Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Handicapped & The Seven R's


Handicapped and The Seven R's
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Revised 08.27.12



Today in the so-called civilized world we are sojourning through, there are many who have been negatively labeled as being handicapped. Because of that label, many are still manifesting the major handicap that originated in the vast far reaches of our very distant dark past; which spans to the present and only moment we are currently associated with, the moment of reality that we call the Now. That handicap is staring many right in the face, and occupying every waking conscious moment of their lives. To be more specific in terms of time, I am speaking of the reality that rings so true within the minds of many to this very day of August 27, 2012 of the 21st Century.
The major handicap I am speaking of is Spiritual in nature; almost every single human being on the face of our beloved Earth Mother is or has been Spiritually Handicapped. Almost the entire human race is living the illusion and under the deception of being totally separated from Infinite Source, as well as being separated from each other; which is depriving us of the power of our Conscious Sacred Oneness and our Universal Unity. That major horrendous misconception was devised within the little distorted minds of a few wicked men, for the purpose of having mankind believe that we desperately need, and must look to a savior, someone outside of ourselves and above us. It is unbeknownst to the majority of us, that the savior believed in so fervently by most, was created by deranged men, who were hungry for control and power to serve as our surrogate powerless god. In line with that lie, they started teaching humanity that the savior is needed so that we can receive forgiveness for all of our sins, and make our way back to our spiritual home called heaven; heaven being the only place where we can experience a deep personal relationship with our God. As if that were not enough, through man’s lies and deceptions we were also made to believe that our beloved creator and spiritual parent Mother-Father Goddess-God was merely Father God, which served to deprive us of the balancing energies and the true insights that we can only receive from the Divine Feminine, Mother Goddess. That was done in an outright attempt to rob our Precious Sacred Women of their equal power and position next to man. Little did those feeble lying deceptive men know, that their scheme would throw them and the entire human race out of balance in such a horrible way, that it would cause total chaos to ensue in the minds and hearts of humanity for thousands of years to come, and all would suffer, even those who are continually perpetrating this fraud.
The most outrageous and serious deception humanity has believed in and internalized, and is still believing to be it’s reality to this very day, is accepting, feeling, and believing that there is separation between us and Spirit. As if that were not enough to sink our ship of reality, they coupled that hellish faulty belief with the erroneous lie that I mentioned earlier; the belief that we need a savior, a man who they say is God come down in physical form; a physical being outside of ourselves that will save us from the sinful nature we were born with. It was also said that this savior would save us from this horrible carnal world. A few greedy individuals intentionally told humanity this lie in order to place us in a state of fear and disempowerment, also to separate us from the reality of our Oneness with Infinite Source, which is the ultimate place we can experience Divine Power. We were never created as imperfect sinners. Perfection Itself would never, and could never create such.
No matter what is thought, believed, said, or done; it is impossible for the creation of perfection known as woman and man, to be created in any state that is less than perfect, such as I mentioned concerning being born into this physical plane in sin, and to starting out completely separate from Infinite Source. Every single human being was created by, and is one with Perfection Itself. Please tell me this. How could our Beloved Creator who is also our Sacred Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God, the Pure Personification of Perfection Itself create anything that is less than perfect? Every human being is created in and through the Sacred Oneness of Perfection, and the Unconditional Love of Spirit; that makes us nothing less than the Divine Creation of Perfection. Speaking of Sacred Oneness, our bodies are perfect examples of oneness; due to the reality that multitude of members of our body works together in Divine Unity. However, because we listen to and accept the lies of men, we see ourselves as individuals, as single physical entities, that is not our reality. We are perfect physical and spiritual examples of the unity of many members flowing together in Divine Oneness. Within our divine makeup is found the Unity and Oneness that is witnessed throughout Earth Mother and the entire Universe. Every particle of our being down to the very smallest particle flows together in the Divine Reality of Eternal Oneness and Harmony; that is absolute truth. Yet in our distorted out of balance state of being, some of us wish to believe that we have been given dominion over the earth and everything therein. That is solely because of the dark individual faulty superiority complex that we have power over all other forms of creation, due to our belief that all other forms of creation do not possess the wisdom or the power necessary to have dominion over them. We do not even possess the conscious will or the undivided commitment to Oneness and Divine Flow in which every cell in our body possesses. That sounds like a major self-inflected handicap of ignorance to me if there ever were one.
Let us take a closer look at the belief that we are individuals, and we are separate from each other and the remainder of creation. Many of us feel that we are individuals and we stand-alone; we stand totally as independent beings that need no one outside of ourselves. We believe that we definitely do not need another to live life to the fullest, and to be successful as we live. Nevertheless, at the same time many people with such beliefs also believe that they need Jesus or someone else as their savior, to rescue them from their sinful nature and everything else that is negative all around them. They do not realize that needing a savior is actually negative in nature itself. Such would be an unfair and unjust hardship placed on humanity by a fair, just, and loving Creator. Primarily, there is absolutely no way for us to separate ourselves from our Creator, or to separate ourselves from each other and the rest of creation for that matter. Humanity is not made up of independent individuals, as we erroneously believe, and that includes believing that we are separate from every particle that makes up the entire universe. If we see ourselves as being separate from everyone and everything around us in the world, how can we possibly expect to experience the harmony that we so desperately are seeking and need? In addition, how can we have harmony in the world, when we do not have a true understanding of the harmony that already exists within ourselves?
