Wednesday, September 5, 2012




Key Word (s): Nourishment

1. The substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition : tubers from which plants obtain nourishment
2. Something that provides a stimulating and healthy emotional or intellectual environment for people or animals


There is a substance that is necessary for the nourishment of our true being; our true being is our Higher Spiritual Self. Every part of our existence is in need of some sort of nourishment. Because we are so caught up in the physical part of our experience call life, we tend to forget about the other parts of our being that need nourishment to keep us healthy and well. Most people totally neglect the inner most important part of their being and that is their eternal self, their true self, which is their spirit. If we treated our physical body in the way that we treat our spirit, we would have starved to death many years ago. Our spirit needs nourishment just like every part of our physical being.
We know the form of nourishment our physical body needs; it needs pure natural physical food and drink that is full of life to replenish it, and give the body that which is necessary to rebuild every cell it is made up of. The nourishment we provide our body, allows it to rebuild itself in such a way that over a period of seven years, every cell is completely replaced. If we feed our bodies the proper amount of spiritual and physical nourishment, we will always experience optimal health. Our bodies may look to be the same as they were in the past; nonetheless they are always recreating themselves. The only question we should be asking ourselves is this. Do I want a new healthy creation, or do I want a new sickly weak creation? We are guaranteed to get one or the other. As for myself, I choose the new healthy creation.
To some people’s absolute surprise, everything that we call and use as food does not nourish our physical body. Matter of fact, today much of the so-called food is not nourishing, or in other words life promoting and building at all. Most of what is eaten today has no life force in it whatsoever, which means that it is void of that which it needs to assist our bodies in the process of rebuilding or healing itself. If we fed our bodies the nourishment that it needed, there would be no need for healing; the need to be healed comes due to an imbalance in our body. Most of the time the imbalance is created by the lack of proper nourishment, which causes a deficiency within the cells and the physical tissue that makes up our body. When we are experiencing out of balance emotional and spiritual states of being, they contribute to insufficient energy levels, which surely contributes to the deterioration of our spiritual, emotional, and physical well being. To experience overall health and well being we must nourish our bodies in a wholistic balanced way.
This brings us to the very important issue of nourishing our spirit; I am speaking of properly nourishing our spirit. As I already pointed out, many give no attention at all to the nourishment of their spirit. In part that is due to the fact that most today are not even aware that they have a spirit that needs nourishment. Humanity has neglected its spiritual nature for such a long time, that it is none existent to a vast number of people. Then we have those who are misled in what they are taught about their spirit, they have no real idea what spirit is. That being the case, how can they begin to know what type of nourishment the spirit needs? It is impossible to know how to nourish something if you do not know the nature of that which you are dealing with. If you did not know the nature of the little precious being known as a baby, we would not know what we have to feed it after it’s birth. We would not know that we are not to feed it solid food right after it is born. That is exactly what many humans are faced with today; they absolutely have no idea what they are supposed to feed their spirits. There is a major difference in our spirit and our physical body, no matter what we do; we cannot starve our spirit to death, because it is eternal. Nevertheless, we can stifle what it can do for us through our neglect, and that will cause us some very serious problems as we make our way through this current lifetime.
Now the major question is this; how do we nourish our spirit; what type of food do we feed it? Our spirits need to be fed Spiritual Energetic Nutrition because our spirit is not physical, it is pure energy; some will probably understand it better if I said that our spirits are the equivalent of electric energy or light. Our spirits are made of energy because energy is eternal. Our spirits are only housed in our temporary physical bodies on this dense physical plane. That is not to say that our spirit needs a physical body to exist here, because that is not the case at all. Our spirits can exist on any plane without any form; we are simply in physical form here so that we can experience being from another perspective. I believe that one of the major reasons for that is so that all of us can learn and experience being a conscious creator. I also believe that even spirits have a need to continually grow and expand; so we Spirit Beings are here on Earth Mother enrolled in the School of Physical Existence, so that we will learn and grow as needed, in order that we can and will move on to our next adventure on our spiritual path of evolution. When our spirits are nourished properly, we receive the insight necessary to function on this physical plane in a prosperous way.
So in essence, we must learn how to go within and tap into the infinite wisdom that dwells within our spirits, so that we will know exactly what we must do to totally care for our whole being as we journey through this physical realm. What we need is not going to come to us without any work on our part. We must plow the soil of our being so to speak, if we desire a favorable outcome during our sojourn through the physical plane. Our spirit cannot grow strong and healthy from all of the negative energy we feed it. You may ask; what negative energy are you talking about? I am talking about all of the negative energy that we create and take in by way of that which we watch on television (tell-a-vision), movies, games, conversations, less than favorable work activities, and the deception we practice in life to get our way. We allow ourselves to be continually bombarded with negativity almost every minute of the day through the bad choices we make. I know that the negativity that I mentioned is all around us; even though that is part of the reality of life at this moment, we do not have to accept it and let it into our lives. We can and must be selective of what we allow into our minds, because everything that is allowed into our minds is a seed that produces a harvest after it’s kind in due time. I like you have had to deal with and dispose of a number of unwanted harvests. Now is the time for us to stop allowing such harvests from being planted in the rich soil of our minds.
We are the authors of our reality; now is the time for us to do some serious editing of our life scripts. We can and must create the surrounding world that serve us well; and it starts with the nourishment that we use as the building material, maintenance supplies, and fuel for our spirit, mind, and body. Once we have transformed ourselves, and our surrounding worlds, we will be able to transform the entire physical world that we inhabit. I know that such a task as changing the entire world may seem impossible for us to do, but it is not; this is how that will work. We must always start with ourselves first when we do anything. We do that which is necessary to bring about the needed change in ourselves. Then we transform that into the energy, and the know-how needed to transform our surrounding world. Our surrounding world is that which surrounds us that we have control over, such as our clothing, home, food, and anything else that we have dominion over. What happens after we do that is this; our properly renovated surrounding world overlaps with others who are doing the same thing, and that creates a larger area of peace and harmony. Next our collective properly renovated surrounding worlds overlap with others and on and on. Eventually those around us will see our harmony, and how it is creating positivity and abundance in all that we do, and they will want what we have. So they will start the process of properly renovating their surrounding world and join our collective. That is the snowball effect that will change the world, and it will have to happen one person at a time. Beloved, that is why it is so important for us to work on ourselves first.
That brings to mind something I call Healthy Selfishness. You may be asking; what is healthy selfishness? Healthy selfishness is the process of being focused on the personal spiritual needs of ourselves before we do anything else. Let me give you and example. If I am malnourished and it is showing clearly through my weak malnourished physique; would it make any sense to share with someone what it takes to have a healthy strong body? No of course not. If I have the answers to creating and maintaining a strong healthy body, I must first put that which I know to work in my life, and then share it with others. That is healthy selfishness; that example shows that being selfish is not always a negative thing. We must take care of self and do what is good for us, before we counsel another on what we know to be good for us all. A fool tells others what is good for them when their lives are in disarray. Such fits in the mindset of do as I say, not as I do. That is pure foolishness.
It is time for all of us to awaken to the reality that we are held responsible for the proper nourishment of our spirit, mind, and body before anything else. So for you to see what I am doing, and seeing the results I am getting, is a good thing if that motivates you to the point of desiring to find the way that works best for you, in assisting you to go within, and tap into your spirit, and find the proper direction for you so that you learn how to fully attain and utilize the proper nourishment that is needed in your life. Then you can share the results you get with your family and friends, and we all can start to transform this world back into the Paradise that it always has been. 



I successfully go within my spirit, and tap fully into that which I need for the Complete Nourishment of my Spirit, Mind, and Body.
So It Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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