Key Word (s):
1. The sweet and fleshy product of
a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food
2. That which we produce from our inner
spiritual energy on the energetic level of our existence that produces tangible
evidence on the physical plane
I bare abundant fruits, even in those times when I am in a
place where it is barren and just about everything around me is dead or has
been hewn down. I am the Fruit of Spirit, that makes me everlasting; I bare fruit after my own
kind, and that fruit is made up of Pure Unconditional Love. Yes, I Am The
Beauty-Full Abundant Fruit of Spirit.
I have not always known my true reality. I did not always
remember the Divine Truth that I am the Fruit of Spirit, and I also bare fruit
after my own kind. I had to be planted in barren lands and even had to
experience droughts untold of every sort, yet I still continued to bare the
fruits of Unconditional Love in climates that would normally cause trees and
all other forms of life to wither up completely. Here when I am mentioning
withering trees, I am speaking of human beings, of which their wills and
consciousness were compromised and they were left barren and could not even
produce any resemblance of fruit. I do not know why this happens to some and
not all of us. Nonetheless, I am glad that there are a multitude of us that
remained fruitful, even in barren situations; and likewise there is still a
multitude of us that are producing fruit in abundance. Because of that, we are
producing seeds that have fallen into fertile soil and they are sprouting and
produce fruits after their kind. The fertile spiritual soil that each of us are
planted in, is getting richer by the day due to the continuous infusion of Spirit’s Divine Energy of Unconditional Love.
Everyone must remain encouraged, because there is still
hope for all of the barren human trees that are all around the world today. The
awesome Unconditional Love of Spirit is restoring the fruitfulness of the human trees that seek to be
fertilized by Spirit,
so that they can bare the fruits of Spirit in abundance once again. When we are in a dry and dreary
land, all seems hopeless and useless; never put too much worth into how things
feel, because feelings are not always correct. We must hold fast to our
spiritual intuition, that which is always sure a true; and the spiritual
intuition that I am speaking of is the Sacred Eternal Presence and the Divine
Support of Spirit Itself. If we were to look into the pond of Spirit, we would see the reflection of an
Eternal Radiant Spiritual Being, then we would know that everything we have
been relating to as reality has simply been an illusion, a dream that has been
designed to teach us, just like a flight simulators is design to teach a pilot
to fly before actually getting in a real plane and doing so.
When the average person sees a sprout spring up through the
fertile soil of Earth Mother, they do not know whether or not that sprout is
one that will mature in such a way that it will produce fruit and in turn that
fruit will do the same. Every human tree can produce fruit, the only question
is this; will that human tree elect to be planted in the fertile soil of Spirit and grow as it should and produce the
fruits of Spirit?
It is completely up to us whether or not we will be fruit bearing trees in this
lifetime. No matter what, we will bear fruit in one of our lifetimes; the only
question is how long will it take us to understand this. I want no less than to
be bountifully fruitful, and since I am now spiritually conscious, I will not
allow anything less to manifest in and through my existence as I continue to
sojourn through this dense temporal physical plane.
I am now comprehending who I truly am; who I have always
been, and who I eternally am; I am a Spiritual Being who purpose is to produce
in abundance the fruits of Spirit, and every single one of the fruits I produce are dripping with
the Sweet Sacred Nectar of the Unconditional Love of Spirit, and the succulent meat and sweet nectar
of the fruit is the Holy Nourishment of the soul, of that which is spiritual.
It is also that which produces the material substance needed to create that
which has physical form, it is the building blocks of our material world. The
key to creating in the physical world is staying fully and consciously
connected to Spirit;
when we loose or allow our connection to get blurry, our creations become
distorted because they become depleted of the spiritual nutrients they need. So
all of the creations that we see in the world that are not producing good and
are out of harmony with that which is spiritual, is produced by those who have
a distorted focus on Spirit.
There are even some who have chosen to stop focusing on Spirit altogether; now those individuals are
dwelling in the barren land of dry bones. Going from a fruitful tree planed in
fertile soil, to a land of dry bones is a transition that I eternally pass on.
