Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pledge and Soaring


My Pledge of Authenticity

Key Word: Pledge

1. A solemn promise or vow
2. Something delivered as security for the keeping of a promise, a guarantee of good faith
3. Something given or received as a token of something such as love or friendship


I Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, pledge this day November 26, 2012, that throughout the rest of my physical sojourn here on my most precious Earth Mother, that I will live authentically and abundantly by fully being who “I Am” created to be in a copious way. I will share the authentic abundance of the Radiant Unconditional Love of Infinite Source, which dwells deep within my spirit with Earth Mother and my Sacred Family the Whole of Creation. I no longer think of or believe in any kind of scarcity, because there is no such thing within my spirit. I fully entered into the Precious Reality that “I Am” an Eternal Abundant Spiritual Being; because of that, there is no lack to be found in me whatsoever, only the Divine Eternal Abundance of Universal Oneness.
 My contribution to heal the world is now in full motion, and it is fully manifesting within me, and radiating out of me with great ease, to all who I come in contact with, and who enter my surrounding world, and those who become aware of my presence. “I Am” sharing Unconditional Love freely and openly with everyone and everything I come in contact with, as I live this Spiritually Authentic Life. As I do this, all will witness the Awesome Blessing Unconditional Love brings. The Unconditional Love of Great Spirit flows naturally and freely from deep within the Divine Wellspring within my spirit to everyone and everything I come in contact with, on a continual basis without any effort whatsoever on my part, it is all the doing of Spirit within. It happens so naturally that “I Am” not even aware of it at the actual instance that it happens.
 Today I have reinforced deep within my being the Sacred Reality of the Divine Oneness of the Whole of Creation; and how I play a major role in maintaining that Divine Oneness. Actually, how we all play a major role in maintaining Divine Oneness. The only prerequisite is this; we simply must consciously choose to do so. There is no separation between any single part of creation, no matter how small or large that creation may be; All-Is-One; All Is Absolutely One With Infinite Source our Most Beloved and Sacred Mother-Father Goddess-God. Infinite Source is our Eternal Companion and Abundant Provider. There is nothing to desire because we have it all, in Mother-Father Goddess-God, Infinite Source.

“I Am” Soaring on the Wings of Glory through the Heavens with Infinite Source!
So Hum — “I Am”



Soaring On The Wings of Love

   Have you ever seen an eagle majestically soar across the sky with absolutely no effort and no worries of the world, and anything else that is going on in the world? Wow, what a glorious sight as it focuses on only that precious moment.

   That’s how my spirit is being completely saturated in the Sacred Energy of Love, as it soars unrestrained through the heavens as I dwell on the Awesome Unconditional Love that created our most Beautiful Universe, everything that is found within it and you and I.

   Oh how I adore and Love the Pure Essence and Sacred Beauty of Creation; it is such a Wondrous and Divine Creation; and it is here for us all to enjoy.

   Simply the thought of Love immediately sends my mind, heart, and spirit soaring high above all the cares and useless false worries of the world, and likewise the Love enables me to wade carelessly in Goddess-God’s pools of Blessings, Forgiveness, Restoration, Compassion, Gratitude, and Unconditional Love.

   I fully recognize that “I Am” born again on a daily basis with no past to hold onto or to hold me back, and nothing to regretfully remember, there is only the Brilliant Luminous Omniscient Loving Present Now Moment of our Glorious Infinite Existence.

   As I soar on the Wings of Glory, I can clearly see all of the tall and beautiful majestic Spiritual Beings, reaching to the heavens as the Gentle Life Giving Breath of Great Spirit moves them back and forth like the majestic dance of a ballerina.

   My cheeks are blushed with the warm brilliance of A Love Supreme, and it’s Sacred Energy rushes through my entire being, awakening every cell in my body.

   Soaring on the Awakened Inner Spiritual Energy of Love is a Divine adventure of eternal joy, excitement, and a glory that will never be surpassed throughout the whole of eternity.

   My face shines ever so brightly, because it is full of the Peace, Joy, Love, and Radiant Light of Infinite Source; this adventure is one that will last throughout my entire Perpetual Spiritual Journey wherever it guides me.

   The Unconditional Love of Great Spirit is so creative, smooth, and delicate; it gracefully ushers in the creation of a multitude of new life experiences each and every day of my sojourn here on my Beloved Earth Mother.

   Since I have consciously accepted and experienced the freedom and delightful majesty of Soaring on the Wings of Love, I will never be the same again.

