Thursday, October 3, 2013

Little Spider


Little Spider

I just saw the smallest spider I have ever seen in my life. That spider was so small that I thought it was a tiny little speck on the corner of the baseboard in my bathroom. Then all of a sudden the tiny little speck moved, and I said to myself; hey that’s not a speck, that’s a little spider. That tiny little spider was diligently going back and forth building its spider web. As I was watching it I thought, what in the world can that little thing catch? The next thought that came to me was; do you think that spider is concerned about its size, or what it will catch; it is doing what it was created to do, build spider webs and catch insects. It will surely catch something much bigger than itself with no problem at all. Then it will wait until the proper time, and dinner is served.

The key morsel of wisdom here is this, doing what you are created to do and giving no thought to it or what others will think is our mission. Every part of the whole of creation was created with a Divine Purpose in the mind of Mama-Baba Goddess-God; we all have an individualized role to play in the grand scheme of creation. We are not to question whether or not what we are created to do is the best thing for us to do; because we do not have the wherewithal to know how everything is divinely linked together and the true importance of our contribution, also what all of the actions of the whole of creation fit perfectly together will create. We are to simply to follow the blueprint for life that Mama-Baba has drawn for us, because if Mama-Baba drew it for us it is perfect in every way.

We sit back and look at things and wonder if we can do this and that. Hey, if a certain thing was placed in front of us, we were created to handle it, and we were given everything that we need to carry out that task. So we should get busy doing what we are called to do no matter what, just like that tiny little spider that I could hardly see. The size of that spider and its ability to do what it does, speaks of the Awesome Magnificence of the Creation of Mama-Baba Goddess-God. Think of something that you can barely see, something that is way smaller then a little pen head. It has eyes, a mouth, legs, a heart, lungs and everything else it needs to live. That surely speaks of the never-ending omnipotence, omniscience, and pure awesomeness of The Divine.

Watching that tiny little spider diligently doing what it does, going back and forth with no hesitation was a real lesson to me concerning how I am to do that which I am given to do in life. It is time to stop thinking about this and that, and trying to reason every little thing out. It is time to simply do that which I am created to do, and do it well. See how Mama-Baba Goddess-God works, today a tiny little spider came to me as my teacher. What is the old saying; when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Who would have ever thought that a tiny little spider so small I could hardly see it would come as a teacher to me and teach me something so profound, yet so simple. Today I have experienced the smallest teacher of my life, with a life-changing lesson.

You know if we think about life and creation as it truly is, everything is Mama-Baba, because everything comes from Mama-Baba; so Mama-Baba can and does teach us, help us, love us, and care for us through every form of creation there is. The only thing is we have to have eyes to see and ears to hear the instructions when it comes. That is why it is so important to take the time to be still, and that means stop being Mr. and Mrs. I am so important and so busy that I barely have time to breathe, much less be still. If we are always busy and never still, we will never here our Beloved Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God speaking to us, and guiding us in the things we should be doing while here on this physical plane.

Today is the second day of my two days of being in the silence, being still and being quite in order to get clear on the direction of my current life path. You see; I am tired of repeating some of the same old things over and over again. The main reason for doing such is not that I have not learned the lessons I needed to learn; the main problem is I get so busy doing things, that I do not always consciously do everything that I do, I have been doing some things on auto-pilot. We have created such a fast instant world, that we rarely take the adequate time needed to do anything consciously in the way it should be done; that is the reason why the quality of so much in the world today is not what it used to be. The problem of being so busy affects everything in a less than positive way. For example, when most people talk they are not talking with each other, communicating one with the other, that is because each individual is focused solely on what they have to say, so they do not hear what the other person is saying, and it becomes them talking to or at each other. Having a conversation with someone is a two way street, it is the act of giving and receiving. We must be still and quite ourselves when we talk with others; the key there is “talk with”, most talk to or at others. So if you have two people talking at each other, very little is truly communicated between them, that is why problems between people continue to be repeated over and over again. This goes back to us doing that which we are equipped to do. It is sad that a tiny little spider knows how to do what it is here to do but we so-called intelligent human beings don’t have a clue how to what we are placed here to do, one of which is to have a relationship with each other by way of truly communicating with each other openly and honestly; and we think that we are to have dominion of the earth and everything on it; I don’t think so, not like that. The world is experiencing the turmoil that it is because of us human beings and our none-sense.

It is time that we stop and pay attention to all of the teachers who surround us in their many forms, and stop looking for only a human or spirit teacher. Some humans teaching other humans is the equivalent of the inmates running the insane asylum. Now that is not to say that some inmates could not teach some of those running such places how to do it properly, because some surely could. However, most of them do not have a clue of reality, so their teaching would be somewhat askew. We need to wake up, and when we do so be still for a while and see and hear the direction that is being communicated to us by Mama-Baba Goddess-God in a host of ways.  

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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