In my spiritual reality, which is the only reality I choose
to dwell in; I am drawing to me and creating that which resonates perfectly and
only with the mightiest power/energy known to every creation, the All-Powerful
Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. I take the Sacred Energy of Love and
create the place I live in, the sustenance I partake of, the raiment I wear, my
family I am one with, the sacred woman I intimately share my existence with,
the beings I commune with, and everything else I am associated with as I
journey through this dense physical plane. I am ready for the harvest of the
abundant fruits from my branches, which include further spiritual awareness and
the ongoing expansion of my spiritual comprehension, to also include the divine
connection and sacred union of the Spiritual Sacred Woman I call my Soul
Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover, and Spiritual Mate, a sustainable income
that will support everything I am called to do, the creation of my place of
dwelling which will include a wholistic wellness center, and transportation. I
am publicly announcing this to the world and the universe in this way, because
this is one of a multitude of ways that I plant the seeds of my fruits in the
fertile soil that Spirit
has provided me with, for creating that which I need to bless myself and others
This is a wonder-filled time of existence; I recognize that
I am extremely honored to be a part of this experience called life during such
a time. I used to see the world as many still do today, as being completely
corrupt and a time in space that I wished I wasn’t a part of. However, I no
longer see it that way. I see it as being one of the biggest opportunities ever
presented to spiritual beings in training. We have been given the ability to
transform this physical plane into a Spiritual Oasis. There has to be the
dichotomy that exists for us to fully appreciate who we are and what we are
doing. Both sides of our experience have been created and allowed to co-exist
together for a divine purpose. The students don’t always comprehend the
conclusion of the task placed before them, because they are students, and in
the process of learning the ends and outs of that which they are being taught.
That which we see as bad and negative, will assist us in understanding things,
and getting to the place we are divinely ordain to reach during this physical
sojourn. So it is true that all things work together for the good of all, and
all things assist us in various ways in consciously becoming who we always have
been. We are on a divinely ordained path, during a sacred time in space; we had
better take advantage of it as we properly maintain ourselves in order that our
branches will produce the bountiful harvest that they are intended to produce.
Focused, we must remain focused on that which we have been
given charge over; and we have been given charge over none other than the
creation of our surrounding worlds and ourselves. We are not here to judge or
change anyone outside of ourselves; there is so much work that needs to be done
in us, that we barely have time to handle all of our personal issues and
lessons, much less the issues and lessons of one or more people outside of
ourselves. That is surely not to say that we cannot be instrumental in the
transformation that is needed and must take place in others. The only way that
we are to be instrumental in helping others transform and reach true
reconciliation within their being and within all that they do, is through
living an upright spiritual life for them to see being demonstrated before them
by us. The proper way to teach others is through being a living example of that
which we know to be divine truth and the only way to be. This brings to mind
the old saying; actions speak louder than words. You see, it starts with a
thought, and that thought can become an action, and that action is what starts
the wheels to turn, which affects many other actions to take place. Words are
so powerful that they can produce actions outside of the person speaking them,
completely without the assistance of the person who spoke the words. However,
that is a totally different situation from what I am speaking of here. I can
speak a word to someone and never put into practice that which I spoke. We must
be doers of that which we believe and speak forth. Otherwise we are empty drums
that only make loud distracting and disturbing noises.
We must expand our consciousness to the point of being able
to share the sweet fruits of our harvest with our families and the whole of
creation. I want to enjoy the fruits from my tree, as well as have others enjoy
the fruits from my tree. Maybe in doing so it will motivate them into tilling
their own soil and planting the seeds from within their spirits, which will
produce a harvest they can share with their families and others, then the cycle
can continue to perpetuate itself in countless others. Doing this is one way
that we as individuals can begin to change the entire world. Changing the world
does not mean that we have to get out and speak, preach, or teach large crowds
of people. If we simply take care of that which needs to be taken care of
within ourselves, we will change the world one person at a time. That is how it
is intended to work; we miss the mark completely when we think and act in the
way that we need someone to direct and guide us and the masses along the path
of transformation, and when we also sit waiting for a savior to come and
deliver us from each other and our personal demons. We must guide and save
Many have been in waiting for the return of their savior.
The savior will return, only not in the way that many believe. Our savior will
return for sure; however that savior will only rise again from deep within and
through the parting of our carnal consciousness, from deep within our spirit. That
can also be referred to as the resurrection. Everything that we have been
taught through the various religions is speaking directly to that which we are
supposed to be doing, and that which is going on within and around us. We are
here to be Spiritual Pioneers, doers and not merely followers of others, we are
not to be those who are waiting around for someone to follow; we are not
helpless sheep waiting for a shepherd. We must rise from the ashes like the
Phoenix in all of its splendor, grandeur and beauty. The calling to rise from
the fertile soil we have been planted in has been sounded so that we will
produce the bountiful Fruits of Spirit. We must heed our calling; there is no other way.
I Come From The Abundant Succulent Fruit of Spirit.
I Share Freely With
Everyone From My Abundant Harvest.
So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
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