The first thing we must do to begin the process of waking from this dangerous unconscious state of confusion, illusion, and deception, is to quickly cast away the totally destructive illusion of being superior to the rest of creation. It is time that we completely step into the Sacred Recognition that we are not created by Mother-Father Goddess-God as impure, imperfect sinners as so many people wholeheartedly believe and steadfastly teach. It is taught by some that very human being is created in the likeness and image of Goddess-God, which automatically means that we come from and are a part of the fullness of Unconditional Love and Perfect Oneness. We are the perfect physical manifestation of Sacred Perfection and Divine Oneness, temporarily housed in physical form. Eternally we are Spiritual Beings that are one with our Sacred Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God. The second thing we must do is flow with the Divine Oneness of Spirit in everything that we think, say, and do, which connects us intimately and equally to every form of creation in the entire universe. The Whole of Creation, in which we are a part, is comprised of Pure Sacred Energy. That Pure Sacred Energy is none other than the Eternal Omniscient and Omnipotent Energy of Unconditional Love. In addition, without a doubt, that is the complete essence of Mother-Father Goddess-God.
The wonder-full thing about fully experiencing the awesome energy of the Oneness of Spirit is, the blessing of The Seven R’s, Recognition, Reconciliation, Restoration, Rectification, Rejuvenation, Resurrection, and last but definitely not least, Relationship. Here is another R that was brought to my attention that is outside of the seven R’s. I must at the least introduce you to the precursor of Recognition; it is Renunciation. We must deny and completely reject every single one of the falsehoods, illusions, and deceptions that have been taught to us and placed within us by individuals and institutions alike. It is sad to say, that may include some of our loved ones and the many varied religions of the world. All of the religions of the world were birthed through limited intellectual human mental reasoning. That is not to say that there is no good or truth to be found in them, because there are some good Spiritual teachings to be found in every religion. However, every teaching espoused by religion must be thoroughly examined against the Pure Uncompromised Wisdom of Spirit, and the Pure Uncompromised Wisdom of Spirit resides within our Spirit. Without equivocation we must denounce the man-made handicap of separation completely from our consciousness and belief system.
“Let the truth be told, we all have or had a major handicap.”
It is said that the truth will set us free. Spiritually, we humans have become handicapped due to our personal and collective nonchalant Spiritual laziness. We want everything done for us by someone else, especially that which is difficult. We must once and forever do away with our personal beds of laziness, pride, and self-centeredness. Then we must start the extremely important process of shaking and waking ourselves from our self-imposed nightmare of separation and superiority, and once again fully step into our Sacred Sanctuary of Divine Oneness, and then we are to step into the Eternal Spiritual Flow of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the skeleton key that can unlock every door. Likewise, it is the key that can lock those doors that we should not pass through.
A thought just entered my consciousness that I want to share with you. I strongly feel the need to call what I am sharing with you now and that which I will share with you in the future Literary Annotations. I am not totally aware of the reason or reasons why I should do this at this moment. However, from here on I will call myself a Literary Annotator of the Scripted Word, or simply an Annotator, not a writer and/or poet. I understand that which I share with you and others is merely what I have skimmed from the surface of the vast Spiritual Reality that is available to us all within our spirit. Yet it is a very small percentage of my Spiritual Reality. I also understand that some of it is no more than my personal self-interpreted beliefs. However, for my Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Growth, what I have skimmed is a mighty revelation that is shaking, waking, and expanding my awareness of my Spirit within my physical vehicle second by second. I am in the process of correcting all of the inconsistent beliefs I have been standing on and espousing in error over the years. Day by day, I am being directed deeper and deeper into the intense process that I have labeled Total Spiritual Re-Call. By the way, the definition of an annotator is one who gives an explanation or comment. I study, comment, explain, and write the values, quality and form of my inner knowing and wisdom.
Following the completion of this, you will find a Literary Annotation written by me in 2003 entitled “The Seven R’s”. Please always feel free to get in touch with me and share your beliefs, understanding, and personal realities with me, especially if they differ from mine. That is how we are awakened, learn, receive correction, grow, and expand spiritually. I do not think that what I believe and feel to be the truth is absolute and without error. Because I am subject to make mistakes from time to time. I always reserve the right to change my mind in a split second; once I find out that I have believed and practiced something in error. So please do not get upset with me, if tomorrow I espouse something altogether different with just as much conviction and fervor. I must stand tall and strong for what I believe in; that is of course until I am shown in some way that I am in error. My sojourn through this dense physical plane we call life is all about Spiritual awakening, resurrection, expansion, correction, and overall growth. I am sharing as much of that with you as I possibly can. Please feel free to do the same with me.
Remember this, we are one. Because of our Oneness, we should commune openly and honestly with each other as much as we possibly can. Learning to do that is more important to our survival than working and pursuing material gain. Primarily communion between humans is about voicing the truth and creating open and honest relationship; every interaction we have with family, lovers, friends and everyone else we come in contact with is about true relationship. Moreover, a relationship is about giving and receiving equally, which speak of balance. Some of us have a problem with giving; others have a problem with receiving. We must reach a perfect balance between the two. Oneness, Oneness, Oneness, I cannot say that enough. It is all about Oneness.