   I gracefully and respectfully soar through the heavens on the Wings of Love, soaring into every new and precious moment and experience each glorious new day delivers directly to me.

   My heart is wide open, and bubbling over with Unconditional Love in its fullness, a magnificent gift that has been bestowed upon me by none other than Great Spirit.

“I Am” Soaring On The Wings of Love.

Please come and join me.

So Hum — “I Am”


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2004
(Re-written on 11.27.12)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Truth: A Way of Life


The Truth: A Way of Life

Key Word: Truth
1. Something that corresponds to fact or reality
2. Something that is so clearly true that it hardly needs to be stated
3. Honesty, sincerity, or integrity
4. Accuracy in description or portrayal


The truth is not something that we play with, halfway tell, or avoid completely. When we halfway tell the truth it becomes deception. Now the question arises; what actually is deception? Deception is nothing short of an absolute lie; it cannot be seen as anything less, because deception is a half-truth which sum total equals a full-fledged lie. People like to play around with telling half-truths, so not to have to face the consequence of their reality. That is mostly done for the purpose of them getting their way, you know what I am saying; trying to have their cake and eat it to, so to speak. You will here some say; I did not say that I did or I didn’t do that, knowing all along that the way that they omitted things gave a false impression to the person or people that they were speaking with or writing to. It always goes back to honesty is the best policy; no matter what the situation is. (period) That is because the truth is the only reality, and that won’t change because of the way it is said. Also, it will not change by way of deception or how the lie is told. When someone deceives or lies to me or someone else it really bothers me, because that says to everyone that the person who is guilty of such only cares about themselves, there is absolutely no concern for the person or persons they are lying to or deceiving. That is pure selfishness as well as complete disregard for everyone else. It is also a major disregard to their very own dignity.
Such situations grieve me, particularly when they are being perpetrated by those who profess to be, and are religious and spiritual teachers, preachers, and/or counselors. I know that their titles do not make them those who are beyond making mistakes, or place them on pedestals above everyone else. However, the positions that they have chosen to follow, or were given to them declares that they are supposed to be more conscious of what they are doing, and more conscious of the path they are following and they are committed to; meaning that they are to be examples of that which they espouse to know. We all know the difference between a lie and the truth that is deep within our spirit, so they should be much more committed to telling the truth no matter what it is. Such people become a hindrance for those seeking to find and follow the righteous path taught by religious and spiritual teachers and organizations. It is sad to say, nonetheless so true. I am running across more who profess to know and teach the way in which to live life from a spiritual and religious place of existence, yet they are some of the biggest deceivers and hypocrites on the face of this planet. For many of them deception and control trumps everything else, that is so disappointing and sad. A spiritual teacher that lies and deceives is the equivalent of a parent teaching its child all of the wrong things to do intentionally, for the purpose of controlling them, so that they will be with them and serve them for the rest of their lives, pure self-centered mental manipulation is what that is. Such wickedness warrants much negative karmic debt; be most assured that such debt will be paid in full by those who owe it.
We all must wake up and realize our oneness, we must also realize that manipulating others for selfish gain and ego (edging Goddess-God out) is a fruitless deed. We must fully respect each other by way of holding and speaking the truth in all that we think, say, and do. When we set out to deceive and lie, we are not only hurting others, we are actually hurting the whole of creation as well as ourselves; due to our sacred connection through the Oneness of Spirit. We must stop and give a lot of serious thought to everything we are thinking about and contemplating doing, before those thoughts are molded into tangible actions. It is so much easier to do the right thing, even when that means that we have to pay a price for doing so; the price that must be paid for doing the opposite is so much greater and much more painful. To whom much is given much is required. If we have entered into greater spiritual dispensation and awareness, and a deeper comprehension of that awareness, we are held completely responsible for how we use it and how the use of it affects others.
Right now we are in the process of entering into a new spiritual state of awareness and existence; a state of awareness and existence where our compensation for things done and not done is much greater than ever before, in the existence of mankind. Couple that with the due date for us to pay our debts for that which we have done and that which we have not done has been step up and set in motion. What we used to be able to get away with, and do in the dark has been place square in the middle of the Light of the Divine, for all to see clearly and almost immediately. A snake cannot slither sneakily unseen, as it gets ready to attack someone when it is in the middle of a wide-open clearing on a sandy stretch of land. Everything that has been done in the darkness is being brought into the glorious light of truth. The statement that Rodney King said just entered into my mind; “Can’t we all just get along.” Yes we can if we all are simply and completely 100% honest with each other as well as with ourselves. As ridiculous as it may be, we even lie to ourselves. Deceptive lying lifestyles turn us over to disillusioned reprobate minds for sure. We can never appreciate or enjoy the wonders of the oneness of creation as long as we volunteer ourselves to such darkness. We are surely much, much more than that.
Living in such a way nullifies our Sacred Divinity and the Spiritual Perfection, which eternally resides within the very core of our being, which is our spirit. To live as we are created to live we must totally turn our backs on such a lifestyle that is based in the midst of negativity. Why is this not done by everyone? Because it is so much easier to live an authentic life absent of all deception and lies. Many times it is solely about not admitting that we have made a mistake. Well, the only way to correct a mistake and not continue to repeat that mistake is to face it head on and just stop doing it. Stop lying, stop deceiving, and walk up right as the Righteous Eternal Spiritual Beings that we are, and have always been.
Why am I saying all of this? I am saying all of this because it grieves my heart, and pains my soul to experience such being done to others, as well as myself. Also, because of my calling to speak the truth just like everyone else is called to do. Even if we do not arise to our calling and speak out load to the inconsistencies in our lives, we are still held responsible to live an upright life; and when we don’t there is a very high and hard price to pay. That which we do in life is equivalent to sowing seeds and reaping a harvest. When we say and do things, we are planting seeds in fertile soil, be assured those seeds will surely bring forth a harvest after its own kind, just give it time to sprout and grow, and you will share in the fruits from the harvest of every field you plant, even the bitter gut cramping convulsive fruits that you don’t like, that you planted for others to consume. Sometimes I get so tired of how people treat each other, that I wish my transition were close at hand. However, such feelings always pass as I consciously turn my focus on what I should be focusing it on, which is the energy of Unconditional Love, which resides deep within my spirit where Infinite Source dwells. I am extremely grateful to Infinite Source for providing me with everything necessary to live life in the way it has been created for me to live.
Is everything I am talking about here to hard to do? Is it unfair for anyone to be expected to do such? Of course not, everything that we are asked to do and everything that we are faced with in life, we have been fully equipped to handle, and there is nothing strong enough to stop us from doing so successfully. It would be more than unfair for it to be any other way. There is absolutely nothing that we cannot accomplish that we are face with on this physical plane. That is not to say that some things won’t be difficult for us to do at first, because there will be many things that will be difficult from time to time. Nevertheless, the difficulty will surely only endure for a brief season. All each of us has to do is set our hearts firmly on doing that which is ordained, pleasing, and pure according to Infinite Source our Most Beloved Mother-Father Goddess-God. It is like anything else that we learn to do, we must train ourselves to do it the right way, and after a certain amount of time it will get easier to do, and before we know it we will be doing it with no effort whatsoever, we will be doing it with ease just as if we had been doing it forever. Simply doing the right thing always gets easier to do the more we do it. Because when we are doing the right thing all kinds of assistance turns up to help us. Remember, the truth is not something that we are to play with; we must be truthful with everyone, at all times. 

