Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Truth: A Way of Life


The Truth: A Way of Life

Key Word: Truth
1. Something that corresponds to fact or reality
2. Something that is so clearly true that it hardly needs to be stated
3. Honesty, sincerity, or integrity
4. Accuracy in description or portrayal


The truth is not something that we play with, halfway tell, or avoid completely. When we halfway tell the truth it becomes deception. Now the question arises; what actually is deception? Deception is nothing short of an absolute lie; it cannot be seen as anything less, because deception is a half-truth which sum total equals a full-fledged lie. People like to play around with telling half-truths, so not to have to face the consequence of their reality. That is mostly done for the purpose of them getting their way, you know what I am saying; trying to have their cake and eat it to, so to speak. You will here some say; I did not say that I did or I didn’t do that, knowing all along that the way that they omitted things gave a false impression to the person or people that they were speaking with or writing to. It always goes back to honesty is the best policy; no matter what the situation is. (period) That is because the truth is the only reality, and that won’t change because of the way it is said. Also, it will not change by way of deception or how the lie is told. When someone deceives or lies to me or someone else it really bothers me, because that says to everyone that the person who is guilty of such only cares about themselves, there is absolutely no concern for the person or persons they are lying to or deceiving. That is pure selfishness as well as complete disregard for everyone else. It is also a major disregard to their very own dignity.
Such situations grieve me, particularly when they are being perpetrated by those who profess to be, and are religious and spiritual teachers, preachers, and/or counselors. I know that their titles do not make them those who are beyond making mistakes, or place them on pedestals above everyone else. However, the positions that they have chosen to follow, or were given to them declares that they are supposed to be more conscious of what they are doing, and more conscious of the path they are following and they are committed to; meaning that they are to be examples of that which they espouse to know. We all know the difference between a lie and the truth that is deep within our spirit, so they should be much more committed to telling the truth no matter what it is. Such people become a hindrance for those seeking to find and follow the righteous path taught by religious and spiritual teachers and organizations. It is sad to say, nonetheless so true. I am running across more who profess to know and teach the way in which to live life from a spiritual and religious place of existence, yet they are some of the biggest deceivers and hypocrites on the face of this planet. For many of them deception and control trumps everything else, that is so disappointing and sad. A spiritual teacher that lies and deceives is the equivalent of a parent teaching its child all of the wrong things to do intentionally, for the purpose of controlling them, so that they will be with them and serve them for the rest of their lives, pure self-centered mental manipulation is what that is. Such wickedness warrants much negative karmic debt; be most assured that such debt will be paid in full by those who owe it.
We all must wake up and realize our oneness, we must also realize that manipulating others for selfish gain and ego (edging Goddess-God out) is a fruitless deed. We must fully respect each other by way of holding and speaking the truth in all that we think, say, and do. When we set out to deceive and lie, we are not only hurting others, we are actually hurting the whole of creation as well as ourselves; due to our sacred connection through the Oneness of Spirit. We must stop and give a lot of serious thought to everything we are thinking about and contemplating doing, before those thoughts are molded into tangible actions. It is so much easier to do the right thing, even when that means that we have to pay a price for doing so; the price that must be paid for doing the opposite is so much greater and much more painful. To whom much is given much is required. If we have entered into greater spiritual dispensation and awareness, and a deeper comprehension of that awareness, we are held completely responsible for how we use it and how the use of it affects others.
Right now we are in the process of entering into a new spiritual state of awareness and existence; a state of awareness and existence where our compensation for things done and not done is much greater than ever before, in the existence of mankind. Couple that with the due date for us to pay our debts for that which we have done and that which we have not done has been step up and set in motion. What we used to be able to get away with, and do in the dark has been place square in the middle of the Light of the Divine, for all to see clearly and almost immediately. A snake cannot slither sneakily unseen, as it gets ready to attack someone when it is in the middle of a wide-open clearing on a sandy stretch of land. Everything that has been done in the darkness is being brought into the glorious light of truth. The statement that Rodney King said just entered into my mind; “Can’t we all just get along.” Yes we can if we all are simply and completely 100% honest with each other as well as with ourselves. As ridiculous as it may be, we even lie to ourselves. Deceptive lying lifestyles turn us over to disillusioned reprobate minds for sure. We can never appreciate or enjoy the wonders of the oneness of creation as long as we volunteer ourselves to such darkness. We are surely much, much more than that.
Living in such a way nullifies our Sacred Divinity and the Spiritual Perfection, which eternally resides within the very core of our being, which is our spirit. To live as we are created to live we must totally turn our backs on such a lifestyle that is based in the midst of negativity. Why is this not done by everyone? Because it is so much easier to live an authentic life absent of all deception and lies. Many times it is solely about not admitting that we have made a mistake. Well, the only way to correct a mistake and not continue to repeat that mistake is to face it head on and just stop doing it. Stop lying, stop deceiving, and walk up right as the Righteous Eternal Spiritual Beings that we are, and have always been.
Why am I saying all of this? I am saying all of this because it grieves my heart, and pains my soul to experience such being done to others, as well as myself. Also, because of my calling to speak the truth just like everyone else is called to do. Even if we do not arise to our calling and speak out load to the inconsistencies in our lives, we are still held responsible to live an upright life; and when we don’t there is a very high and hard price to pay. That which we do in life is equivalent to sowing seeds and reaping a harvest. When we say and do things, we are planting seeds in fertile soil, be assured those seeds will surely bring forth a harvest after its own kind, just give it time to sprout and grow, and you will share in the fruits from the harvest of every field you plant, even the bitter gut cramping convulsive fruits that you don’t like, that you planted for others to consume. Sometimes I get so tired of how people treat each other, that I wish my transition were close at hand. However, such feelings always pass as I consciously turn my focus on what I should be focusing it on, which is the energy of Unconditional Love, which resides deep within my spirit where Infinite Source dwells. I am extremely grateful to Infinite Source for providing me with everything necessary to live life in the way it has been created for me to live.
Is everything I am talking about here to hard to do? Is it unfair for anyone to be expected to do such? Of course not, everything that we are asked to do and everything that we are faced with in life, we have been fully equipped to handle, and there is nothing strong enough to stop us from doing so successfully. It would be more than unfair for it to be any other way. There is absolutely nothing that we cannot accomplish that we are face with on this physical plane. That is not to say that some things won’t be difficult for us to do at first, because there will be many things that will be difficult from time to time. Nevertheless, the difficulty will surely only endure for a brief season. All each of us has to do is set our hearts firmly on doing that which is ordained, pleasing, and pure according to Infinite Source our Most Beloved Mother-Father Goddess-God. It is like anything else that we learn to do, we must train ourselves to do it the right way, and after a certain amount of time it will get easier to do, and before we know it we will be doing it with no effort whatsoever, we will be doing it with ease just as if we had been doing it forever. Simply doing the right thing always gets easier to do the more we do it. Because when we are doing the right thing all kinds of assistance turns up to help us. Remember, the truth is not something that we are to play with; we must be truthful with everyone, at all times. 

 I Invite you to enter the No Lie Zone!



I Am The Truth, and I Live The Truth, Because I Can Do Nothing Less.
Living and Doing That Which Is True Is My Eternal Destiny.

So It Eternally Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

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