Friday, October 4, 2013

Have We Lost Our Way?


Have We Lost Our Way?

The American way is all about money, greed, what are going to do for me, what have you done for me lately, I need more, I am trying to recapture this and that, I am not satisfied with who I am and what I have, and the none-sense goes on and on. We had better learn to stop chasing this and that and be grateful and appreciative with who we are, where we are, and what we have been blessed with; and stop being controlled by the grass is greener on the other side syndrome. We also had better stop trying to take ownership of all the blessings we have been given, and turn around and try to make a dollar off of what we have been blessed with freely by Mama-Baba Goddess-God.

Humanity has been infected with the take mentality, and the mine disease. Americans can take from others and then own that which they take, but at the same time they cannot comprehend or accept that others having the right to what they were using before the Americans arrived and said mine, that is pure greed and selfishness of the highest level. America has some very deep and heavy karmic debt, and I must warn you; get ready those of you who are of the mentality I just mentioned, because payment of that karmic debt is about to be called in for full payment.

Nevertheless, there is still hope and time for change. That can only happen by turning from the wicked greedy selfish ways of the past, and turning to Love and Oneness. We must understand that everything is not for sale, and we do not individually own anything, the entire earth and the fullness thereof is for the whole of creation to enjoy and respect; when we understand and live in that way, we will usher back into existence the era we call Paradise. After a child acts out and claims everything as mine for a certain amount of time, the mother or father have to step in and correct that behavior; that is of course if the parent did not want that child to grow up and live a very difficult and unrealistic life. Well the time for our Beloved Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God to step in and correct us is just about at hand. It is always better for us to correct our own errors rather then to be corrected by our parent. So what is it going to be my sisters and brothers?  

If you haven’t done so already, you need to watch the movie The Human Experience, and give it some very deep and serious thought, and then think about changing the way you think and do things; because it may be that you have gotten this thing called life wrong. Something else just crossed my mind. In America it used to be, innocent until proven guilty; well, it isn’t that way anymore. You are guilty until proven innocent, and you could be sentenced to prison or death without any evidence that you have done anything wrong. Just look the wrong way or say the wrong thing and you are judged guilty until or if someone chooses to verify otherwise. There are thousand in America being held for years and decades in prisons without any formal charges against them. Where are the morals, America has none!

Love is the answer to everything; it always has been and always will be. However, America has replaced Love with killing/murder. If someone is different and perceived wrong in their actions, or someone simply feels that they are a threat, lock them up as a terrorist or kill them. While all along America is the leading terrorist in the world, and nothing is being done about it. Such unbridled wicked energy only increases with time and in its severity, when nothing is done about it. We can change this, one person at a time. We must change how we individually think and act, and that will translate into us changing our ways. If enough of us do this we will reach Critical Mass, and that is when change will start to take place for sure.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

The Human Experience

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