 I Invite you to enter the No Lie Zone!



I Am The Truth, and I Live The Truth, Because I Can Do Nothing Less.
Living and Doing That Which Is True Is My Eternal Destiny.

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

21-Day Meditation Challenge / Day 21


21-Day Meditation Challenge

Day 21

Today's Centering Thought:

“Every moment of every day, I live my life abundantly.”

Living Abundantly

Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
So Hum—I am

“If being spiritual means awareness of our connection to the creative source of the universe, we have the right to enjoy abundance in our lives.”

~ David Simon, M.D. Co-Founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing

In today’s meditation, we will incorporate all that we’ve learned about abundance and about ourselves. You now have all the tools you need to create greater abundance in your life.

In the words of metaphysician Neville Goddard, “Disregard appearances, condition, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption, you and your infinite being are merged in creative unity, and with your infinite being, all things are possible.”

Mindful Moment

Celebrate Yourself!

Rejoice in your dedication of a daily meditation practice, and congratulate yourself for following through on your intention to create and circulate greater peace and abundance in your life. Spend time in deep gratitude for all of the abundance that surrounds you, and remember to thank the people who have contributed to your wellbeing, including yourself.


Day 21 Reflections

How has your life changed since you began the Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge, Creating Abundance?

My life has changed since doing meditation again on a daily basis, in an abundant way, abundance of every kind, inwardly and outwardly.

What did you learn that is most important to you?

