Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hope -Expectation


Hope -Expectation

Key Word: Hope

1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen
2. a chance that something desirable will happen or be possible
3. something that somebody wants to have or do or wants to happen or be true
4. a feeling of trust

Key Word: Expectation

1. a confident belief or strong hope that a particular event will happen
2. a mental image of something expected, often compared to its reality
3. a belief that someone will or should achieve something


Hope and expectation is pretty much the same thing. On one hand you have hope, which is to have a feeling of expectation and a desire for something to happen; on the other hand you have expectation, which is a confident belief of strong hope that a particular thing will happen. We must have high hopes and great expectations of ourselves, and that which we do as we sojourn through this dense physical plane. The majority of humanity in some area of their life does not have the level of hopes and expectations of themselves that they should, because of that they have some degree of low self-esteem. Actually, as I think more abut that last statement, I must say that all of humanity has or did have some degree of low self-esteem in some area of their lives. That is due to the untrue faulty teachings that all of humanity is directly exposed to and taught; yet that is not a bad or negative thing, actually it is a good thing. That is a good thing because through that experience we are allowed to see the other side of that reality, and that gives us a full perspective and firsthand knowledge of everything we are dealing with, and learning from. It is essential that we come to know the ends and outs, the positive and the negative sides of that which we do and that which we are acquainted with.
Here I will give you a living example of what I am saying concerning knowing both sides of something, then I will show you how faith and expectation played into the whole scheme of things as well.
In 1969 when I was only 16 years old, I started getting high on illegal drugs. The drug I first used was heroin. Heroin was one of the most addictive drugs out there, and I opened myself up fully to its control through using and being controlled by it for a long hellish period time, when I was still but a child. To make a long story short, I was strung out on heroin for 10 long agonizing years. Nevertheless, I had hope of stopping and I had high expectations of what I would do later in life. In 1979 I said a prayer that went something like this. God, I am strung out on drugs, I am broken; if you are who they say you are you created me and you can fix me. I want my desire for drugs to be completely taken away from me right now, never to do them again. In addition to that I do not want to have any withdrawals or any desire to get high again. I do not want to have to go to rehab; I want it taken from me here and now. If you are who they say you are you can do this. Deep inside of me I knew that God was real, and I had hope that God would answer my prayer, and I expected it to happen right then; and it did. I have been drug free from September 2, 1979 to this very day, which is August 19, 2012. I just realized that I would be 33 years free of drug addiction in a few weeks on September 2, 2012; I will surely be celebrating that on the 2nd.
I said all of that to say this; because I have experienced drug addiction and true recovery, I appreciate life in such a way that I never could have if I had not experienced that. Because of that, I am able to identify with and connect on the level of true understanding with those who are experiencing drug addiction as I did. Experiencing drug addiction has allowed me to be able to reach those who otherwise may not be reachable. When I am able to share with them, I can show them how our hopes and expectations can surely help rescue us from the hell we have created for ourselves. Some will say the addict does not create the hell of drug addiction; the addict most certainly does. I will explain that to you with just two words, personal choice. No matter what is placed in front of us, we have the choice to take it or deny it. On a much grander level of existence, I believe that even before we enter into this physical realm; you and I or Infinite Source, whomever or whatever Infinite Source is, sets up scenarios and possibilities we can experience for our growth and well being during our sojourn here on Earth Mother. My hope that something greater than myself was out there, and my expectations that it would help me do away with that drug addiction, kept me consciously alive. Little did I know back then, that which I was hoping in and expecting to be delivered by, actually dwelled within me in my spirit. I have a great appreciation for the struggles of those who are going through what I went through for ten dark long years. Because of my past experiences, I am able to plant seeds of hope and expectations in the fertile soil of their minds.
