Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sacred Metaphor

Sacred Metaphor
I am in the place that I find myself right now, due to the reality that I stepped out of my Sacred Waters of Sustenance and Healing. I got so entrenched in my mind thinking about what I could do to make things better in the lives of others and in my life from an intellectual standpoint, that I got completely off track, and with each step up every rung of the intellectual ladder out of my Sacred Waters I actually thought that I was climbing up to do something good. However, I was deceived, because by the time I reached the top of the ladder, I realized that I should not have gotten out of my Sacred Waters of Sustenance and Healing because therein resided everything I needed. I should not have allowed my focus to get on things and people as I did. I should have maintained my focus on that which is eternal, only those things of the Spirit. What I did is a mis-take that is made by most, because we allow ourselves to get so attached to the physical, and consciously or subconsciously we start to identify ourselves more with that which is physical, and that in and of itself causes us to feel that we have to always be doing something, when most of the time we should be still and quiet. Acting in such a way causes us to falsely believe that we are in total control of our lives, and everything around us. We can take a certain amount of control of our lives however, we will surely be lacking in many things if we try to take full control. We can control some things; however we must turn over the majority of the control to Spirit. I am so glad that what I did in error has been revealed to me in time for me to correct it. I am sharing this with you because I hope it will help you avoid making the same mis-take I made. There is a price to pay for every mis-take; just as there is a reward for doing that which is in perfect alignment with our Sacred Spiritual Existence.

Caring for ourselves is just as important as it is that we care for others; yet many times we care and do more for others then we do for ourselves. There must be a balance when it comes to caring for others and caring for us; when it is out of balance either way there will be disappointment and a lot of trouble. When we care for ourselves in the proper way we benefit the whole of creation because we will be balanced in that which we do. In addition, when we care for others as we should, the whole of creation will likewise benefit. We need to start to see ourselves as a part of the whole of creation, and understand that everything we do and experience affects the whole of creation and not just us. We cannot have the mindset that what we are doing and experiencing is not affecting anyone else but ourselves. If you are anything like many people, you are harder on yourself than you are on others, and you do more for others than you do for yourself. Being that way is surely out of balance. So we must take the time necessary to care for ourselves as we should as well as others, doing so is a win-win situation.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


  1. Kyan,

    I am glad what I shared spoke to you. It is my pleasure and an honor to share here as I do. It is all about growth and living life to the fullest as we should. This experience called life is full of many ups and downs, however if we allow them to do so both the ups and downs will ultimately come together as we learn and grow from them and create that which we need in life.

    One Source, One Love, One Sacred Destination!

    Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