The most important thing that I have learned is, I surely cannot live life fully without meditation. Meditation has reawakened within me the reality that it is nothing less than my Well-Spring of Spiritual Energy. Meditation is my Spiritual Nourishment, and my Everlasting Nutrition; which provides the Sacred Energy needed for me to soar throughout the Heavens. I Am Soaring on the Wings of Spirit.

Today, what is your definition of abundance?

Abundance is all there is. Abundance is the Spiritual Substance that fills my soul. Abundance is the Divine State of being that totally possesses me and I possess completely in return. I Am Abundance!

What is your reflection on today’s session?

Today's meditation session was the perfect culmination of this meditation process. It is the springboard for the furtherance of my ongoing life of meditation. It has given me the spiritual restoration that I was seeking for my daily meditation. I embrace it fully and move forward with great joy, anticipation, and complete satisfaction.


I Am Living Manifestations In Life

I Am Unlimited Abundance.
I Am Blissful Happiness.
I Am Exquisite Well Being.
I Am Unconditional Love.
I Am Complete Harmony.
I Am Inner Peace.
I Am Perfect Balance
I Am One With Infinite Source.

I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
(This was motivated by the 21-Day Meditation Challenge)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Living Love


Living Love

Key Word: Love
1. The energetic creative and driving force of creation                 
2. An intense feeling of tender affection and compassion                 
3. A passionate feeling of romantic desire and sexual attraction
4. The sole energy that conquers all


There is absolutely nothing or no one greater than Love; Goddess-God Is Love.
I Am Love; Love is the most important thing as well as the most important energy in existence throughout eternity. I have been consciously aware of the Sacred Energy of Love, since I was at least five years of age. I know that because at the age of five is the furthest back I can remember thinking about and talking about love. I remember walking on the sidewalk in front of the house I grew up in saying this to God, why are people so mean? All I want to do is love them and be loved. I know that I Am Love; I also know the following reality "To Love Is To Live, and To Live Is To Love." Love is my only true motivating force in life. Love is everything to me, it is also everything to every living creature on the face of Earth Mother, however many human beings do not consciously comprehend that divine reality yet. Love not only conquers all, love also heals all, restores all, and comforts all. Without the Sacred Energy of Love there is absolutely nothing, no physical realm, no life, and surely no existence.
When I focus on love, I can feel it surrounding and filling my entire being. Even when I do not feel love, and I am not aware of love in some way, I still know that I am always full of love, as well as always being surrounded by love. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is the gift of love. That is also the greatest gift I can give to others and all of the creatures of the animal kingdom. Being unconditionally loved, and loving unconditionally makes me feel wonder-full and overjoyed, and flowing in love, because loving is the greatest thing we can do. The more I give love, the more I feel love resonating within me, and the more love I receive. I show my love to others by treating them in a loving way, and doing kind loving things for them with no strings attached. One of my motivational gifts in life is that of a lover. My other motivational gift is servant. Motivational gifts are those things, which cause us to want to live life to the fullest and gives life meaning to us. Love has always been my number one driving force in life, and love is my divine driving force throughout eternity. Loving unconditionally is the most important thing one can ever do.
I am so grateful that I have been consciously aware of the Sacred Energy of Love since I was a little boy. I know that I Am Love; that is downright important to me on my sojourn through this dense physical plane. To Love Is To Live, and to Live Is To Love, that should be everyone’s motto for life, because that is our sacred reality. Love is the only motivating force in life, because love gives life. Love is consciously everything to me, and love should be consciously everything to everyone. Love does not only conquer all things; love is also a healer of all maladies. Without Love there is no you and no me. Without love there is absolutely nothing, no existence whatsoever. There must always be Sat, Chit, Ananda — Existence, Consciousness, Bliss; and that comes directly from the Universal Energy of Love.
There is one last thing that I must touch on concerning love that some may need to digest or be reminded of. I have come to realize that sometimes those we love the most, are those who are hardest to love. That is because loving is not conditional, and getting love in return from those you love does not always happen when and how we want it to. That is due to the many definitions of love that we have. Loving unconditionally is the only way to love. If you are one who professes the christian faith and beliefs, you know that the love of God is unconditional. Unconditional Love is the only true love. Sometimes we have to love from a distance, loving heart-to-heart and spirit-to-spirit without any verbal or physical contact. That is usually because of things that have happened in our lives, and caused major misunderstandings, which sometimes make it hard for those who have not released past experiences to open completely to love, in the way it is being shared. Sometimes we say we want to be loved, however; what we are actually saying is this; we want to be loved in a certain way by someone, and if we are not being loved in that way we do not want love from that person. The definition of love says that love is an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion; no matter what has happened in the past, if love is given in such a way it should be accepted with open arms so to speak. For someone to be able to receive love completely, one must first be able to forgive completely. One thing that affects love the most is not living fully in the current moment, not living in the now. Love is a current moment expression and experience, so we must drop past hurts and mishaps, and allow love to work its wonder working powers and heal all manner of disharmony within us.
I am still learning at 58 years of age how to give and receive love properly. School is still in session for each and every human being on the face of the earth; none of us would be here doing what we are doing right now, if that were not our current reality.
I will bring to a close the scripted words I am sharing with you today with what I consider to be a very apropos quote from the New International Version of the Bible.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

