Friday, November 2, 2012




Pivotal Word: Insight

1. The ability to see clearly and intuitively into the nature of a complex person, situation or subject
2. A clear perception of something
3. The ability of a person to understand and find solutions to his or her personal problems
4.The capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive spiritual understanding


Insight is our inner-sight, inner-vision, and inner-wisdom, what a powerful reality and driving force that we all have been equally blessed with. The ability to see clearly and intuitively into the nature of a complex creation such as you and I. Through inner-sight I am learning how to go within and tap into the divine complex nature of my being. On a daily basis I am learning the importance of who I am and my sacred oneness with Infinite Source; with each second that I examine my connection with Infinite Source, the clarity of this divine relationship increases. My nature and the nature of every spiritual being going through this temporary physical experience is sacred. No experience is mundane, every single experience we go through is necessary for us to be transformed back into the divine creation, into the conscious spiritual being that we are and have always been. Just as every question is important, or there would be no question; every experience is important, or there would be nothing to accommodate that experience. We are complex in nature because we are eternal spiritual beings. Outside of the complexity of Infinite Source, there is nothing more complex than us. I am so grateful for being ushered into the true comprehension of who I am and what I am one with. I yield completely to that comprehension and embody its eternal reality in its fullness.
I have clear perception of the divinity within me, the sacredness that I am a part of due to my oneness with the source of all things, my most beloved Mother-Father Goddess-God. That clear perception encompasses every part of my existence, and corrects and maintains my navigation through this dense physical plane. Perception is discernment; discernment is essential, it is of the utmost importance on our divinely orchestrated sojourn of awakening, here on our most beloved Earth Mother. I yield totally to the divine insight I am blessed with on a daily basis.
Insight gives us the ability to understand and find solutions to every personal problem we come across in life. We simply must be patient and allow the insight that we need to freely flow to us. When we get all bent out of shape and impatient we try to rush that which is in the process of manifesting, and when we try to rush the manifestation of something, it is like taking a cake out of the oven before it is done. When we do that, the cake is sure to collapse and be ruined due to impatience. We distort the outcome of so many situations in life through impatience, and end up having to return to square one and start all over again. That means that what we were originally waiting on, now will take twice as long if not longer for us to receive it. Patience is truly a virtue that we all need.
Insight gives us the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive spiritual understanding of all things we are faced with in life. If we were without insight, just think of the turmoil the world would be in today. If you think the world is in bad shape today, you haven’t seen anything compared to how it would be if we did not have true spiritual insight. We may think that some people do not have or use any insight at all, but that is not so. Everyone uses some degree of insight in everything that they do, even when what they are doing is contrary to that which promotes life and love. I believe that unconscious spiritual insight is responsible for us still being here on Earth Mother, it is also responsible for those of us who are working towards correcting the errors of human intellect, which is responsible of all of the discord that has and is manifesting in the world. Insight has a mind and drive of its own. Insight is our heavenly rescuer, without which there would be no such thing as hope or faith, and there would be no such thing as life without hope and faith. It could be said that we owe our entire existence here on Earth Mother to insight, because insight or inner-vision as I prefer to call it, is a part of the Absolute Wisdom of Infinite Source. There is no doubt that humanity can not afford to be without insight.



I Am The Shining End Result of Divine Spiritual Insight!
So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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