Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Living Carefree


Living Carefree

Key Word: Carefree
1: Having no worries or responsibilities
2: Free from all


Today was day 17 of the 21-Day Meditation Challenge given by Deepak Chopra. From the very first day every meditation sessions has been outstanding. Today’s session is entitled Living Carefree. Below is the mantra used in the meditation, as well as the theme for the session.

Today's Centering Thought:
“I move through my days light-hearted and carefree, knowing all is well.
Living Carefree
Today’s Sanskrit mantra and its English essence are:
Sat, Chit, Ananda—Existence, Consciousness, Bliss
“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
Today, we will look at how we can live carefree—free from judgment and worry, focused on the joy and perfection of what is.
As you grow into present moment awareness through meditation, you realize that in this moment, everything is perfect, just as it should be, and that any concerns you may have are transitory and temporary. You reconnect with your true self and begin to feel more light-hearted. Moving through life, you approach everyday circumstances with humor and can meet the unexpected with calm and ease.
Mindful Moment
Bring in the joy!
Take some time today to reflect on good times, look at old photos, take a leisurely walk, or spend time with someone who warms your heart. Experience the joy of all that you love, including yourself. As a spiritual being, you fear nothing because you know there is nothing to fear, and all that truly exists in the world is love.

Below are the questions given at the end of the meditation, and my answers to the questions that follow the meditation session; also my overall thoughts of the session.
Day 17 - Question 1

How do you feel when you wake up each day?

I awaken every day with excitement, because I am about to have my Sacred Time, and meditation is a major part of it. I also have great anticipation that all is well in my life, because of my awareness that ‘I Am’ one with Infinite Source and there is no lack in me; all of my needs are met daily because Infinite Source dwells in me, I have been set free, now I can truly see. That in and of itself is enough to excite me and set the tone for my entire day.

Day 17 - Question 2

How would your life improve if you lived light-hearted and carefree?

My life has improved significantly since I have become light-hearted and carefree; that is because I flow in a perpetual state of balance, knowing that everything is in divine order, and everything in my life, and all that I do flows like a pristine stream; flowing freely and easily without any effort whatsoever.

Day 17 - Question 3

How can you shift your awareness to expand the love and joy you feel in your heart right now?

Daily I shift my awareness and expand the love, joy, and peace that I feel continually existing and growing within my heart, as unconditional love completely governs my life and all that I think, say, and do.

Day 17 - Journal

Please use this section to reflect on today’s session.

Today's session reinforced the Divine Reality that all is well with me. There is no need for me to worry or struggle because everything is flowing in Divine Order; in the same way that a stream flows freely and easily, my life flows free and easy like a stream, and if something blocks the stream, the water gathers together until it has enough energy to forge a course around the blockage; and once again it flows free and easy on its path to join the rest of the waters in the collective ocean. My life is like that stream, flowing to the place where the collective spirits of Infinite Source gather and flow together into the Glorious Expansive Eternal Divine.

As you can probably tell, these meditation sessions have had a magnificent enlightening influence on my life. Since I started to practice meditation for the second time back in the 1980’s, meditation has had a wonder-full influence on my entire being. Actually, practicing meditation has completely changed how I relate to and live my life. For me to go about living a day without meditation is like driving a car with almost no water in the radiator, the car is surely to run hot, and maybe even stop running altogether. Meditation is my coolant, it also is the spiritual fuel that I need that motivates me through this experience we call living life. Meditation is to our spirit what food is to our physical body. As I have said many times in the past, if we treated our physical body the way we treat our spirit, the physical body would have died of starvation many years ago. Our spirit craves and needs meditation to function at full capacity. There is nothing worst than trying to go about living life when our physical being is not in perfect sync with our spirit, which is our Higher Spiritual Self. Most have grown so accustom to this physical existence, that they do not even give a single thought to their spirit. How sad that is, because each and every single human being in reality is an Eternal Spiritual Being first and foremost. Our physical human state is just a temporary condition that we will eventually lay down for good, because it is just happens to be a fleeting condition.
Recently there has been a lot of talk about the New Age, and what it will usher in this coming December 21st. I am hoping that it will usher in a new spiritual conscious awareness for all of my sisters and brothers; and they will accept it with wide-open hearts. Even though I want this for everyone, I know that there will be those who will turn their backs on this divine opportunity. Nevertheless, I truly believe that those who refuse to accept this wonder-full gift will still have a chance to turn things around, whenever they choose to open their First Eye, which is how they access their spiritual sight. The only problem with doing it later rather than now is this, there will be a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering experience for turning their backs on this blessing. Thankfully we are created by and eternally belong to Infinite Source, and we are continually saturated in the Unconditional Love of our Beloved Eternal Spiritual Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God. Grace truly abounds.
The transformation that the whole of creation is going through is extremely serious, and meditation is a very important tool we have been blessed with, to regulate and sustain our energy, so that we can withstand any challenge we must go through in this life experience. Would you try to take a pot out of the oven without a pot holder, or something else that would protect your hand from the extremely hot pot? Of course you would not do something like that, because to do so would be silly. Well let me tell you this, for us to try to live life without practicing meditation on a daily basis, is just as silly. Not practicing meditation is very harmful to us, and it affects how we are able to relate to those we come in contact with in life. Daily meditation enhances our ability to give and receive love unconditionally as we should. We must learn through meditation how to give and receive love in a qualitative way. Beloved, meditation is not just some man-made religious practice, it is truly a gift given to us from on high that we must take advantage of.


I Am The Product of My Commitment To That Which Is Spiritual.
Meditation Is My Sacred Wellspring of Living Waters.
I Am Eternally Refreshed!

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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