New International Version (NIV)
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.



I Am That I Am, All That I Am, and All That I Am Is Love!
One Love, Unconditional and Everlasting.

So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Native Way of Prayer

Native Way of Prayer

The true way of pray according to my ancestors from the Americas, the indigenous people of Turtle Island (America), we do not pray and ask for something, because when we pray asking for something we are actually saying that which we are praying for does not exist. Everything that we think we need and seek already exists within the Divine Abundance of Great Spirit, because it has already been created for us by Great Spirit, and it is waiting on our conscious awareness of that Divine Reality. My ancestors would step into the Sacred Circle and placed a Mudra in front of them, and honor the four directions; they would also honor all of theirs ancestors. Mudras are sacred ritual gestures, elaborate hand positions used for the purpose of prayer. Mudras are used with mantras to seal energy patterns. Then within their spirit, with all of their senses, they would experience what they are praying to open up to them in the physical realm, a form of visualization. Here is a good example of Native prayer I heard Gregg Braden talk about. When my indigenous ancestors of Turtle Island would pray for rain they would actually feel the rain showering down on their heads, smell it, and feel their toes in the muddy soil created by the rainfall beneath their feet. Then they would give thanks to Great Spirit and go about their lives in a state of continual thanksgiving for the abundance of rain they knew would come in due time.

When we pray in the way that most people pray today, we are actually praying in earnest error; because we are praying as if that which we are praying for does not yet exist. Most of the time that is coupled with not feeling what we are praying as being a part of our current day reality, the existence of the abundant perfect creation we have already been blessed with from before the beginning of time by Great Spirit. We must immerge our whole physical and spiritual being into our prayer, and experience the prayer as a part of our current reality within our spirit. That is our preparation for receiving that which we are praying for. There is no lack in us or in our surrounding physical world; we have simply lost our true sight and hearing, because we have taken our attention off of what needs our undivided attention and allegiance, which is none other than Source, Great Spirit. We must regain our singular spiritual focus, because without it we most assuredly cannot communicate with Great Spirit in an appropriate and effective way. Matter of fact, we also need to regain it so that we can communicate with each other effectively and appropriately. Life is not a dream, this experience we call life is our current reality in the here and now, in which we have some degree of control over it. That which we do not control, is controlled by our beloved teacher Great Spirit. It is all about wholeness and oneness. We have become so fragmented in our lives, thinking, and affairs, due to the fact that we have become so impatient, stubborn, and egotistical. We must stop speeding through life, we have to low down and enjoy this reality we have been gifted with, and all of the intricacies of this physical sojourn.

We must once again truly learn how to experience this reality called life.
That can and must be done by practicing the Native Way of Prayer.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Nov. 2010
(Revised 11.22.12)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Living Carefree


Living Carefree

Key Word: Carefree
1: Having no worries or responsibilities
2: Free from all


Today was day 17 of the 21-Day Meditation Challenge given by Deepak Chopra. From the very first day every meditation sessions has been outstanding. Today’s session is entitled Living Carefree. Below is the mantra used in the meditation, as well as the theme for the session.

Today's Centering Thought:
“I move through my days light-hearted and carefree, knowing all is well.
Living Carefree
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Sat, Chit, Ananda—Existence, Consciousness, Bliss
“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
Today, we will look at how we can live carefree—free from judgment and worry, focused on the joy and perfection of what is.
As you grow into present moment awareness through meditation, you realize that in this moment, everything is perfect, just as it should be, and that any concerns you may have are transitory and temporary. You reconnect with your true self and begin to feel more light-hearted. Moving through life, you approach everyday circumstances with humor and can meet the unexpected with calm and ease.
Mindful Moment
Bring in the joy!
Take some time today to reflect on good times, look at old photos, take a leisurely walk, or spend time with someone who warms your heart. Experience the joy of all that you love, including yourself. As a spiritual being, you fear nothing because you know there is nothing to fear, and all that truly exists in the world is love.

