Monday, March 3, 2014

Joy, Happiness and Unconditional Love


Joy, Happiness and Unconditional Love
One day last week I woke up from a dream with an abundance of Joy, Happiness and Unconditional Love bubbling up from deep within the very core of my spirit. You may be wondering why I woke up in such a glorious state that morning? Well, before waking up I had an intense dream; in that dream I was outside walking somewhere and there were children, walking around and playing. I was walking up a flight of steps and I faintly heard a soft monotone voice. At first I could not tell that faint voice was actually directed at me; then all of a sudden I recognized the voice; it was the voice of a little boy that lived at the apartment complexes where I worked. Every time I would near or in the apartment he lived in I would make sure to talk with him. When I would talk with him I always made sure that he knew that I not only saw him, I heard him as well; just as I did with his parents and everyone else I talked with. You see; I feel that it is extremely important that we get our children to the place of knowing that they are heard, and what they have to offer is just as important as what all adults have to offer. I am not saying that we should treat children in the exact same way that we treat adults, because we should not do that. Children must be treated as the individual and collective Evolving Sacred Beings that they are; however they must never be respected, and one very important way to do that is to find ways that cause them to know that they are seen, heard, respected and loved just as much as their elders.

In the somewhat dreaded state of mind I find myself from time to time, due to having been brought face to face with the reality that I have rectal cancer, which is the same condition that took my adopted big sisters life just summer before last. This little boy touched my heart in a profound joyful way because he showed me that I was successful in my communication with him. When I finally realized that he was talking to me, I turned around and saw his smiling face, I ran to him and hugged him. When I held him in my arms waves of joy, happiness and love washed over me like a soothing rainfall on a hot summer afternoon. There is nothing more mesmerizing then that of the energy we experience when we come to fully comprehend that we have touch someone to the core of their concern in love, especially that of a child. I think that is so because on a much higher level than our human comprehension, we are made aware that we have given to that child a gift, that is more valuable than silver and gold, or anything that is priceless.

You see, in the early years of a child’s life, they go through the process of rediscovering who they are in relationship to this dense physical realm. Adults rob the children of their conscious connection to their spiritual gifts, because of the narrow mindedness that adults have espoused. Our children are also left to have to deal with a very serious conflict of comprehension, based on the direction that some adults give them, which surely does not resonate with their young precious pristine spirits. Every adult must make sure that our children are on the path that will cause them to reach the sacred state of mind of knowing that they are eternal spiritual beings, as well as causing them to know that they are heard, respected, loved and needed. In addition they must also know that what they think, say, and do is just as important as what adults think, say, and do; and sometimes even more important than that of some adults. 

We must reach the place of fully comprehending that the greatest gift we can ever give, is that of teaching our children how to freely give Unconditional Love, and honestly communicate with each other, which is surely a two way street of communion that we all must travel. We must build up the self-esteem of our children by showing them that they are seen, heard, needed, and most importantly loved as we withdraw from the action of belittling and tearing down their self-esteem. We just about completely destroy our children’s self-esteem when we do not pay them any attention. We are to help build up our children’s self-esteem by helping them find their own path through this sojourn called life. One of the biggest atrocities of all is to indoctrinate our children into a system that does not value their creative expression, nor encourage their unique individual sacred abilities. Why do you think that children are acting out like never before? Our children are acting out as they do because they are not recognized and cherished as they should be; nor are they sown the avenues they must travel to express their created abilities fully. We simply label them hypoactive and drug them into submission, because of our ignorance. Children are taking the blame for the adults that do not stand up and do their part in life as they should. A child is locked up for dealing with situations in a violent way, when actually they are simply reacting in the way they have been and are being taught to ac by adults. They see their mothers and fathers physically fighting and saying harsh harmful things to intentionally hurt each other, so the children follow the adult’s direction and do as they see their parents and other adults do.

Children are told by their parents and other adults to always be honest, because honesty is the best policy; yet when the doorbell or the telephone rings and it is someone they do not want to see or speak to, they tell the child to tell whoever it is that they are not home or they cannot talk now because they are busy and can’t stop doing what they are doing. That is the “Do As I Say, Not As I Do,” syndrome. We have set up our precious little children for failure, and robbed them of their innocence and their childhood by not showering them with Joy, Happiness, and Unconditional Love. It is time for us to wake up and start our journey on the Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call, the act of remembering who we truly are spiritually.

One way of starting our journey on the right path is to watch and listen to our children as they communicate and share with each other, and when we see that something is wrong, step in immediately in Love and give them the sacred guidance that they are in need of. We must have the humility of a child; humility opens the door to our Eternal Spiritual Kingdom. A child’s heart is open, pure, warm, trusting, and loving; we must do everything within our power to make sure that they see and follow that Path of Light that is designed specifically for them, not the path we choose for them and want them to follow. Adults cannot and should not try to live their lives through their children. All children have the right to live their lives as they see fit. Our children will never grow up if we are always standing in their way and directing their every move. We must learn to completely release our children and allow them to get the scrapes and bruises that they must experience, that is part of their rights of passage. Rights of Passage is something that I must write about in the very near future.

I hope that my scripted words are comprehendible today. I am on very strong pain medication and because of that it has taken me a very long time to complete one paragraph.


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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