Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cicadas and Energy


Cicadas and Energy
The other morning I awoke up with this resounding in my mind; cicadas have a much greater purpose than most people understand. Since everything is most assuredly energy, and energy is vibrational, cicada’s energetic vibrational purpose for emerging in the areas that they do every 17 years is to recalibrate and regulate the atmospheric energy in those areas. Most things are usually not what they seem to be on the surface. There is usually a much deeper reason why things happen that we simply are not aware of, because we have allowed our energy to be stepped down to an unnatural level. There are many things that we do not comprehend due to our state of low vibrational spiritual existence. Nevertheless, our state of vibrational spiritual existence must be stepped up; it must be recalibrated if we plan to exist in harmony with each other, Earth Mother, and the whole of creation.
I know that to some this may seem like a lot of crazy talk. However, if you want to see what is truly crazy, take a look all around you in the world today, and see how things are and what is happening at the hands of humanity; now that is really crazy. We must be still, be silent and hear what that which is greater than us is saying to us. Some call that which is greater than us God, and others by many other names such as Goddess, Allah, Jehovah, Spirit, The Divine, Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Infinite Source, and on-and-on. One of the affectionate names I like to use is Mama-Baba Goddess-God, because to me it honors both the feminine and masculine energies of The Divine. Nonetheless, I believe that the Source of all creation is not concerned with the names we use, and the Source answers to the energy projected behind that name, not the name itself. So we must be still and quite and call on the Divine for direction by whatever name we see fit to use. Then we must be open to what comes to us. Now if we are not comfortable with what we receive, we can take it a step further. We can ask for confirmation to come to us in some way that will show us that what we received was truly from Goddess-God, and what we should believe and do.
When a fish tank gets extremely cloudy with waste, it is hard and in some cases impossible to see the fish in it. However, does not being able to see the fish, mean that they are not in the tank? No, of course not. It is the same thing when it comes down to us; the waters of our understanding have gotten so cloudy, from all of the man made crap we have allowed into our surrounding worlds, and has fogged up things so badly and for such a long time that we can not see our true reality, nor can we remember what our reality is; simply because we can no longer see or relate to the Divine Reality that we are Eternal Spiritual Beings which are actually made up of Pure Spiritual Vibrational Energy, does not mean that we are not that. Without a shadow of doubt, I know wholeheartedly that we are Eternal Spiritual Beings of Light and Love, and Light and Love is the same Sacred Substance that Infinite Source is. We are one with Infinite Source because we are a part of that Divine Sacred Energy known by many names.
I believe that energy is the crux, the Divine Core of all existence on this and every plane of existence, simply because that which is responsible for creating us and everything else is Pure Sacred Vibrational Energy. Does it not take energy for everything that is alive to live and grow, and likewise does it not take energy of some sort to destroy things that exists? Then energy is nothing less than the Divine Force behind everything. My sisters and brothers, it is time that we stop sleep walking and allowing things to happen all around us, as well as stop half-way creating that which we create, because creating without consciousness can be very harmful to the creator and everyone else as well. There is a form of creation that I left out, the intentional creation of that which is harmful and destructive to the Divine Creations of Mama-Baba Goddess-God. All of this is due to our poor spiritual unconscious state of being. My beloved sisters and brothers, for the sake of our children that will be left with all of our creations no matter what they are, also for the sake of ourselves and what all of us will go through that is even worst than what we have already experienced due to our unconscious faulty creations. We must begin to correct all of our errors now. Hasn’t humanity and the whole of creation suffered enough already? We have the power within ourselves to change things. Earth Mother and nature are doing all that they can to keep things balanced, while us humans continue to do our wickedness and cause some species to become extinct due to our ignorance and foolishness. If we continue along the path we are on, we will cause ourselves to become extinct in the not so distant future. Cicadas are not the only part of creation that is doing its part to maintain the vibration of this physical plane, many parts of creation are doing their part to maintain and regulate the Sacred Vibration of this planet. When is humanity as a whole going to do the same?
Some will surely say that the noise the Cicadas make is just their mating call, and I have completely lost my mind. Even if what we hear coming from the Cicadas is a mating call, it is still vibrational in nature and I am sure that it serves more of a purpose than that, such as helping balance the energy here on Earth Mother, helping to balance the energy that human beings have been instrumental in distorting.
We are spiritual beings that are definitely not functioning as such, so that means that we are functioning in a counterfeit state of being. If we acted like a bird and jumped off a ninety-five foot cliff trying to fly, our attempt would end in our utter destruction. Well, we are actually doing the equivalent to that as we are acting out of character now. A few of the major things that we can do right now that may seem to be very simple is, start treating each other with more respect and be concerned about how others feel, start talking to each other in a loving way, using only those words that are positive in nature, see ourselves as being one like our bodies and their many members, and to Love each other Unconditionally. Everything that I just mentioned is simple to do, yet it will have a profound effect on the human race, and that will translate into a profound effect on Earth Mother and the whole of creation. Beloved, we must take our heads out of the sand and see what we the human race is doing to the Glorious Most Magnificent Creation of our Beloved Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Were we created as destroyers or creators? We were surely created as creators, creators of our very own personal realities. Well we must without a doubt act accordingly.
Action Have The Power to Create and Transform, So Do Words.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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