Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What do I know?



What do I know?
What do I know? I know that I am grateful for life and the many blessings that it has and continues to give to me, even though I am not completely satisfied with my current position in life and that which I have to offer. However, I know that everything is in the process of changing. I also know that I am grateful for the first love of my life who I met when I was 16 years old. Even though we did not get married we still love each other dearly and respectfully, and we are still very close. She is a true friend who supports me in every way she possibly can, yet we both understand that it is not meant for us to be together as lovers. I also know that I have two very dear best friends (husband and wife) that live what they believe and say. Because they are true friends, they asked me to come to their home and live with them when I was physically sick and needed assistance, they opened their home to me and shared everything that they have with me as family would. If it were not for them, I could have ended up homeless in the streets of Santa Fe New Mexico. Because of them I now have a place of my own to live in, and I start a new job today that I am very grateful to have. I know that things will continue to get better as I metaphorically keep my head to the sky, knowing that I am not alone because Goddess-God is with me and I have true friends who care about me and love me.
What do I know? I know very little when it comes to this experience we call life. Yes I can quote a lot of profound statements about life, and spout off about what I have learned and done over my 59 years of life. However, do I really know all of that experientially? No I don’t, I simply know most of it from studying, or being told about it. My reality tells me that I know very little. I know that I am growing shorter with and tired of those who act as if they know just about everything, those who quote what they have read and studied as if they have lived it, but they do not and can not live that which they spew out without living it. I lived with someone like that not to long ago, and that experience was instrumental in me literally getting sick, because everything houses energy, and that energy was very negative. Just as positivity produces positive energy and creates positive things, negativity produces negative energy and creates negative things. Negative energy can and does create physical illness because of its unnatural drain on the physical body. I am at such a place now, that I cannot tolerate those who lie and pretend they are someone they are not; and say that they can do that which they have no idea of what to do. I can no longer put up with those who have proven to me that they are not genuine in all that they do. I am not looking for perfect people, only true people. I can and will embrace those who confess their shortcomings and simply be who they truly are. I am not impressed with things and wealth; authenticity trumps that every time in my reality. So in essence, being you no matter what that means is the way we all should be. That does not mean that we are to settle for less, because we are to do all that we can to better ourselves. Nonetheless, we must be authentic and be who we are until we learn how to change for the better.
Speaking of authenticity, some good examples of that are the sincere people that have become my friends, that I met online that have never met me in person. However, they still stepped up to the plate and assisted me financially when I was sick and in need money because I could not work. That is a prime example of people living what they believe in a say, people who care about more than themselves. They will never know how deeply what they did touched me down to the very core of my being. No words can adequately express how deeply they touched me, and how I feel about them. I wish I could at least embrace each of them and tell them face-to-face thank you and I love you.
Again, what do I know? I know that I cannot settle for less than that which I believe I am supposed to have in life. I have been told that I am too picky at times, especially when it comes to what I want, and whom I want to be with. I most certainly want to be in a love relationship. However, I cannot settle and just be with any lady that is interested in me, just to be in a love relationship, which would not be fair to her or myself. I know that in being the way that I am, I will either find the right lady (Sacred Woman) for me and I for her, or I will simply be alone for the rest of my life. Being alone is much better than being with the wrong person. Being equally yoked together is not just a christian thing. Being equally yoked together with a mate is very serious business. Is it possible to have ropes tied to your hands and feet and to be pulled in two opposing directions at the same time, and have a positive outcome? Of course that is not a possibility. Well, that is exactly what two people who are not equally yoke together are trying to do. Two people in a relationship may not be about and agree with everything, however they must be at least going in the same direction. I have found that since becoming a spiritual person and no longer being religious, that there are very few religious people I can be yoked together in a relationship with. That is not to say that my way is right and their way is wrong. We are just traveling on two different paths. Yet even though both paths may be headed to the same destination, we cannot be together and travel on two different paths; that is not being together.
What do I know? I know that I cannot be phony and pretend to be someone I am not. I also know that I have to be real and speak that which is truth to me. I must speak the truth about how I feel, and where I am in life, even when there are those who feel I should be at another place in life, and they do not agree with me and where I am. I also know that being spiritual at this time in my life does not mean that I know everything, and I will make mistakes sometimes; I will even repeat some mistakes over and over again, until I learn the lessons I am supposed to learn. On top of that, even though I want everyone to understand me and know where I am coming from, it does not matter to me a great deal what people think of me and say about me, because I cannot and will not be able to please everyone. I simply must do that which I believe is pleasing to Infinite Source the Creator of all things. Being a spiritual being is of the utmost importance to me. However, because I know so little at this point on my journey, many mistakes will be made as I sojourn through this dense physical plane, and there will be many who misunderstand what I do and why I do what I do. My true and complete solace in that is this, one day we all will know all things and the complete sacred truth will be a part of our eternal conscious spiritual being.
Since I know so little compared to everything that could be known, I am totally committed to learning all that I can, to correct all that I can in the time I have left in the current lifetime I am now living. Reaching the age of 59 is said to not be that old by some, however it looking at the reality that I am now 59 years old, has surprisingly brought me face-to-face with my immortality; it has brought me to the reality that there is not much time left in this lifetime, even if I live another 50 years. So I must do as I have been doing, learn as much as I possibly can in the time I have, and love and help as many as I can during the years I have left. As I do that I hope that the tests I fail along the way do not hinder those that know me. I see life in the same way that I see going to school, there will definitely be tests, and some of those tests I will fail. Nevertheless, if I fail a test there will always be a makeup test given, until I learn the lesson and pass the test, even if I have to be enrolled in another school during another lifetime. The only major question about me completing the school of life with flying colors is as follows. How many lifetimes will I have to live before I can graduate from this Glorious Sacred School of Higher Spiritual Learning?
What do I know? I know that I will succeed; one day I will surely succeed. How do I know that? I know that because I know that I am created by Perfection Itself, and Perfection can not create anything that is less than Itself, so that makes me a perfect creation that must succeed. I may not totally recall everything necessary to act as such right now, nonetheless I will reach the place of Total Spiritual Re-Call one day, and my perfection will gush out from deep within my spirit like a volcano blowing its top, causing the lava to shoot high into the sky and light up the surrounding area in a radiant way. The Light and Love of Mother-Father Goddess-God is within me, and that Light and Love is motivating me to continually move forward and upward in patience and hope.
What do I Know? I know that there are those out here today that truly care about others and not just themselves, and I am one who stands tall and proud alongside of them. loving and caring for my sisters and brothers as well as the whole of creation. I Love life and I give life when I share my love. I am that I am, all that I am, and all that I Am Is Love!
I keep hope alive through the Love of Infinite Source that resides deep within my spirit.
Now the remaining question is this. What Do You Know?

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

I am a perfect and wonder-full creation, because I am created by none other than Infinite Source. Without a shadow of doubt I Am A Perfect Creation.
So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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