Thursday, August 30, 2012

Manifest Plenitude


Life is a Field of Dreams

Manifest Plenitude
Key Word: Infinite ~ Manifest
1. To make evident or certain by showing or displaying
2. To appear or be revealed
3. Display or show by one’s acts or appearance

Key Word: Infinite ~ Plenitude
1. An abundance or plentiful supply of something
2. The state of being full or complete
3. A great sufficiency


I am sure you know as well as I do, life throws us a few curve balls every now and then. One of the reoccurring curve balls that have been thrown my way in life has to do with finances. Recently one of life’s financial curve balls was thrown my way, and I took a big hard swing at it, and the bat went whoosh, right by that ball; there goes one strike. It startled me at first and I had to step back away from the plate of life and regroup; then I knocked the dirt off of my shoes, step back up to the plate of life, and got set for the next ball to be thrown to me.
In dealing with the current financial issues I am faced with in life, I was contemplating trying to take the easy road around lessons and problems. However, doing so meant that I would have to relinquish the blessings of ground already gained. I am not saying that we are never to do such, because sometimes that is the most sensible thing to do. Nevertheless, for me at this place on my journey through life, trying to take the easy route or to retreat is not the prudent thing for me to do. It is time to tilt my nose down, get firmly grounded, focus my eyes and once again get ready to swing my bat of life, and connect solidly with the ball of life experiences like never before. The greater lessons in life call forth the most intense concentration, deep grounding, precise focus, and the highest level of energy we can muster up. Then and only then, are we ready and able to meet our problems directly, and go through them and not attempt to go around them; leaving us in the situation that will cause us to only have to face them and resolve them at a later date.
Now is the time that I must manifest plenitude in every area of my life. It does not matter how things look or how things are all around me; it is not about other people, or how things are. It is about fully tapping into Infinite Source, and doing that which most would say is impossible. There is no such thing as impossibility when it comes to Infinite Source meeting my needs, by showing me what I need to do. I must never do that which will truncate the flow of abbondanza (abundance) in my life as I travel through this physical plane. Would it be natural for me to stop a bank teller from completely counting out and giving to me the full amount of a check I gave her to cash, and leave the bank with only half of what the check was worth? Of course that would not be natural; actually to do such would surely be crazy. In the past I have done the equivalent to that when it came to challenges in my life; times got difficult just before a major deposit in my life account, and I stopped the blessing from being paid to me by the teller; grabbed what was already counted out, to me and walked out of the First Universal Bank of Abbondanza, leaving the balance of my great blessing behind. Hey, I was almost a repeat offender of that ridiculous act this week.
No matter how thins may seem or how things are in the world all around me; I must remember this all of the time; whether or not I manifest plenitude in my life and surrounding world is totally my choice. What is happening in the world with the masses does not have to dictate what is going to happen with me in my life and surrounding world. Does that make me better then those who are experiencing lack in their lives? Of course that does not mean that. It simply means that I made a different choice; it means that I found the strength and power within myself to create that which manifests what I need. We sell ourselves short when we take our eyes off the prize. Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying that it is as easy as it sounds. Many times doing such takes a lot of time, effort and energy and it can feel like you are swimming up stream against a very strong current. Nevertheless, do you want to flow with the direction of the current in the lake of life, when it is carrying you directly to a waterfall that has a drop off of one hundred feet to a rocky cliff? When I am approached with any challenge and lesson in life, I must have the spiritual wherewithal, grounding and consciousness to observe all of my surroundings, so that I can assess the situation fully and correctly, that is the only way that I can make the right decisions and avoid unnecessary difficulties and hardships. I must not let any situation cause me to react unnaturally, and be sure to take whatever amount of time is needed so that I will act appropriately at all times.
Now is the time to manifest plenitude in every area of my life. Actually, it is time for all of us who know who we are spiritually, and know where our supply comes from to manifest plenitude in our lives. Is not this planet equipped to supply all of the needs of the whole of creation? Don’t believe the hype when it is said that this planet is over populated, and it can not sustain the level of population if it continues to grow; that is not so. Here is our reality; this planet can and will support whatever life is allowed to be formed on her. However, for that to happen as it should, humanity must see the whole of creation as it truly is; the whole of creation in its various shapes and forms is one; and we must respect and honor every individual part of the whole of creation. Human beings are not over and above other forms of creation, neither are we stewards over anything or anyone but ourselves. If we are good stewards over ourselves, everything will flow in harmony, and we will once again see Paradise manifest in its fullness here on Earth Mother.
Who are the only creatures on Earth Mother that are causing problems, chaos, and utter mass destruction? The so-called intellectual civilized superior stewards of this planet, those known as human beings; that’s who. Can you not see this? Only those who are living with their eyes wide shut cannot see this. The handwriting is on the wall for all to see clearly. What I have to do in order to stay focused, as I should be, is to slow down and ground myself so I can see things in their true light. Is it possible to read three paragraphs on a road sign on the side of the road if the vehicle you are traveling in is going one hundred miles and hour? No, not even if it is traveling thirty miles and hour. Sometimes I must stop and be still to be able to clearly see and read the directions that I am supposed to read and follow. Life has gotten to fast, and we want everything instantly without doing that which is necessary to fully appreciate it. Those who wish to trick and control us would have us so busy and impatient that we would not have the time to think before we do things. The only way we can learn and understand, as we should is to be still and take the time to study it. If we stop and studied what most of the governments around the world are doing, we would see that humanity cannot continue down the path it is on; because it is leading us over the cliff of total destruction; and humans are the only ones who can be blamed for the destruction that is sure to come, if that path is continued on till the end. We have reached the point in this physical existence where we must stop, turn around, and correct our course immediately.
The time is now if we are going to save ourselves from ourselves, because we need time to work up the strength to make the change that is needed. Because of the high rate of speed we are traveling it is going to take some time for humanity to come to a complete stop. I am sharing this with you from personal experience. Whenever I loose my focus and get caught up in the fast lane I make mistakes. The only way I can avoid doing that is to stop looking at what others are doing, and stop trying to assimilate what they are doing. The manual and blueprint for my life can only be read when I go within; and I cannot use anyone else’s manual or follow anyone else’s blueprint to get directions on how I am to operate. That is like trying to follow the blueprint for building and operating a Mac, to figure out how to build and operate a PC; they are similar and their systems that do similar things, and in many cases do the same thing, yet they call for different parts and different operating systems, to get each of them to work as they are intended to work. Another person’s operating system cannot run my personal computer, because all humans are proprietary.
Why is it that the animal kingdom is not experiencing the same turmoil as human beings? That is due to the fact that the animal kingdom is following their individual blueprints for life, and human beings are not following our blueprints for life. Actually, most human beings have not even taken the time to go within and even try to read their blueprint for life. All of the direction we need to live life properly has been individually supplied to us, and planted within our spirits by Infinite Source. Again, it goes back to stopping, grounding ourselves, and being still long enough to see and hear the direction that awaits us within. The only question that remains is this. How much more hardship and failure must we experience before we come to fully realize this? It is up to us to honestly and completely answer that question within our own hearts and minds.



I fully allow the divine energy and sacred intelligence within me to guide my every step. I am full aware of and totally open to the manifestation of plenitude in every area of my life. The divine blessings of infinite possibilities always flow freely to me and through me to others.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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