Monday, November 4, 2013

Saved By The Blood?


Saved By The Blood?
Yes, I Am Saved By The Blood; but not the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus; I Am Saved by The Sacred Love Filled Blood of The Spiritual Being of Mama-Baba Goddess-God known now as Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala. I know that this sounds ridiculous and as far-fetched as a story can get, yet it is our reality. Now what I am sharing here may be detrimental to some of my relationships; because many I know are christians, and this will not set well with them and the teaching they believe and follow. To many what I am saying is nothing short of pure blasphemy. However, to others this will be something to consider as truth, because there have been many so-called saviors in the world. For example, there is a book from ancient Egypt that was written before Jesus was even born, and in that book you will find stories that parallel every story in the bible. Now does that mean that the bible was plagiarized, or does the bible fall in line with the saying and belief that there is nothing new under the sun, and what happened according to the bible is just history repeating itself, because humanity has yet to understand what it is being taught?
First you must understand this, the bible that is used today is a mere fragment of its original form, it was dissected and changed by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. Now give this some thought; what is being taught through religion is like a formula, a recipe for spiritual perfection. However, as with a cake recipe, if you leave out one ingredient, such as the baking soda, that which will cause the cake to rise you no longer have a cake. Well, there you have it; that which was taken out of the bible has rendered it somewhat powerless, which is why things are not getting better as they should for those who follow the teachings of the bible. The bible teaches that we should study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Yet we are taught that we should do that which we do by way of blind faith. Great Spirit The Divine does not want us to do anything in a state of blindness, not even following Divine Truth. That is simply something that was inserted for the purpose of manipulating and controlling the masses.
I must share with you what just came to me as I was thinking about being saved? What I see as a new and true revelation just presented itself to me; and it said that not one of us are saved symbolically/metaphorically because most of us are not and never have been lost; at times we may have just been a little confused and standing still with our Spiritual First Eye closed tight, (our Spiritual First Eye is the same as what some call the Third Eye). However, there are those times when some of us have followed deceptive teaching and direction, and because of that we have ended up lost in the forest of confusion, in dark realms we are totally unfamiliar with; it is at times like that when we truly need to be rescued from the darkness. Nonetheless, we never need to be symbolically/metaphorically saved by the blood of anything. It is not being saved by the blood of the lamb as some religions teach that is needed; we need to and must be saved by The Love of The I Am! For those of you who are not familiar with the term I Am, the I Am is our Beloved Spiritual Parent/Creator Mama-Baba Goddess-God, also known to many as God and/or Spirit. What a Wonder-Full Spiritual Revelation that is; we are saved by the most Awesome Power of all, the Awesome Loving Power of Mama-Baba Goddess-God, which is none other than All Conquering Unconditional Love. The I Am will lead us out of the darkest of places if we would but keep our focus on it at all time. Love will guide us through everything that is of course if we allow it to.
So in essence, if you feel like you may need saving from something, someone, or some place, call on The Love of The I Am and Mama-Baba Goddess-God will appear in some form and make a way out of what may seem like no way.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala