Sunday, September 16, 2012

Everything is Incredible


Everything is Incredible

Key Word (s): Incredible

1. Impossible or difficult to believe
2. Unexpectedly or astonishingly large or great
3. Very surprising
4. Extraordinarily good, talented, or enjoyable


This morning I received an email with a powerful short film that was entitled “Everything Is Incredible”. After watching that film I was inspired to compose some scripted words on how everything in life is incredible. I am not sure exactly what those scripted words will be; I will simply allow them to flow to me as I hold my thoughts on everything is incredible, and the words will surely flow to me and through me.
One incredible act of life most of us experience is; the awesome pleasure of becoming one in spirit, mind, and body in the glorious act of making love; which is the rapturous experience of the stirring up and rising of the creative Kundalini energy within the magnificent blessed moments of pure wholistic pleasure; which lead up to the wondrous culmination of the creation of a precious little new life. The glorious act of being a co-creator is an incredible, awesome, and wondrous experience to say the least. Actually, there are no words that can adequately describe that phenomenal act of pleasure and creation. Likewise, in the realm of incredible things, we are allowed to experience the same rapturous act and vibration of pleasure, even though we do not always desire it to be about the amazing purpose of co-creating a new and precious little life. It is absolutely incredible that Infinite Source gives us such a splendid act for co-creation as well as our ultimate pleasure.
When I think about the miraculous act of childbirth and everything that follows; I start to think about how incredible it is that a child is conceived and formed within the womb (our physical heaven) of its mother; also how a child takes to its parents, and how incredible it is to experience all of that, as well as how incredible it is to feel that special bond of love that flows between the parents and the child. Speaking of love, which is an incredible life-giving emotion in and of itself, which we are allowed to experience in numerous ways, I cannot help but think about how love can incredibly conquer every other emotion as well as every negative vibration there is. Love is so incredible that it has been and still is the motivating creative energetic force behind the majority of all creations on this physical plane, since the beginning of conscious linear time. Actually, love is the incredible motivating creative energy behind the creation of our universe, and everything that is found in it. So in essence, love is so incredible that it was in existence and a creator before there was a physical plane for us to inhabit and enjoy in physical form. Love is eternal, which surely is nothing short of being incredible.
As I walk around in nature and marvel at the creation of this planet, and the vast array of forms of life on it, I and not help but think about how incredibly miraculous nature is. There are countless numbers of radiant plants and diverse beautiful animals on this extremely beauty-filled planet I affectionately call Earth Mother, and they all co-exist and support each other in perfect harmony. It is so incredible how parts of creation have been created and used to be a sacrifice for the further existence of another part of creation; so that another part of creation can continue to experience the blessings of physical existence a little longer. What is even much more incredible then that, is how that which is sacrificed and consumed becomes an actual living part on a cellular level of existence, of the creature on the receiving end of the sacrifice. Through that process, that which was sacrificed takes on a new form of life and oneness within that which it was sacrificed for. The sacrificed act of a plant and animal is a sacred act, it is yet another incredible sacred act designed by the most incredible creator of all, Infinite Source.
Another incredible experience in this wonder-full life experience, is watching children play and communicate with each other before they have been indoctrinated with the beliefs and superstitions of the adults around them; you know, before they have been molded into becoming domesticated human beings. It is amazing to watch them accept everyone in love, and how everything they choose to do is so full of excitement, joy and love. It is likewise so very incredible to watch their little minds and bodies completely transform right in front of our eyes from that little precious infant, into a toddler, adolescent, young adult, and then to become an adult. What an awe-inspiring transformation to be able to watch firsthand. Another remarkably incredible experience of the gift of life is to be able to watch how animals care for their babies. You can see the love they have for each other, and how they depend upon and rely upon their pack, in the same way that we depend upon and rely upon our pack, which is our family. Also, how they enjoy and need to play just as we do. If we want to continue to have an incredible life, we must never stop having fun; we must learn and create new ways to play.
Have you ever experienced being able to witness the incredible growth of the sprouting of a fruit seed, and its transformation to a small plant, and then growing into a mature fruit-bearing tree? There is nothing like the incredible transformation of life in its varied forms of outward manifestation and expression. I will never cease to be awe stricken as I look all around me at all of the magnificent glories shared with us by Infinite Source. It is so incredible that I am a conscious part of this thing called creation and life, and aware that there is something greater than me responsible for it all. It is incredible that there could be such a thing as a big bang that caused all of this; if a big bang is that which is responsible for everything that we see all around us and the life we now have. Nonetheless, if a big bang is the cause of us being here, there is something even more incredible than the big bang and what is behind the creation of it; and that to me is without a shadow of doubt who some refer to as God, and I have chosen to refer to at this point in time as Infinite Source. If there was a big bang that caused what we are now experiencing, the most incredible Infinite Source created that big bang; the big bang just could not happen all by itself. Human life is an incredible and remarkable adventure, which I am so glad to have been allowed to fully participate in here on this dense physical plane. Everything Most Definitely Is Incredible.
Now on to talk about the ultimate when it comes to that which is truly incredible. The most incredible one of all that all of the words know to mankind could never adequately express, is our Beloved Most Benevolent and Gracious Creator, Infinite Source. Some of the words we use to identify the absolutely most incredible Spiritual Being ever known to mankind are, God, Allah, Goddess/God, Spirit, Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Universal Intelligence, The One, Oneness, I Am, and Infinite Source just to name a few. I bow down in complete reverence to the Most High in all of Its Incredible Magnificence and Glory; I Thank Infinite Source for allowing me to be a part of Your Incredible Holy Creation.

You Cannot Look At Anything and Not See The Incredible Beauty of Mother/Father Goddess/God
“Everything Is Incredible!



I bow down to that which created this incredible experience called life. In pure essence I bow down continually to Infinite Source!

I Am One With Infinite Source; There Is No Lack In Me; All of My Needs Are Met Daily Because Infinite Source Dwells in Me!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Everything is Incredible from Tyler Bastian on Vimeo.

Agustin found a way within himself for life to have meaning, and purpose; also a way to enjoy his life in a way that was purely and completely satisfying for himself. Every manifestation we see on this planet is the outward manifestation of thoughts. Have you ever felt joy and sadness while watching a movie that you knew was total fiction? Where your emotional feelings false? No, they were your reality at that moment. Agustin's creation is his reality when he thinks about it, looks upon it, and when he is working on it. Continue to create and experience the joy from your creation my brother; and continue to smile.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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