Our Handicap Will Be Healed through The Pure Energy of
Unconditional Love! Coupled with actions of like energy.
Our Handicap Can and Will Only Be Transmuted When
It Is Exposed To The Sterilizing Light of Divine Truth.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © April 8, 2010
(Revised Aug. 27,2012)


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

One day in August 2003 after my daily Sacred Time of Prayer and Meditation six words came to me. Following the reception of those words, I set and meditated on them in depth for a while. Deep down within my Spirit I knew I was supposed to compose something that contained those words, and share what they mean to me on my journey through this dense physical plane. However, I had not quite formulated the personalized definition that I believed should accompany those extremely important words and their energies. So I decided that I should simply write down the words and just set them aside, knowing that I would re-visit them in the very near future and compose something as I felt I was being led to do. Along with not being sure how I would communicate what I was feeling deep down within the very core of my spirit, I was also feeling there was still another word that had yet to be clearly revealed to me. 

One morning a few days after receiving the words, I awoke from an extremely good night of peaceful sleep and went immediately into my Sacred Time of Prayer and Meditation. During Prayer and Meditation I felt that now is the time to compose something using the six words I had already received. As I sat down at the computer awaiting the inspirational guidance to write, the seventh word came to me. Following the reception of the seventh word, I started to receive the accompanying text for each of the words. I will now share with you what I received.
May everything that you think, say, and do bring you face-to-face with your sacred and only reality. May you follow every step that Spirit directs you to take on the Path of Light and Love with great joy and enthusiastic anticipation, knowing that a divine outcome awaits you.

In Peace, Light and Love!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
1. Recognition

To be all that we have been created to be we must first enter into the state of True Spiritual Recognition. In that state of Divine Being and Divine Knowing we start to recognize that we are not this physical body that our spirit temporarily inhabits. In addition, in the state of being we will come to know that this physical body is simply a vehicle we are using to house our spirit as we travel through this dense physical plane of lower vibrational energy. Because of this ever-increasing awareness, one day we all will fully recognize that “We Are One with Spirit and likewise one with each other.”

