Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Beauty of Earth Mother

The Beauty of Earth Mother


The First Love and Original Beauty is Earth Mother
Just about everywhere that we look we see Beauty and Love. If we are looking at something that does not project beauty and love, we are looking at a man made creation; how sad. That must and will stop.
See and feel the beauty of Earth Mother in the picture above. Earth Mother feeds us and provides for us continuously; there is not one second of a single day that Earth Mother does not provide us with the sustenance that we so desperately need to survive. Nonetheless, most human beings do not even give her a single thought; they do not even recognize that she is here. One could not be taken for granted more then she is. How can humanity be so cruel? Without Earth Mother caring for us 24/7, what would there be; absolutely nothing that’s what.
Humanity better start showing Earth Mother that we Love her; by starting to treat her with Love, and caring for the wounds we have inflicted upon her. Earth Mother is a macro living organism (very large in scale, scope, and capability) that feels things just like we do. Humanity is causing her to get sick and feel pain. Humanity is becoming like a virus to her, a virus that will kill her if it does not stop spreading. If the virus called Self Centered Humanity is allowed to continue to spread it will kill Earth Mother. Do you think Infinite Source will allowed that to happen? Both Infinite Source and Earth Mother will not allow this to go on much longer. Either humanity will change its ways and corrects its wrongs or Infinite Source and Earth Mother will take care of the problem, which is humanity. Humanity, keep doing what you are doing, and you will no longer have the loving care and loving embrace of Earth Mother; because you will be purged from this physical plane completely.
Life is not a game we are playing, we had better get serious about this experience we call life; because we are talking about many forms of life being utterly disrespected, abused, and literally being wiped out. Who do you know that cares about the extinction, the complete termination of an animal species? If you are one who cares or you know someone who does, you are in the minority. Do most people think that human life is the only thing that is important? How would humans survive without the support systems of Earth Mother to sustain it? Could humanity create anything without the resources of Earth Mother? Would there be any kind of food be it organic or man’s horrible creation of genetically engineered food for humanity to eat without Earth Mothers resources? The answer is a loud resounding NO! What in the heck has gotten into the gloriously chosen so-called stewards of the world? You would think that the religions of the world would be standing up and making a difference since they are supposed to be led by God, which is the creator of Earth Mother. Yet the majority of those into one or another form of religion, are misusing and abusing Earth Mother like everyone else.
If humanity continues along the destructive path it has created, and keeps on perpetrating this evil against Earth Mother, humanity will be groaning and moaning in agony one day soon. Earth Mother will purge this planet of humanity if that is what it takes for her to receive the healing and restoration she needs. Humanity is not the most important part of creation that it thinks it is. Humanity is just a single part of creation, a part of creation that will be done away with if it does not get in line and start flowing in harmony with the Whole of Creation, in Divine Oneness, and playing its role as intended like every other part of creation. Humanity is the only part of creation that is acting like something other than what it is. For something that is presumed to be so creative and brilliant, human beings are the most insidious and stupid beings on the face of Earth Mother, according to their actions. There is no wonder that beings from other planets do not reveal themselves to the human race. Humanity is probably seen by other life forms in the universe as a deadly disease.
There is not much time left, man’s ignorance and arrogance has just about run itself over the cliff of no return and total human destruction. Humanity better stop being so self-centered and shake and wake itself from the nightmare it created for itself, and start to get with the divine program and go with the sacred flow designed by Mother-Father God the of all things; Mother-Father God is not impressed by our ignorant self-indulgent thinking, babbling, and senseless actions. Humanity, keep doing what you are doing, and kiss you arrogant stupid behind good-bye. In no way does Earth Mother need humanity; the human race is completely in need of and dependent upon Earth Mother. You had better get your head out of the sand and do something. Man has created this mess, and it is time that man corrected it.
How can a so-called intelligent creation such as humanity be so stupid and destructive? Look at the picture at the top of this article; isn’t that Pure Indefinable Beauty, and nothing short of Absolute Blessings? Actually, it is Paradise. What did we do to deserve such a Wonder-Full blessing? Nothing, we are blessed because of Mother-Father God’s Precious Unconditional Love that is showered down on us every second of every day. I have saved the most important question that can be asked for last. What are you going to do about it?
Look at the majestic beauty of the picture, talk about wonders of the world; that is surely one of many wonders of Earth Mother. Humanity must start helping to maintain such beauty so that it will remain for the generations to come. As I am typing this I am listening to another wonder of Earth Mother, I hear the Beauty-Full song of a birds singing the joy of existence. Humanities song of joy could be the sound of us working to restore and maintain Earth Mothers natural beauty. Believe it or not, like it or not, it is our responsibility to do so. Look at the beautiful colors of nature, the trees, sky, rivers, and the multitude of creatures that inhabit Earth Mother. The air and water is so pure when we treat it with respect, as we should. Speaking of respect, we need to be like the indigenous people of the Americas of years past; they respected every part of creation as Great Spirit; they believed in one God, Great Spirit, and they saw Great Spirit in every part of creation. Because of their respect for Great Spirit and recognizing that Great Spirit is in all things, they treated all everything as if it were Great Spirit itself in their midst. To give you and example, before they would kill any animal they would pray to the spirit of the animal and ask for permission to kill it, and after killing it they would use every part of that animal wasting absolutely nothing. Also out of their respect for Earth Mother they would only kill and take that which they could use; they would never hoard, and would share what they had with anyone in need. The indigenous people lived by the golden rules of Love, Oneness, Harmony, Community, and Sharing.
It is time for all of humanity to adapt to the ways of old, because the ways of old are designed to fully support and nurture life in its many forms of existence. The only way we can live in harmony and productively with each other and the Whole of Creation is to follow the path of Oneness. The path of Oneness teaches us that everything is connected and everything must be respected. No matter what living form you are looking at, human, animal, insect or plant, all must be valued and respected equally. Accept this Sacred Way and you will prosper; reject this Sacred Way and suffer the wrath of an infidel and demented fool. If we would follow the Sacred Way of Oneness, we would recognize that we are living in the Garden of Eden, we are living in Heaven. Continue to do as humanity has been doing and you will broaden your hell. Heaven and hell is right here on earth, and you can take credit for designing and creating whichever one you are dwelling in at this moment.


I am connected to, and completely respect Earth Mother, and the Whole of Creation in its many forms. Oneness Is My way of life.

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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