Sunday, October 27, 2013

There Is A Season For Everything


There Is A Season For Everything
There is a season for everything that we do. There is a season when deception and illusion can be planted; that is the season mankind has been in for what seems like forever. Then there is the season to reap the harvest from what was planted, that is the season we have entered into in this Age of Aquarius. Now we are starting to see that the seeds we were told were seeds of truth are springing forth and we are seeing what they truly are, deception and lies. That is why there is so much turmoil and chaos in the world, and so many negatively blatant things are being done, even by those we thought were on our side and had been put in office to turn things around.
If we look at the fields of words and actions that have been planted, we will see that the crops that are springing up are in no way what we were told they would be. Nevertheless, all is not lost. We must plow down those crops before they can start to go to seed and produce more after their own kind. Then we must plant crops that are pure and full of the substance that we need. If we are not diligent to do so, the price we will have to pay will be far more devastating than what we have experienced since the beginning of time. All it takes to reach Critical Transformation, that which will transform everything back to its original state, is 51% of the people and their creative energy. The majority just has to tip over the halfway point; and that is absolutely more than possible for us to do. All we have to do is get one or two of our friends to realized this and we will easily reach Critical Transformation. It is time for each of us to transform our Beloved Earth Mother back to the Sacred Place of being our Conscious Paradise, our Sacred Dwelling Place. If we do not do it for ourselves, we must do it for our children.
If my life depended on doing something and everyone around me seemed to be against me, I would still push forward and do that which everyone else thought was impossible.  All it takes is just one small opening to push through. Since the beginning of time great change was thought to be impossible. However, all it took was one person who would not give up. There are those who want change, but they do not believe that it will happen; many are only standing in support of others because they believe that they have the power. Yet most who act like they have the power and know what they are doing are just faking it. Then when one stands up and shows authentic power the tides change quickly, and those who were on one side change sides. Such is evident throughout the history of mankind. Persistence, all it takes is pure steadfast persistence.
If you were on a plantation and someone said it is possible that we can be free and work beside white people, and one day an African American would become president of this country; that would have been said to surely be impossible. However, because there were those who refused to give up, the impossible has become the possible, time and time again; also, if someone where to say that a woman would be the one to lead hundreds of slaves to freedom, they would have been laughed at. Well, what did Harriet Tubman do? Harriet Tubman by herself she orchestrated the journey of at least 300 slaves to freedom.
One of the major lessons we are here to learn is this; we can do whatever we set our minds to if we refuse to give up hope, especially if it is motivated and supported by Love. We can and must bring about the change that is needed in the world today.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

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