Sunday, July 8, 2012

Personal Inner Holy Book


Personal Inner Holy Book

Since the beginning of time as we know it, mankind has created a multitude of Holy Books. Below I have listed a number of them to illustrate just how many they are. Yet even though I have listed twenty-seven of them, there are still multitudes that were not listed.

Bhagavad Gita
Bahai Texts
The Urantia Book Christian Fathers
Confucian Texts
Dead Sea Scrolls
Divrei Torah
Ethiopian Texts
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Gnostic Texts
Hindu Texts
Islamic Texts
Mormon Texts (Church of Jesus Christ)
Nag Hammadi Texts
Old Testament Apocrypha
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
The Holy Qur'an
New Testament Apocryphal Acts
New Testament Apocryphal Apocalypse
New Testament Apocryphal Gospels
Taoist Texts
Sacred Ifa Oracle
Sepher Yetzirah
Shinto Texts
Sikh Texts
Tibetan Book of the Dead
Urantia Book
Zen Texts
Zoroastrian Texts

The goal I know I will accomplish in this lifetime, is fully tapping into reading and totally comprehending the Sacred Holy Book that resides within my Spirit. All of the Holy Books of the world originated from within the Spirits of my fellow sisters and brothers of humanity. I believe that each person is to tap into his or her personal Holy Book, and there is not to be a Holy Book written for a group of people because the reading of the Holy Book is a part of our Personal Intimate Relationship with Infinite Source, our Most Beloved Mother-Father Goddess-God. To solely read or hold the Holy Book written by another above our own, is to short change ourselves of Spiritual Insight and Divine Understanding we are supposed to get from this journey call life, and its true purpose for us experiencing it as individuals; and also as a collective of Sacred Spiritual Entities in which we are. Different laws govern the varied members of the physical body, yet ultimately and collectively a single Sacred Law governs them all and holds them together in Divine Unity, and that is the Omnipotent (all powerful) Law of Divine Oneness.

We miss very important personal lessons that we are supposed to get when we only read from the Holy Books of others. The Holy Book within our Spirit is personalized for our sojourn through this physical plane. I understand that it is much easier to read from the Holy Book of another, because we do not have to take the time necessary to learn how to access our own Holy Book and then take the time needed to full comprehend it and then put that which we have learned into action in and through our lives. We were not placed here on Earth Mother to live and easy life. We were placed here to evolve and fully become the conscious creators that we are. We are first responsible for ourselves, and then we are responsible for living the truths we have discovered, so that others can do the same. We are not in competition with our sisters and brothers, and neither is our way and beliefs the only way and belief. Beloved, we are all members of the same Spiritual Body. Yet we all have our own personal duties to carry out, and we can only truly learn what those duties are by reading our personal Holy Books.

Doing what I am saying is a major step for us to take in a world that has commercialized religion, and declared that there is only one way to God; with everyone say that his or her way is that single way. We must be bold and break away from the masses and do the right thing. It has always taken just one person, a single individual to stimulate the minds of humanity to look at another way of seeing things, and many times that resulted in a Divine Awakening. In the earlier days of this physical existence, women were not allowed to participate in religious ceremonies, and that was said to be God’s will. Where did that come from? That came from a confused man, and after other men read from his distorted counterfeit holy book and adapted his ways, the entire world, especially women suffered for that for thousands of years. That is one of the major reasons why we must learn how to read our very own Holy Books within our Spirits. If errors are made as we do that, they can and will be corrected in due time. However, when we make mistakes on our own the number of people affected by those mistakes is minimal.

Because of everything that I know and that which I shared with you, I know without a shadow of doubt that I must learn how to accesses the Sacred Holy Book that is within my Personal Holy Spirit.

“ Everything Is In Divine Order As I Follow My Soul’s Melody!”

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
July 8, 2012

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