, and our thoughts are full of that Love; the reality that we create will always be that which is best for the whole of creation.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Realize that all of our doubts exist only in our minds. We have been fooled into believing that our limits are real, that they are something set in stone. They are not, they are illusions we have unconsciously chosen to believe in and this is why we experience them in reality.

Author Unknown

Doubts are not ours, they are a part of the deception and illusion that has been planted in our psyche to controls us and make us robots for the man made system of the world. We are not limited in what we can do and create because we are heirs of The Creator. Being the creators that we are, it is extremely important that we align ourselves perfectly with the divine and only will of Infinite Source. We must consciously step fully into our Divine Reality and be the creator that we have always been. We must stop creating that which is inferior in nature, and start creating the Sacred Creations we have been placed here to create. There is only one reality, and it is Divine.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge."

Napoleon Hill

Limitations are nothing but lies. We must stop living lies, and start living the abundant true reality of Love and Oneness of all things. The sky is not even the limit. With eternity as our companion, we are limitless.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

"We are blinded by nothing except belief."

Ernest Holmes

Daily we are being charged to change our beliefs. If we change our beliefs, we will change the world.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Our lives, our world, our everything is determined by our beliefs and more so by the feelings that back those beliefs...

Author Unknown

We must go within and feel the Divine Presence of Spirit within us. In doing so we transform everything about ourselves and about our surrounding worlds. In turn that starts to transform the entire world that the whole of creation inhabits.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

We are divided only by false beliefs my friends. Understand that no one knows if there are actual rules to live by, they just THINK they know. When we focus on foolish "differences" in religion, ethnicity, social status and anything else we allow ourselves to be divided and create fear, hate and anger on earth. This ignorance is why we are ruled by few. Their hold on us is through the manipulation of our beliefs. Well with what we know now, that we are One, it's time to take the power back!

Author Unknown

It is true that we only know that which we have been told by others, that is of course unless we are accustom to tapping into Spirit within and receiving the unadulterated truth directly. What rules are you following and who told you that those were the rules we are supposed to follow. The rules that come from the bible are constructed by men, and they come from the limited human intellect, and all they have done is further divided humanity. How many people were killed because of those rules over the span of its existence? We have allowed a small hand full of men to dictate how life is to be on Earth Mother. We say that we have dominion over the earth, and look what that dominion has and is doing to the earth and all life on and in it. It is time that we take our Sacred Power from the deceptive energy vampires that have been running, or I should say ruining the earth. The power rest within us, are we going to continue to sit back and do nothing, or are we going to take that power in hand and resurrect our Beloved Paradise? The ball is in our court now, because the veils have been lifted. What are we going to do now that we can see that we have been deceived this entire lifetime? I am committed to learn every way possible to take complete control of my life, and help turn this world around.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but us can free our minds.

Bob Marley

We must emancipate, unshackle ourselves from the control of wicked men and women who selfishly seek to control everyone and everything they see.

Set your mind free from all of the human manufactured fear, control, deception, illusion, perversion, manipulation, mis-direction, mis-education, depression, dependence, doubt, want, covetousness, jealousy, greed, anger, hatred, and back stabbing. We must also set ourselves free from all of the other distorted lifeless negative controlling energies that have been implanted within our psyche, by those who do not want us to see, know, experience, and live the innate qualities that have always been within our Spirit/Soul. Once we have accomplished the daunting task of freeing our minds spiritually, we can be assured that our physical, mental, and intellectual beings will follow. That is when the experience we call life will change, and once again we will become the true authors of our reality. Then we will also start to Love unconditionally as we should, and become the Givers of Peace, Light and Love, and not the deceivers and robbers of the Sacred Energy of Life. When we free our minds spiritually, our minds and bodies will start to follow a new Sacred Path of Divine Existence. Actually, we will start to follow our Original Spiritual Train of Thought, the train of thought that is founded within the Universal Mind of Mama-Baba Goddess-God.

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within. The Kingdom of Heaven within us is the Sacred Place deep within our Spirits, where Goddess-God dwells and communes with us through the Small Still Voice. No matter what we have been taught, think, or believe, not one of us has ever been separated in any way from our Sacred Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God. The lie that we are separate from Goddess-God, is the number one deception that has been used to rob us of our power, and to keep us under the selfish, greedy control of a few malfunctioning intellectual and self-centered human misfits. Every true religion teaches that we are one with The Divine, and the Love, Light, Peace, Oneness and Blessings of Spirit can always be found within the Sacred Dwelling place within our Spirits. There is no need to look to or look for heaven outside of ourselves, and there is no need to fear hell, because each of us creates our very own heaven and hell within the realm of our minds, through that which we expose ourselves to and believe. Heaven is created within a free and open mind that is yielded completely to the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. Hell is created within the valley of our troubled minds, and we are held captive there by fear, lies, and illusions created by wicked thoughts and ideas; sometimes hell is created for us by outsiders that we open up to, and eagerly digest every word that flows out of their mouths. The deception has created a fog that is so thick that sometimes the vibrations of music is the only thing that can be used to get through to us, and transmit very important and needed messages to our non-judgmental subconscious mind. It has to be done that way sometimes because our conscious mind has been taken hostage by the illusion, deception, and lies of mankind. That is why the freeing and clearing of our minds is of the utmost importance. Welcome to the realm of Total Spiritual Re-Call. To experience Total Spiritual Re-Call, is to experience the action of correctly and fully recalling who we are eternally, and the full recognition of our Divine Connection and Oneness with Mama-Baba Goddess-God.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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