Recognition is our 1st step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
2. Reconciliation

To be in our Sacred Place of Divine Order, we must be restored to our original State of Inner Spiritual Harmony. That does not mean that we will be perfect in everything that we think, say and do, as we travel through this dense physical plane. However, it does mean that we are perfect in our inner knowing and our inner understanding that we are Spiritual Beings, and we are one with Spirit, which is the same as being one with our Spiritual Parent and Creator Mother-Father Goddess-God. After entering into that Divine Reality we must start the very important work of resolving all of the spiritual mis-education as well as all of the spiritual mis-conceptions; and then enter into complete agreement and Oneness with Divine Truth and Divine Reality. That means that we must wholeheartedly submit to Spirit’s Divine Will in every area of our lives.
Reconciliation is the 2nd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
3. Restoration

To see and hear, as we should we must make allowances for the re-instatement of Divine Law in our lives and affairs. Divine Law must rein Supreme in every area of our existence, which comes through our conscious restoration of Divine Truth within. Divine Truth comes through restoring ourselves to our natural un-impaired state of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Submission. We must re-instate our Higher Self to its rightful place of authority on our Inner Sacred Throne, and allow our Higher Self to rule supreme over everything that we think, say, and do, without any exceptions.
Restoration is the 3rd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
4. Rectification

To set right, remedy, correct and counteract all of the deception and control we have been taught over the many lifetimes we have existed, and rectify ourselves Spiritually. For rectification to fully take place within us, we must do what is necessary to purify our Spirits by Spiritually re-calibrating ourselves so that we can see, speak, hear, feel, and function in the way we are created to. We must and will set things right on the Spiritual plane within ourselves. At first it may seem to be to great of a task for us to accomplish; however that is definitely not the case. Whenever Spirit calls us to do something, we can rest assure that we are already fully equipped to carry out the task that is set before us. We do not always see clearly because we tend to react to that which we are faced with, and when we re-act, that blurs our vision and understanding. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we take time every single day of our lives to be still, and quite our noisy minds. We must learn how to gently, gracefully, and sometimes even forcefully do what we must, to be able to go with the flow and allow Spirit to guide us safely to our Divinely Appointed destination.
Rectification is the 4th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

5. Rejuvenation

To function as the Vibrant Spiritual Individuals that we are, we must follow the Divine Sacred Guidance of Spirit. In addition, we must fully take on and live through our youthful childlike nature. No matter what our age, we must find new childlike vigor within ourselves, that vigor can be found deep within our Spirit through Meditation. We must step completely out of the illusion and all of the deceptions created by the human intellect, and once again consciously enter into the Divine Flow of Spirit. We must find as many ways as possible to stimulate all of our Spiritual Gifts so that we can help uplift our sisters and brothers and ourselves, when we have the need to be uplifted.
Rejuvenation is the 5th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
6. Resurrection

To be spiritually alive, we must shake ourselves and wake up that dormant being within us; the dormant being that has been sleeping to long inside of this physical shell that we call our body, and identify so well with. We must spiritually raise ourselves from the dead. In reality, we are spiritually the walking dead when we are not consciously connected to and flowing with the Divine Guidance of Spirit. We must raise ourselves from spiritual inactivity, and start to walk amongst the living, walk amongst those who are spiritually awake once again. After we are resurrected from the dead, we will enter into the Divine State of Spiritual Enlightenment.
Resurrection is the 6th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
7. Relationship

Now it is time for us to enter into the Sacred State of Divine Relationship. It is time for each of us to consciously enter into the Ultimate Union known to humanity as our Divine Union with Spirit. We are now ready for the Divine Marriage between Spirit and ourselves. Actually, I am speaking of the marriage between Spirit and our True Self, Spiritually known as our Higher Spiritual Self. Following our marriage comes the Sacred Time of consummating our Sacred Relationship by consciously entering into a one-on-one Intimate Relationship with Spirit. After we have experienced the consummation of our marriage, we will once again find ourselves consciously woven tightly together with Spirit/Infinite Source. At that point we will be able to say that we have once again entered into the Divine State of Total Spiritual Re-Call, the place where we are able to fully recognize who we are on every level of existence.
Relationship is the 7th and final step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Here is another R that has just come to me that I will introduce to you as the precursor to Recognition.
To completely reject and formally do way with that which is untrue and out of synchronistic flow with Divine Reality, Divine Order, and the Sacred Rhythm of Spirit. We must renounce and totally do away with everything that does not originate from within the Divine and Sacred Realm of Spirit. We cannot move on as whole spiritual beings until we have formally gone through the process of renunciation. To do so is a mighty testament of our commitment to our spiritual destiny, our destiny of Eternal Oneness and our Unconditional Love towards the Whole of Creation. It is of absolute necessity that we reject that, which is not in perfect agreement and precise alignment with Spiritual Reality. We must speak the truth at all cost; doing so will guarantee us an Eternal Reward that is unrivaled.
Renunciation is an additional step on the Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Our Only True Mission Here On Earth Mother,
Is To Consciously Start and Complete The Process of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2003
(Revised Aug. 27, 2012)

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