Below are the questions given at the end of the meditation, and my answers to the questions that follow the meditation session; also my overall thoughts of the session.
Day 17 - Question 1

How do you feel when you wake up each day?

I awaken every day with excitement, because I am about to have my Sacred Time, and meditation is a major part of it. I also have great anticipation that all is well in my life, because of my awareness that ‘I Am’ one with Infinite Source and there is no lack in me; all of my needs are met daily because Infinite Source dwells in me, I have been set free, now I can truly see. That in and of itself is enough to excite me and set the tone for my entire day.

Day 17 - Question 2

How would your life improve if you lived light-hearted and carefree?

My life has improved significantly since I have become light-hearted and carefree; that is because I flow in a perpetual state of balance, knowing that everything is in divine order, and everything in my life, and all that I do flows like a pristine stream; flowing freely and easily without any effort whatsoever.

Day 17 - Question 3

How can you shift your awareness to expand the love and joy you feel in your heart right now?

Daily I shift my awareness and expand the love, joy, and peace that I feel continually existing and growing within my heart, as unconditional love completely governs my life and all that I think, say, and do.

Day 17 - Journal

Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.

Today's session reinforced the Divine Reality that all is well with me. There is no need for me to worry or struggle because everything is flowing in Divine Order; in the same way that a stream flows freely and easily, my life flows free and easy like a stream, and if something blocks the stream, the water gathers together until it has enough energy to forge a course around the blockage; and once again it flows free and easy on its path to join the rest of the waters in the collective ocean. My life is like that stream, flowing to the place where the collective spirits of Infinite Source gather and flow together into the Glorious Expansive Eternal Divine.

As you can probably tell, these meditation sessions have had a magnificent enlightening influence on my life. Since I started to practice meditation for the second time back in the 1980’s, meditation has had a wonder-full influence on my entire being. Actually, practicing meditation has completely changed how I relate to and live my life. For me to go about living a day without meditation is like driving a car with almost no water in the radiator, the car is surely to run hot, and maybe even stop running altogether. Meditation is my coolant, it also is the spiritual fuel that I need that motivates me through this experience we call living life. Meditation is to our spirit what food is to our physical body. As I have said many times in the past, if we treated our physical body the way we treat our spirit, the physical body would have died of starvation many years ago. Our spirit craves and needs meditation to function at full capacity. There is nothing worst than trying to go about living life when our physical being is not in perfect sync with our spirit, which is our Higher Spiritual Self. Most have grown so accustom to this physical existence, that they do not even give a single thought to their spirit. How sad that is, because each and every single human being in reality is an Eternal Spiritual Being first and foremost. Our physical human state is just a temporary condition that we will eventually lay down for good, because it is just happens to be a fleeting condition.
Recently there has been a lot of talk about the New Age, and what it will usher in this coming December 21st. I am hoping that it will usher in a new spiritual conscious awareness for all of my sisters and brothers; and they will accept it with wide-open hearts. Even though I want this for everyone, I know that there will be those who will turn their backs on this divine opportunity. Nevertheless, I truly believe that those who refuse to accept this wonder-full gift will still have a chance to turn things around, whenever they choose to open their First Eye, which is how they access their spiritual sight. The only problem with doing it later rather than now is this, there will be a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering experience for turning their backs on this blessing. Thankfully we are created by and eternally belong to Infinite Source, and we are continually saturated in the Unconditional Love of our Beloved Eternal Spiritual Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God. Grace truly abounds.
The transformation that the whole of creation is going through is extremely serious, and meditation is a very important tool we have been blessed with, to regulate and sustain our energy, so that we can withstand any challenge we must go through in this life experience. Would you try to take a pot out of the oven without a pot holder, or something else that would protect your hand from the extremely hot pot? Of course you would not do something like that, because to do so would be silly. Well let me tell you this, for us to try to live life without practicing meditation on a daily basis, is just as silly. Not practicing meditation is very harmful to us, and it affects how we are able to relate to those we come in contact with in life. Daily meditation enhances our ability to give and receive love unconditionally as we should. We must learn through meditation how to give and receive love in a qualitative way. Beloved, meditation is not just some man-made religious practice, it is truly a gift given to us from on high that we must take advantage of.


I Am The Product of My Commitment To That Which Is Spiritual.
Meditation Is My Sacred Wellspring of Living Waters.
I Am Eternally Refreshed!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala