Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beyond Our Initial Reaction


Beyond Our Initial Reaction

In response to; “I Am That Which I Am Looking For

I had a few people that were concerned and a few people that were upset over the a picture I used of a lady shedding her skin in my last offering of my scripted words entitled, “I Am That Which I Am Looking For”. When I saw that picture post by someone online I recognized what I felt the creator of that picture was portraying. I could be completely wrong in what I felt concerning the picture, and my overall interpretation of its meaning. However, similar to the title of my scripted words, when we look at something it usually speaks to us that which is in us, also what we are looking for. That picture expressed perfectly that which I was writing about, and it spoke to me. I see it as a beautiful and appropriate picture. One person said that the picture was creepy; another person said it was erotic in the typical hyper-sexualized way we are used to consuming images of women. I would respectfully say this to everyone, the meaning of that picture rests within your consciousness and beliefs, also within your understanding and personal taboos. How you feel about it totally depends upon your thinking, understanding, and personal interpretation. To me the picture properly represented the transformation of the old self into the person we truly are, and nothing more. If it were of a man I would have used that. Hey, it would have been perfect if it were a picture of a man and a woman going through the process together. The use of the picture by me in no way was the further exploitation of my Beloved Sacred Woman, because I am one who does everything that I can to respect all of my sisters. If you were offended in any way by my use of the picture, I sincerely apologize for sharing something that offended you. However, that was never my intention. Nonetheless, as the old say goes, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.

One of the big problems in this country and many other places in the world is the human form and sexual intimacy is looked upon in an unhealthy and unnatural way. Many people classify both as bad, filthy, and a sinful. I do not see it in that way at all. I see the physical form as a beautiful creation, simply because it was created by Spirit, which is Absolute Beauty Itself. In many other countries around the world the image of the nude body does not conjure up images of sinfulness, filth, perversion, and exploitation of the physical female form. It stirs up pleasant thoughts of beauty and appreciation of a Divine and Beauty-full Creation. The human form is a beautiful piece of Divine Artwork. The reason why I used that picture is because I know how many people respect and honor the beauty of the human form. When I saw the picture I saw beauty being used to express something in a most appropriate way, because none of the typically offensive parts of the body were exposed. Beloved, it is time for the humanity to fully wake-up and grow-up in a wholistic way.

I had someone criticize, or maybe it is more appropriate to say I had someone critique what I had written because I used semi-colons where there should have been colons. He said; “I agree with the message, essentially, not buying what this person is selling; I was not and am not selling anything, just share my thoughts and beliefs. All a person has to do if they do not like something is turn and walk away, or in this case simply leave the web page. I have never professed to be a formally educated man, and as you can see by my writing it is clearly evident that I am not such. Nevertheless, my main objective is to get my point across in a coherent and understandable way. If I am successful in doing that, no matter how elementary it may be I am extremely happy, even when my writing is accompanied by numerous grammatical errors, nonetheless I am still satisfied with the end result, errors and all. If we do not like something and it is not hurting anyone, there is no need for us to assault the person who is sharing. All we have to do is be classy and gracefully, and simply turn and leave without an assault. We humans seriously need to examine where we are coming from with all of our judgments, and that includes me. I share in the way that I do to grow.

So to sum things up I will say this. If I share something that you do not like, please share with me in love why you do not like it because that may help me see my error, if there is one. Hey, doing so may cause dialog and help you understand why I shared what I did, and me understand why you feel as you do. No matter what the outcome may be, we could still walk away agreeing to a least disagree on the issue, and still be respectful of each other in the process. I look forward to and desire feedback from others every time I write, because I know that I have a lot to learn. One of the best ways to learn is to simply share what we feel from our hearts with others. Doing so will surely enlist the feedback from someone. So I will continue to share as I have been doing, and hopefully I will get constructive feedback when I do. Also, please take my writing with a teaspoon of honey, and then it won’t go down in such a bitter way due to my faulty grammar and different way of seeing many things. I want everyone to know that I am always open to correction and suggestions, that is one way I can improve my grammar and my life.

Lastly I must say the following. We need to look beyond our initial reaction to things, that way we give ourselves a greater chance to understand and see in a deeper and fuller way what is truly being said and/or done. Most of the time we do not have enough of the facts to make a decision anyway. To react to something is not always the best thing for us to do. I waited until today to respond to this because I did not want to react to it, waiting and contemplating also helps me not take what was being said personal, because it is not personal; it is just another person’s opinion. Please forgive me if my post offended you in any way because that was surely not, and never will be my intention.

Everything Is In Divine Order As I Follow My Souls Melody!


Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

April 2012

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