Thursday, March 15, 2012




The True Spiritual Lifestyle of Oneness

The meaning of mutual is as follows; with the same feelings, or in the same relationship to each other, held in common by two or more parties. One of humanities biggest problems is we no longer consistently exist in the state of Mutual Spirituality. I believe that we started to lose our extremely valuable state of spiritual existence, our true spiritual being, which was our common and extremely valuable way of life, both inner and outer, when we set in motion those things that would dissect our Divine Spiritual Design; which would later affect who we are and how we relate to each other and the whole of creation; leaving us in the state of disarray that we find ourselves today. Our number one problem is the distorted idea that we can separate anything that we do from being that which is spiritual. We must be still and recall that we are Spiritual Beings going through a physical experience, so every single thing that we do is consciously linked to our spirituality; it is just that cut and dry. That being our true reality plainly tells us that everything we are a part of can be nothing less than spiritual in nature. An additional sidetrack we experience on our sojourn through life is as follows, inappropriately defining that which is spiritual through our limited faulty human intellect. The human intellect is a part of the carnal human mentality that is destroying humanity and our most Beauty-Full Earth Mother, and all of nature’s children.

We consciously lost our awareness of the Eternal State of Divine Mutual Spirituality when we stopped seeing the whole of creation as being one spiritual expression of Universal Source. What is this thing I call Universal Source? Universal Source is one of many names that I call who many call God and Spirit. Every form of creation in this physical realm is made up of sacred particles of Universal Source, which includes the smallest microscopic expression of the whole of creation. There is absolutely nothing in the entire Universe that is not a particle of Universal Source. Yes you heard me correctly, everything on the physical plane is one with the Creator, even that which we have labeled bad, evil, and corrupt; also that which some believe is energized by and sold out to dark negative energy, and considered to be the complete energetic opposite of Universal Source. We must always remember this divine reality; we are eternal spiritual beings that possess the awesome gift of Eternal Divinity. Because we have been gifted with such a very valuable gift, we have the ability to create our lives, as they should be as well as our surrounding worlds. Our surrounding worlds consist of our beliefs, that which we know, that which we feel, our relationships, our material possessions, and our auric field (field of energy) that surround us. Our collective surrounding worlds make up what we know as the entire physical realm, that which we see all around us and take for granted. We are the creators of many of the erroneous things we see and believe to be reality in our individual surrounding worlds, as well as what we see and believe to be reality in the collective world.

All humans are mutual equals; yet we are deceived into believing otherwise when we turn our backs on the reality of our Divine Mutual Oneness. I could speculate on why we did that, however in this case what good is speculation? Speculation could possibly make the problem worst. Since speculation is not based in absolute truth or absolute understanding, I will not attempt to do such at this time, and add to our distortion of this extremely important issue concerning Divine Mutual Oneness. We must find a way back to our Sacred State of Being, which is Divine Mutual Oneness. In doing so we will lay down the dis-ease of ego once and for all. Life minus ego delivers us to the sacred place of internal paradise, and once you and I experience internal paradise we will start to duplicate/create that same state of being in our very own outer surrounding worlds. Then the entire world will start its transformation back into its original state as our re-created surrounding worlds start to overlap one with each other, and once again become full of the mutual understanding of our Divine Mutual Spiritual Oneness, and our Unconditional Love for ourselves and every form of creation in this Awesome and oh so Beautiful Universe. I believe that the full recognition of Divine Mutual Oneness is what has begun to take place, and will accelerate in the up and coming transformation that many are misinterpreting as the end of the world. I believe deep within the very core of my being, that December 21, 2012 will formally signal the Sacred Process of returning to True Spirituality for those who choose to do so, and they will return to the state of Divine Mutual Spiritual Oneness in its fullness. Beloved, the awakening to our True Spiritual Nature has already begun.

Divine Mutual Spiritual Oneness Is Our Eternal Collective Reality!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

March 15, 2012


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