Hope and expectation is something that we cannot live without, because without it there is no life. I believe that we need to check in on our hopes and expectations on a regular basis. Actually most of us never check in on our hopes and expectations. You may wonder why I say that. I say that because just as it is with everything else, our hopes and expectations change with age, needs, and experience. Many of the hopes and expectations we had when we were children are no longer applicable to our current journey in life. Realistically looking at it, our hopes and expectations can change over night, or in the twinkling of an eye; yes just that quick. So checking in on our hopes and expectations on a regular basis is a very wise and beneficial thing for everyone to do, no matter what you have acquired or where you are in life. How many people have their vehicles serviced periodically for safe travels? Are our physical vehicles that transport our spirits through this earth plane less important than our mechanical vehicles? Of course not; that is why we must check in on our hopes and expectations as well as many other things that govern our lives. Hope is the lifesaver that keeps me afloat when I start to sink in the turbulent deep waters of life’s challenges, which sometimes cause me to feel despair and weakness. Hope gives us rest in the midst of the storm, it allows us to rest even when the waters are extremely turbulent and throwing us to and fro.
When our hope is strong enough, it is sometimes transformed into something that will cause us to expect a miracle. As I have shared numerous times in the past, the miraculous is actually the ordinary. The thing is this, we have gotten so far away from doing those things that are spiritual, that when we do something we have forgotten about and we get results we begin to think that is miraculous. No, it is that which we should have been doing all along. We must have much higher expectations of ourselves then we do. Many have absolutely no expectation of themselves in life, which is because they have given their will and lives over to someone or something outside of himself or herself. Anyone or anything that directs us or causes us to focus outside of our inner higher spiritual selves is counter-productive, and that is not good for us at all. We must have hope in ourselves; hope that we can handle anything that comes our way, because we can. Life is not a game with the cards stacked against us. Life is not a game at all; life is a wonder-full journey of remembrance and adventure. The reason why we must go within is to remember who we are and come to once again know what we are capable of doing. Usually, that which we are asking for help in doing only takes a few minutes to learn. That is of course if we take the time needed to go within, be still, and tap into the wisdom within ourselves to find out how what we are dealing with should be dealt with correctly. All of the databases in the world cannot house the knowledge and wisdom that resides within our spirits. Some say we only access six to ten percent of our mental capacity. Our full mental capacity is but a minuscule part of the expansive spiritual wisdom, I am talking about going within and tapping into.
The so-called geniuses of the world have only begun to scratch the surface of our human wisdom and abilities. If I were functioning to my full spiritual capacity, I would be classified as a Superman or a God. I believe that those such as the Buddha and Jesus were individuals who remembered how to tap into more of the inner wisdom than the masses have or were committed to doing. That is because the masses have gotten lazy; they want a savior, and someone they can confess their shortcomings to and be forgiven instantly. I must tell you this; if you do not drill through the fertile soil of your inner being and tap into the well of wisdom within, you will not share in the bounty of the gusher of wisdom that lies deep within your spirit. Going within and drilling deep into our inner well of wisdom, is the same as drilling into an oil well, when the deposit of oil is hit, the oil is going to gush out. Well it is the exact same thing when it comes to us tapping into the well of spiritual wisdom within us.
Now is the time for all of us to have hope in ourselves, hope in the reality that the Buddha and Jesus came to give us. Jesus said, “Greater Things Shall Ye Do”. Yet his words must have shot right over the disciples heads, because none of them have done greater things, neither have any of us done greater things. We must follow the examples of those spiritual wise men and women who understand what we have, and like them learn how to tap into it. I have placed all my hopes and expectations directly on my shoulders. Because of that, I have no choice but to say this directly to myself through my higher spiritual consciousness. Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, if you are who you say you are, you must rise up in your hopes and expectations of yourself and transform your life into consciously being that which you truly are. Baba-Kundi, you have gotten out of sync; that means that you must go deep within yourself and re-synchronize your human intelligence with your higher spiritual self and once again begin to embrace your true existence, and add the essence of that to all that you are and all that you do. I Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, am full of all of the personal hopes and expectations that accompanies being an authentic Spiritual Being.
Hope is my savior from despair when my knowing gets shaky.


I stand on the never-ending hope of the divine reality that I am eternally one with Infinite Source. Because of that hope my expectations are eventually turned into my everlasting reality.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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