Friday, August 10, 2012

Positivity ~ Positive


Positivity - Positive
Key Word(s): Infinite ~ Infinity

1. Explicitly stated, stipulated, or expressed, certain and not in doubt
2. Admitting of no question: positive proof
3. Stated; express; emphatic: a positive denial
4. Confident in opinion or assertion, focusing on the good rather than bad
5. Indicating agreement or affirmation

ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French positif, -ive or Latin positivus, from posit- ‘placed,’ from the verb ponere. The original sense referred to laws as being formally [laid down,] which gave rise to the sense [explicitly laid down and admitting no question,] hence [very sure, convinced.]


When most people think of the word positive, they usually think of it in context of saying something pleasant, good, and uplifting; saying something that focuses on the good rather than the bad, that which is negative. Doing so is very pleasant, yet is being pleasant all of the time the right and balanced thing to do? We have gotten so out of balance that we only want to hear that which always makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside, that which only makes us feel good. Well the truth no matter what it is will make us feel good if we are looking at things in a balanced way. We can’t stick our heads in the sand whenever it comes to that which does not house all of the pleasantries we would prefer to be a part of our life experience. Both the bitter and the sweet are parts of our reality, we must appreciate both equally; because together they help to form and fashion us into the perfectly balanced individuals that we are. That in turn is what is needed so that we fit together in oneness with the whole of creation as we are created to do.
To be totally honest, most of the time we do not want to hear the negative, because it makes us have to face and deal with those things that we would rather not deal with at all. Being that way could be classified as being in denial. Avoiding the truth usually only makes things worse than what they are if faced head on. Avoidance and denial does not change the overall reality of the situation. From experience I have learned that facing a negative reality sometimes can shorten the lifespan of the negative situation or thing. The bottom line is this; the sooner we face whatever it is we are dealing with, the sooner we correct it if correction is needed. Also, the sooner we face it we start to learn the lessons that which has paid us a visit have come to teach us. Many times things are labeled negative simply because of the fear of facing something that is different from what one has been taught, and different from what one has believed most of their lives, due to the influence of their parents and/or those that they have highly respected most of their lives. Facing everything including the negative sometimes calls for change in ones life, and change is not always welcomed with open arms.
I like to be the bringer of good news all of the time, however that is not always possible. Sometimes you have to expose the negative in order to get to that which is positive and seen as being more pleasing to most. When we travel around a detour, it takes us a longer time to get to the place we are traveling. When we detour we still get to the destination we where headed to. However, what we went around most of the times is something that we were supposed have stopped and dealt with when first confronted with it. Going around it does not in any way mean that we have completely avoided having to deal with it, it simply means that we have just put off doing that which must be dealt with until a later date; we put off dealing with that which we could have and should have dealt with when we were first made aware of it. Many times when we do that, we cause more problems in our lives and in our surrounding worlds. How is that possible since we did not avoid dealing with it completely, we just waited to deal with it at a later date? I know that everything in life is divinely orchestrated, and when we do not go with the flow we deviate from the orchestrated manuscript, and when we choose to do so, such throws the whole orchestration off beat and out of tune. Such is translated into us causing things to happen that should not have happened. Seeing that we are talking about life, and the many experiences associated with life, avoidance could and usually does cause a negative snowball effect in the lives and experiences of many people. For such to happen is far worst then dealing with a situation when it first arises. So in essence avoiding a so-called negative only creates a much larger negative in the long run.
I used to avoid addressing the negative at all cost. Being that way caused me to have to learn many things the hard way. Even though I have changed and have a better understanding of this, when I am sharing with others verbally or through my scripted words, sometimes I still want to share only the positive. Yet because of the change in my awareness and understanding, I usually do the right thing and share what is on my heart no matter what it is. Nevertheless, there are times that I step back into avoidance and do not share, because what I have to share is not overflowing with positivity. As you can see from what I just said, there is still some growth that must take place within me concerning this. Even though that is the case, I feel really good about the progress that has taken place within me concerning this issue. I am almost completely there, and it won’t be long before I am completely there.
I said all of that to say this. From now on I will be sharing that which I am feeling led to share, no matter if it is deemed to be positive or negative, because both the positive and negative must be spoken if the complete truth is to be told. I love to be the bringer of good news, peace, love, joy, harmony, and happiness. However, the one thing that over rides all of that, is sharing that which is truth to me, no matter how it is classified or how it may be received or rejected by others. Either we are grown up or in the process of growing up. Either way, we must speak and hear the truth be it labeled positive or negative. I pledge to Infinite Source and to myself to speak that which is truth to me in love, and I want you to know that I do that for you, the whole of creation, and myself.


I speak the truth; both that which is positive and negative, because when the truth is spoken without compromise, the end result is always divine in nature and such produces the perfect out come.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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